2005-04-03 07:19:14 -04:00
require 'abstract_unit'
require 'fixtures/company'
require 'fixtures/topic'
require 'fixtures/entrant'
require 'fixtures/developer'
2005-09-24 19:58:13 -04:00
require 'fixtures/post'
2005-04-03 07:19:14 -04:00
class FinderTest < Test :: Unit :: TestCase
2005-09-24 19:58:13 -04:00
fixtures :companies , :topics , :entrants , :developers , :posts
2005-04-03 07:19:14 -04:00
def test_find
2005-06-10 10:58:02 -04:00
assert_equal ( topics ( :first ) . title , Topic . find ( 1 ) . title )
2005-04-03 07:19:14 -04:00
def test_exists
assert ( Topic . exists? ( 1 ) )
assert ! ( Topic . exists? ( 45 ) )
assert ! ( Topic . exists? ( " foo " ) )
assert ! ( Topic . exists? ( [ 1 , 2 ] ) )
def test_find_by_array_of_one_id
assert_kind_of ( Array , Topic . find ( [ 1 ] ) )
assert_equal ( 1 , Topic . find ( [ 1 ] ) . length )
def test_find_by_ids
assert_equal ( 2 , Topic . find ( 1 , 2 ) . length )
2005-06-10 10:58:02 -04:00
assert_equal ( topics ( :second ) . title , Topic . find ( [ 2 ] ) . first . title )
2005-04-03 07:19:14 -04:00
2005-06-21 12:36:18 -04:00
def test_find_an_empty_array
assert_equal [ ] , Topic . find ( [ ] )
2005-04-03 07:19:14 -04:00
def test_find_by_ids_missing_one
assert_raises ( ActiveRecord :: RecordNotFound ) {
Topic . find ( 1 , 2 , 45 )
def test_find_all_with_limit
entrants = Entrant . find ( :all , :order = > " id ASC " , :limit = > 2 )
assert_equal ( 2 , entrants . size )
2005-06-10 10:58:02 -04:00
assert_equal ( entrants ( :first ) . name , entrants . first . name )
2005-04-03 07:19:14 -04:00
def test_find_all_with_prepared_limit_and_offset
if ActiveRecord :: ConnectionAdapters . const_defined? :OracleAdapter
if ActiveRecord :: Base . connection . instance_of? ( ActiveRecord :: ConnectionAdapters :: OracleAdapter )
2005-06-26 07:25:32 -04:00
assert_raises ( ArgumentError ) { Entrant . find ( :all , :order = > 'id ASC' , :limit = > 2 , :offset = > 1 ) }
2005-04-03 07:19:14 -04:00
entrants = Entrant . find ( :all , :order = > " id ASC " , :limit = > 2 , :offset = > 1 )
assert_equal ( 2 , entrants . size )
2005-06-10 10:58:02 -04:00
assert_equal ( entrants ( :second ) . name , entrants . first . name )
2005-07-03 08:34:22 -04:00
entrants = Entrant . find ( :all , :order = > " id ASC " , :limit = > 2 , :offset = > 2 )
assert_equal ( 1 , entrants . size )
assert_equal ( entrants ( :third ) . name , entrants . first . name )
2005-04-03 07:19:14 -04:00
def test_find_with_entire_select_statement
topics = Topic . find_by_sql " SELECT * FROM topics WHERE author_name = 'Mary' "
assert_equal ( 1 , topics . size )
2005-06-10 10:58:02 -04:00
assert_equal ( topics ( :second ) . title , topics . first . title )
2005-04-03 07:19:14 -04:00
def test_find_with_prepared_select_statement
topics = Topic . find_by_sql [ " SELECT * FROM topics WHERE author_name = ? " , " Mary " ]
assert_equal ( 1 , topics . size )
2005-06-10 10:58:02 -04:00
assert_equal ( topics ( :second ) . title , topics . first . title )
2005-04-03 07:19:14 -04:00
def test_find_first
first = Topic . find ( :first , :conditions = > " title = 'The First Topic' " )
2005-06-10 10:58:02 -04:00
assert_equal ( topics ( :first ) . title , first . title )
2005-04-03 07:19:14 -04:00
def test_find_first_failing
first = Topic . find ( :first , :conditions = > " title = 'The First Topic!' " )
assert_nil ( first )
def test_unexisting_record_exception_handling
assert_raises ( ActiveRecord :: RecordNotFound ) {
Topic . find ( 1 ) . parent
Topic . find ( 2 ) . parent
2005-07-14 03:18:26 -04:00
def test_find_only_some_columns
assert_raises ( NoMethodError ) { Topic . find ( 1 , :select = > " author_name " ) . title }
2005-04-03 07:19:14 -04:00
def test_find_on_conditions
2005-10-06 00:15:14 -04:00
assert Topic . find ( 1 , :conditions = > [ " approved = ? " , false ] )
