module ActionController module Routing #:nodoc: class << self def expiry_hash(options, recall) k = v = nil expire_on = {} options.each {|k, v| expire_on[k] = ((rcv = recall[k]) && (rcv != v))} expire_on end def extract_parameter_value(parameter) #:nodoc: CGI.escape((parameter.respond_to?(:to_param) ? parameter.to_param : parameter).to_s) end def controller_relative_to(controller, previous) if controller.nil? then previous elsif controller[0] == ?/ then controller[1..-1] elsif %r{^(.*)/} =~ previous then "#{$1}/#{controller}" else controller end end def treat_hash(hash, keys_to_delete = []) k = v = nil hash.each do |k, v| if v then hash[k] = (v.respond_to? :to_param) ? v.to_param.to_s : v.to_s else hash.delete k keys_to_delete << k end end hash end def test_condition(expression, condition) case condition when String then "(#{expression} == #{condition.inspect})" when Regexp then condition ="^#{condition.source}$") unless /^\^.*\$$/ =~ condition.source "(#{condition.inspect} =~ #{expression})" when Array then conds = condition.collect do |condition| cond = test_condition(expression, condition) (cond[0, 1] == '(' && cond[-1, 1] == ')') ? cond : "(#{cond})" end "(#{conds.join(' || ')})" when true then expression when nil then "! #{expression}" else raise ArgumentError, "Valid criteria are strings, regular expressions, true, or nil" end end end class Component #:nodoc: def dynamic?() false end def optional?() false end def key() nil end def, *args) return super(string, *args) unless self == Component case string when ':controller' then, *args) when /^:(\w+)$/ then$1, *args) when /^\*(\w+)$/ then$1, *args) else, *args) end end end class StaticComponent < Component #:nodoc: attr_reader :value def initialize(value) @value = value end def write_recognition(g) g.if_next_matches(value) do |gp| gp.move_forward {|gpp| gpp.continue} end end def write_generation(g) g.add_segment(value) {|gp| gp.continue } end end class DynamicComponent < Component #:nodoc: attr_reader :key, :default attr_accessor :condition def dynamic?() true end def optional?() @optional end def default=(default) @optional = true @default = default end def initialize(key, options = {}) @key = key.to_sym @optional = false default, @condition = options[:default], options[:condition] self.default = default if options.key?(:default) end def default_check(g) presence = "#{g.hash_value(key, !! default)}" if default "!(#{presence} && #{g.hash_value(key, false)} != #{default.to_s.inspect})" else "! #{presence}" end end def write_generation(g) wrote_dropout = write_dropout_generation(g) write_continue_generation(g, wrote_dropout) end def write_dropout_generation(g) return false unless optional? && g.after.all? {|c| c.optional?} check = [default_check(g)] gp = g.dup # Use another generator to write the conditions after the first && # We do this to ensure that the generator will not assume x_value is set. It will # not be set if it follows a false condition -- for example, false && (x = 2) check += {|c| c.default_check gp} gp.if(check.join(' && ')) { gp.finish } # If this condition is met, we stop here true end def write_continue_generation(g, use_else) test = Routing.test_condition(g.hash_value(key, true, default), condition || true) check = (use_else && condition.nil? && default) ? [:else] : [use_else ? :elsif : :if, test] g.send(*check) do |gp| gp.expire_for_keys(key) unless gp.after.empty? add_segments_to(gp) {|gpp| gpp.continue} end end def add_segments_to(g) g.add_segment(%(\#{CGI.escape(#{g.hash_value(key, true, default)})})) {|gp| yield gp} end def recognition_check(g) test_type = [true, nil].include?(condition) ? :presence : :constraint prefix = condition.is_a?(Regexp) ? "#{g.next_segment(true)} && " : '' check = prefix + Routing.test_condition(g.next_segment(true), condition || true) g.if(check) {|gp| yield gp, test_type} end def write_recognition(g) test_type = nil recognition_check(g) do |gp, test_type| assign_result(gp) {|gpp| gpp.continue} end if optional? && g.after.all? {|c| c.optional?