The errors message only was not displayed, as if it did not use the inline reporting,
modified to also information the method name and the like in error are displayed.
# before
Failed assertion, no message given.
bin/rails test test/models/user_test.rb:5
# after
Failed assertion, no message given.
bin/rails test test/models/user_test.rb:5
Any failures or errors will be reported inline during the run by default.
Skipped tests will be reported if run in verbose mode.
Any result is output with failure messages and a rerun snippet for that test.
Rerun snippets won't be output after a run, unless `--defer-output` is passed.
In the Rails repository we use a `bin/test` executable to run our tests.
However the rerun snippets still included `bin/rails test`:
Failed tests:
bin/rails test test/cases/adapters/postgresql/schema_test.rb:91
Failed tests:
bin/test test/cases/adapters/postgresql/schema_test.rb:91