assert_raises ( ActiveRecord :: RecordNotFound ) { Topic . find ( 1 , :conditions = > [ " approved = ? " , true ] ) }
2005-04-03 07:19:14 -04:00
def test_condition_interpolation
assert_kind_of Firm , Company . find ( :first , :conditions = > [ " name = '%s' " , " 37signals " ] )
assert_nil Company . find ( :first , :conditions = > [ " name = '%s' " , " 37signals! " ] )
assert_nil Company . find ( :first , :conditions = > [ " name = '%s' " , " 37signals!' OR 1=1 " ] )
assert_kind_of Time , Topic . find ( :first , :conditions = > [ " id = %d " , 1 ] ) . written_on
def test_bind_variables
assert_kind_of Firm , Company . find ( :first , :conditions = > [ " name = ? " , " 37signals " ] )
assert_nil Company . find ( :first , :conditions = > [ " name = ? " , " 37signals! " ] )
assert_nil Company . find ( :first , :conditions = > [ " name = ? " , " 37signals!' OR 1=1 " ] )
assert_kind_of Time , Topic . find ( :first , :conditions = > [ " id = ? " , 1 ] ) . written_on
assert_raises ( ActiveRecord :: PreparedStatementInvalid ) {
Company . find ( :first , :conditions = > [ " id=? AND name = ? " , 2 ] )
assert_raises ( ActiveRecord :: PreparedStatementInvalid ) {
Company . find ( :first , :conditions = > [ " id=? " , 2 , 3 , 4 ] )
def test_bind_variables_with_quotes
Company . create ( " name " = > " 37signals' go'es agains " )
assert Company . find ( :first , :conditions = > [ " name = ? " , " 37signals' go'es agains " ] )
def test_named_bind_variables_with_quotes
Company . create ( " name " = > " 37signals' go'es agains " )
assert Company . find ( :first , :conditions = > [ " name = :name " , { :name = > " 37signals' go'es agains " } ] )
def test_bind_arity
assert_nothing_raised { bind '' }
assert_raises ( ActiveRecord :: PreparedStatementInvalid ) { bind '' , 1 }
assert_raises ( ActiveRecord :: PreparedStatementInvalid ) { bind '?' }
assert_nothing_raised { bind '?' , 1 }
assert_raises ( ActiveRecord :: PreparedStatementInvalid ) { bind '?' , 1 , 1 }
def test_named_bind_variables
assert_equal '1' , bind ( ':a' , :a = > 1 ) # ' ruby-mode
assert_equal '1 1' , bind ( ':a :a' , :a = > 1 ) # ' ruby-mode
assert_kind_of Firm , Company . find ( :first , :conditions = > [ " name = :name " , { :name = > " 37signals " } ] )
assert_nil Company . find ( :first , :conditions = > [ " name = :name " , { :name = > " 37signals! " } ] )
assert_nil Company . find ( :first , :conditions = > [ " name = :name " , { :name = > " 37signals!' OR 1=1 " } ] )
assert_kind_of Time , Topic . find ( :first , :conditions = > [ " id = :id " , { :id = > 1 } ] ) . written_on
assert_raises ( ActiveRecord :: PreparedStatementInvalid ) {
Company . find ( :first , :conditions = > [ " id=:id and name=:name " , { :id = > 3 } ] )
assert_raises ( ActiveRecord :: PreparedStatementInvalid ) {
Company . find ( :first , :conditions = > [ " id=:id " , { :id = > 3 , :name = > " 37signals! " } ] )
def test_named_bind_arity
assert_nothing_raised { bind '' , { } }
assert_raises ( ActiveRecord :: PreparedStatementInvalid ) { bind '' , :a = > 1 }
assert_raises ( ActiveRecord :: PreparedStatementInvalid ) { bind ':a' , { } } # ' ruby-mode
assert_nothing_raised { bind ':a' , :a = > 1 } # ' ruby-mode
assert_raises ( ActiveRecord :: PreparedStatementInvalid ) { bind ':a' , :a = > 1 , :b = > 2 } # ' ruby-mode
assert_nothing_raised { bind ':a :a' , :a = > 1 } # ' ruby-mode
assert_raises ( ActiveRecord :: PreparedStatementInvalid ) { bind ':a :a' , :a = > 1 , :b = > 2 } # ' ruby-mode
2005-06-16 02:44:48 -04:00
def test_bind_enumerable
2005-04-03 07:19:14 -04:00
assert_equal '1,2,3' , bind ( '?' , [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] )
assert_equal %( 'a','b','c' ) , bind ( '?' , %w( a b c ) )
assert_equal '1,2,3' , bind ( ':a' , :a = > [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] )
assert_equal %( 'a','b','c' ) , bind ( ':a' , :a = > %w( a b c ) ) # '
2005-06-16 02:44:48 -04:00
require 'set'
