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# frozen_string_literal: true
require "yaml"
require "active_support/core_ext/hash/keys"
require "active_support/core_ext/object/blank"
require "active_support/key_generator"
require "active_support/message_verifier"
Add credentials using a generic EncryptedConfiguration class (#30067) * WIP: Add credentials using a generic EncryptedConfiguration class This is sketch code so far. * Flesh out EncryptedConfiguration and test it * Better name * Add command and generator for credentials * Use the Pathnames * Extract EncryptedFile from EncryptedConfiguration and add serializers * Test EncryptedFile * Extract serializer validation * Stress the point about losing comments * Allow encrypted configuration to be read without parsing for display * Use credentials by default and base them on the master key * Derive secret_key_base in test/dev, source it from credentials in other envs And document the usage. * Document the new credentials setup * Stop generating the secrets.yml file now that we have credentials * Document what we should have instead Still need to make it happen, tho. * [ci skip] Keep wording to `key base`; prefer defaults. Usually we say we change defaults, not "spec" out a release. Can't use backticks in our sdoc generated documentation either. * Abstract away OpenSSL; prefer MessageEncryptor. * Spare needless new when raising. * Encrypted file test shouldn't depend on subclass. * [ci skip] Some woordings. * Ditch serializer future coding. * I said flip it. Flip it good. * [ci skip] Move require_master_key to the real production.rb. * Add require_master_key to abort the boot process. In case the master key is required in a certain environment we should inspect that the key is there and abort if it isn't. * Print missing key message and exit immediately. Spares us a lengthy backtrace and prevents further execution. I've verified the behavior in a test app, but couldn't figure the test out as loading the app just exits immediately with: ``` /Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/isolation.rb:23:in `load': marshal data too short (ArgumentError) from /Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/isolation.rb:23:in `run' from /Users/kasperhansen/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/minitest-5.10.2/lib/minitest.rb:830:in `run_one_method' from /Users/kasperhansen/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/minitest-5.10.2/lib/minitest/parallel.rb:32:in `block (2 levels) in start' ``` It's likely we need to capture and prevent the exit somehow. Kernel.stub(:exit) didn't work. Leaving it for tomorrow. * Fix require_master_key config test. Loading the app would trigger the `exit 1` per require_master_key's semantics, which then aborted the test. Fork and wait for the child process to finish, then inspect the exit status. Also check we aborted because of a missing master key, so something else didn't just abort the boot. Much <3 to @tenderlove for the tip. * Support reading/writing configs via methods. * Skip needless deep symbolizing. * Remove save; test config reader elsewhere. * Move secret_key_base check to when we're reading it. Otherwise we'll abort too soon since we don't assign the secret_key_base to secrets anymore. * Add missing string literal comments; require unneeded yaml require. * ya ya ya, rubocop. * Add master_key/credentials after bundle. Then we can reuse the existing message on `rails new bc4`. It'll look like: ``` Using web-console 3.5.1 from https://github.com/rails/web-console.git (at master@ce985eb) Using rails 5.2.0.alpha from source at `/Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails` Using sass-rails 5.0.6 Bundle complete! 16 Gemfile dependencies, 72 gems now installed. Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed. Adding config/master.key to store the master encryption key: 97070158c44b4675b876373a6bc9d5a0 Save this in a password manager your team can access. If you lose the key, no one, including you, can access anything encrypted with it. create config/master.key ``` And that'll be executed even if `--skip-bundle` was passed. * Ensure test app has secret_key_base. * Assign secret_key_base to app or omit. * Merge noise * Split options for dynamic delegation into its own method and use deep symbols to make it work * Update error to point to credentials instead * Appease Rubocop * Validate secret_key_base when reading it. Instead of relying on the validation in key_generator move that into secret_key_base itself. * Fix generator and secrets test. Manually add config.read_encrypted_secrets since it's not there by default anymore. Move mentions of config/secrets.yml to config/credentials.yml.enc. * Remove files I have no idea how they got here. * [ci skip] swap secrets for credentials. * [ci skip] And now, changelogs are coming.
2017-09-11 14:21:20 -04:00
require "active_support/encrypted_configuration"
require "active_support/hash_with_indifferent_access"
require "active_support/configuration_file"
require "rails/engine"
require "rails/secrets"
module Rails
# An Engine with the responsibility of coordinating the whole boot process.
# == Initialization
2012-01-02 15:49:18 -05:00
# Rails::Application is responsible for executing all railties and engines
# initializers. It also executes some bootstrap initializers (check
# Rails::Application::Bootstrap) and finishing initializers, after all the others
# are executed (check Rails::Application::Finisher).
# == Configuration
# Besides providing the same configuration as Rails::Engine and Rails::Railtie,
# the application object has several specific configurations, for example
# "cache_classes", "consider_all_requests_local", "filter_parameters",
2012-01-02 15:49:18 -05:00
# "logger" and so forth.
# Check Rails::Application::Configuration to see them all.
# == Routes
# The application object is also responsible for holding the routes and reloading routes
# whenever the files change in development.
# == Middlewares
# The Application is also responsible for building the middleware stack.
# == Booting process
# The application is also responsible for setting up and executing the booting
# process. From the moment you require "config/application.rb" in your app,
# the booting process goes like this:
2019-08-09 17:30:15 -04:00
# 1) require "config/boot.rb" to set up load paths
# 2) require railties and engines
# 3) Define Rails.application as "class MyApp::Application < Rails::Application"
# 4) Run config.before_configuration callbacks
# 5) Load config/environments/ENV.rb
# 6) Run config.before_initialize callbacks
# 7) Run Railtie#initializer defined by railties, engines and application.
# One by one, each engine sets up its load paths, routes and runs its config/initializers/* files.
# 8) Custom Railtie#initializers added by railties, engines and applications are executed
# 9) Build the middleware stack and run to_prepare callbacks
# 10) Run config.before_eager_load and eager_load! if eager_load is true
# 11) Run config.after_initialize callbacks
# == Multiple Applications
# If you decide to define multiple applications, then the first application
# that is initialized will be set to +Rails.application+, unless you override
# it with a different application.
# To create a new application, you can instantiate a new instance of a class
# that has already been created:
# class Application < Rails::Application
# end
# first_application = Application.new
# second_application = Application.new(config: first_application.config)
# In the above example, the configuration from the first application was used
# to initialize the second application. You can also use the +initialize_copy+
# on one of the applications to create a copy of the application which shares
# the configuration.
2016-12-19 21:06:12 -05:00
# If you decide to define Rake tasks, runners, or initializers in an
# application other than +Rails.application+, then you must run them manually.
class Application < Engine
autoload :Bootstrap, "rails/application/bootstrap"
autoload :Configuration, "rails/application/configuration"
autoload :DefaultMiddlewareStack, "rails/application/default_middleware_stack"
autoload :Finisher, "rails/application/finisher"
autoload :Railties, "rails/engine/railties"
autoload :RoutesReloader, "rails/application/routes_reloader"
class << self
def inherited(base)
Rails.app_class = base
ActiveSupport.run_load_hooks(:before_configuration, base)
def instance
def create(initial_variable_values = {}, &block)
new(initial_variable_values, &block).run_load_hooks!
def find_root(from)
find_root_with_flag "config.ru", from, Dir.pwd
# Makes the +new+ method public.
# Note that Rails::Application inherits from Rails::Engine, which
# inherits from Rails::Railtie and the +new+ method on Rails::Railtie is
# private
public :new
attr_accessor :assets, :sandbox
alias_method :sandbox?, :sandbox
attr_reader :reloaders, :reloader, :executor
2012-10-14 06:03:39 -04:00
delegate :default_url_options, :default_url_options=, to: :routes
INITIAL_VARIABLES = [:config, :railties, :routes_reloader, :reloaders,
:routes, :helpers, :app_env_config, :secrets] # :nodoc:
def initialize(initial_variable_values = {}, &block)
@initialized = false
@reloaders = []
@routes_reloader = nil
@app_env_config = nil
@ordered_railties = nil
@railties = nil
@message_verifiers = {}
@ran_load_hooks = false
@executor = Class.new(ActiveSupport::Executor)
@reloader = Class.new(ActiveSupport::Reloader)
@reloader.executor = @executor
# are these actually used?
@initial_variable_values = initial_variable_values
@block = block
# Returns true if the application is initialized.
def initialized?
def run_load_hooks! # :nodoc:
return self if @ran_load_hooks
@ran_load_hooks = true
@initial_variable_values.each do |variable_name, value|
if INITIAL_VARIABLES.include?(variable_name)
instance_variable_set("@#{variable_name}", value)
instance_eval(&@block) if @block
# Reload application routes regardless if they changed or not.
def reload_routes!
