2021-08-06 08:00:43 -04:00
( function ( global , factory ) {
typeof exports === "object" && typeof module !== "undefined" ? factory ( exports ) : typeof define === "function" && define . amd ? define ( [ "exports" ] , factory ) : ( global = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : global || self ,
factory ( global . ActionCable = { } ) ) ;
} ) ( this , ( function ( exports ) {
"use strict" ;
var adapters = {
logger : self . console ,
WebSocket : self . WebSocket
} ;
var logger = {
log ( ... messages ) {
if ( this . enabled ) {
messages . push ( Date . now ( ) ) ;
adapters . logger . log ( "[ActionCable]" , ... messages ) ;
} ;
const now = ( ) => ( new Date ) . getTime ( ) ;
const secondsSince = time => ( now ( ) - time ) / 1e3 ;
class ConnectionMonitor {
constructor ( connection ) {
this . visibilityDidChange = this . visibilityDidChange . bind ( this ) ;
this . connection = connection ;
this . reconnectAttempts = 0 ;
start ( ) {
if ( ! this . isRunning ( ) ) {
this . startedAt = now ( ) ;
delete this . stoppedAt ;
this . startPolling ( ) ;
addEventListener ( "visibilitychange" , this . visibilityDidChange ) ;
logger . log ( ` ConnectionMonitor started. stale threshold = ${ this . constructor . staleThreshold } s ` ) ;
stop ( ) {
if ( this . isRunning ( ) ) {
this . stoppedAt = now ( ) ;
this . stopPolling ( ) ;
removeEventListener ( "visibilitychange" , this . visibilityDidChange ) ;
logger . log ( "ConnectionMonitor stopped" ) ;
isRunning ( ) {
return this . startedAt && ! this . stoppedAt ;
recordPing ( ) {
this . pingedAt = now ( ) ;
recordConnect ( ) {
this . reconnectAttempts = 0 ;
this . recordPing ( ) ;
delete this . disconnectedAt ;
logger . log ( "ConnectionMonitor recorded connect" ) ;
recordDisconnect ( ) {
this . disconnectedAt = now ( ) ;
logger . log ( "ConnectionMonitor recorded disconnect" ) ;
startPolling ( ) {
this . stopPolling ( ) ;
this . poll ( ) ;
stopPolling ( ) {
clearTimeout ( this . pollTimeout ) ;
poll ( ) {
this . pollTimeout = setTimeout ( ( ( ) => {
this . reconnectIfStale ( ) ;
this . poll ( ) ;
} ) , this . getPollInterval ( ) ) ;
getPollInterval ( ) {
const { staleThreshold : staleThreshold , reconnectionBackoffRate : reconnectionBackoffRate } = this . constructor ;
const backoff = Math . pow ( 1 + reconnectionBackoffRate , Math . min ( this . reconnectAttempts , 10 ) ) ;
const jitterMax = this . reconnectAttempts === 0 ? 1 : reconnectionBackoffRate ;
const jitter = jitterMax * Math . random ( ) ;
return staleThreshold * 1e3 * backoff * ( 1 + jitter ) ;
reconnectIfStale ( ) {
if ( this . connectionIsStale ( ) ) {
logger . log ( ` ConnectionMonitor detected stale connection. reconnectAttempts = ${ this . reconnectAttempts } , time stale = ${ secondsSince ( this . refreshedAt ) } s, stale threshold = ${ this . constructor . staleThreshold } s ` ) ;
this . reconnectAttempts ++ ;
if ( this . disconnectedRecently ( ) ) {
logger . log ( ` ConnectionMonitor skipping reopening recent disconnect. time disconnected = ${ secondsSince ( this . disconnectedAt ) } s ` ) ;
} else {
logger . log ( "ConnectionMonitor reopening" ) ;
this . connection . reopen ( ) ;
get refreshedAt ( ) {
return this . pingedAt ? this . pingedAt : this . startedAt ;
connectionIsStale ( ) {
return secondsSince ( this . refreshedAt ) > this . constructor . staleThreshold ;
disconnectedRecently ( ) {
return this . disconnectedAt && secondsSince ( this . disconnectedAt ) < this . constructor . staleThreshold ;
visibilityDidChange ( ) {
if ( document . visibilityState === "visible" ) {
setTimeout ( ( ( ) => {
if ( this . connectionIsStale ( ) || ! this . connection . isOpen ( ) ) {
logger . log ( ` ConnectionMonitor reopening stale connection on visibilitychange. visibilityState = ${ document . visibilityState } ` ) ;
this . connection . reopen ( ) ;
} ) , 200 ) ;
ConnectionMonitor . staleThreshold = 6 ;
