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synced 2022-11-09 12:12:34 -05:00
Moved ActionController::Macros::AutoComplete into the auto_complete plugin on the official Rails svn #9512 [lifofifo]
git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trunk@7450 5ecf4fe2-1ee6-0310-87b1-e25e094e27de
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 2 additions and 282 deletions
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
* Fixed that resource namespaces wouldn't stick to all nested resources #9399 [pixeltrix]
* Moved ActionController::Macros::AutoComplete into the auto_complete plugin on the official Rails svn #9512 [lifofifo]
* Moved ActionController::Macros::InPlaceEditing into the in_place_editor plugin on the official Rails svn #9513 [lifofifo]
* Removed deprecated form of calling xml_http_request/xhr without the first argument being the http verb [DHH]
@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ require 'action_controller/session_management'
require 'action_controller/http_authentication'
require 'action_controller/components'
require 'action_controller/record_identifier'
require 'action_controller/macros/auto_complete'
require 'action_view'
ActionController::Base.template_class = ActionView::Base
@ -75,5 +74,4 @@ ActionController::Base.class_eval do
include ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic::ControllerMethods
include ActionController::Components
include ActionController::RecordIdentifier
include ActionController::Macros::AutoComplete
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
module ActionController
# Macros are class-level calls that add pre-defined actions to the controller based on the parameters passed in.
# Currently, they're used to bridge the JavaScript macros, like autocompletion and in-place editing, with the controller
# backing.
module Macros
module AutoComplete #:nodoc:
def self.included(base) #:nodoc:
# DEPRECATION WARNING: This method will become a separate plugin when Rails 2.0 ships.
# Example:
# # Controller
# class BlogController < ApplicationController
# auto_complete_for :post, :title
# end
# # View
# <%= text_field_with_auto_complete :post, title %>
# By default, auto_complete_for limits the results to 10 entries,
# and sorts by the given field.
# auto_complete_for takes a third parameter, an options hash to
# the find method used to search for the records:
# auto_complete_for :post, :title, :limit => 15, :order => 'created_at DESC'
# For help on defining text input fields with autocompletion,
# see ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper.
# For more examples, see script.aculo.us:
# * http://script.aculo.us/demos/ajax/autocompleter
# * http://script.aculo.us/demos/ajax/autocompleter_customized
module ClassMethods
def auto_complete_for(object, method, options = {})
define_method("auto_complete_for_#{object}_#{method}") do
find_options = {
:conditions => [ "LOWER(#{method}) LIKE ?", '%' + params[object][method].downcase + '%' ],
:order => "#{method} ASC",
:limit => 10 }.merge!(options)
@items = object.to_s.camelize.constantize.find(:all, find_options)
render :inline => "<%= auto_complete_result @items, '#{method}' %>"
@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
require 'action_view/helpers/tag_helper'
module ActionView
module Helpers
# Provides a set of helpers for creating JavaScript macros that rely on and often bundle methods from JavaScriptHelper into
# larger units. These macros also rely on counterparts in the controller that provide them with their backing. The in-place