# Returns the application's KeyGenerator
def key_generator
# number of iterations selected based on consultation with the google security
# team. Details at https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/6952#issuecomment-7661220
@caching_key_generator ||= ActiveSupport::CachingKeyGenerator.new(
ActiveSupport::KeyGenerator.new(secret_key_base, iterations: 1000)
2013-12-02 19:42:10 -05:00
# Returns a message verifier object.
2013-12-02 19:42:10 -05:00
# This verifier can be used to generate and verify signed messages in the application.
2013-11-21 21:02:10 -05:00
# It is recommended not to use the same verifier for different things, so you can get different
# verifiers passing the +verifier_name+ argument.
# ==== Parameters
# * +verifier_name+ - the name of the message verifier.
# ==== Examples
# message = Rails.application.message_verifier('sensitive_data').generate('my sensible data')
# Rails.application.message_verifier('sensitive_data').verify(message)
# # => 'my sensible data'
2013-11-21 21:02:10 -05:00
# See the +ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier+ documentation for more information.
def message_verifier(verifier_name)
@message_verifiers[verifier_name] ||= begin
secret = key_generator.generate_key(verifier_name.to_s)
# Convenience for loading config/foo.yml for the current Rails env.
# Examples:
# # config/exception_notification.yml:
# production:
# url:
# namespace: my_app_production
# development:
# url: http://localhost:3001
# namespace: my_app_development
# # config/environments/production.rb
# Rails.application.configure do
# config.middleware.use ExceptionNotifier, config_for(:exception_notification)
# end
# # You can also store configurations in a shared section which will be
# # merged with the environment configuration
# # config/example.yml
# shared:
# foo:
# bar:
# baz: 1
# development:
# foo:
# bar:
# qux: 2
# # development environment
# Rails.application.config_for(:example)[:foo][:bar]
# # => { baz: 1, qux: 2 }
def config_for(name, env: Rails.env)
yaml = name.is_a?(Pathname) ? name : Pathname.new("#{paths["config"].existent.first}/#{name}.yml")
if yaml.exist?
require "erb"
all_configs = ActiveSupport::ConfigurationFile.parse(yaml).deep_symbolize_keys
config, shared = all_configs[env.to_sym], all_configs[:shared]
if config.is_a?(Hash)
ActiveSupport::OrderedOptions.new.update(shared&.deep_merge(config) || config)
config || shared
raise "Could not load configuration. No such file - #{yaml}"
# Stores some of the Rails initial environment parameters which
# will be used by middlewares and engines to configure themselves.
def env_config
@app_env_config ||= begin
"action_dispatch.parameter_filter" => config.filter_parameters,
"action_dispatch.redirect_filter" => config.filter_redirect,
Add credentials using a generic EncryptedConfiguration class (#30067) * WIP: Add credentials using a generic EncryptedConfiguration class This is sketch code so far. * Flesh out EncryptedConfiguration and test it * Better name * Add command and generator for credentials * Use the Pathnames * Extract EncryptedFile from EncryptedConfiguration and add serializers * Test EncryptedFile * Extract serializer validation * Stress the point about losing comments * Allow encrypted configuration to be read without parsing for display * Use credentials by default and base them on the master key * Derive secret_key_base in test/dev, source it from credentials in other envs And document the usage. * Document the new credentials setup * Stop generating the secrets.yml file now that we have credentials * Document what we should have instead Still need to make it happen, tho. * [ci skip] Keep wording to `key base`; prefer defaults. Usually we say we change defaults, not "spec" out a release. Can't use backticks in our sdoc generated documentation either. * Abstract away OpenSSL; prefer MessageEncryptor. * Spare needless new when raising. * Encrypted file test shouldn't depend on subclass. * [ci skip] Some woordings. * Ditch serializer future coding. * I said flip it. Flip it good. * [ci skip] Move require_master_key to the real production.rb. * Add require_master_key to abort the boot process. In case the master key is required in a certain environment we should inspect that the key is there and abort if it isn't. * Print missing key message and exit immediately. Spares us a lengthy backtrace and prevents further execution. I've verified the behavior in a test app, but couldn't figure the test out as loading the app just exits immediately with: ``` /Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/isolation.rb:23:in `load': marshal data too short (ArgumentError) from /Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/isolation.rb:23:in `run' from /Users/kasperhansen/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/minitest-5.10.2/lib/minitest.rb:830:in `run_one_method' from /Users/kasperhansen/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/minitest-5.10.2/lib/minitest/parallel.rb:32:in `block (2 levels) in start' ``` It's likely we need to capture and prevent the exit somehow. Kernel.stub(:exit) didn't work. Leaving it for tomorrow. * Fix require_master_key config test. Loading the app would trigger the `exit 1` per require_master_key's semantics, which then aborted the test. Fork and wait for the child process to finish, then inspect the exit status. Also check we aborted because of a missing master key, so something else didn't just abort the boot. Much <3 to @tenderlove for the tip. * Support reading/writing configs via methods. * Skip needless deep symbolizing. * Remove save; test config reader elsewhere. * Move secret_key_base check to when we're reading it. Otherwise we'll abort too soon since we don't assign the secret_key_base to secrets anymore. * Add missing string literal comments; require unneeded yaml require. * ya ya ya, rubocop. * Add master_key/credentials after bundle. Then we can reuse the existing message on `rails new bc4`. It'll look like: ``` Using web-console 3.5.1 from https://github.com/rails/web-console.git (at master@ce985eb) Using rails 5.2.0.alpha from source at `/Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails` Using sass-rails 5.0.6 Bundle complete! 16 Gemfile dependencies, 72 gems now installed. Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed. Adding config/master.key to store the master encryption key: 97070158c44b4675b876373a6bc9d5a0 Save this in a password manager your team can access. If you lose the key, no one, including you, can access anything encrypted with it. create config/master.key ``` And that'll be executed even if `--skip-bundle` was passed. * Ensure test app has secret_key_base. * Assign secret_key_base to app or omit. * Merge noise * Split options for dynamic delegation into its own method and use deep symbols to make it work * Update error to point to credentials instead * Appease Rubocop * Validate secret_key_base when reading it. Instead of relying on the validation in key_generator move that into secret_key_base itself. * Fix generator and secrets test. Manually add config.read_encrypted_secrets since it's not there by default anymore. Move mentions of config/secrets.yml to config/credentials.yml.enc. * Remove files I have no idea how they got here. * [ci skip] swap secrets for credentials. * [ci skip] And now, changelogs are coming.