ConnectionMonitor . reconnectionBackoffRate = . 15 ;
var INTERNAL = {
message _types : {
welcome : "welcome" ,
disconnect : "disconnect" ,
ping : "ping" ,
confirmation : "confirm_subscription" ,
rejection : "reject_subscription"
} ,
disconnect _reasons : {
unauthorized : "unauthorized" ,
invalid _request : "invalid_request" ,
server _restart : "server_restart"
} ,
default _mount _path : "/cable" ,
protocols : [ "actioncable-v1-json" , "actioncable-unsupported" ]
} ;
const { message _types : message _types , protocols : protocols } = INTERNAL ;
const supportedProtocols = protocols . slice ( 0 , protocols . length - 1 ) ;
const indexOf = [ ] . indexOf ;
class Connection {
constructor ( consumer ) {
this . open = this . open . bind ( this ) ;
this . consumer = consumer ;
this . subscriptions = this . consumer . subscriptions ;
this . monitor = new ConnectionMonitor ( this ) ;
this . disconnected = true ;
send ( data ) {
if ( this . isOpen ( ) ) {
this . webSocket . send ( JSON . stringify ( data ) ) ;
return true ;
} else {
return false ;
open ( ) {
if ( this . isActive ( ) ) {
logger . log ( ` Attempted to open WebSocket, but existing socket is ${ this . getState ( ) } ` ) ;
return false ;
} else {
logger . log ( ` Opening WebSocket, current state is ${ this . getState ( ) } , subprotocols: ${ protocols } ` ) ;
if ( this . webSocket ) {
this . uninstallEventHandlers ( ) ;
this . webSocket = new adapters . WebSocket ( this . consumer . url , protocols ) ;
this . installEventHandlers ( ) ;
this . monitor . start ( ) ;
return true ;
close ( { allowReconnect : allowReconnect } = {
allowReconnect : true
} ) {
if ( ! allowReconnect ) {
this . monitor . stop ( ) ;
if ( this . isActive ( ) ) {
return this . webSocket . close ( ) ;
reopen ( ) {
logger . log ( ` Reopening WebSocket, current state is ${ this . getState ( ) } ` ) ;
if ( this . isActive ( ) ) {
try {
return this . close ( ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
logger . log ( "Failed to reopen WebSocket" , error ) ;
} finally {
logger . log ( ` Reopening WebSocket in ${ this . constructor . reopenDelay } ms ` ) ;
setTimeout ( this . open , this . constructor . reopenDelay ) ;
} else {
return this . open ( ) ;
getProtocol ( ) {
if ( this . webSocket ) {
return this . webSocket . protocol ;
isOpen ( ) {
return this . isState ( "open" ) ;
isActive ( ) {
return this . isState ( "open" , "connecting" ) ;
isProtocolSupported ( ) {
return indexOf . call ( supportedProtocols , this . getProtocol ( ) ) >= 0 ;
isState ( ... states ) {
return indexOf . call ( states , this . getState ( ) ) >= 0 ;
getState ( ) {
if ( this . webSocket ) {
for ( let state in adapters . WebSocket ) {
if ( adapters . WebSocket [ state ] === this . webSocket . readyState ) {
return state . toLowerCase ( ) ;
return null ;
installEventHandlers ( ) {
for ( let eventName in this . events ) {
const handler = this . events [ eventName ] . bind ( this ) ;
this . webSocket [ ` on ${ eventName } ` ] = handler ;
uninstallEventHandlers ( ) {
for ( let eventName in this . events ) {
this . webSocket [ ` on ${ eventName } ` ] = function ( ) { } ;
Connection . reopenDelay = 500 ;
Connection . prototype . events = {
message ( event ) {
if ( ! this . isProtocolSupported ( ) ) {
return ;
const { identifier : identifier , message : message , reason : reason , reconnect : reconnect , type : type } = JSON . parse ( event . data ) ;
switch ( type ) {
case message _types . welcome :
this . monitor . recordConnect ( ) ;
return this . subscriptions . reload ( ) ;
case message _types . disconnect :
logger . log ( ` Disconnecting. Reason: ${ reason } ` ) ;
return this . close ( {
allowReconnect : reconnect
} ) ;
case message _types . ping :
return this . monitor . recordPing ( ) ;
case message _types . confirmation :
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this . subscriptions . confirmSubscription ( identifier ) ;
