require "abstract_unit" require "active_support/log_subscriber/test_helper" class RespondToController < ActionController::Base layout :set_layout before_action { case params[:v] when String then request.variant = params[:v].to_sym when Array then request.variant = params[:v].map(&:to_sym) end } def html_xml_or_rss respond_to do |type| type.html { render body: "HTML" } type.xml { render body: "XML" } type.rss { render body: "RSS" } type.all { render body: "Nothing" } end end def js_or_html respond_to do |type| type.html { render body: "HTML" } type.js { render body: "JS" } type.all { render body: "Nothing" } end end def json_or_yaml respond_to do |type| type.json { render body: "JSON" } type.yaml { render body: "YAML" } end end def html_or_xml respond_to do |type| type.html { render body: "HTML" } type.xml { render body: "XML" } type.all { render body: "Nothing" } end end def json_xml_or_html respond_to do |type| type.json { render body: "JSON" } type.xml { render :xml => "XML" } type.html { render body: "HTML" } end end def forced_xml request.format = :xml respond_to do |type| type.html { render body: "HTML" } type.xml { render body: "XML" } end end def just_xml respond_to do |type| type.xml { render body: "XML" } end end def using_defaults respond_to do |type| type.html type.xml end end def missing_templates respond_to do |type| # This test requires a block that is empty type.json { } type.xml end end def using_defaults_with_type_list respond_to(:html, :xml) end def using_defaults_with_all respond_to do |type| type.html type.all { render body: "ALL" } end end def made_for_content_type respond_to do |type| type.rss { render body: "RSS" } type.atom { render body: "ATOM" } type.all { render body: "Nothing" } end end def custom_type_handling respond_to do |type| type.html { render body: "HTML" } type.custom("application/crazy-xml") { render body: "Crazy XML" } type.all { render body: "Nothing" } end end def custom_constant_handling respond_to do |type| type.html { render body: "HTML" } { render body: "Mobile" } end end def custom_constant_handling_without_block respond_to do |type| type.html { render body: "HTML" } end end def handle_any respond_to do |type| type.html { render body: "HTML" } type.any(:js, :xml) { render body: "Either JS or XML" } end end def handle_any_any respond_to do |type| type.html { render body: "HTML" } type.any { render body: "Whatever you ask for, I got it" } end end def all_types_with_layout respond_to do |type| type.html end end def json_with_callback respond_to do |type| type.json { render :json => "JS", :callback => "alert" } end end def iphone_with_html_response_type request.format = :iphone if request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] == "text/iphone" respond_to do |type| type.html { @type = "Firefox" } type.iphone { @type = "iPhone" } end end def iphone_with_html_response_type_without_layout request.format = "iphone" if request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] == "text/iphone" respond_to do |type| type.html { @type = "Firefox"; render :action => "iphone_with_html_response_type" } type.iphone { @type = "iPhone" ; render :action => "iphone_with_html_response_type" } end end def variant_with_implicit_template_rendering # This has exactly one variant template defined in the file system (+mobile.html.erb), # which raises the regular MissingTemplate error for other variants. end def variant_without_implicit_template_rendering # This differs from the above in that it does not have any templates defined in the file # system, which triggers the ImplicitRender (204 No Content) behavior. end def variant_with_format_and_custom_render request.variant = :mobile respond_to do |type| type.html { render body: "mobile" } end end def multiple_variants_for_format respond_to do |type| type.html do |html| html.tablet { render body: "tablet" } { render body: "phone" } end end end def variant_plus_none_for_format respond_to do |format| format.html do |variant| { render body: "phone" } variant.none end end end def variant_inline_syntax respond_to do |format| format.js { render body: "js" } format.html.none { render body: "none" } { render body: "phone" } end end def variant_inline_syntax_without_block respond_to do |format| format.js format.html.none end end def variant_any respond_to do |format| format.html do |variant| variant.any(:tablet, :phablet){ render body: "any" } { render body: "phone" } end end end def variant_any_any respond_to do |format| format.html do |variant| variant.any { render body: "any" } { render body: "phone" } end end end def variant_inline_any respond_to do |format| format.html.any(:tablet, :phablet){ render body: "any" } { render body: "phone" } end end def variant_inline_any_any respond_to do |format| { render body: "phone" } format.html.any { render body: "any" } end end def variant_any_implicit_render respond_to do |format| format.html.any(:tablet, :phablet) end end def variant_any_with_none respond_to do |format| format.html.any(:none, :phone){ render body: "none or phone" } end end def format_any_variant_any respond_to do |format| format.html { render body: "HTML" } format.any(:js, :xml) do |variant|{ render body: "phone" } variant.any(:tablet, :phablet){ render body: "tablet" } end end end protected def set_layout case action_name when "all_types_with_layout", "iphone_with_html_response_type" "respond_to/layouts/standard" when "iphone_with_html_response_type_without_layout" "respond_to/layouts/missing" end end end class RespondToControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase NO_CONTENT_WARNING = "No template found for RespondToController#variant_without_implicit_template_rendering, rendering head :no_content" def setup super = "" Mime::Type.register_alias("text/html", :iphone) Mime::Type.register("text/x-mobile", :mobile) end def teardown super Mime::Type.unregister(:iphone) Mime::Type.unregister(:mobile) end def test_html @request.accept = "text/html" get :js_or_html assert_equal "HTML", @response.body get :html_or_xml assert_equal "HTML", @response.body assert_raises(ActionController::UnknownFormat) do get :just_xml end end def test_all @request.accept = "*/*" get :js_or_html assert_equal "HTML", @response.body # js is not part of all get :html_or_xml assert_equal "HTML", @response.body get :just_xml assert_equal "XML", @response.body end def test_xml @request.accept = "application/xml" get :html_xml_or_rss assert_equal "XML", @response.body end def test_js_or_html @request.accept = "text/javascript, text/html" get :js_or_html, xhr: true assert_equal "JS", @response.body @request.accept = "text/javascript, text/html" get :html_or_xml, xhr: true assert_equal "HTML", @response.body @request.accept = "text/javascript, text/html" assert_raises(ActionController::UnknownFormat) do get :just_xml, xhr: true end end def test_json_or_yaml_with_leading_star_star @request.accept = "*/*, application/json" get :json_xml_or_html assert_equal "HTML", @response.body @request.accept = "*/* , application/json" get :json_xml_or_html assert_equal "HTML", @response.body end def test_json_or_yaml get :json_or_yaml, xhr: true assert_equal "JSON", @response.body get :json_or_yaml, format: "json" assert_equal "JSON", @response.body get :json_or_yaml, format: "yaml" assert_equal "YAML", @response.body { "YAML" => %w(text/yaml), "JSON" => %w(application/json text/x-json) }.each do |body, content_types| content_types.each do |content_type| @request.accept = content_type get :json_or_yaml assert_equal body, @response.body end end end def test_js_or_anything @request.accept = "text/javascript, */*" get :js_or_html, xhr: true assert_equal "JS", @response.body get :html_or_xml, xhr: true assert_equal "HTML", @response.body get :just_xml, xhr: true assert_equal "XML", @response.body end def test_using_defaults @request.accept = "*/*" get :using_defaults assert_equal "text/html", @response.content_type assert_equal "Hello world!", @response.body @request.accept = "application/xml" get :using_defaults assert_equal "application/xml", @response.content_type assert_equal "
Hello world!
\n", @response.body end def test_using_defaults_with_all @request.accept = "*/*" get :using_defaults_with_all assert_equal "HTML!", @response.body.strip @request.accept = "text/html" get :using_defaults_with_all assert_equal "HTML!", @response.body.strip @request.accept = "application/json" get :using_defaults_with_all assert_equal "ALL", @response.body end def test_using_defaults_with_type_list @request.accept = "*/*" get :using_defaults_with_type_list assert_equal "text/html", @response.content_type assert_equal "Hello world!", @response.body @request.accept = "application/xml" get :using_defaults_with_type_list assert_equal "application/xml", @response.content_type assert_equal "Hello world!
\n", @response.body end def test_with_atom_content_type @request.accept = "" @request.env["CONTENT_TYPE"] = "application/atom+xml" get :made_for_content_type, xhr: true assert_equal "ATOM", @response.body end def test_with_rss_content_type @request.accept = "" @request.env["CONTENT_TYPE"] = "application/rss+xml" get :made_for_content_type, xhr: true assert_equal "RSS", @response.body end def test_synonyms @request.accept = "application/javascript" get :js_or_html assert_equal "JS", @response.body @request.accept = "application/x-xml" get :html_xml_or_rss assert_equal "XML", @response.body end def test_custom_types @request.accept = "application/crazy-xml" get :custom_type_handling assert_equal "application/crazy-xml", @response.content_type assert_equal "Crazy XML", @response.body @request.accept = "text/html" get :custom_type_handling assert_equal "text/html", @response.content_type assert_equal "HTML", @response.body end def test_xhtml_alias @request.accept = "application/xhtml+xml,application/xml" get :html_or_xml assert_equal "HTML", @response.body end def test_firefox_simulation @request.accept = "text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5" get :html_or_xml assert_equal "HTML", @response.body end def test_handle_any @request.accept = "*/*" get :handle_any assert_equal "HTML", @response.body @request.accept = "text/javascript" get :handle_any assert_equal "Either JS or XML", @response.body @request.accept = "text/xml" get :handle_any assert_equal "Either JS or XML", @response.body end def test_handle_any_any @request.accept = "*/*" get :handle_any_any assert_equal "HTML", @response.body end def test_handle_any_any_parameter_format get :handle_any_any, format: "html" assert_equal "HTML", @response.body end def test_handle_any_any_explicit_html @request.accept = "text/html" get :handle_any_any assert_equal "HTML", @response.body end def test_handle_any_any_javascript @request.accept = "text/javascript" get :handle_any_any assert_equal "Whatever you ask for, I got it", @response.body end def test_handle_any_any_xml @request.accept = "text/xml" get :handle_any_any assert_equal "Whatever you ask for, I got it", @response.body end def test_handle_any_any_unkown_format get :handle_any_any, format: "php" assert_equal "Whatever you ask for, I got it", @response.body end def test_browser_check_with_any_any @request.accept = "application/json, application/xml" get :json_xml_or_html assert_equal "JSON", @response.body @request.accept = "application/json, application/xml, */*" get :json_xml_or_html assert_equal "HTML", @response.body end def test_html_type_with_layout @request.accept = "text/html" get :all_types_with_layout assert_equal '