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module ActionView
module Rendering
# Returns the result of a render that's dictated by the options hash. The primary options are:
# * <tt>:partial</tt> - See ActionView::Partials.
# * <tt>:update</tt> - Calls update_page with the block given.
# * <tt>:file</tt> - Renders an explicit template file (this used to be the old default), add :locals to pass in those.
# * <tt>:inline</tt> - Renders an inline template similar to how it's done in the controller.
# * <tt>:text</tt> - Renders the text passed in out.
# If no options hash is passed or :update specified, the default is to render a partial and use the second parameter
# as the locals hash.
def render(options = {}, locals = {}, &block) #:nodoc:
case options
when String, NilClass
_render_partial(:partial => options, :locals => locals || {})
when Hash
layout = options[:layout]
2009-08-07 09:32:54 +00:00
if block_given?
return concat(_render_partial(options.merge(:partial => layout), &block))
elsif options.key?(:partial)
return _render_partial(options)
2009-08-07 09:32:54 +00:00
layout = find(layout, {:formats => formats}) if layout
2009-08-07 09:32:54 +00:00
if file = options[:file]
template = find(file, {:formats => formats})
_render_template(template, layout, :locals => options[:locals] || {})
elsif inline = options[:inline]
_render_inline(inline, layout, options)
elsif text = options[:text]
_render_text(text, layout, options)
when :update
2009-08-07 09:32:54 +00:00
def _render_content(content, layout, locals)
return content unless layout
2009-08-07 09:32:54 +00:00
locals ||= {}
if controller && layout
@_layout = layout.identifier
logger.info("Rendering template within #{layout.identifier}") if logger
2009-08-07 09:32:54 +00:00
old_content, @_content_for[:layout] = @_content_for[:layout], content
@cached_content_for_layout = @_content_for[:layout]
_render_single_template(layout, locals)
@_content_for[:layout] = old_content
# You can think of a layout as a method that is called with a block. _layout_for
# returns the contents that are yielded to the layout. If the user calls yield
# :some_name, the block, by default, returns content_for(:some_name). If the user
# calls yield, the default block returns content_for(:layout).
# The user can override this default by passing a block to the layout.
# ==== Example
# # The template
# <% render :layout => "my_layout" do %>Content<% end %>
# # The layout
# <html><% yield %></html>
# In this case, instead of the default block, which would return content_for(:layout),
# this method returns the block that was passed in to render layout, and the response
# would be <html>Content</html>.
# Finally, the block can take block arguments, which can be passed in by yield.
# ==== Example
# # The template
2009-06-18 18:14:44 +00:00
# <% render :layout => "my_layout" do |customer| %>Hello <%= customer.name %><% end %>
# # The layout
# <html><% yield Struct.new(:name).new("David") %></html>
# In this case, the layout would receive the block passed into <tt>render :layout</tt>,
# and the Struct specified in the layout would be passed into the block. The result
# would be <html>Hello David</html>.
def _layout_for(names, &block)
with_output_buffer do
# This is due to the potentially ambiguous use of yield when
# a block is passed in to a template *and* there is a content_for()
# of the same name. Suggested solution: require explicit use of content_for
# in these ambiguous cases.
# We would be able to continue supporting yield in all non-ambiguous
# cases. Question: should we deprecate yield in favor of content_for
# and reserve yield for cases where there is a yield into a real block?
if @_content_for.key?(names.first) || !block_given?
return @_content_for[names.first || :layout]
return yield(names)
def _render_single_template(template, locals = {}, &block)
Bring abstract_controller up to date with rails/master Resolved all the conflicts since 2.3.0 -> HEAD. Following is a list of commits that could not be applied cleanly or are obviated with the abstract_controller refactor. They all need to be revisited to ensure that fixes made in 2.3 do not reappear in 3.0: 2259ecf368e6a6715966f69216e3ee86bf1a82a7 AR not available * This will be reimplemented with ActionORM or equivalent 06182ea02e92afad579998aa80144588e8865ac3 implicitly rendering a js response should not use the default layout [#1844 state:resolved] * This will be handled generically 893e9eb99504705419ad6edac14d00e71cef5f12 Improve view rendering performance in development mode and reinstate template recompiling in production [#1909 state:resolved] * We will need to reimplement rails-dev-boost on top of the refactor; the changes here are very implementation specific and cannot be cleanly applied. The following commits are implicated: 199e750d46c04970b5e7684998d09405648ecbd4 3942cb406e1d5db0ac00e03153809cc8dc4cc4db f8ea9f85d4f1e3e6f3b5d895bef6b013aa4b0690 e3b166aab37ddc2fbab030b146eb61713b91bf55 ae9f258e03c9fd5088da12c1c6cd216cc89a01f7 44423126c6f6133a1d9cf1d0832b527e8711d40f 0cb020b4d6d838025859bd60fb8151c8e21b8e84 workaround for picking layouts based on wrong view_paths [#1974 state:resolved] * The specifics of this commit no longer apply. Since it is a two-line commit, we will reimplement this change. 8c5cc66a831aadb159f3daaffa4208064c30af0e make action_controller/layouts pick templates from the current instance's view_paths instead of the class view_paths [#1974 state:resolved] * This does not apply at all. It should be trivial to apply the feature to the reimplemented ActionController::Base. 87e8b162463f13bd50d27398f020769460a770e3 fix HTML fallback for explicit templates [#2052 state:resolved] * There were a number of patches related to this that simply compounded each other. Basically none of them apply cleanly, and the underlying issue needs to be revisited. After discussing the underlying problem with Koz, we will defer these fixes for further discussion.
