* master:
Add documentation for inheritance_column method
Use ArgumentError vs. RuntimeError, which is more precise.
CSV fixtures aren't supported by default anymore, update generated test_helper.rb to reflect that
fix quoting for ActiveSupport::Duration instances
Add few information on the field types
Add the options method to action_controller testcase.
To test uploading a file without using fixture_file_upload, a posted
ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile should not be paramified (just like
(Rack::Test::UploadedFile and ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile don't
share the same API, tempfile is not accessible on
Rack::Test::UploadedFile as discussed in
This may break existing tests that are asserting the whole session contents
but should not break existing tests that are asserting individual keys - e.g:
class SomeControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
setup do
session['user_id'] = 1
test "some test" do
get :some_action, nil, { 'another_var' => 2 }
# This assertion will now fail
assert_equal({ 'another_var' => 2 }, session)
# This assertion will still pass
assert_equal 2, session['another_var]
In the current router DSL, using the +match+ DSL
method will match all verbs for the path to the
specified endpoint.
In the vast majority of cases, people are
currently using +match+ when they actually mean
+get+. This introduces security implications.
This commit disallows calling +match+ without
an HTTP verb constraint by default. To explicitly
match all verbs, this commit also adds a
:via => :all option to +match+.