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require 'action_view/helpers/javascript_helper'
require 'active_support/json'
module ActionView
module Helpers
# Provides a set of helpers for calling Scriptaculous JavaScript
# functions, including those which create Ajax controls and visual effects.
# To be able to use these helpers, you must include the Prototype
# JavaScript framework and the Scriptaculous JavaScript library in your
# pages. See the documentation for ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper
# for more information on including the necessary JavaScript.
# The Scriptaculous helpers' behavior can be tweaked with various options.
# See the documentation at http://script.aculo.us for more information on
# using these helpers in your application.
module ScriptaculousHelper
unless const_defined? :TOGGLE_EFFECTS
TOGGLE_EFFECTS = [:toggle_appear, :toggle_slide, :toggle_blind]
# Returns a JavaScript snippet to be used on the Ajax callbacks for
# starting visual effects.
# Example:
# <%= link_to_remote "Reload", :update => "posts",
# :url => { :action => "reload" },
# :complete => visual_effect(:highlight, "posts", :duration => 0.5)
# If no +element_id+ is given, it assumes "element" which should be a local
# variable in the generated JavaScript execution context. This can be
# used for example with +drop_receiving_element+:
# <%= drop_receiving_element (...), :loading => visual_effect(:fade) %>
# This would fade the element that was dropped on the drop receiving
# element.
# For toggling visual effects, you can use <tt>:toggle_appear</tt>, <tt>:toggle_slide</tt>, and
# <tt>:toggle_blind</tt> which will alternate between appear/fade, slidedown/slideup, and
# blinddown/blindup respectively.
# You can change the behaviour with various options, see
# http://script.aculo.us for more documentation.
def visual_effect(name, element_id = false, js_options = {})
element = element_id ? ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(element_id) : "element"
js_options[:queue] = if js_options[:queue].is_a?(Hash)
'{' + js_options[:queue].map {|k, v| k == :limit ? "#{k}:#{v}" : "#{k}:'#{v}'" }.join(',') + '}'
elsif js_options[:queue]
end if js_options[:queue]
[:endcolor, :direction, :startcolor, :scaleMode, :restorecolor].each do |option|
js_options[option] = "'#{js_options[option]}'" if js_options[option]
if TOGGLE_EFFECTS.include? name.to_sym
"new Effect.#{name.to_s.camelize}(#{element},#{options_for_javascript(js_options)});"
# Makes the element with the DOM ID specified by +element_id+ sortable
# by drag-and-drop and make an Ajax call whenever the sort order has
# changed. By default, the action called gets the serialized sortable
# element as parameters.
# Example:
# <%= sortable_element("my_list", :url => { :action => "order" }) %>
# In the example, the action gets a "my_list" array parameter
# containing the values of the ids of elements the sortable consists
# of, in the current order.
# Important: For this to work, the sortable elements must have id
# attributes in the form "string_identifier". For example, "item_1". Only
# the identifier part of the id attribute will be serialized.
# Additional +options+ are:
# * <tt>:format</tt> - A regular expression to determine what to send as the
# serialized id to the server (the default is <tt>/^[^_]*_(.*)$/</tt>).
# * <tt>:constraint</tt> - Whether to constrain the dragging to either
# <tt>:horizontal</tt> or <tt>:vertical</tt> (or false to make it unconstrained).
# * <tt>:overlap</tt> - Calculate the item overlap in the <tt>:horizontal</tt>
# or <tt>:vertical</tt> direction.
# * <tt>:tag</tt> - Which children of the container element to treat as
# sortable (default is <tt>li</tt>).
# * <tt>:containment</tt> - Takes an element or array of elements to treat as
# potential drop targets (defaults to the original target element).
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# * <tt>:only</tt> - A CSS class name or array of class names used to filter
