require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank' require 'action_controller' require 'action_controller/test_case' require 'action_view' module ActionView # = Action View Test Case class TestCase < ActiveSupport::TestCase class TestController < ActionController::Base include ActionDispatch::TestProcess attr_accessor :request, :response, :params class << self attr_writer :controller_path end def controller_path=(path) self.class.controller_path=(path) end def initialize super self.class.controller_path = "" @request = @response = @request.env.delete('PATH_INFO') @params = {} end end module Behavior extend ActiveSupport::Concern include ActionDispatch::Assertions, ActionDispatch::TestProcess include ActionController::TemplateAssertions include ActionView::Context include ActionDispatch::Routing::PolymorphicRoutes include ActionController::RecordIdentifier include AbstractController::Helpers include ActionView::Helpers attr_accessor :controller, :output_buffer, :rendered module ClassMethods def tests(helper_class) self.helper_class = helper_class end def determine_default_helper_class(name) mod = name.sub(/Test$/, '').constantize mod.is_a?(Class) ? nil : mod rescue NameError nil end def helper_method(*methods) # Almost a duplicate from ActionController::Helpers methods.flatten.each do |method| _helpers.module_eval <<-end_eval def #{method}(*args, &block) # def current_user(*args, &block) _test_case.send(%(#{method}), *args, &block) # test_case.send(%(current_user), *args, &block) end # end end_eval end end attr_writer :helper_class def helper_class @helper_class ||= determine_default_helper_class(name) end def new(*) include_helper_modules! super end private def include_helper_modules! helper(helper_class) if helper_class include _helpers end end def setup_with_controller @controller = @request = @controller.request @output_buffer = @rendered = '' make_test_case_available_to_view! say_no_to_protect_against_forgery! end def config @controller.config if @controller.respond_to?(:config) end def render(options = {}, local_assigns = {}, &block) view.assign(view_assigns) @rendered << output = view.render(options, local_assigns, &block) output end def locals @locals ||= {} end included do setup :setup_with_controller end private # Support the selector assertions # # Need to experiment if this priority is the best one: rendered => output_buffer def response_from_page_or_rjs ? @output_buffer : @rendered).root end def say_no_to_protect_against_forgery! _helpers.module_eval do remove_method :protect_against_forgery? if method_defined?(:protect_against_forgery?) def protect_against_forgery? false end end end def make_test_case_available_to_view! test_case_instance = self _helpers.module_eval do unless private_method_defined?(:_test_case) define_method(:_test_case) { test_case_instance } private :_test_case end end end module Locals attr_accessor :locals def _render_partial(options) locals[options[:partial]] = options[:locals] super(options) end end # The instance of ActionView::Base that is used by +render+. def view @view ||= begin view = @controller.view_context view.singleton_class.send :include, _helpers view.extend(Locals) view.locals = self.locals view.output_buffer = self.output_buffer view end end alias_method :_view, :view INTERNAL_IVARS = %w{ @__name__ @_assertion_wrapped @_assertions @_result @_routes @controller @layouts @locals @method_name @output_buffer @partials @passed @rendered @request @routes @templates @test_passed @view @view_context_class } def _user_defined_ivars - INTERNAL_IVARS end # Returns a Hash of instance variables and their values, as defined by # the user in the test case, which are then assigned to the view being # rendered. This is generally intended for internal use and extension # frameworks. def view_assigns Hash[ do |var| [var[1, var.length].to_sym, instance_variable_get(var)] end] end def _assigns ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn "ActionView::TestCase#_assigns is deprecated and will be removed in future versions. " << "Please use view_assigns instead." view_assigns end def _routes @controller._routes if @controller.respond_to?(:_routes) end def method_missing(selector, *args) if @controller.respond_to?(:_routes) && @controller._routes.named_routes.helpers.include?(selector) @controller.__send__(selector, *args) else super end end end include Behavior end end