# frozen_string_literal: true require "abstract_unit" require "controller/fake_controllers" require "rails/engine" class SessionTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase StubApp = lambda { |env| [200, { "Content-Type" => "text/html", "Content-Length" => "13" }, ["Hello, World!"]] } def setup @session = ActionDispatch::Integration::Session.new(StubApp) end def test_https_bang_works_and_sets_truth_by_default assert_not_predicate @session, :https? @session.https! assert_predicate @session, :https? @session.https! false assert_not_predicate @session, :https? end def test_host! assert_not_equal "glu.ttono.us", @session.host @session.host! "rubyonrails.com" assert_equal "rubyonrails.com", @session.host end def test_follow_redirect_raises_when_no_redirect @session.stub :redirect?, false do assert_raise(RuntimeError) { @session.follow_redirect! } end end def test_get path = "/index"; params = "blah"; headers = { location: "blah" } assert_called_with @session, :process, [:get, path, params: params, headers: headers] do @session.get(path, params: params, headers: headers) end end def test_get_with_env_and_headers path = "/index"; params = "blah"; headers = { location: "blah" }; env = { "HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH" => "XMLHttpRequest" } assert_called_with @session, :process, [:get, path, params: params, headers: headers, env: env] do @session.get(path, params: params, headers: headers, env: env) end end def test_post path = "/index"; params = "blah"; headers = { location: "blah" } assert_called_with @session, :process, [:post, path, params: params, headers: headers] do @session.post(path, params: params, headers: headers) end end def test_patch path = "/index"; params = "blah"; headers = { location: "blah" } assert_called_with @session, :process, [:patch, path, params: params, headers: headers] do @session.patch(path, params: params, headers: headers) end end def test_put path = "/index"; params = "blah"; headers = { location: "blah" } assert_called_with @session, :process, [:put, path, params: params, headers: headers] do @session.put(path, params: params, headers: headers) end end def test_delete path = "/index"; params = "blah"; headers = { location: "blah" } assert_called_with @session, :process, [:delete, path, params: params, headers: headers] do @session.delete(path, params: params, headers: headers) end end def test_head path = "/index"; params = "blah"; headers = { location: "blah" } assert_called_with @session, :process, [:head, path, params: params, headers: headers] do @session.head(path, params: params, headers: headers) end end def test_xml_http_request_get path = "/index"; params = "blah"; headers = { location: "blah" } assert_called_with @session, :process, [:get, path, params: params, headers: headers, xhr: true] do @session.get(path, params: params, headers: headers, xhr: true) end end def test_xml_http_request_post path = "/index"; params = "blah"; headers = { location: "blah" } assert_called_with @session, :process, [:post, path, params: params, headers: headers, xhr: true] do @session.post(path, params: params, headers: headers, xhr: true) end end def test_xml_http_request_patch path = "/index"; params = "blah"; headers = { location: "blah" } assert_called_with @session, :process, [:patch, path, params: params, headers: headers, xhr: true] do @session.patch(path, params: params, headers: headers, xhr: true) end end def test_xml_http_request_put path = "/index"; params = "blah"; headers = { location: "blah" } assert_called_with @session, :process, [:put, path, params: params, headers: headers, xhr: true] do @session.put(path, params: params, headers: headers, xhr: true) end end def test_xml_http_request_delete path = "/index"; params = "blah"; headers = { location: "blah" } assert_called_with @session, :process, [:delete, path, params: params, headers: headers, xhr: true] do @session.delete(path, params: params, headers: headers, xhr: true) end end def test_xml_http_request_head path = "/index"; params = "blah"; headers = { location: "blah" } assert_called_with @session, :process, [:head, path, params: params, headers: headers, xhr: true] do @session.head(path, params: params, headers: headers, xhr: true) end end end class IntegrationTestTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def setup @test = ::ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest.new(:app) end def test_opens_new_session session1 = @test.open_session { |sess| } session2 = @test.open_session # implicit session assert_not session1.equal?