Application templates are simple ruby files containing DSL for adding plugins/gems/initializers etc. to your freshly created Rails project or an existing Rails project.
Executes an arbitrary command. Just like the backticks. Let's say you want to remove the +public/index.html+ file :
run "rm public/index.html"
h4. rake(command, options = {})
Runs the supplied rake tasks in the Rails application. Let's say you want to migrate the database :
rake "db:migrate"
You can also run rake tasks with a different Rails environment :
rake "db:migrate", :env => 'production'
Or even use sudo :
rake "gems:install", :sudo => true
h4. route(routing_code)
This adds a routing entry to the +config/routes.rb+ file. In above steps, we generated a person scaffold and also removed +public/index.html+. Now to make +PeopleController#index+ as the default page for the application :
route "map.root :controller => :person"
h4. inside(dir)
I have my edge rails lying at +~/commit-rails/rails+. So every time i have to manually symlink edge from my new app. But now :
inside('vendor') do
run "ln -s ~/commit-rails/rails rails"
So +inside()+ runs the command from the given directory.
h4. ask(question)
+ask()+ gives you a chance to get some feedback from the user and use it in your templates. Lets say you want your user to name the new shiny library you’re adding :
lib_name = ask("What do you want to call the shiny library ?")
lib_name << ".rb" unless lib_name.index(".rb")
lib lib_name, <<-CODE
class Shiny
h4. yes?(question) or no?(question)
These methods let you ask questions from templates and decide the flow based on the user’s answer. Lets say you want to freeze rails only if the user want to :
rake("rails:freeze:gems") if yes?("Freeze rails gems ?")