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Raw Normal View History

require "pathname"
2009-09-02 18:00:22 -04:00
require "active_support/core_ext/class"
2013-12-02 16:36:58 -05:00
require "active_support/core_ext/module/attribute_accessors"
require "action_view/template"
require "thread"
require "concurrent/map"
2009-04-14 20:22:51 -04:00
module ActionView
2010-06-20 16:26:31 -04:00
# = Action View Resolver
class Resolver
# Keeps all information about view path and builds virtual path.
2012-06-21 15:13:13 -04:00
class Path
attr_reader :name, :prefix, :partial, :virtual
alias_method :partial?, :partial
2011-05-09 04:42:54 -04:00
def self.build(name, prefix, partial)
virtual = ""
virtual << "#{prefix}/" unless prefix.empty?
virtual << (partial ? "_#{name}" : name)
new name, prefix, partial, virtual
2011-05-09 04:42:54 -04:00
def initialize(name, prefix, partial, virtual)
2012-06-21 15:13:13 -04:00
@name = name
@prefix = prefix
@partial = partial
@virtual = virtual
2012-06-21 15:13:13 -04:00
def to_str
alias :to_s :to_str
# Threadsafe template cache
class Cache #:nodoc:
class SmallCache < Concurrent::Map
def initialize(options = {})
super(options.merge(:initial_capacity => 2))
# preallocate all the default blocks for performance/memory consumption reasons
PARTIAL_BLOCK = lambda {|cache, partial| cache[partial] = SmallCache.new}
PREFIX_BLOCK = lambda {|cache, prefix| cache[prefix] = SmallCache.new(&PARTIAL_BLOCK)}
NAME_BLOCK = lambda {|cache, name| cache[name] = SmallCache.new(&PREFIX_BLOCK)}
KEY_BLOCK = lambda {|cache, key| cache[key] = SmallCache.new(&NAME_BLOCK)}
2013-04-12 10:35:02 -04:00
# usually a majority of template look ups return nothing, use this canonical preallocated array to save memory
NO_TEMPLATES = [].freeze
def initialize
@data = SmallCache.new(&KEY_BLOCK)
2015-07-15 17:32:45 -04:00
@query_cache = SmallCache.new
# Cache the templates returned by the block
def cache(key, name, prefix, partial, locals)
if Resolver.caching?
@data[key][name][prefix][partial][locals] ||= canonical_no_templates(yield)
fresh_templates = yield
cached_templates = @data[key][name][prefix][partial][locals]
if templates_have_changed?(cached_templates, fresh_templates)
@data[key][name][prefix][partial][locals] = canonical_no_templates(fresh_templates)
cached_templates || NO_TEMPLATES
2015-07-15 17:32:45 -04:00
def cache_query(query) # :nodoc:
if Resolver.caching?
@query_cache[query] ||= canonical_no_templates(yield)
def clear
2015-07-15 17:32:45 -04:00
def canonical_no_templates(templates)
templates.empty? ? NO_TEMPLATES : templates
def templates_have_changed?(cached_templates, fresh_templates)
# if either the old or new template list is empty, we don't need to (and can't)
# compare modification times, and instead just check whether the lists are different
if cached_templates.blank? || fresh_templates.blank?
return fresh_templates.blank? != cached_templates.blank?
cached_templates_max_updated_at = cached_templates.map(&:updated_at).max
# if a template has changed, it will be now be newer than all the cached templates
fresh_templates.any? { |t| t.updated_at > cached_templates_max_updated_at }
cattr_accessor :caching
self.caching = true
class << self
alias :caching? :caching
2010-03-07 06:49:27 -05:00
def initialize
@cache = Cache.new
2010-03-08 17:13:24 -05:00
def clear_cache
2010-03-08 17:13:24 -05:00
# Normalizes the arguments and passes it on to find_templates.
def find_all(name, prefix=nil, partial=false, details={}, key=nil, locals=[])
cached(key, [name, prefix, partial], details, locals) do
2010-03-08 17:13:24 -05:00
find_templates(name, prefix, partial, details)
2009-09-02 18:00:22 -04:00
2009-09-02 18:00:22 -04:00
def find_all_anywhere(name, prefix, partial=false, details={}, key=nil, locals=[])
cached(key, [name, prefix, partial], details, locals) do
find_templates(name, prefix, partial, details, true)
2015-07-15 17:32:45 -04:00
def find_all_with_query(query) # :nodoc:
@cache.cache_query(query) { find_template_paths(File.join(@path, query)) }
delegate :caching?, to: :class
2010-03-07 06:49:27 -05:00
# This is what child classes implement. No defaults are needed
# because Resolver guarantees that the arguments are present and
# normalized.
2010-03-08 17:13:24 -05:00
def find_templates(name, prefix, partial, details)
raise NotImplementedError, "Subclasses must implement a find_templates(name, prefix, partial, details) method"
# Helpers that builds a path. Useful for building virtual paths.
def build_path(name, prefix, partial)
2011-05-09 04:42:54 -04:00
Path.build(name, prefix, partial)
# Handles templates caching. If a key is given and caching is on
# always check the cache before hitting the resolver. Otherwise,
# it always hits the resolver but if the key is present, check if the
# resolver is fresher before returning it.
def cached(key, path_info, details, locals) #:nodoc:
name, prefix, partial = path_info
locals = locals.map(&:to_s).sort!
if key
@cache.cache(key, name, prefix, partial, locals) do
decorate(yield, path_info, details, locals)
decorate(yield, path_info, details, locals)
# Ensures all the resolver information is set in the template.
def decorate(templates, path_info, details, locals) #:nodoc:
cached = nil
templates.each do |t|
t.locals = locals
2014-03-12 10:42:21 -04:00
t.formats = details[:formats] || [:html] if t.formats.empty?
t.variants = details[:variants] || [] if t.variants.empty?
t.virtual_path ||= (cached ||= build_path(*path_info))
2009-04-14 20:22:51 -04:00
# An abstract class that implements a Resolver with path semantics.
class PathResolver < Resolver #:nodoc:
EXTENSIONS = { :locale => ".", :formats => ".", :variants => "+", :handlers => "." }
DEFAULT_PATTERN = ":prefix/:action{.:locale,}{.:formats,}{+:variants,}{.:handlers,}"
def initialize(pattern=nil)
@pattern = pattern || DEFAULT_PATTERN
def find_templates(name, prefix, partial, details, outside_app_allowed = false)
2011-05-09 04:42:54 -04:00
path = Path.build(name, prefix, partial)
query(path, details, details[:formats], outside_app_allowed)
2009-09-02 18:00:22 -04:00
def query(path, details, formats, outside_app_allowed)
query = build_query(path, details)
template_paths = find_template_paths(query)
template_paths = reject_files_external_to_app(template_paths) unless outside_app_allowed
template_paths.map do |template|
2014-03-12 10:42:21 -04:00
handler, format, variant = extract_handler_and_format_and_variant(template, formats)
contents = File.binread(template)
Template.new(contents, File.expand_path(template), handler,
:virtual_path => path.virtual,
:format => format,
2014-03-12 10:42:21 -04:00
:variant => variant,
:updated_at => mtime(template)
2009-04-14 20:22:51 -04:00
def reject_files_external_to_app(files)
files.reject { |filename| !inside_path?(@path, filename) }
def find_template_paths(query)
Lock down new `ImplicitRender` behavior for 5.0 RC 1. Conceptually revert #20276 The feature was implemented for the `responders` gem. In the end, they did not need that feature, and have found a better fix (see plataformatec/responders#131). `ImplicitRender` is the place where Rails specifies our default policies for the case where the user did not explicitly tell us what to render, essentially describing a set of heuristics. If the gem (or the user) knows exactly what they want, they could just perform the correct `render` to avoid falling through to here, as `responders` did (the user called `respond_with`). Reverting the patch allows us to avoid exploding the complexity and defining “the fallback for a fallback” policies. 2. `respond_to` and templates are considered exhaustive enumerations If the user specified a list of formats/variants in a `respond_to` block, anything that is not explicitly included should result in an `UnknownFormat` error (which is then caught upstream to mean “406 Not Acceptable” by default). This is already how it works before this commit. Same goes for templates – if the user defined a set of templates (usually in the file system), that set is now considered exhaustive, which means that “missing” templates are considered `UnknownFormat` errors (406). 3. To keep API endpoints simple, the implicit render behavior for actions with no templates defined at all (regardless of formats, locales, variants, etc) are defaulted to “204 No Content”. This is a strictly narrower version of the feature landed in #19036 and #19377. 4. To avoid confusion when interacting in the browser, these actions will raise an `UnknownFormat` error for “interactive” requests instead. (The precise definition of “interactive” requests might change – the spirit here is to give helpful messages and avoid confusions.) Closes #20666, #23062, #23077, #23564 [Godfrey Chan, Jon Moss, Kasper Timm Hansen, Mike Clark, Matthew Draper]
