In most cases it works now without explicit require because it's accidentally required through
active_support/core_ext/date_and_time/calculations.rb where we still call `try`,
but that would stop working if we changed the Calculations implementation and remove the require call there.
Fixes that file attachments without captions would not be represented in plain text generated from rich-text content, causing ActionText::RichText#present? to return false.
Assigning a has_one association for a persisted record saves the change immediately, so attempting to read a rich-text attribute on a persisted record without a corresponding ActionText::RichText would eagerly create one. Avoid assigning the rich text association to fix.
The Action Text installations appends `require("trix")` to the application.js file. The problem is that there isn't a line break in the beginning of the installation output, leading to syntax errors, e.g.:
import './application.scss'require("trix")
This commit moves the line break from the end to the beginning of the output, fixing it to:
import './application.scss'