require "isolation/abstract_unit" class LoadingTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation def setup build_app end def teardown teardown_app end def app @app ||= Rails.application end test "constants in app are autoloaded" do app_file "app/models/post.rb", <<-MODEL class Post < ActiveRecord::Base validates_acceptance_of :title, accept: "omg" end MODEL require "#{rails_root}/config/environment" setup_ar! p = Post.create(title: "omg") assert_equal 1, Post.count assert_equal "omg", p.title p = Post.first assert_equal "omg", p.title end test "concerns in app are autoloaded" do app_file "app/controllers/concerns/trackable.rb", <<-CONCERN module Trackable end CONCERN app_file "app/mailers/concerns/email_loggable.rb", <<-CONCERN module EmailLoggable end CONCERN app_file "app/models/concerns/orderable.rb", <<-CONCERN module Orderable end CONCERN app_file "app/validators/concerns/matchable.rb", <<-CONCERN module Matchable end CONCERN require "#{rails_root}/config/environment" assert_nothing_raised { Trackable } assert_nothing_raised { EmailLoggable } assert_nothing_raised { Orderable } assert_nothing_raised { Matchable } end test "models without table do not panic on scope definitions when loaded" do app_file "app/models/user.rb", <<-MODEL class User < ActiveRecord::Base default_scope { where(published: true) } end MODEL require "#{rails_root}/config/environment" setup_ar! User end test "load config/environments/environment before Bootstrap initializers" do app_file "config/environments/development.rb", <<-RUBY Rails.application.configure do config.development_environment_loaded = true end RUBY add_to_config <<-RUBY config.before_initialize do config.loaded = config.development_environment_loaded end RUBY require "#{app_path}/config/environment" assert ::Rails.application.config.loaded end test "descendants loaded after framework initialization are cleaned on each request without cache classes" do add_to_config <<-RUBY config.cache_classes = false config.reload_classes_only_on_change = false RUBY app_file "app/models/post.rb", <<-MODEL class Post < ActiveRecord::Base end MODEL app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY Rails.application.routes.draw do get '/load', to: lambda { |env| [200, {}, Post.all] } get '/unload', to: lambda { |env| [200, {}, []] } end RUBY require "rack/test" extend Rack::Test::Methods require "#{rails_root}/config/environment" setup_ar! assert_equal [ActiveStorage::Blob, ActiveStorage::Attachment, ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration, ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata].sort, ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.sort get "/load" assert_equal [ActiveStorage::Blob, ActiveStorage::Attachment, ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration, ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata, Post].sort, ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.sort get "/unload" assert_equal [ActiveStorage::Blob, ActiveStorage::Attachment, ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration, ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata].sort, ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.sort end test "initialize cant be called twice" do require "#{app_path}/config/environment" assert_raise(RuntimeError) { Rails.application.initialize! } end test "reload constants on development" do add_to_config <<-RUBY config.cache_classes = false RUBY app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY Rails.application.routes.draw do get '/c', to: lambda { |env| [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, [User.counter.to_s]] } end RUBY app_file "app/models/user.rb", <<-MODEL class User def self.counter; 1; end end MODEL require "rack/test" extend Rack::Test::Methods require "#{rails_root}/config/environment" get "/c" assert_equal "1", last_response.body app_file "app/models/user.rb", <<-MODEL class User def self.counter; 2; end end MODEL get "/c" assert_equal "2", last_response.body end test "does not reload constants on development if custom file watcher always returns false" do add_to_config <<-RUBY config.cache_classes = false config.file_watcher = do def initialize(*); end def updated?; false; end def execute; end def execute_if_updated; false; end end RUBY app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY Rails.application.routes.draw do get '/c', to: lambda { |env| [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, [User.counter.to_s]] } end RUBY app_file "app/models/user.rb", <<-MODEL class User def self.counter; 1; end end MODEL require "rack/test" extend Rack::Test::Methods require "#{rails_root}/config/environment" get "/c" assert_equal "1", last_response.body app_file "app/models/user.rb", <<-MODEL class User def self.counter; 2; end end MODEL get "/c" assert_equal "1", last_response.body end test "added files (like db/schema.rb) also trigger reloading" do add_to_config <<-RUBY config.cache_classes = false RUBY app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY $counter ||= 0 Rails.application.routes.draw do get '/c', to: lambda { |env|; [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, [$counter.to_s]] } end RUBY app_file "app/models/user.rb", <<-MODEL class User $counter += 1 end MODEL require "rack/test" extend Rack::Test::Methods require "#{rails_root}/config/environment" get "/c" assert_equal "1", last_response.body app_file "db/schema.rb", "" get "/c" assert_equal "2", last_response.body end test "dependencies reloading is followed by routes reloading" do add_to_config <<-RUBY config.cache_classes = false RUBY app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY $counter ||= 1 $counter *= 2 Rails.application.routes.draw do get '/c', to: lambda { |env|; [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, [$counter.to_s]] } end RUBY app_file "app/models/user.rb", <<-MODEL class User $counter += 1 end MODEL require "rack/test" extend Rack::Test::Methods require "#{rails_root}/config/environment" get "/c" assert_equal "3", last_response.body app_file "db/schema.rb", "" get "/c" assert_equal "7", last_response.body end test "columns migrations also trigger reloading" do add_to_config <<-RUBY config.cache_classes = false RUBY app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY Rails.application.routes.draw do get '/title', to: lambda { |env| [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, []] } get '/body', to: lambda { |env| [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, []] } end RUBY app_file "app/models/post.rb", <<-MODEL class Post < ActiveRecord::Base end MODEL require "rack/test" extend Rack::Test::Methods app_file "db/migrate/1_create_posts.rb", <<-MIGRATION class CreatePosts < ActiveRecord::Migration::Current def change create_table :posts do |t| t.string :title, default: "TITLE" end end end MIGRATION Dir.chdir(app_path) { `rake db:migrate` } require "#{rails_root}/config/environment" get "/title" assert_equal "TITLE", last_response.body app_file "db/migrate/2_add_body_to_posts.rb", <<-MIGRATION class AddBodyToPosts < ActiveRecord::Migration::Current def change add_column :posts, :body, :text, default: "BODY" end end MIGRATION Dir.chdir(app_path) { `rake db:migrate` } get "/body" assert_equal "BODY", last_response.body end test "AC load hooks can be used with metal" do app_file "app/controllers/omg_controller.rb", <<-RUBY begin class OmgController < ActionController::Metal ActiveSupport.run_load_hooks(:action_controller, self) def show self.response_body = ["OK"] end end rescue => e puts "Error loading metal: \#{e.class} \#{e.message}" end RUBY app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY Rails.application.routes.draw do get "/:controller(/:action)" end RUBY require "#{rails_root}/config/environment" require "rack/test" extend Rack::Test::Methods get "/omg/show" assert_equal "OK", last_response.body end def test_initialize_can_be_called_at_any_time require "#{app_path}/config/application" assert !Rails.initialized? assert !Rails.application.initialized? Rails.initialize! assert Rails.initialized? assert Rails.application.initialized? end private def setup_ar! ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: "sqlite3", database: ":memory:") ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = false ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 1) do create_table :posts do |t| t.string :title end end end end