(session2) end def test_child_session_assertions_bubble_up_to_root assertions_before = @test.assertions @test.open_session.assert(true) assertions_after = @test.assertions assert_equal 1, assertions_after - assertions_before end # RSpec mixes Matchers (which has a #method_missing) into # IntegrationTest's superclass. Make sure IntegrationTest does not # try to delegate these methods to the session object. def test_does_not_prevent_method_missing_passing_up_to_ancestors mixin = Module.new do def method_missing(name, *args) name.to_s == "foo" ? "pass" : super end end @test.class.superclass.include(mixin) begin assert_equal "pass", @test.foo ensure # leave other tests as unaffected as possible mixin.remove_method :method_missing end end end # Tests that integration tests don't call Controller test methods for processing. # Integration tests have their own setup and teardown. class IntegrationTestUsesCorrectClass < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest def test_integration_methods_called reset! headers = { "Origin" => "*" } %w( get post head patch put delete options ).each do |verb| assert_nothing_raised { __send__(verb, "/", headers: headers) } end end end class IntegrationProcessTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest class IntegrationController < ActionController::Base def get respond_to do |format| format.html { render plain: "OK", status: 200 } format.js { render plain: "JS OK", status: 200 } format.json { render json: "JSON OK", status: 200 } format.xml { render xml: "", status: 200 } format.rss { render xml: "", status: 200 } format.atom { render xml: "", status: 200 } end end def get_with_vary_set_x_requested_with respond_to do |format| format.json do response.headers["Vary"] = "X-Requested-With" render json: "JSON OK", status: 200 end end end def get_with_params render plain: "foo: #{params[:foo]}", status: 200 end def post render plain: "Created", status: 201 end def method render plain: "method: #{request.method.downcase}" end def cookie_monster cookies["cookie_1"] = nil cookies["cookie_3"] = "chocolate" render plain: "Gone", status: 410 end def set_cookie cookies["foo"] = "bar" head :ok end def get_cookie render plain: cookies["foo"] end def redirect redirect_to action_url("get") end def redirect_307 redirect_to action_url("post"), status: 307 end def redirect_308 redirect_to action_url("post"), status: 308 end def remove_header response.headers.delete params[:header] head :ok, "c" => "3" end end def test_get with_test_route_set do get "/get" assert_equal 200, status assert_equal "OK", status_message assert_response 200 assert_response :success assert_response :ok assert_equal({}, cookies.to_hash) assert_equal "OK", body assert_equal "OK", response.body assert_kind_of Nokogiri::HTML::Document, html_document assert_equal 1, request_count end end def test_get_xml_rss_atom %w[ application/xml application/rss+xml application/atom+xml ].each do |mime_string| with_test_route_set do get "/get", headers: { "HTTP_ACCEPT" => mime_string } assert_equal 200, status assert_equal "OK", status_message assert_response 200 assert_response :success assert_response :ok assert_equal({}, cookies.to_hash) assert_equal "", body assert_equal "", response.body assert_instance_of Nokogiri::XML::Document, html_document assert_equal 1, request_count end end end def test_post with_test_route_set do post "/post" assert_equal 201, status assert_equal "Created", status_message assert_response 201 assert_response :success assert_response :created assert_equal({}, cookies.to_hash) assert_equal "Created", body assert_equal "Created", response.body assert_kind_of Nokogiri::HTML::Document, html_document assert_equal 1, request_count end end test "response cookies are added to the cookie jar for the next request" do with_test_route_set do cookies["cookie_1"] = "sugar" cookies["cookie_2"] = "oatmeal" get "/cookie_monster" assert_equal "cookie_1=; path=/\ncookie_3=chocolate; path=/", headers["Set-Cookie"] assert_equal({ "cookie_1" => "", "cookie_2" => "oatmeal", "cookie_3" => "chocolate" }, cookies.to_hash) end end test "cookie persist to next request" do with_test_route_set do get "/set_cookie" assert_response :success assert_equal "foo=bar; path=/", headers["Set-Cookie"] assert_equal({ "foo" => "bar" }, cookies.to_hash) get "/get_cookie" assert_response :success assert_equal "bar", body assert_nil headers["Set-Cookie"] assert_equal({ "foo" => "bar" }, cookies.to_hash) end end test "cookie persist to next request on another domain" do with_test_route_set do host! "37s.backpack.test" get "/set_cookie" assert_response :success assert_equal "foo=bar; path=/", headers["Set-Cookie"] assert_equal({ "foo" => "bar" }, cookies.to_hash) get "/get_cookie" assert_response :success assert_equal "bar", body assert_nil headers["Set-Cookie"] assert_equal({ "foo" => "bar" }, cookies.to_hash) end end def test_redirect with_test_route_set do get "/redirect" assert_equal 302, status assert_equal "Found", status_message assert_response 302 assert_response :redirect assert_response :found assert_equal "You are being redirected.", response.body assert_kind_of Nokogiri::HTML::Document, html_document assert_equal 1, request_count follow_redirect! assert_response :success assert_equal "/get", path get "/moved" assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to "/method" end end def test_307_redirect_uses_the_same_http_verb with_test_route_set do post "/redirect_307" assert_equal 307, status follow_redirect! assert_equal "POST", request.method end end def test_308_redirect_uses_the_same_http_verb with_test_route_set do post "/redirect_308" assert_equal 308, status follow_redirect! assert_equal "POST", request.method end end def test_redirect_reset_html_document with_test_route_set do get "/redirect" previous_html_document = html_document follow_redirect! assert_response :ok assert_not_same previous_html_document, html_document end end def test_redirect_with_arguments with_test_route_set do get "/redirect" follow_redirect! params: { foo: :bar } assert_response :ok assert_equal "bar", request.parameters["foo"] end end def test_xml_http_request_get with_test_route_set do get "/get", xhr: true assert_equal 200, status assert_equal "OK", status_message assert_response 200 assert_response :success assert_response :ok assert_equal "JS OK", response.body end end def test_request_with_bad_format with_test_route_set do get "/get.php", xhr: true assert_equal 406, status assert_response 406 assert_response :not_acceptable end end test "creation of multiple integration sessions" do integration_session # initialize first session a = open_session b = open_session assert_not_same(a.integration_session, b.integration_session) end def test_get_with_query_string with_test_route_set do get "/get_with_params?foo=bar" assert_equal "/get_with_params?foo=bar", request.env["REQUEST_URI"] assert_equal "/get_with_params?foo=bar", request.fullpath assert_equal "foo=bar", request.env["QUERY_STRING"] assert_equal "foo=bar", request.query_string assert_equal "bar", request.parameters["foo"] assert_equal 200, status assert_equal "foo: bar", response.body end end def test_get_with_parameters with_test_route_set do get "/get_with_params", params: { foo: "bar" } assert_equal "/get_with_params", request.env["PATH_INFO"] assert_equal "/get_with_params", request.path_info assert_equal "foo=bar", request.env["QUERY_STRING"] assert_equal "foo=bar", request.query_string assert_equal "bar", request.parameters["foo"] assert_equal 200, status assert_equal "foo: bar", response.body end end def test_post_then_get_with_parameters_do_not_leak_across_requests with_test_route_set do post "/post", params: { leaks: "does-leak?" } get "/get_with_params", params: { foo: "bar" } assert_empty request.env["rack.input"].string assert_equal "foo=bar", request.env["QUERY_STRING"] assert_equal "foo=bar", request.query_string assert_equal "bar", request.parameters["foo"] assert_predicate request.parameters["leaks"], :nil? end end def test_head with_test_route_set do head "/get" assert_equal 200, status assert_equal "", body head "/post" assert_equal 201, status assert_equal "", body get "/get/method" assert_equal 200, status assert_equal "method: get", body head "/get/method" assert_equal 200, status assert_equal "", body end end def test_generate_url_with_controller assert_equal "http://www.example.com/foo", url_for(controller: "foo") end def test_port_via_host! with_test_route_set do host! "www.example.com:8080" get "/get" assert_equal 8080, request.port end end def test_port_via_process with_test_route_set do get "http://www.example.com:8080/get" assert_equal 8080, request.port end end