Begun documenting YourApp::Application and how it ties in with the backend.

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Ryan Bigg 2010-04-14 20:28:49 +10:00
parent 50aa106fa5
commit a77b86d57c
1 changed files with 43 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -1796,6 +1796,49 @@ Bundler was +require+'d back in _config/boot.rb_, and so that is what makes it a
The +Bundler.require+ method adds all the gems not specified inside a +group+ in the +Gemfile+ and the ones specified in groups for the +Rails.env+ (in this case, _development_), to the load path. This is how an application is able to find them.
The rest of this file is spent defining your application's main class. This is it without the comments:
module YourApp
class Application < Rails::Application
config.encoding = "utf-8"
config.filter_parameters += [:password]
h3. Return to Rails
On the surface, this looks like a simple class inheritance. There's more underneath though. back in +Rails::Application+, the +inherited+ method is defined:
def inherited(base)
raise "You cannot have more than one Rails::Application" if Rails.application
Rails.application = base.instance
We do not already have a +Rails.application+, so instead this resorts to calling +super+. +Rails::Application+ descends from +Rails::Engine+ and so will call the +inherited+ method in +Rails::Engine+, but before that it's important to note that +called_from+ is defined an +attr_accessor+ on +Rails::Engine+:
def inherited(base)
unless base.abstract_railtie?
base.called_from = begin
# Remove the line number from backtraces making sure we don't leave anything behind
call_stack = { |p| p.split(':')[0..-2].join(':') }
File.dirname(call_stack.detect { |p| p !~ %r[railties[\w\-\.]*/lib/rails|rack[\w\-\.]*/lib/rack] })
This +called_from+ setting looks a little overwhelming to begin with, but the short end of it is that it returns the route to your application's config directory, something like: _/home/you/yourapp/config_. After +called_from+ has been set, +super+ is again called and this means the +Rails::Railtie#inherited+ method.
h3. Firing it up!