# editing relies on ActionController::Base.in_place_edit_for and the autocompletion relies on
# ActionController::Base.auto_complete_for.
module JavaScriptMacrosHelper
# DEPRECATION WARNING: This method will become a separate plugin when Rails 2.0 ships.
# Adds AJAX autocomplete functionality to the text input field with the
# DOM ID specified by +field_id+.
# This function expects that the called action returns an HTML <ul> list,
# or nothing if no entries should be displayed for autocompletion.
# You'll probably want to turn the browser's built-in autocompletion off,
# so be sure to include an <tt>autocomplete="off"</tt> attribute with your text
# input field.
# The autocompleter object is assigned to a Javascript variable named <tt>field_id</tt>_auto_completer.
# This object is useful if you for example want to trigger the auto-complete suggestions through
# other means than user input (for that specific case, call the <tt>activate</tt> method on that object).
# Required +options+ are:
# <tt>:url</tt>:: URL to call for autocompletion results
# in url_for format.
# Addtional +options+ are:
# <tt>:update</tt>:: Specifies the DOM ID of the element whose
# innerHTML should be updated with the autocomplete
# entries returned by the AJAX request.
# Defaults to <tt>field_id</tt> + '_auto_complete'
# <tt>:with</tt>:: A JavaScript expression specifying the
# parameters for the XMLHttpRequest. This defaults
# to 'fieldname=value'.
# <tt>:frequency</tt>:: Determines the time to wait after the last keystroke
# for the AJAX request to be initiated.
# <tt>:indicator</tt>:: Specifies the DOM ID of an element which will be
# displayed while autocomplete is running.
# <tt>:tokens</tt>:: A string or an array of strings containing
# separator tokens for tokenized incremental
# autocompletion. Example: <tt>:tokens => ','</tt> would
# allow multiple autocompletion entries, separated
# by commas.
# <tt>:min_chars</tt>:: The minimum number of characters that should be
# in the input field before an Ajax call is made
# to the server.
# <tt>:on_hide</tt>:: A Javascript expression that is called when the
# autocompletion div is hidden. The expression
# should take two variables: element and update.
# Element is a DOM element for the field, update
# is a DOM element for the div from which the
# innerHTML is replaced.
# <tt>:on_show</tt>:: Like on_hide, only now the expression is called
# then the div is shown.
# <tt>:after_update_element</tt>:: A Javascript expression that is called when the
# user has selected one of the proposed values.
# The expression should take two variables: element and value.
# Element is a DOM element for the field, value
# is the value selected by the user.
# <tt>:select</tt>:: Pick the class of the element from which the value for
# insertion should be extracted. If this is not specified,
# the entire element is used.
# <tt>:method</tt>:: Specifies the HTTP verb to use when the autocompletion
# request is made. Defaults to POST.
def auto_complete_field(field_id, options = {})
function = "var #{field_id}_auto_completer = new Ajax.Autocompleter("
function << "'#{field_id}', "
function << "'" + (options[:update] || "#{field_id}_auto_complete") + "', "
function << "'#{url_for(options[:url])}'"
js_options = {}
js_options[:tokens] = array_or_string_for_javascript(options[:tokens]) if options[:tokens]
js_options[:callback] = "function(element, value) { return #{options[:with]} }" if options[:with]
js_options[:indicator] = "'#{options[:indicator]}'" if options[:indicator]
js_options[:select] = "'#{options[:select]}'" if options[:select]
js_options[:paramName] = "'#{options[:param_name]}'" if options[:param_name]
js_options[:frequency] = "#{options[:frequency]}" if options[:frequency]
js_options[:method] = "'#{options[:method].to_s}'" if options[:method]
{ :after_update_element => :afterUpdateElement,
:on_show => :onShow, :on_hide => :onHide, :min_chars => :minChars }.each do |k,v|
js_options[v] = options[k] if options[k]
function << (', ' + options_for_javascript(js_options) + ')')
# DEPRECATION WARNING: This method will become a separate plugin when Rails 2.0 ships.
# Use this method in your view to generate a return for the AJAX autocomplete requests.
# Example action:
# def auto_complete_for_item_title
# @items = Item.find(:all,
# :conditions => [ 'LOWER(description) LIKE ?',
# '%' + request.raw_post.downcase + '%' ])
# render :inline => "<%= auto_complete_result(@items, 'description') %>"
# end
# The auto_complete_result can of course also be called from a view belonging to the
# auto_complete action if you need to decorate it further.
def auto_complete_result(entries, field, phrase = nil)
return unless entries
items = entries.map { |entry| content_tag("li", phrase ? highlight(entry[field], phrase) : h(entry[field])) }
content_tag("ul", items.uniq)