} call = (test_type == :presence) ? [:else] : [:elsif, "! #{g.next_segment(true)}"] g.send(*call) do |gp| assign_default(gp) gp.after.each {|c| c.assign_default(gp)} gp.finish(false) end end end def assign_result(g, with_default = false) g.result key, "CGI.unescape(#{g.next_segment(true, with_default ? default : nil)})" g.move_forward {|gp| yield gp} end def assign_default(g) g.constant_result key, default unless default.nil? end end class ControllerComponent < DynamicComponent #:nodoc: def key() :controller end def add_segments_to(g) g.add_segment(%(\#{#{g.hash_value(key, true, default)}})) {|gp| yield gp} end def recognition_check(g) g << "controller_result = ::ActionController::Routing::ControllerComponent.traverse_to_controller(#{g.path_name}, #{g.index_name})" g.if('controller_result') do |gp| gp << 'controller_value, segments_to_controller = controller_result' if condition gp << "controller_path = #{gp.path_name}[#{gp.index_name},segments_to_controller].join('/')" gp.if(Routing.test_condition("controller_path", condition)) do |gpp| gpp.move_forward('segments_to_controller') {|gppp| yield gppp, :constraint} end else gp.move_forward('segments_to_controller') {|gpp| yield gpp, :constraint} end end end def assign_result(g) g.result key, 'controller_value' yield g end def assign_default(g) ControllerComponent.assign_controller(g, default) end class << self def assign_controller(g, controller) expr = "::#{controller.split('/').collect {|c| c.camelize}.join('::')}Controller" g.result :controller, expr, true end def traverse_to_controller(segments, start_at = 0) mod = ::Object length = segments.length index = start_at mod_name = controller_name = segment = nil while index < length return nil unless /^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z\d_]*$/ =~ (segment = segments[index]) index += 1 mod_name = segment.camelize controller_name = "#{mod_name}Controller" suppress(NameError) do controller = eval("mod::#{controller_name}", nil, __FILE__, __LINE__) # Detect the case when const_get returns an object from a parent namespace. if mod == Object || == "#{}::#{controller_name}" return controller, (index - start_at) end end mod = suppress(NameError) do next_mod = eval("mod::#{mod_name}", nil, __FILE__, __LINE__) # Check that we didn't get a module from a parent namespace (mod == Object || == "#{}::#{mod_name}") ? next_mod : nil end raise RoutingError, "Cannot find controller: Dropped out at #{segments[start_at..index] * '/'}" unless mod end end end end class PathComponent < DynamicComponent #:nodoc: def optional?() true end def default() [] end def condition() nil end def default=(value) raise RoutingError, "All path components have an implicit default of []" unless value == [] end def write_generation(g) raise RoutingError, 'Path components must occur last' unless g.after.empty? g.if("#{g.hash_value(key, true)} && ! #{g.hash_value(key, true)}.empty?") do g << "#{g.hash_value(key, true)} = #{g.hash_value(key, true)}.join('/') unless #{g.hash_value(key, true)}.is_a?(String)" g.add_segment("\#{CGI.escape_skipping_slashes(#{g.hash_value(key, true)})}") {|gp| gp.finish } end g.else { g.finish } end def write_recognition(g) raise RoutingError, "Path components must occur last" unless g.after.empty? start = g.index_name start = "(#{start})" unless /^\w+$/ =~ start value_expr = "#{g.path_name}[#{start}..-1] || []" g.result key, "ActionController::Routing::PathComponent::Result.new_escaped(#{value_expr})" g.finish(false) end class Result < ::Array #:nodoc: def to_s() join '/' end def self.new_escaped(strings) new strings.collect {|str| CGI.unescape str} end end end class Route #:nodoc: attr_accessor :components, :known attr_reader :path, :options, :keys, :defaults def initialize(path, options = {}) @path, @options = path, options initialize_components path defaults, conditions = initialize_hashes options.dup @defaults = defaults.dup configure_components(defaults, conditions) add_default_requirements initialize_keys end def inspect "<#{self.class} #{path.inspect}, #{options.inspect[1..-1]}>" end def write_generation(generator = generator.before, generator.current, generator.after = [], components.first, (components[1..-1] || []) if known.empty? then generator.go else # Alter the conditions to allow :action => 'index' to also catch :action => nil altered_known = known.collect do |k, v| if k == :action && v== 'index' then [k, [nil, 'index']] else [k, v] end end generator.if(generator.check_conditions(altered_known)) {|gp| gp.go } end generator end def write_recognition(generator = g = generator.dup g.share_locals_with generator g.before, g.current, g.after = [], components.first, (components[1..