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return this . subscriptions . notify ( identifier , "connected" ) ;
case message _types . rejection :
return this . subscriptions . reject ( identifier ) ;
default :
return this . subscriptions . notify ( identifier , "received" , message ) ;
} ,
open ( ) {
logger . log ( ` WebSocket onopen event, using ' ${ this . getProtocol ( ) } ' subprotocol ` ) ;
this . disconnected = false ;
if ( ! this . isProtocolSupported ( ) ) {
logger . log ( "Protocol is unsupported. Stopping monitor and disconnecting." ) ;
return this . close ( {
allowReconnect : false
} ) ;
} ,
close ( event ) {
logger . log ( "WebSocket onclose event" ) ;
if ( this . disconnected ) {
return ;
this . disconnected = true ;
this . monitor . recordDisconnect ( ) ;
return this . subscriptions . notifyAll ( "disconnected" , {
willAttemptReconnect : this . monitor . isRunning ( )
} ) ;
} ,
error ( ) {
logger . log ( "WebSocket onerror event" ) ;
} ;
const extend = function ( object , properties ) {
if ( properties != null ) {
for ( let key in properties ) {
const value = properties [ key ] ;
object [ key ] = value ;
return object ;
} ;
class Subscription {
constructor ( consumer , params = { } , mixin ) {
this . consumer = consumer ;
this . identifier = JSON . stringify ( params ) ;
extend ( this , mixin ) ;
perform ( action , data = { } ) {
data . action = action ;
return this . send ( data ) ;
send ( data ) {
return this . consumer . send ( {
command : "message" ,
identifier : this . identifier ,
data : JSON . stringify ( data )
} ) ;
unsubscribe ( ) {
return this . consumer . subscriptions . remove ( this ) ;
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class SubscriptionGuarantor {
constructor ( subscriptions ) {
this . subscriptions = subscriptions ;
this . pendingSubscriptions = [ ] ;
guarantee ( subscription ) {
if ( this . pendingSubscriptions . indexOf ( subscription ) == - 1 ) {
logger . log ( ` SubscriptionGuarantor guaranteeing ${ subscription . identifier } ` ) ;
this . pendingSubscriptions . push ( subscription ) ;
} else {
logger . log ( ` SubscriptionGuarantor already guaranteeing ${ subscription . identifier } ` ) ;
this . startGuaranteeing ( ) ;
forget ( subscription ) {
logger . log ( ` SubscriptionGuarantor forgetting ${ subscription . identifier } ` ) ;
this . pendingSubscriptions = this . pendingSubscriptions . filter ( ( s => s !== subscription ) ) ;
startGuaranteeing ( ) {
this . stopGuaranteeing ( ) ;
this . retrySubscribing ( ) ;
stopGuaranteeing ( ) {
clearTimeout ( this . retryTimeout ) ;
retrySubscribing ( ) {
this . retryTimeout = setTimeout ( ( ( ) => {
if ( this . subscriptions && typeof this . subscriptions . subscribe === "function" ) {
this . pendingSubscriptions . map ( ( subscription => {
logger . log ( ` SubscriptionGuarantor resubscribing ${ subscription . identifier } ` ) ;
this . subscriptions . subscribe ( subscription ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ) , 500 ) ;
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class Subscriptions {
constructor ( consumer ) {
this . consumer = consumer ;
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this . guarantor = new SubscriptionGuarantor ( this ) ;
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this . subscriptions = [ ] ;
create ( channelName , mixin ) {
const channel = channelName ;
const params = typeof channel === "object" ? channel : {
channel : channel
} ;
const subscription = new Subscription ( this . consumer , params , mixin ) ;
return this . add ( subscription ) ;
add ( subscription ) {
this . subscriptions . push ( subscription ) ;
this . consumer . ensureActiveConnection ( ) ;
this . notify ( subscription , "initialized" ) ;
2021-09-26 13:06:27 -04:00
this . subscribe ( subscription ) ;
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return subscription ;
remove ( subscription ) {
