Test utf8 assets filenames with request instead of manifest lookup

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Guillermo Iguaran 2011-10-08 15:24:52 -05:00
parent 9ce03d1542
commit b111b41d13
1 changed files with 4 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -289,20 +289,16 @@ module ApplicationTests
test "precompile should handle utf8 filenames" do
if `uname` =~ /Darwin/
skip 'Asset lookup with Unicode filenames is a problematic due to different normalization forms. Mac uses NKD for filenames; Windows and Linux use NFC. So your asset lookups may mysteriously fail. Sprockets should handle these platform issues transparently.'
filename = "レイルズ.png"
app_file "app/assets/images/#{filename}", "not a image really"
add_to_config "config.assets.precompile = [ /\.png$$/, /application.(css|js)$/ ]"
assert File.exists?("#{app_path}/public/assets/#{filename}")
require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
manifest = "#{app_path}/public/assets/manifest.yml"
assets = YAML.load_file(manifest)
assert_equal filename, assets[filename], assets.inspect
get "/assets/#{URI.escape(filename)}"
assert_match "not a image really", last_response.body
assert File.exists?("#{app_path}/public/assets/#{filename}")
test "assets are cleaned up properly" do