2016-02-23 12:41:26 -05:00
Dir[query].uniq.reject do |filename|
File.directory?(filename) ||
# deals with case-insensitive file systems.
!File.fnmatch(query, filename, File::FNM_EXTGLOB)
def inside_path?(path, filename)
filename = File.expand_path(filename)
path = File.join(path, '')
2011-05-09 04:42:54 -04:00
# Helper for building query glob string based on resolver's pattern.
def build_query(path, details)
query = @pattern.dup
2011-08-16 18:16:45 -04:00
prefix = path.prefix.empty? ? '' : "#{escape_entry(path.prefix)}\\1"
query.gsub!(/:prefix(\/)?/, prefix)
2011-08-16 18:16:45 -04:00
partial = escape_entry(path.partial? ? "_#{path.name}" : path.name)
query.gsub!(/:action/, partial)
details.each do |ext, candidates|
if ext == :variants && candidates == :any
query.gsub!(/:#{ext}/, "*")
query.gsub!(/:#{ext}/, "{#{candidates.compact.uniq.join(',')}}")
File.expand_path(query, @path)
2011-08-16 18:16:45 -04:00
def escape_entry(entry)
Freeze string literals when not mutated. I wrote a utility that helps find areas where you could optimize your program using a frozen string instead of a string literal, it's called [let_it_go](https://github.com/schneems/let_it_go). After going through the output and adding `.freeze` I was able to eliminate the creation of 1,114 string objects on EVERY request to [codetriage](codetriage.com). How does this impact execution? To look at memory: ```ruby require 'get_process_mem' mem = GetProcessMem.new GC.start GC.disable 1_114.times { " " } before = mem.mb after = mem.mb GC.enable puts "Diff: #{after - before} mb" ``` Creating 1,114 string objects results in `Diff: 0.03125 mb` of RAM allocated on every request. Or 1mb every 32 requests. To look at raw speed: ```ruby require 'benchmark/ips' number_of_objects_reduced = 1_114 Benchmark.ips do |x| x.report("freeze") { number_of_objects_reduced.times { " ".freeze } } x.report("no-freeze") { number_of_objects_reduced.times { " " } } end ``` We get the results ``` Calculating ------------------------------------- freeze 1.428k i/100ms no-freeze 609.000 i/100ms ------------------------------------------------- freeze 14.363k (± 8.5%) i/s - 71.400k no-freeze 6.084k (± 8.1%) i/s - 30.450k ``` Now we can do some maths: ```ruby ips = 6_226k # iterations / 1 second call_time_before = 1.0 / ips # seconds per iteration ips = 15_254 # iterations / 1 second call_time_after = 1.0 / ips # seconds per iteration diff = call_time_before - call_time_after number_of_objects_reduced * diff * 100 # => 0.4530373333993266 miliseconds saved per request ``` So we're shaving off 1 second of execution time for every 220 requests. Is this going to be an insane speed boost to any Rails app: nope. Should we merge it: yep. p.s. If you know of a method call that doesn't modify a string input such as [String#gsub](https://github.com/schneems/let_it_go/blob/b0e2da69f0cca87ab581022baa43291cdf48638c/lib/let_it_go/core_ext/string.rb#L37) please [give me a pull request to the appropriate file](https://github.com/schneems/let_it_go/blob/b0e2da69f0cca87ab581022baa43291cdf48638c/lib/let_it_go/core_ext/string.rb#L37), or open an issue in LetItGo so we can track and freeze more strings. Keep those strings Frozen ![](https://www.dropbox.com/s/z4dj9fdsv213r4v/let-it-go.gif?dl=1)
2015-07-19 17:19:15 -04:00
entry.gsub(/[*?{}\[\]]/, '\\\\\\&'.freeze)
2011-08-16 18:16:45 -04:00
# Returns the file mtime from the filesystem.
def mtime(p)