2017-09-11 14:21:20 -04:00
"action_dispatch.secret_key_base" => secret_key_base,
"action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions,
"action_dispatch.show_detailed_exceptions" => config.consider_all_requests_local,
"action_dispatch.logger" => Rails.logger,
"action_dispatch.backtrace_cleaner" => Rails.backtrace_cleaner,
"action_dispatch.key_generator" => key_generator,
"action_dispatch.http_auth_salt" => config.action_dispatch.http_auth_salt,
"action_dispatch.signed_cookie_salt" => config.action_dispatch.signed_cookie_salt,
"action_dispatch.encrypted_cookie_salt" => config.action_dispatch.encrypted_cookie_salt,
"action_dispatch.encrypted_signed_cookie_salt" => config.action_dispatch.encrypted_signed_cookie_salt,
"action_dispatch.authenticated_encrypted_cookie_salt" => config.action_dispatch.authenticated_encrypted_cookie_salt,
"action_dispatch.use_authenticated_cookie_encryption" => config.action_dispatch.use_authenticated_cookie_encryption,
"action_dispatch.encrypted_cookie_cipher" => config.action_dispatch.encrypted_cookie_cipher,
"action_dispatch.signed_cookie_digest" => config.action_dispatch.signed_cookie_digest,
"action_dispatch.cookies_serializer" => config.action_dispatch.cookies_serializer,
"action_dispatch.cookies_digest" => config.action_dispatch.cookies_digest,
"action_dispatch.cookies_rotations" => config.action_dispatch.cookies_rotations,
"action_dispatch.cookies_same_site_protection" => coerce_same_site_protection(config.action_dispatch.cookies_same_site_protection),
"action_dispatch.use_cookies_with_metadata" => config.action_dispatch.use_cookies_with_metadata,
"action_dispatch.content_security_policy" => config.content_security_policy,
"action_dispatch.content_security_policy_report_only" => config.content_security_policy_report_only,
"action_dispatch.content_security_policy_nonce_generator" => config.content_security_policy_nonce_generator,
Adds support for configuring HTTP Feature Policy (#33439) A HTTP feature policy is Yet Another HTTP header for instructing the browser about which features the application intends to make use of and to lock down access to others. This is a new security mechanism that ensures that should an application become compromised or a third party attempts an unexpected action, the browser will override it and maintain the intended UX. WICG specification: https://wicg.github.io/feature-policy/ The end result is a HTTP header that looks like the following: ``` Feature-Policy: geolocation 'none'; autoplay https://example.com ``` This will prevent the browser from using geolocation and only allow autoplay on `https://example.com`. Full feature list can be found over in the WICG repository[1]. As of today Chrome and Safari have public support[2] for this functionality with Firefox working on support[3] and Edge still pending acceptance of the suggestion[4]. #### Examples Using an initializer ```rb # config/initializers/feature_policy.rb Rails.application.config.feature_policy do |f| f.geolocation :none f.camera :none f.payment "https://secure.example.com" f.fullscreen :self end ``` In a controller ```rb class SampleController < ApplicationController def index feature_policy do |f| f.geolocation "https://example.com" end end end ``` Some of you might realise that the HTTP feature policy looks pretty close to that of a Content Security Policy; and you're right. So much so that I used the Content Security Policy DSL from #31162 as the starting point for this change. This change *doesn't* introduce support for defining a feature policy on an iframe and this has been intentionally done to split the HTTP header and the HTML element (`iframe`) support. If this is successful, I'll look to add that on it's own. Full documentation on HTTP feature policies can be found at https://wicg.github.io/feature-policy/. Google have also published[5] a great in-depth write up of this functionality. [1]: https://github.com/WICG/feature-policy/blob/master/features.md [2]: https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5694225681219584 [3]: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1390801 [4]: https://wpdev.uservoice.com/forums/257854-microsoft-edge-developer/suggestions/33507907-support-feature-policy [5]: https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2018/06/feature-policy
2019-07-10 18:33:16 -04:00
"action_dispatch.content_security_policy_nonce_directives" => config.content_security_policy_nonce_directives,
"action_dispatch.permissions_policy" => config.permissions_policy,
2016-12-19 21:06:12 -05:00
# If you try to define a set of Rake tasks on the instance, these will get
# passed up to the Rake tasks defined on the application's class.
def rake_tasks(&block)
# Sends the initializers to the +initializer+ method defined in the
# Rails::Initializable module. Each Rails::Application class has its own
# set of initializers, as defined by the Initializable module.
def initializer(name, opts = {}, &block)
self.class.initializer(name, opts, &block)
# Sends any runner called in the instance of a new application up
# to the +runner+ method defined in Rails::Railtie.
def runner(&blk)
# Sends any console called in the instance of a new application up
# to the +console+ method defined in Rails::Railtie.
def console(&blk)
# Sends any generators called in the instance of a new application up
# to the +generators+ method defined in Rails::Railtie.
def generators(&blk)
# Sends any server called in the instance of a new application up
# to the +server+ method defined in Rails::Railtie.
def server(&blk)
# Sends the +isolate_namespace+ method up to the class method.
def isolate_namespace(mod)
## Rails internal API
# This method is called just after an application inherits from Rails::Application,
# allowing the developer to load classes in lib and use them during application
# configuration.
# class MyApplication < Rails::Application
# require "my_backend" # in lib/my_backend
# config.i18n.backend = MyBackend
# end
# Notice this method takes into consideration the default root path. So if you
# are changing config.root inside your application definition or having a custom
# Rails application, you will need to add lib to $LOAD_PATH on your own in case
# you need to load files in lib/ during the application configuration as well.
def self.add_lib_to_load_path!(root) #:nodoc:
path = File.join root, "lib"
2013-10-31 14:47:51 -04:00
if File.exist?(path) && !$LOAD_PATH.include?(path)
def require_environment! #:nodoc:
environment = paths["config/environment"].existent.first
2010-01-23 10:59:32 -05:00
require environment if environment
def routes_reloader #:nodoc:
@routes_reloader ||= RoutesReloader.new
2009-12-14 18:54:41 -05:00
# Returns an array of file paths appended with a hash of
# directories-extensions suitable for ActiveSupport::FileUpdateChecker
# API.
def watchable_args #:nodoc:
files, dirs = config.watchable_files.dup, config.watchable_dirs.dup
ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths.each do |path|
File.file?(path) ? files << path.to_s : dirs[path.to_s] = [:rb]
[files, dirs]
# Initialize the application passing the given group. By default, the
# group is :default
def initialize!(group = :default) #:nodoc:
raise "Application has been already initialized." if @initialized
run_initializers(group, self)
@initialized = true
2009-12-14 18:54:41 -05:00
def initializers #:nodoc:
2010-10-08 10:58:24 -04:00
Bootstrap.initializers_for(self) +
railties_initializers(super) +
2010-10-08 10:58:24 -04:00
def config #:nodoc:
@config ||= Application::Configuration.new(self.class.find_root(self.class.called_from))
attr_writer :config
def secrets
@secrets ||= begin
secrets = ActiveSupport::OrderedOptions.new
files = config.paths["config/secrets"].existent
files = files.reject { |path| path.end_with?(".enc") } unless config.read_encrypted_secrets
secrets.merge! Rails::Secrets.parse(files, env: Rails.env)
# Fallback to config.secret_key_base if secrets.secret_key_base isn't set
secrets.secret_key_base ||= config.secret_key_base
attr_writer :secrets, :credentials
Add credentials using a generic EncryptedConfiguration class (#30067) * WIP: Add credentials using a generic EncryptedConfiguration class This is sketch code so far. * Flesh out EncryptedConfiguration and test it * Better name * Add command and generator for credentials * Use the Pathnames * Extract EncryptedFile from EncryptedConfiguration and add serializers * Test EncryptedFile * Extract serializer validation * Stress the point about losing comments * Allow encrypted configuration to be read without parsing for display * Use credentials by default and base them on the master key * Derive secret_key_base in test/dev, source it from credentials in other envs And document the usage. * Document the new credentials setup * Stop generating the secrets.yml file now that we have credentials * Document what we should have instead Still need to make it happen, tho. * [ci skip] Keep wording to `key base`; prefer defaults. Usually we say we change defaults, not "spec" out a release. Can't use backticks in our sdoc generated documentation either. * Abstract away OpenSSL; prefer MessageEncryptor. * Spare needless new when raising. * Encrypted file test shouldn't depend on subclass. * [ci skip] Some woordings. * Ditch serializer future coding. * I said flip it. Flip it good. * [ci skip] Move require_master_key to the real production.rb. * Add require_master_key to abort the boot process. In case the master key is required in a certain environment we should inspect that the key is there and abort if it isn't. * Print missing key message and exit immediately. Spares us a lengthy backtrace and prevents further execution. I've verified the behavior in a test app, but couldn't figure the test out as loading the app just exits immediately with: ``` /Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/isolation.rb:23:in `load': marshal data too short (ArgumentError) from /Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/isolation.rb:23:in `run' from /Users/kasperhansen/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/minitest-5.10.2/lib/minitest.rb:830:in `run_one_method' from /Users/kasperhansen/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/minitest-5.10.2/lib/minitest/parallel.rb:32:in `block (2 levels) in start' ``` It's likely we need to capture and prevent the exit somehow. Kernel.stub(:exit) didn't work. Leaving it for tomorrow. * Fix require_master_key config test. Loading the app would trigger the `exit 1` per require_master_key's semantics, which then aborted the test. Fork and wait for the child process to finish, then inspect the exit status. Also check we aborted because of a missing master key, so something else didn't just abort the boot. Much <3 to @tenderlove for the tip. * Support reading/writing configs via methods. * Skip needless deep symbolizing. * Remove save; test config reader elsewhere. * Move secret_key_base check to when we're reading it. Otherwise we'll abort too soon since we don't assign the secret_key_base to secrets anymore. * Add missing string literal comments; require unneeded yaml require. * ya ya ya, rubocop. * Add master_key/credentials after bundle. Then we can reuse the existing message on `rails new bc4`. It'll look like: ``` Using web-console 3.5.1 from https://github.com/rails/web-console.git (at master@ce985eb) Using rails 5.2.0.alpha from source at `/Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails` Using sass-rails 5.0.6 Bundle complete! 16 Gemfile dependencies, 72 gems now installed. Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed. Adding config/master.key to store the master encryption key: 97070158c44b4675b876373a6bc9d5a0 Save this in a password manager your team can access. If you lose the key, no one, including you, can access anything encrypted with it. create config/master.key ``` And that'll be executed even if `--skip-bundle` was passed. * Ensure test app has secret_key_base. * Assign secret_key_base to app or omit. * Merge noise * Split options for dynamic delegation into its own method and use deep symbols to make it work * Update error to point to credentials instead * Appease Rubocop * Validate secret_key_base when reading it. Instead of relying on the validation in key_generator move that into secret_key_base itself. * Fix generator and secrets test. Manually add config.read_encrypted_secrets since it's not there by default anymore. Move mentions of config/secrets.yml to config/credentials.yml.enc. * Remove files I have no idea how they got here. * [ci skip] swap secrets for credentials. * [ci skip] And now, changelogs are coming.
