# frozen_string_literal: true require "active_support/core_ext/hash/except" require "active_support/core_ext/module/introspection" require "active_support/core_ext/module/redefine_method" module ActiveModel class Name include Comparable attr_reader :singular, :plural, :element, :collection, :singular_route_key, :route_key, :param_key, :i18n_key, :name alias_method :cache_key, :collection ## # :method: == # # :call-seq: # ==(other) # # Equivalent to String#==. Returns +true+ if the class name and # +other+ are equal, otherwise +false+. # # class BlogPost # extend ActiveModel::Naming # end # # BlogPost.model_name == 'BlogPost' # => true # BlogPost.model_name == 'Blog Post' # => false ## # :method: === # # :call-seq: # ===(other) # # Equivalent to #==. # # class BlogPost # extend ActiveModel::Naming # end # # BlogPost.model_name === 'BlogPost' # => true # BlogPost.model_name === 'Blog Post' # => false ## # :method: <=> # # :call-seq: # <=>(other) # # Equivalent to String#<=>. # # class BlogPost # extend ActiveModel::Naming # end # # BlogPost.model_name <=> 'BlogPost' # => 0 # BlogPost.model_name <=> 'Blog' # => 1 # BlogPost.model_name <=> 'BlogPosts' # => -1 ## # :method: =~ # # :call-seq: # =~(regexp) # # Equivalent to String#=~. Match the class name against the given # regexp. Returns the position where the match starts or +nil+ if there is # no match. # # class BlogPost # extend ActiveModel::Naming # end # # BlogPost.model_name =~ /Post/ # => 4 # BlogPost.model_name =~ /\d/ # => nil ## # :method: !~ # # :call-seq: # !~(regexp) # # Equivalent to String#!~. Match the class name against the given # regexp. Returns +true+ if there is no match, otherwise +false+. # # class BlogPost # extend ActiveModel::Naming # end # # BlogPost.model_name !~ /Post/ # => false # BlogPost.model_name !~ /\d/ # => true ## # :method: eql? # # :call-seq: # eql?(other) # # Equivalent to String#eql?. Returns +true+ if the class name and # +other+ have the same length and content, otherwise +false+. # # class BlogPost # extend ActiveModel::Naming # end # # BlogPost.model_name.eql?('BlogPost') # => true # BlogPost.model_name.eql?('Blog Post') # => false ## # :method: match? # # :call-seq: # match?(regexp) # # Equivalent to String#match?. Match the class name against the # given regexp. Returns +true+ if there is a match, otherwise +false+. # # class BlogPost # extend ActiveModel::Naming # end # # BlogPost.model_name.match?(/Post/) # => true # BlogPost.model_name.match?(/\d/) # => false ## # :method: to_s # # :call-seq: # to_s() # # Returns the class name. # # class BlogPost # extend ActiveModel::Naming # end # # BlogPost.model_name.to_s # => "BlogPost" ## # :method: to_str # # :call-seq: # to_str() # # Equivalent to +to_s+. delegate :==, :===, :<=>, :=~, :"!~", :eql?, :match?, :to_s, :to_str, :as_json, to: :name # Returns a new ActiveModel::Name instance. By default, the +namespace+ # and +name+ option will take the namespace and name of the given class # respectively. # # module Foo # class Bar # end # end # # ActiveModel::Name.new(Foo::Bar).to_s # # => "Foo::Bar" def initialize(klass, namespace = nil, name = nil) @name = name || klass.name raise ArgumentError, "Class name cannot be blank. You need to supply a name argument when anonymous class given" if @name.blank? @unnamespaced = @name.sub(/^#{namespace.name}::/, "") if namespace @klass = klass @singular = _singularize(@name) @plural = ActiveSupport::Inflector.pluralize(@singular) @element = ActiveSupport::Inflector.underscore(ActiveSupport::Inflector.demodulize(@name)) @human = ActiveSupport::Inflector.humanize(@element) @collection = ActiveSupport::Inflector.tableize(@name) @param_key = (namespace ? _singularize(@unnamespaced) : @singular) @i18n_key = @name.underscore.to_sym @route_key = (namespace ? ActiveSupport::Inflector.pluralize(@param_key) : @plural.dup) @singular_route_key = ActiveSupport::Inflector.singularize(@route_key) @route_key << "_index" if @plural == @singular end # Transform the model name into a more human format, using I18n. By default, # it will underscore then humanize the class name. # # class BlogPost # extend ActiveModel::Naming # end # # BlogPost.model_name.human # => "Blog post" # # Specify +options+ with additional translating options. def human(options = {}) return @human unless @klass.respond_to?