# Extract handler, formats and variant from path. If a format cannot be found neither
# from the path, or the handler, we should return the array of formats given
# to the resolver.
2014-03-12 10:42:21 -04:00
def extract_handler_and_format_and_variant(path, default_formats)
Freeze string literals when not mutated. I wrote a utility that helps find areas where you could optimize your program using a frozen string instead of a string literal, it's called [let_it_go](https://github.com/schneems/let_it_go). After going through the output and adding `.freeze` I was able to eliminate the creation of 1,114 string objects on EVERY request to [codetriage](codetriage.com). How does this impact execution? To look at memory: ```ruby require 'get_process_mem' mem = GetProcessMem.new GC.start GC.disable 1_114.times { " " } before = mem.mb after = mem.mb GC.enable puts "Diff: #{after - before} mb" ``` Creating 1,114 string objects results in `Diff: 0.03125 mb` of RAM allocated on every request. Or 1mb every 32 requests. To look at raw speed: ```ruby require 'benchmark/ips' number_of_objects_reduced = 1_114 Benchmark.ips do |x| x.report("freeze") { number_of_objects_reduced.times { " ".freeze } } x.report("no-freeze") { number_of_objects_reduced.times { " " } } end ``` We get the results ``` Calculating ------------------------------------- freeze 1.428k i/100ms no-freeze 609.000 i/100ms ------------------------------------------------- freeze 14.363k (± 8.5%) i/s - 71.400k no-freeze 6.084k (± 8.1%) i/s - 30.450k ``` Now we can do some maths: ```ruby ips = 6_226k # iterations / 1 second call_time_before = 1.0 / ips # seconds per iteration ips = 15_254 # iterations / 1 second call_time_after = 1.0 / ips # seconds per iteration diff = call_time_before - call_time_after number_of_objects_reduced * diff * 100 # => 0.4530373333993266 miliseconds saved per request ``` So we're shaving off 1 second of execution time for every 220 requests. Is this going to be an insane speed boost to any Rails app: nope. Should we merge it: yep. p.s. If you know of a method call that doesn't modify a string input such as [String#gsub](https://github.com/schneems/let_it_go/blob/b0e2da69f0cca87ab581022baa43291cdf48638c/lib/let_it_go/core_ext/string.rb#L37) please [give me a pull request to the appropriate file](https://github.com/schneems/let_it_go/blob/b0e2da69f0cca87ab581022baa43291cdf48638c/lib/let_it_go/core_ext/string.rb#L37), or open an issue in LetItGo so we can track and freeze more strings. Keep those strings Frozen ![](https://www.dropbox.com/s/z4dj9fdsv213r4v/let-it-go.gif?dl=1)
2015-07-19 17:19:15 -04:00
pieces = File.basename(path).split('.'.freeze)
extension = pieces.pop
handler = Template.handler_for_extension(extension)
2014-03-12 10:42:21 -04:00
format, variant = pieces.last.split(EXTENSIONS[:variants], 2) if pieces.last
format &&= Template::Types[format]
2014-03-12 10:42:21 -04:00
[handler, format, variant]
