Verify that has_one :through preload respects the :conditions [#2976 state:resolved]

This commit is contained in:
Will Bryant 2009-08-13 12:38:20 +12:00 committed by Aaron Patterson
parent c6db37e69b
commit b79823832e
2 changed files with 13 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -84,6 +84,18 @@ class HasOneThroughAssociationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_not_nil assert_no_queries {members[0].sponsor_club}
def test_has_one_through_with_conditions_eager_loading
# conditions on the through table
assert_equal clubs(:moustache_club), Member.find(, :include => :favourite_club).favourite_club
memberships(:membership_of_favourite_club).update_attribute(:favourite, false)
assert_equal nil, Member.find(, :include => :favourite_club).favourite_club
# conditions on the source table
assert_equal clubs(:moustache_club), Member.find(, :include => :hairy_club).hairy_club
clubs(:moustache_club).update_attribute(:name, "Association of Clean-Shaven Persons")
assert_equal nil, Member.find(, :include => :hairy_club).hairy_club
def test_has_one_through_polymorphic_with_source_type
assert_equal members(:groucho), clubs(:moustache_club).sponsored_member

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ class Member < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :fellow_members, :through => :club, :source => :members
has_one :club, :through => :current_membership
has_one :favourite_club, :through => :membership, :conditions => ["memberships.favourite = ?", true], :source => :club
has_one :hairy_club, :through => :membership, :conditions => {:clubs => {:name => "Moustache and Eyebrow Fancier Club"}}, :source => :club
has_one :sponsor, :as => :sponsorable
has_one :sponsor_club, :through => :sponsor
has_one :member_detail