assert_equal '1,2,3' , bind ( '?' , Set . new ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) )
assert_equal %( 'a','b','c' ) , bind ( '?' , Set . new ( %w( a b c ) ) )
assert_equal '1,2,3' , bind ( ':a' , :a = > Set . new ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) )
assert_equal %( 'a','b','c' ) , bind ( ':a' , :a = > Set . new ( %w( a b c ) ) ) # '
2005-04-03 07:19:14 -04:00
2005-06-16 06:13:37 -04:00
def test_bind_string
assert_equal " '' " , bind ( '?' , '' )
2005-04-03 07:19:14 -04:00
def test_string_sanitation
assert_not_equal " 'something ' 1=1' " , ActiveRecord :: Base . sanitize ( " something ' 1=1 " )
assert_equal " 'something; select table' " , ActiveRecord :: Base . sanitize ( " something; select table " )
def test_count
assert_equal ( 0 , Entrant . count ( " id > 3 " ) )
assert_equal ( 1 , Entrant . count ( [ " id > ? " , 2 ] ) )
assert_equal ( 2 , Entrant . count ( [ " id > ? " , 1 ] ) )
def test_count_by_sql
assert_equal ( 0 , Entrant . count_by_sql ( " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM entrants WHERE id > 3 " ) )
assert_equal ( 1 , Entrant . count_by_sql ( [ " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM entrants WHERE id > ? " , 2 ] ) )
assert_equal ( 2 , Entrant . count_by_sql ( [ " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM entrants WHERE id > ? " , 1 ] ) )
def test_find_by_one_attribute
2005-06-10 10:58:02 -04:00
assert_equal topics ( :first ) , Topic . find_by_title ( " The First Topic " )
2005-04-03 07:19:14 -04:00
assert_nil Topic . find_by_title ( " The First Topic! " )
def test_find_by_one_missing_attribute
assert_raises ( NoMethodError ) { Topic . find_by_undertitle ( " The First Topic! " ) }
def test_find_by_two_attributes
2005-06-10 10:58:02 -04:00
assert_equal topics ( :first ) , Topic . find_by_title_and_author_name ( " The First Topic " , " David " )
2005-04-03 07:19:14 -04:00
assert_nil Topic . find_by_title_and_author_name ( " The First Topic " , " Mary " )
def test_find_all_by_one_attribute
topics = Topic . find_all_by_content ( " Have a nice day " )
assert_equal 2 , topics . size
2005-06-10 10:58:02 -04:00
assert topics . include? ( topics ( :first ) )
2005-04-03 07:19:14 -04:00
assert_equal [ ] , Topic . find_all_by_title ( " The First Topic!! " )
2005-04-17 13:16:24 -04:00
def test_find_all_by_one_attribute_with_options
topics = Topic . find_all_by_content ( " Have a nice day " , :order = > " id DESC " )
2005-06-10 10:58:02 -04:00
assert topics ( :first ) , topics . last
2005-04-17 13:16:24 -04:00
topics = Topic . find_all_by_content ( " Have a nice day " , :order = > " id " )
2005-06-10 10:58:02 -04:00
assert topics ( :first ) , topics . first
2005-04-17 13:16:24 -04:00
2005-04-03 07:19:14 -04:00
2005-05-02 01:34:27 -04:00
def test_find_all_by_array_attribute
assert_equal 2 , Topic . find_all_by_title ( [ " The First Topic " , " The Second Topic's of the day " ] ) . size
2005-04-03 07:19:14 -04:00
def test_find_all_by_boolean_attribute
topics = Topic . find_all_by_approved ( false )
assert_equal 1 , topics . size
2005-06-10 10:58:02 -04:00
assert topics . include? ( topics ( :first ) )
2005-04-03 07:19:14 -04:00
topics = Topic . find_all_by_approved ( true )
assert_equal 1 , topics . size
2005-06-10 10:58:02 -04:00
assert topics . include? ( topics ( :second ) )
2005-04-03 07:19:14 -04:00
def test_find_by_nil_attribute
topic = Topic . find_by_last_read nil
assert_not_nil topic
assert_nil topic . last_read
def test_find_all_by_nil_attribute
topics = Topic . find_all_by_last_read nil
assert_equal 1 , topics . size
assert_nil topics [ 0 ] . last_read
def test_find_by_nil_and_not_nil_attributes
topic = Topic . find_by_last_read_and_author_name nil , " Mary "
assert_equal " Mary " , topic . author_name
def test_find_all_by_nil_and_not_nil_attributes
topics = Topic . find_all_by_last_read_and_author_name nil , " Mary "