2009-04-14 20:22:51 -04:00
# A resolver that loads files from the filesystem. It allows setting your own
# resolving pattern. Such pattern can be a glob string supported by some variables.
# ==== Examples
# Default pattern, loads views the same way as previous versions of rails, eg. when you're
# looking for `users/new` it will produce query glob: `users/new{.{en},}{.{html,js},}{.{erb,haml},}`
# FileSystemResolver.new("/path/to/views", ":prefix/:action{.:locale,}{.:formats,}{+:variants,}{.:handlers,}")
2013-03-26 10:42:45 -04:00
# This one allows you to keep files with different formats in separate subdirectories,
# eg. `users/new.html` will be loaded from `users/html/new.erb` or `users/new.html.erb`,
# `users/new.js` from `users/js/new.erb` or `users/new.js.erb`, etc.
# FileSystemResolver.new("/path/to/views", ":prefix/{:formats/,}:action{.:locale,}{.:formats,}{+:variants,}{.:handlers,}")
# If you don't specify a pattern then the default will be used.
2011-03-19 19:06:50 -04:00
# In order to use any of the customized resolvers above in a Rails application, you just need
# to configure ActionController::Base.view_paths in an initializer, for example:
# ActionController::Base.view_paths = FileSystemResolver.new(
# Rails.root.join("app/views"),
# ":prefix/:action{.:locale,}{.:formats,}{+:variants,}{.:handlers,}",
2011-03-19 19:06:50 -04:00
# )
# ==== Pattern format and variables
# Pattern has to be a valid glob string, and it allows you to use the
# following variables:
# * <tt>:prefix</tt> - usually the controller path
# * <tt>:action</tt> - name of the action
# * <tt>:locale</tt> - possible locale versions
2011-03-19 19:06:50 -04:00
# * <tt>:formats</tt> - possible request formats (for example html, json, xml...)
# * <tt>:variants</tt> - possible request variants (for example phone, tablet...)
2011-03-19 19:06:50 -04:00
# * <tt>:handlers</tt> - possible handlers (for example erb, haml, builder...)
2009-09-02 18:00:22 -04:00
class FileSystemResolver < PathResolver
def initialize(path, pattern=nil)
2009-09-02 18:00:22 -04:00
raise ArgumentError, "path already is a Resolver class" if path.is_a?(Resolver)
@path = File.expand_path(path)
2009-09-02 18:00:22 -04:00
def to_s
alias :to_path :to_s
def eql?(resolver)
self.class.equal?(resolver.class) && to_path == resolver.to_path
2009-09-02 18:00:22 -04:00
alias :== :eql?
# An Optimized resolver for Rails' most common case.
class OptimizedFileSystemResolver < FileSystemResolver #:nodoc:
def build_query(path, details)
2011-08-16 18:16:45 -04:00
query = escape_entry(File.join(@path, path))
exts = EXTENSIONS.map do |ext, prefix|
Lock down new `ImplicitRender` behavior for 5.0 RC 1. Conceptually revert #20276 The feature was implemented for the `responders` gem. In the end, they did not need that feature, and have found a better fix (see plataformatec/responders#131). `ImplicitRender` is the place where Rails specifies our default policies for the case where the user did not explicitly tell us what to render, essentially describing a set of heuristics. If the gem (or the user) knows exactly what they want, they could just perform the correct `render` to avoid falling through to here, as `responders` did (the user called `respond_with`). Reverting the patch allows us to avoid exploding the complexity and defining “the fallback for a fallback” policies. 2. `respond_to` and templates are considered exhaustive enumerations If the user specified a list of formats/variants in a `respond_to` block, anything that is not explicitly included should result in an `UnknownFormat` error (which is then caught upstream to mean “406 Not Acceptable” by default). This is already how it works before this commit. Same goes for templates – if the user defined a set of templates (usually in the file system), that set is now considered exhaustive, which means that “missing” templates are considered `UnknownFormat` errors (406). 3. To keep API endpoints simple, the implicit render behavior for actions with no templates defined at all (regardless of formats, locales, variants, etc) are defaulted to “204 No Content”. This is a strictly narrower version of the feature landed in #19036 and #19377. 4. To avoid confusion when interacting in the browser, these actions will raise an `UnknownFormat` error for “interactive” requests instead. (The precise definition of “interactive” requests might change – the spirit here is to give helpful messages and avoid confusions.) Closes #20666, #23062, #23077, #23564 [Godfrey Chan, Jon Moss, Kasper Timm Hansen, Mike Clark, Matthew Draper]
2016-02-23 12:41:26 -05:00
if ext == :variants && details[ext] == :any
"{#{details[ext].compact.uniq.map { |e| "#{prefix}#{e}," }.join}}"
query + exts
# The same as FileSystemResolver but does not allow templates to store
# a virtual path since it is invalid for such resolvers.
class FallbackFileSystemResolver < FileSystemResolver #:nodoc:
def self.instances
[new(""), new("/")]
def decorate(*)
super.each { |t| t.virtual_path = nil }