(:lookup_ancestors) && @klass.respond_to?(:i18n_scope) defaults = @klass.lookup_ancestors.map do |klass| klass.model_name.i18n_key end defaults << options[:default] if options[:default] defaults << @human options = { scope: [@klass.i18n_scope, :models], count: 1, default: defaults }.merge!(options.except(:default)) I18n.translate(defaults.shift, **options) end private def _singularize(string) ActiveSupport::Inflector.underscore(string).tr("/", "_") end end # == Active \Model \Naming # # Creates a +model_name+ method on your object. # # To implement, just extend ActiveModel::Naming in your object: # # class BookCover # extend ActiveModel::Naming # end # # BookCover.model_name.name # => "BookCover" # BookCover.model_name.human # => "Book cover" # # BookCover.model_name.i18n_key # => :book_cover # BookModule::BookCover.model_name.i18n_key # => :"book_module/book_cover" # # Providing the functionality that ActiveModel::Naming provides in your object # is required to pass the \Active \Model Lint test. So either extending the # provided method below, or rolling your own is required. module Naming def self.extended(base) #:nodoc: base.silence_redefinition_of_method :model_name base.delegate :model_name, to: :class end # Returns an ActiveModel::Name object for module. It can be # used to retrieve all kinds of naming-related information # (See ActiveModel::Name for more information). # # class Person # extend ActiveModel::Naming # end # # Person.model_name.name # => "Person" # Person.model_name.class # => ActiveModel::Name # Person.model_name.singular # => "person" # Person.model_name.plural # => "people" def model_name @_model_name ||= begin namespace = module_parents.detect do |n| n.respond_to?(:use_relative_model_naming?) && n.use_relative_model_naming? end ActiveModel::Name.new(self, namespace) end end # Returns the plural class name of a record or class. # # ActiveModel::Naming.plural(post) # => "posts" # ActiveModel::Naming.plural(Highrise::Person) # => "highrise_people" def self.plural(record_or_class) model_name_from_record_or_class(record_or_class).plural end # Returns the singular class name of a record or class. # # ActiveModel::Naming.singular(post) # => "post" # ActiveModel::Naming.singular(Highrise::Person) # => "highrise_person" def self.singular(record_or_class) model_name_from_record_or_class(record_or_class).singular end # Identifies whether the class name of a record or class is uncountable. # # ActiveModel::Naming.uncountable?(Sheep) # => true # ActiveModel::Naming.uncountable?(Post) # => false def self.uncountable?(record_or_class) plural(record_or_class) == singular(record_or_class) end # Returns string to use while generating route names. It differs for # namespaced models regarding whether it's inside isolated engine. # # # For isolated engine: # ActiveModel::Naming.singular_route_key(Blog::Post) # => "post" # # # For shared engine: # ActiveModel::Naming.singular_route_key(Blog::Post) # => "blog_post" def self.singular_route_key(record_or_class) model_name_from_record_or_class(record_or_class).singular_route_key end # Returns string to use while generating route names. It differs for # namespaced models regarding whether it's inside isolated engine. # # # For isolated engine: # ActiveModel::Naming.route_key(Blog::Post) # => "posts" # # # For shared engine: # ActiveModel::Naming.route_key(Blog::Post) # => "blog_posts" # # The route key also considers if the noun is uncountable and, in # such cases, automatically appends _index. def self.route_key(record_or_class) model_name_from_record_or_class(record_or_class).route_key end # Returns string to use for params names. It differs for # namespaced models regarding whether it's inside isolated engine. # # # For isolated engine: # ActiveModel::Naming.param_key(Blog::Post) # => "post" # # # For shared engine: # ActiveModel::Naming.param_key(Blog::Post) # => "blog_post" def self.param_key(record_or_class) model_name_from_record_or_class(record_or_class).param_key end def self.model_name_from_record_or_class(record_or_class) #:nodoc: if record_or_class.respond_to?(:to_model) record_or_class.to_model.model_name else record_or_class.model_name end end private_class_method :model_name_from_record_or_class end end