Ryuta Kamizono
Fix touch
option to behave consistently with Persistence#touch
`touch` option was added to `increment!` (#27660 ) and `update_counters`
(#26995 ). But that option behaves inconsistently with
`Persistence#touch` method.
If `touch` option is passed attribute names, it won't update
update_at/on attributes unlike `Persistence#touch` method.
Due to changed from `Persistence#touch` to `increment!` with `touch`
option, #31405 has a regression that `counter_cache` with `touch` option
which is passed attribute names won't update update_at/on attributes.
I think that the inconsistency is not intended. To get back consistency,
ensure that `touch` option updates update_at/on attributes.
2018-06-18 19:08:41 +09:00
Fix conflicts counter_cache
with touch: true
by optimistic locking.
# create_table :posts do |t|
# t.integer :comments_count, default: 0
# t.integer :lock_version
# t.timestamps
# end
class Post < ApplicationRecord
# create_table :comments do |t|
# t.belongs_to :post
# end
class Comment < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :post, touch: true, counter_cache: true
post = Post.create!
# => begin transaction
INSERT INTO "posts" ("created_at", "updated_at", "lock_version")
VALUES ("2017-12-11 21:27:11.387397", "2017-12-11 21:27:11.387397", 0)
commit transaction
comment = Comment.create!(post: post)
# => begin transaction
INSERT INTO "comments" ("post_id") VALUES (1)
UPDATE "posts" SET "comments_count" = COALESCE("comments_count", 0) + 1,
"lock_version" = COALESCE("lock_version", 0) + 1 WHERE "posts"."id" = 1
UPDATE "posts" SET "updated_at" = '2017-12-11 21:27:11.398330',
"lock_version" = 1 WHERE "posts"."id" = 1 AND "posts"."lock_version" = 0
rollback transaction
# => ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError: Attempted to touch a stale object: Post.
# => begin transaction
DELETE FROM "comments" WHERE "comments"."id" = 1
UPDATE "posts" SET "comments_count" = COALESCE("comments_count", 0) - 1,
"lock_version" = COALESCE("lock_version", 0) + 1 WHERE "posts"."id" = 1
UPDATE "posts" SET "updated_at" = '2017-12-11 21:42:47.785901',
"lock_version" = 1 WHERE "posts"."id" = 1 AND "posts"."lock_version" = 0
rollback transaction
# => ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError: Attempted to touch a stale object: Post.
post = Post.create!
# => begin transaction
INSERT INTO "posts" ("created_at", "updated_at", "lock_version")
VALUES ("2017-12-11 21:27:11.387397", "2017-12-11 21:27:11.387397", 0)
commit transaction
comment = Comment.create!(post: post)
# => begin transaction
INSERT INTO "comments" ("post_id") VALUES (1)
UPDATE "posts" SET "comments_count" = COALESCE("comments_count", 0) + 1,
"lock_version" = COALESCE("lock_version", 0) + 1,
"updated_at" = '2017-12-11 21:37:09.802642' WHERE "posts"."id" = 1
commit transaction
# => begin transaction
DELETE FROM "comments" WHERE "comments"."id" = 1
UPDATE "posts" SET "comments_count" = COALESCE("comments_count", 0) - 1,
"lock_version" = COALESCE("lock_version", 0) + 1,
"updated_at" = '2017-12-11 21:39:02.685520' WHERE "posts"."id" = 1
commit transaction
Fixes #31199 .
2017-12-12 00:32:50 +02:00