2017-09-11 14:21:20 -04:00
# The secret_key_base is used as the input secret to the application's key generator, which in turn
# is used to create all MessageVerifiers/MessageEncryptors, including the ones that sign and encrypt cookies.
Add credentials using a generic EncryptedConfiguration class (#30067) * WIP: Add credentials using a generic EncryptedConfiguration class This is sketch code so far. * Flesh out EncryptedConfiguration and test it * Better name * Add command and generator for credentials * Use the Pathnames * Extract EncryptedFile from EncryptedConfiguration and add serializers * Test EncryptedFile * Extract serializer validation * Stress the point about losing comments * Allow encrypted configuration to be read without parsing for display * Use credentials by default and base them on the master key * Derive secret_key_base in test/dev, source it from credentials in other envs And document the usage. * Document the new credentials setup * Stop generating the secrets.yml file now that we have credentials * Document what we should have instead Still need to make it happen, tho. * [ci skip] Keep wording to `key base`; prefer defaults. Usually we say we change defaults, not "spec" out a release. Can't use backticks in our sdoc generated documentation either. * Abstract away OpenSSL; prefer MessageEncryptor. * Spare needless new when raising. * Encrypted file test shouldn't depend on subclass. * [ci skip] Some woordings. * Ditch serializer future coding. * I said flip it. Flip it good. * [ci skip] Move require_master_key to the real production.rb. * Add require_master_key to abort the boot process. In case the master key is required in a certain environment we should inspect that the key is there and abort if it isn't. * Print missing key message and exit immediately. Spares us a lengthy backtrace and prevents further execution. I've verified the behavior in a test app, but couldn't figure the test out as loading the app just exits immediately with: ``` /Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/isolation.rb:23:in `load': marshal data too short (ArgumentError) from /Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/isolation.rb:23:in `run' from /Users/kasperhansen/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/minitest-5.10.2/lib/minitest.rb:830:in `run_one_method' from /Users/kasperhansen/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/minitest-5.10.2/lib/minitest/parallel.rb:32:in `block (2 levels) in start' ``` It's likely we need to capture and prevent the exit somehow. Kernel.stub(:exit) didn't work. Leaving it for tomorrow. * Fix require_master_key config test. Loading the app would trigger the `exit 1` per require_master_key's semantics, which then aborted the test. Fork and wait for the child process to finish, then inspect the exit status. Also check we aborted because of a missing master key, so something else didn't just abort the boot. Much <3 to @tenderlove for the tip. * Support reading/writing configs via methods. * Skip needless deep symbolizing. * Remove save; test config reader elsewhere. * Move secret_key_base check to when we're reading it. Otherwise we'll abort too soon since we don't assign the secret_key_base to secrets anymore. * Add missing string literal comments; require unneeded yaml require. * ya ya ya, rubocop. * Add master_key/credentials after bundle. Then we can reuse the existing message on `rails new bc4`. It'll look like: ``` Using web-console 3.5.1 from https://github.com/rails/web-console.git (at master@ce985eb) Using rails 5.2.0.alpha from source at `/Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails` Using sass-rails 5.0.6 Bundle complete! 16 Gemfile dependencies, 72 gems now installed. Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed. Adding config/master.key to store the master encryption key: 97070158c44b4675b876373a6bc9d5a0 Save this in a password manager your team can access. If you lose the key, no one, including you, can access anything encrypted with it. create config/master.key ``` And that'll be executed even if `--skip-bundle` was passed. * Ensure test app has secret_key_base. * Assign secret_key_base to app or omit. * Merge noise * Split options for dynamic delegation into its own method and use deep symbols to make it work * Update error to point to credentials instead * Appease Rubocop * Validate secret_key_base when reading it. Instead of relying on the validation in key_generator move that into secret_key_base itself. * Fix generator and secrets test. Manually add config.read_encrypted_secrets since it's not there by default anymore. Move mentions of config/secrets.yml to config/credentials.yml.enc. * Remove files I have no idea how they got here. * [ci skip] swap secrets for credentials. * [ci skip] And now, changelogs are coming.
2017-09-11 14:21:20 -04:00
# In development and test, this is randomly generated and stored in a
# temporary file in <tt>tmp/development_secret.txt</tt>.
Add credentials using a generic EncryptedConfiguration class (#30067) * WIP: Add credentials using a generic EncryptedConfiguration class This is sketch code so far. * Flesh out EncryptedConfiguration and test it * Better name * Add command and generator for credentials * Use the Pathnames * Extract EncryptedFile from EncryptedConfiguration and add serializers * Test EncryptedFile * Extract serializer validation * Stress the point about losing comments * Allow encrypted configuration to be read without parsing for display * Use credentials by default and base them on the master key * Derive secret_key_base in test/dev, source it from credentials in other envs And document the usage. * Document the new credentials setup * Stop generating the secrets.yml file now that we have credentials * Document what we should have instead Still need to make it happen, tho. * [ci skip] Keep wording to `key base`; prefer defaults. Usually we say we change defaults, not "spec" out a release. Can't use backticks in our sdoc generated documentation either. * Abstract away OpenSSL; prefer MessageEncryptor. * Spare needless new when raising. * Encrypted file test shouldn't depend on subclass. * [ci skip] Some woordings. * Ditch serializer future coding. * I said flip it. Flip it good. * [ci skip] Move require_master_key to the real production.rb. * Add require_master_key to abort the boot process. In case the master key is required in a certain environment we should inspect that the key is there and abort if it isn't. * Print missing key message and exit immediately. Spares us a lengthy backtrace and prevents further execution. I've verified the behavior in a test app, but couldn't figure the test out as loading the app just exits immediately with: ``` /Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/isolation.rb:23:in `load': marshal data too short (ArgumentError) from /Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/isolation.rb:23:in `run' from /Users/kasperhansen/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/minitest-5.10.2/lib/minitest.rb:830:in `run_one_method' from /Users/kasperhansen/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/minitest-5.10.2/lib/minitest/parallel.rb:32:in `block (2 levels) in start' ``` It's likely we need to capture and prevent the exit somehow. Kernel.stub(:exit) didn't work. Leaving it for tomorrow. * Fix require_master_key config test. Loading the app would trigger the `exit 1` per require_master_key's semantics, which then aborted the test. Fork and wait for the child process to finish, then inspect the exit status. Also check we aborted because of a missing master key, so something else didn't just abort the boot. Much <3 to @tenderlove for the tip. * Support reading/writing configs via methods. * Skip needless deep symbolizing. * Remove save; test config reader elsewhere. * Move secret_key_base check to when we're reading it. Otherwise we'll abort too soon since we don't assign the secret_key_base to secrets anymore. * Add missing string literal comments; require unneeded yaml require. * ya ya ya, rubocop. * Add master_key/credentials after bundle. Then we can reuse the existing message on `rails new bc4`. It'll look like: ``` Using web-console 3.5.1 from https://github.com/rails/web-console.git (at master@ce985eb) Using rails 5.2.0.alpha from source at `/Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails` Using sass-rails 5.0.6 Bundle complete! 16 Gemfile dependencies, 72 gems now installed. Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed. Adding config/master.key to store the master encryption key: 97070158c44b4675b876373a6bc9d5a0 Save this in a password manager your team can access. If you lose the key, no one, including you, can access anything encrypted with it. create config/master.key ``` And that'll be executed even if `--skip-bundle` was passed. * Ensure test app has secret_key_base. * Assign secret_key_base to app or omit. * Merge noise * Split options for dynamic delegation into its own method and use deep symbols to make it work * Update error to point to credentials instead * Appease Rubocop * Validate secret_key_base when reading it. Instead of relying on the validation in key_generator move that into secret_key_base itself. * Fix generator and secrets test. Manually add config.read_encrypted_secrets since it's not there by default anymore. Move mentions of config/secrets.yml to config/credentials.yml.enc. * Remove files I have no idea how they got here. * [ci skip] swap secrets for credentials. * [ci skip] And now, changelogs are coming.
2017-09-11 14:21:20 -04:00
# In all other environments, we look for it first in ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"],
# then credentials.secret_key_base, and finally secrets.secret_key_base. For most applications,
Add credentials using a generic EncryptedConfiguration class (#30067) * WIP: Add credentials using a generic EncryptedConfiguration class This is sketch code so far. * Flesh out EncryptedConfiguration and test it * Better name * Add command and generator for credentials * Use the Pathnames * Extract EncryptedFile from EncryptedConfiguration and add serializers * Test EncryptedFile * Extract serializer validation * Stress the point about losing comments * Allow encrypted configuration to be read without parsing for display * Use credentials by default and base them on the master key * Derive secret_key_base in test/dev, source it from credentials in other envs And document the usage. * Document the new credentials setup * Stop generating the secrets.yml file now that we have credentials * Document what we should have instead Still need to make it happen, tho. * [ci skip] Keep wording to `key base`; prefer defaults. Usually we say we change defaults, not "spec" out a release. Can't use backticks in our sdoc generated documentation either. * Abstract away OpenSSL; prefer MessageEncryptor. * Spare needless new when raising. * Encrypted file test shouldn't depend on subclass. * [ci skip] Some woordings. * Ditch serializer future coding. * I said flip it. Flip it good. * [ci skip] Move require_master_key to the real production.rb. * Add require_master_key to abort the boot process. In case the master key is required in a certain environment we should inspect that the key is there and abort if it isn't. * Print missing key message and exit immediately. Spares us a lengthy backtrace and prevents further execution. I've verified the behavior in a test app, but couldn't figure the test out as loading the app just exits immediately with: ``` /Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/isolation.rb:23:in `load': marshal data too short (ArgumentError) from /Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/isolation.rb:23:in `run' from /Users/kasperhansen/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/minitest-5.10.2/lib/minitest.rb:830:in `run_one_method' from /Users/kasperhansen/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/minitest-5.10.2/lib/minitest/parallel.rb:32:in `block (2 levels) in start' ``` It's likely we need to capture and prevent the exit somehow. Kernel.stub(:exit) didn't work. Leaving it for tomorrow. * Fix require_master_key config test. Loading the app would trigger the `exit 1` per require_master_key's semantics, which then aborted the test. Fork and wait for the child process to finish, then inspect the exit status. Also check we aborted because of a missing master key, so something else didn't just abort the boot. Much <3 to @tenderlove for the tip. * Support reading/writing configs via methods. * Skip needless deep symbolizing. * Remove save; test config reader elsewhere. * Move secret_key_base check to when we're reading it. Otherwise we'll abort too soon since we don't assign the secret_key_base to secrets anymore. * Add missing string literal comments; require unneeded yaml require. * ya ya ya, rubocop. * Add master_key/credentials after bundle. Then we can reuse the existing message on `rails new bc4`. It'll look like: ``` Using web-console 3.5.1 from https://github.com/rails/web-console.git (at master@ce985eb) Using rails 5.2.0.alpha from source at `/Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails` Using sass-rails 5.0.6 Bundle complete! 16 Gemfile dependencies, 72 gems now installed. Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed. Adding config/master.key to store the master encryption key: 97070158c44b4675b876373a6bc9d5a0 Save this in a password manager your team can access. If you lose the key, no one, including you, can access anything encrypted with it. create config/master.key ``` And that'll be executed even if `--skip-bundle` was passed. * Ensure test app has secret_key_base. * Assign secret_key_base to app or omit. * Merge noise * Split options for dynamic delegation into its own method and use deep symbols to make it work * Update error to point to credentials instead * Appease Rubocop * Validate secret_key_base when reading it. Instead of relying on the validation in key_generator move that into secret_key_base itself. * Fix generator and secrets test. Manually add config.read_encrypted_secrets since it's not there by default anymore. Move mentions of config/secrets.yml to config/credentials.yml.enc. * Remove files I have no idea how they got here. * [ci skip] swap secrets for credentials. * [ci skip] And now, changelogs are coming.
2017-09-11 14:21:20 -04:00
# the correct place to store it is in the encrypted credentials file.
def secret_key_base
if Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test?
secrets.secret_key_base ||= generate_development_secret
Add credentials using a generic EncryptedConfiguration class (#30067) * WIP: Add credentials using a generic EncryptedConfiguration class This is sketch code so far. * Flesh out EncryptedConfiguration and test it * Better name * Add command and generator for credentials * Use the Pathnames * Extract EncryptedFile from EncryptedConfiguration and add serializers * Test EncryptedFile * Extract serializer validation * Stress the point about losing comments * Allow encrypted configuration to be read without parsing for display * Use credentials by default and base them on the master key * Derive secret_key_base in test/dev, source it from credentials in other envs And document the usage. * Document the new credentials setup * Stop generating the secrets.yml file now that we have credentials * Document what we should have instead Still need to make it happen, tho. * [ci skip] Keep wording to `key base`; prefer defaults. Usually we say we change defaults, not "spec" out a release. Can't use backticks in our sdoc generated documentation either. * Abstract away OpenSSL; prefer MessageEncryptor. * Spare needless new when raising. * Encrypted file test shouldn't depend on subclass. * [ci skip] Some woordings. * Ditch serializer future coding. * I said flip it. Flip it good. * [ci skip] Move require_master_key to the real production.rb. * Add require_master_key to abort the boot process. In case the master key is required in a certain environment we should inspect that the key is there and abort if it isn't. * Print missing key message and exit immediately. Spares us a lengthy backtrace and prevents further execution. I've verified the behavior in a test app, but couldn't figure the test out as loading the app just exits immediately with: ``` /Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/isolation.rb:23:in `load': marshal data too short (ArgumentError) from /Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/isolation.rb:23:in `run' from /Users/kasperhansen/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/minitest-5.10.2/lib/minitest.rb:830:in `run_one_method' from /Users/kasperhansen/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/minitest-5.10.2/lib/minitest/parallel.rb:32:in `block (2 levels) in start' ``` It's likely we need to capture and prevent the exit somehow. Kernel.stub(:exit) didn't work. Leaving it for tomorrow. * Fix require_master_key config test. Loading the app would trigger the `exit 1` per require_master_key's semantics, which then aborted the test. Fork and wait for the child process to finish, then inspect the exit status. Also check we aborted because of a missing master key, so something else didn't just abort the boot. Much <3 to @tenderlove for the tip. * Support reading/writing configs via methods. * Skip needless deep symbolizing. * Remove save; test config reader elsewhere. * Move secret_key_base check to when we're reading it. Otherwise we'll abort too soon since we don't assign the secret_key_base to secrets anymore. * Add missing string literal comments; require unneeded yaml require. * ya ya ya, rubocop. * Add master_key/credentials after bundle. Then we can reuse the existing message on `rails new bc4`. It'll look like: ``` Using web-console 3.5.1 from https://github.com/rails/web-console.git (at master@ce985eb) Using rails 5.2.0.alpha from source at `/Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails` Using sass-rails 5.0.6 Bundle complete! 16 Gemfile dependencies, 72 gems now installed. Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed. Adding config/master.key to store the master encryption key: 97070158c44b4675b876373a6bc9d5a0 Save this in a password manager your team can access. If you lose the key, no one, including you, can access anything encrypted with it. create config/master.key ``` And that'll be executed even if `--skip-bundle` was passed. * Ensure test app has secret_key_base. * Assign secret_key_base to app or omit. * Merge noise * Split options for dynamic delegation into its own method and use deep symbols to make it work * Update error to point to credentials instead * Appease Rubocop * Validate secret_key_base when reading it. Instead of relying on the validation in key_generator move that into secret_key_base itself. * Fix generator and secrets test. Manually add config.read_encrypted_secrets since it's not there by default anymore. Move mentions of config/secrets.yml to config/credentials.yml.enc. * Remove files I have no idea how they got here. * [ci skip] swap secrets for credentials. * [ci skip] And now, changelogs are coming.
