# frozen_string_literal: true require "active_support/callbacks" require "active_support/core_ext/object/with_options" require "active_support/core_ext/module/attribute_accessors" module ActiveJob # = Active Job Callbacks # # Active Job provides hooks during the life cycle of a job. Callbacks allow you # to trigger logic during this cycle. Available callbacks are: # # * before_enqueue # * around_enqueue # * after_enqueue # * before_perform # * around_perform # * after_perform # # NOTE: Calling the same callback multiple times will overwrite previous callback definitions. # module Callbacks extend ActiveSupport::Concern include ActiveSupport::Callbacks class << self include ActiveSupport::Callbacks define_callbacks :execute end included do class_attribute :return_false_on_aborted_enqueue, instance_accessor: false, instance_predicate: false, default: false singleton_class.deprecate :return_false_on_aborted_enqueue, :return_false_on_aborted_enqueue= cattr_accessor :skip_after_callbacks_if_terminated, instance_accessor: false, default: false with_options(skip_after_callbacks_if_terminated: skip_after_callbacks_if_terminated) do define_callbacks :perform define_callbacks :enqueue end end # These methods will be included into any Active Job object, adding # callbacks for +perform+ and +enqueue+ methods. module ClassMethods def inherited(klass) klass.get_callbacks(:enqueue).config[:skip_after_callbacks_if_terminated] = skip_after_callbacks_if_terminated klass.get_callbacks(:perform).config[:skip_after_callbacks_if_terminated] = skip_after_callbacks_if_terminated super end # Defines a callback that will get called right before the # job's perform method is executed. # # class VideoProcessJob < ActiveJob::Base # queue_as :default # # before_perform do |job| # UserMailer.notify_video_started_processing(job.arguments.first) # end # # def perform(video_id) # Video.find(video_id).process # end # end # def before_perform(*filters, &blk) set_callback(:perform, :before, *filters, &blk) end # Defines a callback that will get called right after the # job's perform method has finished. # # class VideoProcessJob < ActiveJob::Base # queue_as :default # # after_perform do |job| # UserMailer.notify_video_processed(job.arguments.first) # end # # def perform(video_id) # Video.find(video_id).process # end # end # def after_perform(*filters, &blk) set_callback(:perform, :after, *filters, &blk) end # Defines a callback that will get called around the job's perform method. # # class VideoProcessJob < ActiveJob::Base # queue_as :default # # around_perform do |job, block| # UserMailer.notify_video_started_processing(job.arguments.first) # block.call # UserMailer.notify_video_processed(job.arguments.first) # end # # def perform(video_id) # Video.find(video_id).process # end # end # # You can access the return value of the job only if the execution wasn't halted. # # class VideoProcessJob < ActiveJob::Base # around_perform do |job, block| # value = block.call # puts value # => "Hello World!" # end # # def perform # "Hello World!" # end # end # def around_perform(*filters, &blk) set_callback(:perform, :around, *filters, &blk) end # Defines a callback that will get called right before the # job is enqueued. # # class VideoProcessJob < ActiveJob::Base # queue_as :default # # before_enqueue do |job| # $statsd.increment "enqueue-video-job.try" # end # # def perform(video_id) # Video.find(video_id).process # end # end # def before_enqueue(*filters, &blk) set_callback(:enqueue, :before, *filters, &blk) end # Defines a callback that will get called right after the # job is enqueued. # # class VideoProcessJob < ActiveJob::Base # queue_as :default # # after_enqueue do |job| # $statsd.increment "enqueue-video-job.success" # end # # def perform(video_id) # Video.find(video_id).process # end # end # def after_enqueue(*filters, &blk) set_callback(:enqueue, :after, *filters, &blk) end # Defines a callback that will get called around the enqueuing # of the job. # # class VideoProcessJob < ActiveJob::Base # queue_as :default # # around_enqueue do |job, block| # $statsd.time "video-job.process" do # block.call # end # end # # def perform(video_id) # Video.find(video_id).process # end # end # def around_enqueue(*filters, &blk) set_callback(:enqueue, :around, *filters, &blk) end end private def halted_callback_hook(_filter, name) # :nodoc: return super unless %i(enqueue perform).include?(name.to_sym) callbacks = public_send("_#{name}_callbacks") if !self.class.skip_after_callbacks_if_terminated && callbacks.any? { |c| c.kind == :after } ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(<<~EOM) In Rails 6.2, `after_enqueue`/`after_perform` callbacks no longer run if `before_enqueue`/`before_perform` respectively halts with `throw :abort`. To enable this behavior, uncomment the `config.active_job.skip_after_callbacks_if_terminated` config in the new 6.1 framework defaults initializer. EOM end super end end end