The new option allows any Ruby namespace to be registered and set
up for eager load. We are effectively exposing the structure existing
in Rails since v3.0 for all developers in order to make their applications
thread-safe and CoW friendly.
This can be turned off by setting `config.reload_classes_only_on_change` to false.
Extensions like Active Record should add their respective files like db/schema.rb and db/structure.sql to `config.watchable_files` if they want their changes to affect classes reloading.
Thanks to and Pastorino for the inspiration. <3
With config.generators becomes a way to configure generators
for current instance only. For example:
module Blog
class Engine < Rails::Engine
config.generators do |g|
g.orm :active_record
config.app_generators do |g|
g.test_framework :rspec
such definition sets :active_record as orm for engine and :rspec
as test_framework for application. The values set with app_generators
can be overwritten in application using config.generators as you would
normally do:
module MyApp
class Application < Rails::Application
config.generators do |g|
g.test_framework :test_unit
* before_configuration: this hook is run immediately after the Application class
comes into existence, but before the user has added any configuration. This is
the appropriate place to set configuration for your plugin
* before_initialize: This is run after all of the user's configuration has completed,
but before any initializers have begun (in other words, it runs right after
* after_initialize: This is run after all of the initializers have run. It is an
appropriate place for forking in a preforking setup
Each of these hooks may be used via ActiveSupport.on_load(name) { }. In all these cases, the context inside the block will be the Application object. This means that for simple cases, you can use these hooks without needing to create a Railtie.