2017-09-11 14:21:20 -04:00
Add credentials using a generic EncryptedConfiguration class (#30067) * WIP: Add credentials using a generic EncryptedConfiguration class This is sketch code so far. * Flesh out EncryptedConfiguration and test it * Better name * Add command and generator for credentials * Use the Pathnames * Extract EncryptedFile from EncryptedConfiguration and add serializers * Test EncryptedFile * Extract serializer validation * Stress the point about losing comments * Allow encrypted configuration to be read without parsing for display * Use credentials by default and base them on the master key * Derive secret_key_base in test/dev, source it from credentials in other envs And document the usage. * Document the new credentials setup * Stop generating the secrets.yml file now that we have credentials * Document what we should have instead Still need to make it happen, tho. * [ci skip] Keep wording to `key base`; prefer defaults. Usually we say we change defaults, not "spec" out a release. Can't use backticks in our sdoc generated documentation either. * Abstract away OpenSSL; prefer MessageEncryptor. * Spare needless new when raising. * Encrypted file test shouldn't depend on subclass. * [ci skip] Some woordings. * Ditch serializer future coding. * I said flip it. Flip it good. * [ci skip] Move require_master_key to the real production.rb. * Add require_master_key to abort the boot process. In case the master key is required in a certain environment we should inspect that the key is there and abort if it isn't. * Print missing key message and exit immediately. Spares us a lengthy backtrace and prevents further execution. I've verified the behavior in a test app, but couldn't figure the test out as loading the app just exits immediately with: ``` /Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/isolation.rb:23:in `load': marshal data too short (ArgumentError) from /Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/isolation.rb:23:in `run' from /Users/kasperhansen/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/minitest-5.10.2/lib/minitest.rb:830:in `run_one_method' from /Users/kasperhansen/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/minitest-5.10.2/lib/minitest/parallel.rb:32:in `block (2 levels) in start' ``` It's likely we need to capture and prevent the exit somehow. Kernel.stub(:exit) didn't work. Leaving it for tomorrow. * Fix require_master_key config test. Loading the app would trigger the `exit 1` per require_master_key's semantics, which then aborted the test. Fork and wait for the child process to finish, then inspect the exit status. Also check we aborted because of a missing master key, so something else didn't just abort the boot. Much <3 to @tenderlove for the tip. * Support reading/writing configs via methods. * Skip needless deep symbolizing. * Remove save; test config reader elsewhere. * Move secret_key_base check to when we're reading it. Otherwise we'll abort too soon since we don't assign the secret_key_base to secrets anymore. * Add missing string literal comments; require unneeded yaml require. * ya ya ya, rubocop. * Add master_key/credentials after bundle. Then we can reuse the existing message on `rails new bc4`. It'll look like: ``` Using web-console 3.5.1 from https://github.com/rails/web-console.git (at master@ce985eb) Using rails 5.2.0.alpha from source at `/Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails` Using sass-rails 5.0.6 Bundle complete! 16 Gemfile dependencies, 72 gems now installed. Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed. Adding config/master.key to store the master encryption key: 97070158c44b4675b876373a6bc9d5a0 Save this in a password manager your team can access. If you lose the key, no one, including you, can access anything encrypted with it. create config/master.key ``` And that'll be executed even if `--skip-bundle` was passed. * Ensure test app has secret_key_base. * Assign secret_key_base to app or omit. * Merge noise * Split options for dynamic delegation into its own method and use deep symbols to make it work * Update error to point to credentials instead * Appease Rubocop * Validate secret_key_base when reading it. Instead of relying on the validation in key_generator move that into secret_key_base itself. * Fix generator and secrets test. Manually add config.read_encrypted_secrets since it's not there by default anymore. Move mentions of config/secrets.yml to config/credentials.yml.enc. * Remove files I have no idea how they got here. * [ci skip] swap secrets for credentials. * [ci skip] And now, changelogs are coming.
2017-09-11 14:21:20 -04:00
ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"] || credentials.secret_key_base || secrets.secret_key_base
Add credentials using a generic EncryptedConfiguration class (#30067) * WIP: Add credentials using a generic EncryptedConfiguration class This is sketch code so far. * Flesh out EncryptedConfiguration and test it * Better name * Add command and generator for credentials * Use the Pathnames * Extract EncryptedFile from EncryptedConfiguration and add serializers * Test EncryptedFile * Extract serializer validation * Stress the point about losing comments * Allow encrypted configuration to be read without parsing for display * Use credentials by default and base them on the master key * Derive secret_key_base in test/dev, source it from credentials in other envs And document the usage. * Document the new credentials setup * Stop generating the secrets.yml file now that we have credentials * Document what we should have instead Still need to make it happen, tho. * [ci skip] Keep wording to `key base`; prefer defaults. Usually we say we change defaults, not "spec" out a release. Can't use backticks in our sdoc generated documentation either. * Abstract away OpenSSL; prefer MessageEncryptor. * Spare needless new when raising. * Encrypted file test shouldn't depend on subclass. * [ci skip] Some woordings. * Ditch serializer future coding. * I said flip it. Flip it good. * [ci skip] Move require_master_key to the real production.rb. * Add require_master_key to abort the boot process. In case the master key is required in a certain environment we should inspect that the key is there and abort if it isn't. * Print missing key message and exit immediately. Spares us a lengthy backtrace and prevents further execution. I've verified the behavior in a test app, but couldn't figure the test out as loading the app just exits immediately with: ``` /Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/isolation.rb:23:in `load': marshal data too short (ArgumentError) from /Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/isolation.rb:23:in `run' from /Users/kasperhansen/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/minitest-5.10.2/lib/minitest.rb:830:in `run_one_method' from /Users/kasperhansen/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/minitest-5.10.2/lib/minitest/parallel.rb:32:in `block (2 levels) in start' ``` It's likely we need to capture and prevent the exit somehow. Kernel.stub(:exit) didn't work. Leaving it for tomorrow. * Fix require_master_key config test. Loading the app would trigger the `exit 1` per require_master_key's semantics, which then aborted the test. Fork and wait for the child process to finish, then inspect the exit status. Also check we aborted because of a missing master key, so something else didn't just abort the boot. Much <3 to @tenderlove for the tip. * Support reading/writing configs via methods. * Skip needless deep symbolizing. * Remove save; test config reader elsewhere. * Move secret_key_base check to when we're reading it. Otherwise we'll abort too soon since we don't assign the secret_key_base to secrets anymore. * Add missing string literal comments; require unneeded yaml require. * ya ya ya, rubocop. * Add master_key/credentials after bundle. Then we can reuse the existing message on `rails new bc4`. It'll look like: ``` Using web-console 3.5.1 from https://github.com/rails/web-console.git (at master@ce985eb) Using rails 5.2.0.alpha from source at `/Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails` Using sass-rails 5.0.6 Bundle complete! 16 Gemfile dependencies, 72 gems now installed. Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed. Adding config/master.key to store the master encryption key: 97070158c44b4675b876373a6bc9d5a0 Save this in a password manager your team can access. If you lose the key, no one, including you, can access anything encrypted with it. create config/master.key ``` And that'll be executed even if `--skip-bundle` was passed. * Ensure test app has secret_key_base. * Assign secret_key_base to app or omit. * Merge noise * Split options for dynamic delegation into its own method and use deep symbols to make it work * Update error to point to credentials instead * Appease Rubocop * Validate secret_key_base when reading it. Instead of relying on the validation in key_generator move that into secret_key_base itself. * Fix generator and secrets test. Manually add config.read_encrypted_secrets since it's not there by default anymore. Move mentions of config/secrets.yml to config/credentials.yml.enc. * Remove files I have no idea how they got here. * [ci skip] swap secrets for credentials. * [ci skip] And now, changelogs are coming.
