WARNING: This guide assumes a working knowledge of Rack protocol and Rack concepts such as middlewares, url maps and Rack::Builder.
h3. Introduction to Rack
bq. Rack provides a minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call.
- "Rack API Documentation":http://rack.rubyforge.org/doc
Explaining Rack is not really in the scope of this guide. In case you are not familiar with Rack's basics, you should check out the following links:
<tt>ActionController::Dispatcher.new</tt> is the primary Rack application object of a Rails application. Any Rack compliant web server should be using +ActionController::Dispatcher.new+ object to serve a Rails application.</p>
<tt>script/server</tt> does the basic job of creating a +Rack::Builder+ object and starting the webserver. This is Rails' equivalent of Rack's +rackup+ script.
To use +rackup+ instead of Rails' +script/server+, you can put the following inside +config.ru+ of your Rails application's root directory:
# RAILS_ROOT/config.ru
require "config/environment"
use Rails::Rack::LogTailer
use Rails::Rack::Static
run ActionController::Dispatcher.new
And start the server:
[lifo@null application]$ rackup
To find out more about different +rackup+ options:
[lifo@null application]$ rackup --help
h3. Action Controller Middleware Stack
Many of Action Controller's internal components are implemented as Rack middlewares. +ActionController::Dispatcher+ uses +ActionController::MiddlewareStack+ to combine various internal and external middlewares to form a complete Rails Rack application.
NOTE: +ActionController::MiddlewareStack+ is Rails' equivalent of +Rack::Builder+, but built for better flexibility and more features to meet Rails' requirements.
Rails provides a simple configuration interface +config.middleware+ for adding, removing and modifying the middlewares in the middleware stack via +environment.rb+ or the environment specific configuration file <tt>environments/<environment>.rb</tt>.
* +config.middleware.insert(index, new_middleware, args)+ - Adds the new middleware at the position specified by +index+ in the middleware stack.
* +config.middleware.insert_before(existing_middleware, new_middleware, args)+ - Adds the new middleware before the specified existing middleware in the middleware stack.
* +config.middleware.insert_after(existing_middleware, new_middleware, args)+ - Adds the new middleware after the specified existing middleware in the middleware stack.
Rails Metal applications are minimal Rack applications specially designed for integrating with a typical Rails application. As Rails Metal Applications skip all of the Action Controller stack, serving a request has no overhead from the Rails framework itself. This is especially useful for infrequent cases where the performance of the full stack Rails framework is an issue.
Metal applications are an optimization. You should make sure to "understand the related performance implications":http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/2008/12/20/performance-of-rails-metal before using it.
Here's the primary method responsible for running the Metal applications:
def call(env)
@metals.keys.each do |app|
result = app.call(env)
return result unless result[0].to_i == 404
In the code above, +@metals+ is an ordered ( alphabetical ) hash of metal applications. Due to the alphabetical ordering, +aaa.rb+ will come before +bbb.rb+ in the metal chain.
WARNING: Metal applications cannot return the HTTP Status +404+ to a client, as it is used for continuing the Metal chain execution. Please use normal Rails controllers or a custom middleware if returning +404+ is a requirement.