logs for a certain block, change the log level for that block.
* ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger#open_log is deprecated. This method should
not have been public in the first place.
* ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger's behavior of automatically creating the
directory for your log file is deprecated. Please make sure to create the
directory for your log file before instantiating.
* ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger#auto_flushing is deprecated. Either set the
sync level on the underlying file handle like this:
f = File.open('foo.log', 'w')
f.sync = true
ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger.new f
Or tune your filesystem. The FS cache is now what controls flushing.
* ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger#flush is deprecated. Set sync on your
filehandle, or tune your filesystem.
* Markdown reads well as plain text, but can also be formatted.
* It will make it easier for people to read on the web as Github
formats the Markdown nicely.
* It will encourage a level of consistency when people are writing
CHANGELOG entries.
The script used to perform the conversion is at