* Default Encoding.default_internal to UTF-8
* Eliminated the use of file-wide magic comments to coerce code evaluated inside the file
* Read templates as BINARY, use default_external or template-wide magic comments
inside the Template to set the initial encoding
* This means that template handlers in Ruby 1.9 will receive Strings encoded
in default_internal (UTF-8 by default)
* Create a better Exception for encoding issues, and use it when the template
source has bytes that are not compatible with the specified encoding
* Allow template handlers to opt-into handling BINARY. If they do so, they
need to do some of their own manual encoding work
* Added a "Configuration Gotchas" section to the intro Rails Guide instructing
users to use UTF-8 for everything
* Use config.encoding= in Ruby 1.8, and raise if a value that is an invalid
$KCODE value is used
* Fixed a few tests that were assert() rather than assert_equal() and
were caught by Minitest requiring a String for the message
* Fixed a test where an assert_select was misformed, also caught by
Minitest being more restrictive
* Fixed a test where a Rack response was returning a String rather
than an Enumerable
* A new module (ActiveSupport::Autoload) is provide that extends
autoloading with new behavior.
* All autoloads in modules that have extended ActiveSupport::Autoload
will be eagerly required in threadsafe environments
* Autoloads can optionally leave off the path if the path is the same
as full_constant_name.underscore
* It is possible to specify that a group of autoloads live under an
additional path. For instance, all of ActionDispatch's middlewares
are ActionDispatch::MiddlewareName, but they live under
* It is possible to specify that a group of autoloads are all found
at the same path. For instance, a number of exceptions might all
be declared there.
* One consequence of this is that testing-related constants are not
autoloaded. To get the testing helpers for a given component,
require "component_name/test_case". For instance, "action_controller/test_case".
* test_help.rb, which is automatically required by a Rails application's
test helper, requires the test_case.rb for all active components, so
this change will not be disruptive in existing or new applications.
ActionView::Template is now completely independent from template
storage, which allows different back ends such as the database.
ActionView::Template's only responsibility is to take in the
template source (passed in from ActionView::Path), compile it,
and render it.