2009-04-13 22:18:45 +00:00
with_template(template) do
template.render(self, locals) do |*names|
_layout_for(names, &block)
Bring abstract_controller up to date with rails/master Resolved all the conflicts since 2.3.0 -> HEAD. Following is a list of commits that could not be applied cleanly or are obviated with the abstract_controller refactor. They all need to be revisited to ensure that fixes made in 2.3 do not reappear in 3.0: 2259ecf368e6a6715966f69216e3ee86bf1a82a7 AR not available * This will be reimplemented with ActionORM or equivalent 06182ea02e92afad579998aa80144588e8865ac3 implicitly rendering a js response should not use the default layout [#1844 state:resolved] * This will be handled generically 893e9eb99504705419ad6edac14d00e71cef5f12 Improve view rendering performance in development mode and reinstate template recompiling in production [#1909 state:resolved] * We will need to reimplement rails-dev-boost on top of the refactor; the changes here are very implementation specific and cannot be cleanly applied. The following commits are implicated: 199e750d46c04970b5e7684998d09405648ecbd4 3942cb406e1d5db0ac00e03153809cc8dc4cc4db f8ea9f85d4f1e3e6f3b5d895bef6b013aa4b0690 e3b166aab37ddc2fbab030b146eb61713b91bf55 ae9f258e03c9fd5088da12c1c6cd216cc89a01f7 44423126c6f6133a1d9cf1d0832b527e8711d40f 0cb020b4d6d838025859bd60fb8151c8e21b8e84 workaround for picking layouts based on wrong view_paths [#1974 state:resolved] * The specifics of this commit no longer apply. Since it is a two-line commit, we will reimplement this change. 8c5cc66a831aadb159f3daaffa4208064c30af0e make action_controller/layouts pick templates from the current instance's view_paths instead of the class view_paths [#1974 state:resolved] * This does not apply at all. It should be trivial to apply the feature to the reimplemented ActionController::Base. 87e8b162463f13bd50d27398f020769460a770e3 fix HTML fallback for explicit templates [#2052 state:resolved] * There were a number of patches related to this that simply compounded each other. Basically none of them apply cleanly, and the underlying issue needs to be revisited. After discussing the underlying problem with Koz, we will defer these fixes for further discussion.
2009-04-13 22:18:45 +00:00
rescue Exception => e
2009-06-18 19:08:50 +00:00
if e.is_a?(TemplateError)
raise e
raise TemplateError.new(template, assigns, e)
def _render_inline(inline, layout, options)
handler = Template.handler_class_for_extension(options[:type] || "erb")
template = Template.new(options[:inline], "inline #{options[:inline].inspect}", handler, {})
content = _render_single_template(template, options[:locals] || {})
layout ? _render_content(content, layout, options[:locals]) : content
def _render_text(text, layout, options)
layout ? _render_content(text, layout, options[:locals]) : text
2009-08-07 04:51:50 +00:00
# This is the API to render a ViewContext's template from a controller.
# Internal Options:
# _template:: The Template object to render
# _layout:: The layout, if any, to wrap the Template in
# _partial:: true if the template is a partial
def render_template(options)
@assigns_added = nil
2009-08-07 04:51:50 +00:00
template, layout, partial = options.values_at(:_template, :_layout, :_partial)
_render_template(template, layout, options, partial)
def _render_template(template, layout = nil, options = {}, partial = nil)
logger && logger.info do
msg = "Rendering #{template.identifier}"
msg << " (#{options[:status]})" if options[:status]
locals = options[:locals] || {}
content = if partial
2009-08-07 04:51:50 +00:00
_render_partial_object(template, options)
_render_single_template(template, locals)
2009-08-07 09:32:54 +00:00
_render_content(content, layout, locals)