def test_https_and_port_via_host_and_https! with_test_route_set do host! "www.example.com" https! true get "/get" assert_equal 443, request.port assert_equal true, request.ssl? host! "www.example.com:443" https! true get "/get" assert_equal 443, request.port assert_equal true, request.ssl? host! "www.example.com:8443" https! true get "/get" assert_equal 8443, request.port assert_equal true, request.ssl? end end def test_https_and_port_via_process with_test_route_set do get "https://www.example.com/get" assert_equal 443, request.port assert_equal true, request.ssl? get "https://www.example.com:8443/get" assert_equal 8443, request.port assert_equal true, request.ssl? end end def test_respect_removal_of_default_headers_by_a_controller_action with_test_route_set do with_default_headers "a" => "1", "b" => "2" do get "/remove_header", params: { header: "a" } end end assert_not_includes @response.headers, "a", "Response should not include default header removed by the controller action" assert_includes @response.headers, "b" assert_includes @response.headers, "c" end def test_accept_not_overridden_when_xhr_true with_test_route_set do get "/get", headers: { "Accept" => "application/json" }, xhr: true assert_equal "application/json", request.accept assert_equal "application/json", response.media_type get "/get", headers: { "HTTP_ACCEPT" => "application/json" }, xhr: true assert_equal "application/json", request.accept assert_equal "application/json", response.media_type end end def test_setting_vary_header_when_request_is_xhr_with_accept_header with_test_route_set do get "/get", headers: { "Accept" => "application/json" }, xhr: true assert_equal "Accept", response.headers["Vary"] end end def test_not_setting_vary_header_when_format_is_provided with_test_route_set do get "/get", params: { format: "json" } assert_nil response.headers["Vary"] end end def test_not_setting_vary_header_when_it_has_already_been_set with_test_route_set do get "/get_with_vary_set_x_requested_with", headers: { "Accept" => "application/json" }, xhr: true assert_equal "X-Requested-With", response.headers["Vary"] end end def test_not_setting_vary_header_when_ignore_accept_header_is_set original_ignore_accept_header = ActionDispatch::Request.ignore_accept_header ActionDispatch::Request.ignore_accept_header = true with_test_route_set do get "/get", headers: { "Accept" => "application/json" }, xhr: true assert_nil response.headers["Vary"] end ensure ActionDispatch::Request.ignore_accept_header = original_ignore_accept_header end private def with_default_headers(headers) original = ActionDispatch::Response.default_headers ActionDispatch::Response.default_headers = headers yield ensure ActionDispatch::Response.default_headers = original end def with_test_route_set with_routing do |set| controller = ::IntegrationProcessTest::IntegrationController.clone controller.class_eval do include set.url_helpers end set.draw do get "moved" => redirect("/method") ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silence do match ":action", to: controller, via: [:get, :post], as: :action get "get/:action", to: controller, as: :get_action end end singleton_class.include(set.url_helpers) yield end end end class MetalIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest include SharedTestRoutes.url_helpers class Poller def self.call(env) if /^\/success/.match?(env["PATH_INFO"]) [200, { "Content-Type" => "text/plain", "Content-Length" => "12" }, ["Hello World!"]] else [404, { "Content-Type" => "text/plain", "Content-Length" => "0" }, []] end end end def setup @app = Poller end def test_successful_get get "/success" assert_response 200 assert_response :success assert_response :ok assert_equal "Hello World!", response.body end def test_failed_get get "/failure" assert_response 404 assert_response :not_found assert_equal "", response.body end def test_generate_url_without_controller assert_equal "http://www.example.com/foo", url_for(controller: "foo") end def test_pass_headers get "/success", headers: { "Referer" => "http://www.example.com/foo", "Host" => "http://nohost.com" } assert_equal "http://nohost.com", @request.env["HTTP_HOST"] assert_equal "http://www.example.com/foo", @request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] end def test_pass_headers_and_env get "/success", headers: { "X-Test-Header" => "value" }, env: { "HTTP_REFERER" => "http://test.com/", "HTTP_HOST" => "http://test.com" } assert_equal "http://test.com", @request.env["HTTP_HOST"] assert_equal "http://test.com/", @request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] assert_equal "value", @request.env["HTTP_X_TEST_HEADER"] end def test_pass_env get "/success", env: { "HTTP_REFERER" => "http://test.com/", "HTTP_HOST" => "http://test.com" } assert_equal "http://test.com", @request.env["HTTP_HOST"] assert_equal "http://test.com/", @request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] end def test_ignores_common_ports_in_host get "http://test.com" assert_equal "test.com", @request.env["HTTP_HOST"] get "https://test.com" assert_equal "test.com", @request.env["HTTP_HOST"] end def test_keeps_uncommon_ports_in_host get "http://test.com:123" assert_equal "test.com:123", @request.env["HTTP_HOST"] get "http://test.com:443" assert_equal "test.com:443", @request.env["HTTP_HOST"] get "https://test.com:80" assert_equal "test.com:80", @request.env["HTTP_HOST"] end end class ApplicationIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest class MetalController < ActionController::Metal def new self.status = 200 end end class TestController < ActionController::Base def index render plain: "index" end end def self.call(env) routes.call(env) end def self.routes @routes ||= ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet.new end class MountedApp < Rails::Engine def self.routes @routes ||= ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet.new end routes.draw do get "baz", to: "application_integration_test/test#index", as: :baz end def self.call(*) end end routes.draw do get "", to: "application_integration_test/test#index", as: :empty_string get "metal", to: "application_integration_test/metal#new", as: :new_metal get "foo", to: "application_integration_test/test#index", as: :foo get "bar", to: "application_integration_test/test#index", as: :bar mount MountedApp => "/mounted", :as => "mounted" get "fooz" => proc { |env| [ 200, { "X-Cascade" => "pass" }, [ "omg" ] ] }, :anchor => false get "fooz", to: "application_integration_test/test#index" end def app self.class end test "includes route helpers" do assert_equal "/", empty_string_path assert_equal "/foo", foo_path assert_equal "/bar", bar_path end test "includes mounted helpers" do assert_equal "/mounted/baz", mounted.baz_path end test "path after cascade pass" do get "/fooz" assert_equal "index", response.body assert_equal "/fooz", path end test "route helpers after controller access" do get "/" assert_equal "/", empty_string_path get "/foo" assert_equal "/foo", foo_path get "/bar" assert_equal "/bar", bar_path end test "route helpers after metal controller access" do get "/metal" assert_equal "/foo?q=solution", foo_path(q: "solution") end test "missing route helper before controller access" do assert_raise(NameError) { missing_path } end test "missing route helper after controller access" do get "/foo" assert_raise(NameError) { missing_path } end test "process do not modify the env passed as argument" do env = { :SERVER_NAME => "server", "action_dispatch.custom" => "custom" } old_env = env.dup get "/foo", env: env assert_equal old_env, env end end class EnvironmentFilterIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest class TestController < ActionController::Base def post render plain: "Created", status: 201 end end def self.call(env) env["action_dispatch.parameter_filter"] = [:password] routes.call(env) end def self.routes @routes ||= ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet.new end routes.draw do match "/post", to: "environment_filter_integration_test/test#post", via: :post end def app self.class end test "filters rack request form vars" do post "/post", params: { username: "cjolly", password: "secret" } assert_equal "cjolly", request.filtered_parameters["username"] assert_equal "[FILTERED]", request.filtered_parameters["password"] assert_equal "[FILTERED]", request.filtered_env["rack.request.form_vars"] end end class UrlOptionsIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest class FooController < ActionController::Base def index render plain: "foo#index" end def show render plain: "foo#show" end def edit render plain: "foo#show" end end class BarController < ActionController::Base def default_url_options { host: "bar.com" } end def index render plain: "foo#index" end end def self.routes @routes ||= ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet.new