# DEPRECATION WARNING: This method will become a separate plugin when Rails 2.0 ships.
# Wrapper for text_field with added AJAX autocompletion functionality.
# In your controller, you'll need to define an action called
# auto_complete_for to respond the AJAX calls,
# See the RDoc on ActionController::Macros::AutoComplete to learn more about this.
def text_field_with_auto_complete(object, method, tag_options = {}, completion_options = {})
(completion_options[:skip_style] ? "" : auto_complete_stylesheet) +
text_field(object, method, tag_options) +
content_tag("div", "", :id => "#{object}_#{method}_auto_complete", :class => "auto_complete") +
auto_complete_field("#{object}_#{method}", { :url => { :action => "auto_complete_for_#{object}_#{method}" } }.update(completion_options))
def auto_complete_stylesheet
content_tag('style', <<-EOT, :type => Mime::CSS)
div.auto_complete {
width: 350px;
background: #fff;
div.auto_complete ul {
border:1px solid #888;
div.auto_complete ul li {
div.auto_complete ul li.selected {
background-color: #ffb;
div.auto_complete ul strong.highlight {
color: #800;
@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../abstract_unit"
class JavaScriptMacrosHelperTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
include ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper
include ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptMacrosHelper
include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper
include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper
include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper
include ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper
include ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper
def setup
@controller = Class.new do
def url_for(options)
url = "http://www.example.com/"
url << options[:action].to_s if options and options[:action]
@controller = @controller.new
def test_auto_complete_field
assert_dom_equal %(<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\nvar some_input_auto_completer = new Ajax.Autocompleter('some_input', 'some_input_auto_complete', 'http://www.example.com/autocomplete', {})\n//]]>\n</script>),
auto_complete_field("some_input", :url => { :action => "autocomplete" });
assert_dom_equal %(<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\nvar some_input_auto_completer = new Ajax.Autocompleter('some_input', 'some_input_auto_complete', 'http://www.example.com/autocomplete', {tokens:','})\n//]]>\n</script>),
auto_complete_field("some_input", :url => { :action => "autocomplete" }, :tokens => ',');
assert_dom_equal %(<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\nvar some_input_auto_completer = new Ajax.Autocompleter('some_input', 'some_input_auto_complete', 'http://www.example.com/autocomplete', {tokens:[',']})\n//]]>\n</script>),
auto_complete_field("some_input", :url => { :action => "autocomplete" }, :tokens => [',']);
assert_dom_equal %(<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\nvar some_input_auto_completer = new Ajax.Autocompleter('some_input', 'some_input_auto_complete', 'http://www.example.com/autocomplete', {minChars:3})\n//]]>\n</script>),
auto_complete_field("some_input", :url => { :action => "autocomplete" }, :min_chars => 3);
assert_dom_equal %(<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\nvar some_input_auto_completer = new Ajax.Autocompleter('some_input', 'some_input_auto_complete', 'http://www.example.com/autocomplete', {onHide:function(element, update){alert('me');}})\n//]]>\n</script>),
auto_complete_field("some_input", :url => { :action => "autocomplete" }, :on_hide => "function(element, update){alert('me');}");
assert_dom_equal %(<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\nvar some_input_auto_completer = new Ajax.Autocompleter('some_input', 'some_input_auto_complete', 'http://www.example.com/autocomplete', {frequency:2})\n//]]>\n</script>),
auto_complete_field("some_input", :url => { :action => "autocomplete" }, :frequency => 2);
assert_dom_equal %(<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\nvar some_input_auto_completer = new Ajax.Autocompleter('some_input', 'some_input_auto_complete', 'http://www.example.com/autocomplete', {afterUpdateElement:function(element,value){alert('You have chosen: '+value)}})\n//]]>\n</script>),
auto_complete_field("some_input", :url => { :action => "autocomplete" },
:after_update_element => "function(element,value){alert('You have chosen: '+value)}");
assert_dom_equal %(<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\nvar some_input_auto_completer = new Ajax.Autocompleter('some_input', 'some_input_auto_complete', 'http://www.example.com/autocomplete', {paramName:'huidriwusch'})\n//]]>\n</script>),
auto_complete_field("some_input", :url => { :action => "autocomplete" }, :param_name => 'huidriwusch');
assert_dom_equal %(<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\nvar some_input_auto_completer = new Ajax.Autocompleter('some_input', 'some_input_auto_complete', 'http://www.example.com/autocomplete', {method:'get'})\n//]]>\n</script>),
auto_complete_field("some_input", :url => { :action => "autocomplete" }, :method => :get);
def test_auto_complete_result
result = [ { :title => 'test1' }, { :title => 'test2' } ]
assert_equal %(<ul><li>test1</li><li>test2</li></ul>),
auto_complete_result(result, :title)
assert_equal %(<ul><li>t<strong class=\"highlight\">est</strong>1</li><li>t<strong class=\"highlight\">est</strong>2</li></ul>),
auto_complete_result(result, :title, "est")
resultuniq = [ { :title => 'test1' }, { :title => 'test1' } ]
assert_equal %(<ul><li>t<strong class=\"highlight\">est</strong>1</li></ul>),
auto_complete_result(resultuniq, :title, "est")
def test_text_field_with_auto_complete
assert_match %(<style type="text/css">),
text_field_with_auto_complete(:message, :recipient)
assert_dom_equal %(<input id=\"message_recipient\" name=\"message[recipient]\" size=\"30\" type=\"text\" /><div class=\"auto_complete\" id=\"message_recipient_auto_complete\"></div><script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\nvar message_recipient_auto_completer = new Ajax.Autocompleter('message_recipient', 'message_recipient_auto_complete', 'http://www.example.com/auto_complete_for_message_recipient', {})\n//]]>\n</script>),
text_field_with_auto_complete(:message, :recipient, {}, :skip_style => true)
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