Before this change missing timezone data for any of the time zones
defined in `ActiveSupport::Timezone::MAPPING` caused a `comparison of
NilClass with ActiveSupport::TimeZone failed` exception.
Attempting to get a timezone by passing a number/duration to `[]` or
calling `all` directly will try to sort sort the values of `zones_map`.
Those values are initialized by the return value of `create(zonename)`
which returns `nil` if `TZInfo` is unable to find the timezone
In our case the exception was triggered by an outdated tzdata package
which did not include information for the "recently" added time zones.
Before 078421bacb `zones_map` only
returned the information that have been loaded into `@lazy_zone_map`
which ignored time zones for which the data could not be loaded, this
change restores the previous behaviour.
In Ruby 2.4 the `to_time` method for both `DateTime` and `Time` will
preserve the timezone of the receiver when converting to an instance
of `Time`. Since Rails 5.0 will support Ruby 2.2, 2.3 and later we
need to introduce a compatibility layer so that apps that upgrade do
not break. New apps will have a config initializer file that defaults
to match the new Ruby 2.4 behavior going forward.
For information about the changes to Ruby see: