Carlos Antonio da Silva
Add convenience method to hide a generator from the available ones
It is usually useful to be able to hide a generator when running rails
generate command. Such generators might be used only to dry up
generators code and shouldn't be available to end users.
2012-02-03 10:18:58 -02:00
Timothy N. Tsvetkov
Fixed issue #6363 , avoid to pluralized already pluralized names and singularize a single in generators, for example stadia is a valid plural for stadium. But calling pluralize for stadia will return stadias which sematically is not corrent in this case
[#6363 state:committed]
Signed-off-by: Santiago Pastorino <>
2011-02-16 15:09:06 -02:00
Andrew White
Make polymorphic_url and scaffolding work with uncountable resources [ #3930 state:resolved]
Signed-off-by: José Valim <>
2010-06-20 00:15:41 +02:00
José Valim
Load generators from both lib/rails/generators and lib/generators. Using the former since it's less obstrusive.
2010-03-23 13:40:41 +01:00
José Valim
Use human_name in scaffold.
2010-03-17 00:09:43 +01:00
José Valim and Mikel Lindsaar
More work on generated mailer templates.
2010-01-26 01:09:08 +01:00
José Valim and Mikel Lindsaar
Change mailer generator templates and refactor the whole naming schema.
2010-01-25 13:20:32 +01:00
José Valim
Get generators tests running on Ruby 1.9.1
2010-01-19 01:36:06 +01:00
José Valim
Generators load path now will be Ruby load path. If you want to use rspec:install generator, you need generators/rspec/install_generator in your load path.
2010-01-18 16:21:11 +01:00
José Valim
Move all generators tests to use new test case syntax.
2010-01-03 17:14:50 +01:00
Yehuda Katz + Carl Lerche
Move railties/lib/* into railties/lib/*
2009-09-24 16:11:41 -07:00
José Valim
rm -rf rails_generator/generators
2009-07-02 10:27:40 +02:00