2017-09-11 14:21:20 -04:00
# Decrypts the credentials hash as kept in +config/credentials.yml.enc+. This file is encrypted with
# the Rails master key, which is either taken from <tt>ENV["RAILS_MASTER_KEY"]</tt> or from loading
# +config/master.key+.
# If specific credentials file exists for current environment, it takes precedence, thus for +production+
# environment look first for +config/credentials/production.yml.enc+ with master key taken
# from <tt>ENV["RAILS_MASTER_KEY"]</tt> or from loading +config/credentials/production.key+.
# Default behavior can be overwritten by setting +config.credentials.content_path+ and +config.credentials.key_path+.
Add credentials using a generic EncryptedConfiguration class (#30067) * WIP: Add credentials using a generic EncryptedConfiguration class This is sketch code so far. * Flesh out EncryptedConfiguration and test it * Better name * Add command and generator for credentials * Use the Pathnames * Extract EncryptedFile from EncryptedConfiguration and add serializers * Test EncryptedFile * Extract serializer validation * Stress the point about losing comments * Allow encrypted configuration to be read without parsing for display * Use credentials by default and base them on the master key * Derive secret_key_base in test/dev, source it from credentials in other envs And document the usage. * Document the new credentials setup * Stop generating the secrets.yml file now that we have credentials * Document what we should have instead Still need to make it happen, tho. * [ci skip] Keep wording to `key base`; prefer defaults. Usually we say we change defaults, not "spec" out a release. Can't use backticks in our sdoc generated documentation either. * Abstract away OpenSSL; prefer MessageEncryptor. * Spare needless new when raising. * Encrypted file test shouldn't depend on subclass. * [ci skip] Some woordings. * Ditch serializer future coding. * I said flip it. Flip it good. * [ci skip] Move require_master_key to the real production.rb. * Add require_master_key to abort the boot process. In case the master key is required in a certain environment we should inspect that the key is there and abort if it isn't. * Print missing key message and exit immediately. Spares us a lengthy backtrace and prevents further execution. I've verified the behavior in a test app, but couldn't figure the test out as loading the app just exits immediately with: ``` /Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/isolation.rb:23:in `load': marshal data too short (ArgumentError) from /Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/isolation.rb:23:in `run' from /Users/kasperhansen/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/minitest-5.10.2/lib/minitest.rb:830:in `run_one_method' from /Users/kasperhansen/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/minitest-5.10.2/lib/minitest/parallel.rb:32:in `block (2 levels) in start' ``` It's likely we need to capture and prevent the exit somehow. Kernel.stub(:exit) didn't work. Leaving it for tomorrow. * Fix require_master_key config test. Loading the app would trigger the `exit 1` per require_master_key's semantics, which then aborted the test. Fork and wait for the child process to finish, then inspect the exit status. Also check we aborted because of a missing master key, so something else didn't just abort the boot. Much <3 to @tenderlove for the tip. * Support reading/writing configs via methods. * Skip needless deep symbolizing. * Remove save; test config reader elsewhere. * Move secret_key_base check to when we're reading it. Otherwise we'll abort too soon since we don't assign the secret_key_base to secrets anymore. * Add missing string literal comments; require unneeded yaml require. * ya ya ya, rubocop. * Add master_key/credentials after bundle. Then we can reuse the existing message on `rails new bc4`. It'll look like: ``` Using web-console 3.5.1 from https://github.com/rails/web-console.git (at master@ce985eb) Using rails 5.2.0.alpha from source at `/Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails` Using sass-rails 5.0.6 Bundle complete! 16 Gemfile dependencies, 72 gems now installed. Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed. Adding config/master.key to store the master encryption key: 97070158c44b4675b876373a6bc9d5a0 Save this in a password manager your team can access. If you lose the key, no one, including you, can access anything encrypted with it. create config/master.key ``` And that'll be executed even if `--skip-bundle` was passed. * Ensure test app has secret_key_base. * Assign secret_key_base to app or omit. * Merge noise * Split options for dynamic delegation into its own method and use deep symbols to make it work * Update error to point to credentials instead * Appease Rubocop * Validate secret_key_base when reading it. Instead of relying on the validation in key_generator move that into secret_key_base itself. * Fix generator and secrets test. Manually add config.read_encrypted_secrets since it's not there by default anymore. Move mentions of config/secrets.yml to config/credentials.yml.enc. * Remove files I have no idea how they got here. * [ci skip] swap secrets for credentials. * [ci skip] And now, changelogs are coming.
2017-09-11 14:21:20 -04:00
def credentials
@credentials ||= encrypted(config.credentials.content_path, key_path: config.credentials.key_path)
# Shorthand to decrypt any encrypted configurations or files.
# For any file added with <tt>rails encrypted:edit</tt> call +read+ to decrypt
# the file with the master key.
# The master key is either stored in +config/master.key+ or <tt>ENV["RAILS_MASTER_KEY"]</tt>.
# Rails.application.encrypted("config/mystery_man.txt.enc").read
# # => "We've met before, haven't we?"
# It's also possible to interpret encrypted YAML files with +config+.
# Rails.application.encrypted("config/credentials.yml.enc").config
# # => { next_guys_line: "I don't think so. Where was it you think we met?" }
# Any top-level configs are also accessible directly on the return value:
# Rails.application.encrypted("config/credentials.yml.enc").next_guys_line
# # => "I don't think so. Where was it you think we met?"
# The files or configs can also be encrypted with a custom key. To decrypt with
# a key in the +ENV+, use:
# Rails.application.encrypted("config/special_tokens.yml.enc", env_key: "SPECIAL_TOKENS")
# Or to decrypt with a file, that should be version control ignored, relative to +Rails.root+:
# Rails.application.encrypted("config/special_tokens.yml.enc", key_path: "config/special_tokens.key")
def encrypted(path, key_path: "config/master.key", env_key: "RAILS_MASTER_KEY")
config_path: Rails.root.join(path),
key_path: Rails.root.join(key_path),
env_key: env_key,
raise_if_missing_key: config.require_master_key
Add credentials using a generic EncryptedConfiguration class (#30067) * WIP: Add credentials using a generic EncryptedConfiguration class This is sketch code so far. * Flesh out EncryptedConfiguration and test it * Better name * Add command and generator for credentials * Use the Pathnames * Extract EncryptedFile from EncryptedConfiguration and add serializers * Test EncryptedFile * Extract serializer validation * Stress the point about losing comments * Allow encrypted configuration to be read without parsing for display * Use credentials by default and base them on the master key * Derive secret_key_base in test/dev, source it from credentials in other envs And document the usage. * Document the new credentials setup * Stop generating the secrets.yml file now that we have credentials * Document what we should have instead Still need to make it happen, tho. * [ci skip] Keep wording to `key base`; prefer defaults. Usually we say we change defaults, not "spec" out a release. Can't use backticks in our sdoc generated documentation either. * Abstract away OpenSSL; prefer MessageEncryptor. * Spare needless new when raising. * Encrypted file test shouldn't depend on subclass. * [ci skip] Some woordings. * Ditch serializer future coding. * I said flip it. Flip it good. * [ci skip] Move require_master_key to the real production.rb. * Add require_master_key to abort the boot process. In case the master key is required in a certain environment we should inspect that the key is there and abort if it isn't. * Print missing key message and exit immediately. Spares us a lengthy backtrace and prevents further execution. I've verified the behavior in a test app, but couldn't figure the test out as loading the app just exits immediately with: ``` /Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/isolation.rb:23:in `load': marshal data too short (ArgumentError) from /Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/isolation.rb:23:in `run' from /Users/kasperhansen/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/minitest-5.10.2/lib/minitest.rb:830:in `run_one_method' from /Users/kasperhansen/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/minitest-5.10.2/lib/minitest/parallel.rb:32:in `block (2 levels) in start' ``` It's likely we need to capture and prevent the exit somehow. Kernel.stub(:exit) didn't work. Leaving it for tomorrow. * Fix require_master_key config test. Loading the app would trigger the `exit 1` per require_master_key's semantics, which then aborted the test. Fork and wait for the child process to finish, then inspect the exit status. Also check we aborted because of a missing master key, so something else didn't just abort the boot. Much <3 to @tenderlove for the tip. * Support reading/writing configs via methods. * Skip needless deep symbolizing. * Remove save; test config reader elsewhere. * Move secret_key_base check to when we're reading it. Otherwise we'll abort too soon since we don't assign the secret_key_base to secrets anymore. * Add missing string literal comments; require unneeded yaml require. * ya ya ya, rubocop. * Add master_key/credentials after bundle. Then we can reuse the existing message on `rails new bc4`. It'll look like: ``` Using web-console 3.5.1 from https://github.com/rails/web-console.git (at master@ce985eb) Using rails 5.2.0.alpha from source at `/Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails` Using sass-rails 5.0.6 Bundle complete! 16 Gemfile dependencies, 72 gems now installed. Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed. Adding config/master.key to store the master encryption key: 97070158c44b4675b876373a6bc9d5a0 Save this in a password manager your team can access. If you lose the key, no one, including you, can access anything encrypted with it. create config/master.key ``` And that'll be executed even if `--skip-bundle` was passed. * Ensure test app has secret_key_base. * Assign secret_key_base to app or omit. * Merge noise * Split options for dynamic delegation into its own method and use deep symbols to make it work * Update error to point to credentials instead * Appease Rubocop * Validate secret_key_base when reading it. Instead of relying on the validation in key_generator move that into secret_key_base itself. * Fix generator and secrets test. Manually add config.read_encrypted_secrets since it's not there by default anymore. Move mentions of config/secrets.yml to config/credentials.yml.enc. * Remove files I have no idea how they got here. * [ci skip] swap secrets for credentials. * [ci skip] And now, changelogs are coming.