this . forget ( subscription ) ;
if ( ! this . findAll ( subscription . identifier ) . length ) {
this . sendCommand ( subscription , "unsubscribe" ) ;
return subscription ;
reject ( identifier ) {
return this . findAll ( identifier ) . map ( ( subscription => {
this . forget ( subscription ) ;
this . notify ( subscription , "rejected" ) ;
return subscription ;
} ) ) ;
forget ( subscription ) {
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this . guarantor . forget ( subscription ) ;
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this . subscriptions = this . subscriptions . filter ( ( s => s !== subscription ) ) ;
return subscription ;
findAll ( identifier ) {
return this . subscriptions . filter ( ( s => s . identifier === identifier ) ) ;
reload ( ) {
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return this . subscriptions . map ( ( subscription => this . subscribe ( subscription ) ) ) ;
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notifyAll ( callbackName , ... args ) {
return this . subscriptions . map ( ( subscription => this . notify ( subscription , callbackName , ... args ) ) ) ;
notify ( subscription , callbackName , ... args ) {
let subscriptions ;
if ( typeof subscription === "string" ) {
subscriptions = this . findAll ( subscription ) ;
} else {
subscriptions = [ subscription ] ;
return subscriptions . map ( ( subscription => typeof subscription [ callbackName ] === "function" ? subscription [ callbackName ] ( ... args ) : undefined ) ) ;
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subscribe ( subscription ) {
if ( this . sendCommand ( subscription , "subscribe" ) ) {
this . guarantor . guarantee ( subscription ) ;
confirmSubscription ( identifier ) {
logger . log ( ` Subscription confirmed ${ identifier } ` ) ;
this . findAll ( identifier ) . map ( ( subscription => this . guarantor . forget ( subscription ) ) ) ;
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sendCommand ( subscription , command ) {
const { identifier : identifier } = subscription ;
return this . consumer . send ( {
command : command ,
identifier : identifier
} ) ;
class Consumer {
constructor ( url ) {
this . _url = url ;
this . subscriptions = new Subscriptions ( this ) ;
this . connection = new Connection ( this ) ;
get url ( ) {
return createWebSocketURL ( this . _url ) ;
send ( data ) {
return this . connection . send ( data ) ;
connect ( ) {
return this . connection . open ( ) ;
disconnect ( ) {
return this . connection . close ( {
allowReconnect : false
} ) ;
ensureActiveConnection ( ) {
if ( ! this . connection . isActive ( ) ) {
return this . connection . open ( ) ;
function createWebSocketURL ( url ) {
if ( typeof url === "function" ) {
url = url ( ) ;
if ( url && ! /^wss?:/i . test ( url ) ) {
const a = document . createElement ( "a" ) ;
a . href = url ;
a . href = a . href ;
a . protocol = a . protocol . replace ( "http" , "ws" ) ;
return a . href ;
} else {
return url ;
function createConsumer ( url = getConfig ( "url" ) || INTERNAL . default _mount _path ) {
return new Consumer ( url ) ;
function getConfig ( name ) {
const element = document . head . querySelector ( ` meta[name='action-cable- ${ name } '] ` ) ;
if ( element ) {
return element . getAttribute ( "content" ) ;
exports . Connection = Connection ;
exports . ConnectionMonitor = ConnectionMonitor ;
exports . Consumer = Consumer ;
exports . Subscription = Subscription ;
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exports . SubscriptionGuarantor = SubscriptionGuarantor ;
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exports . Subscriptions = Subscriptions ;
exports . adapters = adapters ;
exports . createConsumer = createConsumer ;
exports . createWebSocketURL = createWebSocketURL ;
exports . getConfig = getConfig ;
exports . logger = logger ;
Object . defineProperty ( exports , "__esModule" , {
value : true
} ) ;
} ) ) ;