-1] || []) known.each do |key, value| if key == :controller then ControllerComponent.assign_controller(g, value) else g.constant_result(key, value) end end g.go generator end def initialize_keys @keys = (components.collect {|c| c.key} + known.keys).compact @keys.freeze end def extra_keys(options) options.keys - @keys end def matches_controller?(controller) if known[:controller] then known[:controller] == controller else c = components.find {|c| c.key == :controller} return false unless c return c.condition.nil? || eval(Routing.test_condition('controller', c.condition)) end end protected def initialize_components(path) path = path.split('/') if path.is_a? String path.shift if path.first.blank? self.components = path.collect {|str| str} end def initialize_hashes(options) path_keys = components.collect {|c| c.key }.compact self.known = {} defaults = options.delete(:defaults) || {} conditions = options.delete(:require) || {} conditions.update(options.delete(:requirements) || {}) options.each do |k, v| if path_keys.include?(k) then (v.is_a?(Regexp) ? conditions : defaults)[k] = v else known[k] = v end end [defaults, conditions] end def configure_components(defaults, conditions) components.each do |component| if defaults.key?(component.key) then component.default = defaults[component.key] elsif component.key == :action then component.default = 'index' elsif component.key == :id then component.default = nil end component.condition = conditions[component.key] if conditions.key?(component.key) end end def add_default_requirements component_keys = components.collect {|c| c.key} known[:action] ||= 'index' unless component_keys.include? :action end end class RouteSet #:nodoc: attr_reader :routes, :categories, :controller_to_selector def initialize @routes = [] @generation_methods = end def generate(options, request_or_recall_hash = {}) recall = request_or_recall_hash.is_a?(Hash) ? request_or_recall_hash : request_or_recall_hash.symbolized_path_parameters use_recall = true controller = options[:controller] options[:action] ||= 'index' if controller recall_controller = recall[:controller] if (recall_controller && recall_controller.include?(?/)) || (controller && controller.include?(?/)) recall = {} if controller && controller[0] == ?/ options[:controller] = Routing.controller_relative_to(controller, recall_controller) end options = recall.dup if options.empty? # XXX move to url_rewriter? keys_to_delete = [] Routing.treat_hash(options, keys_to_delete) merged = recall.merge(options) keys_to_delete.each {|key| merged.delete key} expire_on = Routing.expiry_hash(options, recall) generate_path(merged, options, expire_on) end def generate_path(merged, options, expire_on) send @generation_methods[merged[:controller]], merged, options, expire_on end def generate_default_path(*args) write_generation generate_default_path(*args) end def write_generation method_sources = [] @generation_methods = categorize_routes.each do |controller, routes| next unless routes.length < @routes.length ivar = controller.gsub('/', '__') method_name = "generate_path_for_#{ivar}".to_sym instance_variable_set "@#{ivar}", routes code = generation_code_for(ivar, method_name).to_s method_sources << code filename = "generated_code/routing/generation_for_controller_#{controller}.rb" eval(code, nil, filename) @generation_methods[controller.to_s] = method_name @generation_methods[controller.to_sym] = method_name end code = generation_code_for('routes', 'generate_default_path').to_s eval(code, nil, 'generated_code/routing/generation.rb') return (method_sources << code) end def recognize(request) string_path = request.path string_path.chomp! if string_path[0] == ?