# out child elements as candidates.
# * <tt>:scroll</tt> - Determines whether to scroll the list during drag
# operations if the list runs past the visual border.
# * <tt>:tree</tt> - Determines whether to treat nested lists as part of the
# main sortable list. This means that you can create multi-layer lists,
# and not only sort items at the same level, but drag and sort items
# between levels.
# * <tt>:hoverclass</tt> - If set, the Droppable will have this additional CSS class
# when an accepted Draggable is hovered over it.
# * <tt>:handle</tt> - Sets whether the element should only be draggable by an
# embedded handle. The value may be a string referencing a CSS class value
# (as of script.aculo.us V1.5). The first child/grandchild/etc. element
# found within the element that has this CSS class value will be used as
# the handle.
# * <tt>:ghosting</tt> - Clones the element and drags the clone, leaving
# the original in place until the clone is dropped (default is <tt>false</tt>).
# * <tt>:dropOnEmpty</tt> - If true the Sortable container will be made into
# a Droppable, that can receive a Draggable (as according to the containment
# rules) as a child element when there are no more elements inside (default
# is <tt>false</tt>).
# * <tt>:onChange</tt> - Called whenever the sort order changes while dragging. When
# dragging from one Sortable to another, the callback is called once on each
# Sortable. Gets the affected element as its parameter.
# * <tt>:onUpdate</tt> - Called when the drag ends and the Sortable's order is
# changed in any way. When dragging from one Sortable to another, the callback
# is called once on each Sortable. Gets the container as its parameter.
# See http://script.aculo.us for more documentation.
def sortable_element(element_id, options = {})
javascript_tag(sortable_element_js(element_id, options).chop!)
def sortable_element_js(element_id, options = {}) #:nodoc:
options[:with] ||= "Sortable.serialize(#{ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(element_id)})"
options[:onUpdate] ||= "function(){" + remote_function(options) + "}"
options.delete_if { |key, value| PrototypeHelper::AJAX_OPTIONS.include?(key) }
[:tag, :overlap, :constraint, :handle].each do |option|
options[option] = "'#{options[option]}'" if options[option]
options[:containment] = array_or_string_for_javascript(options[:containment]) if options[:containment]
options[:only] = array_or_string_for_javascript(options[:only]) if options[:only]
%(Sortable.create(#{ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(element_id)}, #{options_for_javascript(options)});)
# Makes the element with the DOM ID specified by +element_id+ draggable.
# Example:
# <%= draggable_element("my_image", :revert => true)
# You can change the behaviour with various options, see
# http://script.aculo.us for more documentation.
def draggable_element(element_id, options = {})
javascript_tag(draggable_element_js(element_id, options).chop!)
def draggable_element_js(element_id, options = {}) #:nodoc:
%(new Draggable(#{ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(element_id)}, #{options_for_javascript(options)});)
# Makes the element with the DOM ID specified by +element_id+ receive
# dropped draggable elements (created by +draggable_element+).
# and make an AJAX call. By default, the action called gets the DOM ID
# of the element as parameter.
# Example:
# <%= drop_receiving_element("my_cart", :url =>
# { :controller => "cart", :action => "add" }) %>
# You can change the behaviour with various options, see
# http://script.aculo.us for more documentation.
# Some of these +options+ include:
# * <tt>:accept</tt> - Set this to a string or an array of strings describing the
# allowable CSS classes that the +draggable_element+ must have in order
# to be accepted by this +drop_receiving_element+.
# * <tt>:confirm</tt> - Adds a confirmation dialog. Example:
# :confirm => "Are you sure you want to do this?"
# * <tt>:hoverclass</tt> - If set, the +drop_receiving_element+ will have
# this additional CSS class when an accepted +draggable_element+ is
# hovered over it.
# * <tt>:onDrop</tt> - Called when a +draggable_element+ is dropped onto
# this element. Override this callback with a JavaScript expression to
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# change the default drop behaviour. Example:
# :onDrop => "function(draggable_element, droppable_element, event) { alert('I like bananas') }"
# This callback gets three parameters: The Draggable element, the Droppable
# element and the Event object. You can extract additional information about
# the drop - like if the Ctrl or Shift keys were pressed - from the Event object.
# * <tt>:with</tt> - A JavaScript expression specifying the parameters for
# the XMLHttpRequest. Any expressions should return a valid URL query string.
def drop_receiving_element(element_id, options = {})
javascript_tag(drop_receiving_element_js(element_id, options).chop!)
def drop_receiving_element_js(element_id, options = {}) #:nodoc:
options[:with] ||= "'id=' + encodeURIComponent(element.id)"
options[:onDrop] ||= "function(element){" + remote_function(options) + "}"
options.delete_if { |key, value| PrototypeHelper::AJAX_OPTIONS.include?(key) }
options[:accept] = array_or_string_for_javascript(options[:accept]) if options[:accept]
options[:hoverclass] = "'#{options[:hoverclass]}'" if options[:hoverclass]
# Confirmation happens during the onDrop callback, so it can be removed from the options
options.delete(:confirm) if options[:confirm]
%(Droppables.add(#{ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(element_id)}, #{options_for_javascript(options)});)