assert_equal 1 , topics . size
assert_equal " Mary " , topics [ 0 ] . author_name
def test_find_with_bad_sql
assert_raises ( ActiveRecord :: StatementInvalid ) { Topic . find_by_sql " select 1 from badtable " }
2005-10-06 18:21:10 -04:00
def test_find_with_invalid_params
assert_raises ( ArgumentError ) { Topic . find :first , :join = > " It should be `joins' " }
assert_raises ( ArgumentError ) { Topic . find :first , :conditions = > '1 = 1' , :join = > " It should be `joins' " }
2005-04-03 07:19:14 -04:00
def test_find_all_with_limit
2005-04-17 13:16:24 -04:00
first_five_developers = Developer . find :all , :order = > 'id ASC' , :limit = > 5
2005-04-03 07:19:14 -04:00
assert_equal 5 , first_five_developers . length
assert_equal 'David' , first_five_developers . first . name
assert_equal 'fixture_5' , first_five_developers . last . name
2005-04-17 13:16:24 -04:00
no_developers = Developer . find :all , :order = > 'id ASC' , :limit = > 0
2005-04-03 07:19:14 -04:00
assert_equal 0 , no_developers . length
2005-07-03 08:34:22 -04:00
2005-04-03 07:19:14 -04:00
def test_find_all_with_limit_and_offset
first_three_developers = Developer . find :all , :order = > 'id ASC' , :limit = > 3 , :offset = > 0
second_three_developers = Developer . find :all , :order = > 'id ASC' , :limit = > 3 , :offset = > 3
last_two_developers = Developer . find :all , :order = > 'id ASC' , :limit = > 2 , :offset = > 8
assert_equal 3 , first_three_developers . length
assert_equal 3 , second_three_developers . length
assert_equal 2 , last_two_developers . length
assert_equal 'David' , first_three_developers . first . name
assert_equal 'fixture_4' , second_three_developers . first . name
assert_equal 'fixture_9' , last_two_developers . first . name
2005-05-19 13:23:28 -04:00
def test_find_all_with_join
2005-06-25 07:47:37 -04:00
developers_on_project_one = Developer . find (
:all ,
:joins = > 'LEFT JOIN developers_projects ON developers.id = developers_projects.developer_id' ,
:conditions = > 'project_id=1'
2005-05-19 13:23:28 -04:00
assert_equal 2 , developers_on_project_one . length
2005-06-11 22:27:19 -04:00
developer_names = developers_on_project_one . map { | d | d . name }
assert developer_names . include? ( 'David' )
assert developer_names . include? ( 'Jamis' )
2005-05-19 13:23:28 -04:00
2005-09-24 19:58:13 -04:00
def test_find_by_id_with_conditions_with_or
assert_nothing_raised do
Post . find ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ,
:conditions = > " posts.id <= 3 OR posts.type = 'Post' " )
2005-05-19 13:23:28 -04:00
2005-09-24 15:50:57 -04:00
def test_select_value
assert_equal " 37signals " , Company . connection . select_value ( " SELECT name FROM companies WHERE id = 1 " )
assert_nil Company . connection . select_value ( " SELECT name FROM companies WHERE id = -1 " )
# make sure we didn't break count...
assert_equal 0 , Company . count_by_sql ( " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM companies WHERE name = 'Halliburton' " )
assert_equal 1 , Company . count_by_sql ( " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM companies WHERE name = '37signals' " )
def test_select_values
2005-10-16 16:50:06 -04:00
assert_equal [ " 1 " , " 2 " , " 3 " , " 4 " , " 5 " , " 6 " , " 7 " , " 8 " ] , Company . connection . select_values ( " SELECT id FROM companies ORDER BY id " )
assert_equal [ " 37signals " , " Summit " , " Microsoft " , " Flamboyant Software " , " Ex Nihilo " , " RailsCore " , " Leetsoft " , " Jadedpixel " ] , Company . connection . select_values ( " SELECT name FROM companies ORDER BY id " )
2005-09-24 15:50:57 -04:00
2005-04-03 07:19:14 -04:00
def bind ( statement , * vars )
if vars . first . is_a? ( Hash )
ActiveRecord :: Base . send ( :replace_named_bind_variables , statement , vars . first )
ActiveRecord :: Base . send ( :replace_bind_variables , statement , vars )