/ path = string_path.split '/' path.shift hash = recognize_path(path) return recognition_failed(request) unless hash && hash['controller'] controller = hash['controller'] hash['controller'] = controller.controller_path request.path_parameters = hash end alias :recognize! :recognize def recognition_failed(request) raise ActionController::RoutingError, "Recognition failed for #{request.path.inspect}" end def write_recognition g = generator = g.finish_statement = {|hash_expr| "return #{hash_expr}"} g.def "self.recognize_path(path)" do each do |route| g << 'index = 0' route.write_recognition(g) end end eval g.to_s, nil, 'generated/routing/recognition.rb' return g.to_s end def generation_code_for(ivar = 'routes', method_name = nil) routes = instance_variable_get('@' + ivar) key_ivar = "@keys_for_#{ivar}" instance_variable_set(key_ivar, routes.collect {|route| route.keys}) g = generator = g.def "self.#{method_name}(merged, options, expire_on)" do g << 'unused_count = options.length + 1' g << "unused_keys = keys = options.keys" g << 'path = nil' routes.each_with_index do |route, index| g << "new_unused_keys = keys - #{key_ivar}[#{index}]" g << 'new_path = (' g.source.indent do if g << "new_unused_count = new_unused_keys.length" g << "hash = merged; not_expired = true" route.write_generation(g.dup) else g.if "(new_unused_count = new_unused_keys.length) < unused_count" do |gp| gp << "hash = merged; not_expired = true" route.write_generation(gp) end end end g.source.lines.last << ' )' # Add the closing brace to the end line g.if 'new_path' do g << 'return new_path, [] if' g << 'path = new_path; unused_keys = new_unused_keys; unused_count = new_unused_count' end end g << "raise RoutingError, \"No url can be generated for the hash \#{options.inspect}\" unless path" g << "return path, unused_keys" end return g end def categorize_routes @categorized_routes = by_controller = known_controllers.each do |name| set = by_controller[name] = [] each do |route| set << route if route.matches_controller? name end end @categorized_routes end def known_controllers @routes.inject([]) do |known, route| if (controller = route.known[:controller]) if controller.is_a?(Regexp) known << controller.source.scan(%r{[\w\d/]+}).select {|word| controller =~ word} else known << controller end end known end.uniq end def reload NamedRoutes.clear if defined?(RAILS_ROOT) then load(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'config', 'routes.rb')) else connect(':controller/:action/:id', :action => 'index', :id => nil) end NamedRoutes.install end def connect(*args) new_route =*args) @routes << new_route return new_route end def draw old_routes = @routes @routes = [] begin yield self rescue @routes = old_routes raise end write_generation write_recognition end def empty?() @routes.empty? end def each(&block) @routes.each(&block) end # Defines a new named route with the provided name and arguments. # This method need only be used when you wish to use a name that a RouteSet instance # method exists for, such as categories. # # For example, map.categories '/categories', :controller => 'categories' will not work # due to RouteSet#categories. def named_route(name, path, hash = {}) route = connect(path, hash) NamedRoutes.name_route(route, name) route end def method_missing(name, *args) (1..2).include?(args.length) ? named_route(name, *args) : super(name, *args) end def extra_keys(options, recall = {}) generate(options.dup, recall).last end end module NamedRoutes #:nodoc: Helpers = [] class << self def clear() Helpers.clear end def hash_access_name(name) "hash_for_#{name}_url" end def url_helper_name(name) "#{name}_url" end def known_hash_for_route(route) hash = route.known.symbolize_keys route.defaults.each do |key, value| hash[key.to_sym] ||= value if value end hash[:controller] = "/#{hash[:controller]}" hash end def define_hash_access_method(route, name) hash = known_hash_for_route(route) define_method(hash_access_name(name)) do |*args| args.first ? hash.merge(args.first) : hash end end def name_route(route, name) define_hash_access_method(route, name) module_eval(%{def #{url_helper_name name}(options = {}) url_for(#{hash_access_name(name)}.merge(options)) end}, "generated/routing/named_routes/#{name}.rb") protected url_helper_name(name), hash_access_name(name) Helpers << url_helper_name(name).to_sym Helpers << hash_access_name(name).to_sym Helpers.uniq! end def install(cls = ActionController::Base) cls.send :include, self if cls.respond_to? :helper_method Helpers.each do |helper_name| cls.send :helper_method, helper_name end end end end end Routes = end end