2017-09-11 14:21:20 -04:00
def to_app #:nodoc:
def helpers_paths #:nodoc:
console do
unless ::Kernel.private_method_defined?(:y)
require "psych/y"
# Return an array of railties respecting the order they're loaded
# and the order specified by the +railties_order+ config.
# While running initializers we need engines in reverse order here when
# copying migrations from railties ; we need them in the order given by
# +railties_order+.
def migration_railties # :nodoc:
ordered_railties.flatten - [self]
# Eager loads the application code.
def eager_load!
if Rails.autoloaders.zeitwerk_enabled?
alias :build_middleware_stack :app
def run_tasks_blocks(app) #:nodoc:
railties.each { |r| r.run_tasks_blocks(app) }
load "rails/tasks.rb"
task :environment do
2017-02-27 16:55:30 -05:00
ActiveSupport.on_load(:before_initialize) { config.eager_load = config.rake_eager_load }
def run_generators_blocks(app) #:nodoc:
railties.each { |r| r.run_generators_blocks(app) }
def run_runner_blocks(app) #:nodoc:
railties.each { |r| r.run_runner_blocks(app) }
def run_console_blocks(app) #:nodoc:
railties.each { |r| r.run_console_blocks(app) }
def run_server_blocks(app) #:nodoc:
railties.each { |r| r.run_server_blocks(app) }
# Returns the ordered railties for this application considering railties_order.
def ordered_railties #:nodoc:
@ordered_railties ||= begin
order = config.railties_order.map do |railtie|
if railtie == :main_app
elsif railtie.respond_to?(:instance)
all = (railties - order)
all.push(self) unless (all + order).include?(self)
order.push(:all) unless order.include?(:all)
index = order.index(:all)
order[index] = all
def railties_initializers(current) #:nodoc:
initializers = []
ordered_railties.reverse.flatten.each do |r|
if r == self
initializers += current
initializers += r.initializers
def default_middleware_stack #:nodoc:
default_stack = DefaultMiddlewareStack.new(self, config, paths)
Add credentials using a generic EncryptedConfiguration class (#30067) * WIP: Add credentials using a generic EncryptedConfiguration class This is sketch code so far. * Flesh out EncryptedConfiguration and test it * Better name * Add command and generator for credentials * Use the Pathnames * Extract EncryptedFile from EncryptedConfiguration and add serializers * Test EncryptedFile * Extract serializer validation * Stress the point about losing comments * Allow encrypted configuration to be read without parsing for display * Use credentials by default and base them on the master key * Derive secret_key_base in test/dev, source it from credentials in other envs And document the usage. * Document the new credentials setup * Stop generating the secrets.yml file now that we have credentials * Document what we should have instead Still need to make it happen, tho. * [ci skip] Keep wording to `key base`; prefer defaults. Usually we say we change defaults, not "spec" out a release. Can't use backticks in our sdoc generated documentation either. * Abstract away OpenSSL; prefer MessageEncryptor. * Spare needless new when raising. * Encrypted file test shouldn't depend on subclass. * [ci skip] Some woordings. * Ditch serializer future coding. * I said flip it. Flip it good. * [ci skip] Move require_master_key to the real production.rb. * Add require_master_key to abort the boot process. In case the master key is required in a certain environment we should inspect that the key is there and abort if it isn't. * Print missing key message and exit immediately. Spares us a lengthy backtrace and prevents further execution. I've verified the behavior in a test app, but couldn't figure the test out as loading the app just exits immediately with: ``` /Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/isolation.rb:23:in `load': marshal data too short (ArgumentError) from /Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/isolation.rb:23:in `run' from /Users/kasperhansen/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/minitest-5.10.2/lib/minitest.rb:830:in `run_one_method' from /Users/kasperhansen/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/minitest-5.10.2/lib/minitest/parallel.rb:32:in `block (2 levels) in start' ``` It's likely we need to capture and prevent the exit somehow. Kernel.stub(:exit) didn't work. Leaving it for tomorrow. * Fix require_master_key config test. Loading the app would trigger the `exit 1` per require_master_key's semantics, which then aborted the test. Fork and wait for the child process to finish, then inspect the exit status. Also check we aborted because of a missing master key, so something else didn't just abort the boot. Much <3 to @tenderlove for the tip. * Support reading/writing configs via methods. * Skip needless deep symbolizing. * Remove save; test config reader elsewhere. * Move secret_key_base check to when we're reading it. Otherwise we'll abort too soon since we don't assign the secret_key_base to secrets anymore. * Add missing string literal comments; require unneeded yaml require. * ya ya ya, rubocop. * Add master_key/credentials after bundle. Then we can reuse the existing message on `rails new bc4`. It'll look like: ``` Using web-console 3.5.1 from https://github.com/rails/web-console.git (at master@ce985eb) Using rails 5.2.0.alpha from source at `/Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails` Using sass-rails 5.0.6 Bundle complete! 16 Gemfile dependencies, 72 gems now installed. Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed. Adding config/master.key to store the master encryption key: 97070158c44b4675b876373a6bc9d5a0 Save this in a password manager your team can access. If you lose the key, no one, including you, can access anything encrypted with it. create config/master.key ``` And that'll be executed even if `--skip-bundle` was passed. * Ensure test app has secret_key_base. * Assign secret_key_base to app or omit. * Merge noise * Split options for dynamic delegation into its own method and use deep symbols to make it work * Update error to point to credentials instead * Appease Rubocop * Validate secret_key_base when reading it. Instead of relying on the validation in key_generator move that into secret_key_base itself. * Fix generator and secrets test. Manually add config.read_encrypted_secrets since it's not there by default anymore. Move mentions of config/secrets.yml to config/credentials.yml.enc. * Remove files I have no idea how they got here. * [ci skip] swap secrets for credentials. * [ci skip] And now, changelogs are coming.
2017-09-11 14:21:20 -04:00
def validate_secret_key_base(secret_key_base)
if secret_key_base.is_a?(String) && secret_key_base.present?
elsif secret_key_base
raise ArgumentError, "`secret_key_base` for #{Rails.env} environment must be a type of String`"
raise ArgumentError, "Missing `secret_key_base` for '#{Rails.env}' environment, set this string with `bin/rails credentials:edit`"
def generate_development_secret
if secrets.secret_key_base.nil?
key_file = Rails.root.join("tmp/development_secret.txt")
if !File.exist?(key_file)
random_key = SecureRandom.hex(64)
File.binwrite(key_file, random_key)
secrets.secret_key_base = File.binread(key_file)
def build_request(env)
req = super
env["ORIGINAL_FULLPATH"] = req.fullpath
env["ORIGINAL_SCRIPT_NAME"] = req.script_name
def build_middleware
config.app_middleware + super
def coerce_same_site_protection(protection)
protection.respond_to?(:call) ? protection : proc { protection }