end def self.call(env) routes.call(env) end def app self.class end routes.draw do default_url_options host: "foo.com" scope module: "url_options_integration_test" do get "/foo" => "foo#index", :as => :foos get "/foo/:id" => "foo#show", :as => :foo get "/foo/:id/edit" => "foo#edit", :as => :edit_foo get "/bar" => "bar#index", :as => :bars end end test "session uses default URL options from routes" do assert_equal "http://foo.com/foo", foos_url end test "current host overrides default URL options from routes" do get "/foo" assert_response :success assert_equal "http://www.example.com/foo", foos_url end test "controller can override default URL options from request" do get "/bar" assert_response :success assert_equal "http://bar.com/foo", foos_url end def test_can_override_default_url_options original_host = default_url_options.dup default_url_options[:host] = "foobar.com" assert_equal "http://foobar.com/foo", foos_url get "/bar" assert_response :success assert_equal "http://foobar.com/foo", foos_url ensure ActionDispatch::Integration::Session.default_url_options = self.default_url_options = original_host end test "current request path parameters are recalled" do get "/foo/1" assert_response :success assert_equal "/foo/1/edit", url_for(action: "edit", only_path: true) end end class HeadWithStatusActionIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest class FooController < ActionController::Base def status head :ok end end def self.routes @routes ||= ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet.new end def self.call(env) routes.call(env) end def app self.class end routes.draw do get "/foo/status" => "head_with_status_action_integration_test/foo#status" end test "get /foo/status with head result does not cause stack overflow error" do assert_nothing_raised do get "/foo/status" end assert_response :ok end end class IntegrationWithRoutingTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest class FooController < ActionController::Base def index render plain: "ok" end end def test_with_routing_resets_session klass_namespace = self.class.name.underscore with_routing do |routes| routes.draw do namespace klass_namespace do resources :foo, path: "/with" end end get "/integration_with_routing_test/with" assert_response 200 assert_equal "ok", response.body end with_routing do |routes| routes.draw do namespace klass_namespace do resources :foo, path: "/routing" end end get "/integration_with_routing_test/routing" assert_response 200 assert_equal "ok", response.body end end end # to work in contexts like rspec before(:all) class IntegrationRequestsWithoutSetup < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest self._setup_callbacks = [] self._teardown_callbacks = [] class FooController < ActionController::Base def ok cookies[:key] = "ok" render plain: "ok" end end def test_request with_routing do |routes| routes.draw do ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silence do get ":action" => FooController end end get "/ok" assert_response 200 assert_equal "ok", response.body assert_equal "ok", cookies["key"] end end end # to ensure that session requirements in setup are persisted in the tests class IntegrationRequestsWithSessionSetup < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest setup do cookies["user_name"] = "david" end def test_cookies_set_in_setup_are_persisted_through_the_session get "/foo" assert_equal({ "user_name" => "david" }, cookies.to_hash) end end class IntegrationRequestEncodersTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest class FooController < ActionController::Base def foos render plain: "ok" end def foos_json render json: params.permit(:foo) end def foos_wibble render plain: "ok" end end def test_standard_json_encoding_works with_routing do |routes| routes.draw do ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silence do post ":action" => FooController end end post "/foos_json.json", params: { foo: "fighters" }.to_json, headers: { "Content-Type" => "application/json" } assert_response :success assert_equal({ "foo" => "fighters" }, response.parsed_body) end end def test_encoding_as_json post_to_foos as: :json do assert_response :success assert_equal "application/json", request.media_type assert_equal "application/json", request.accepts.first.to_s assert_equal :json, request.format.ref assert_equal({ "foo" => "fighters" }, request.request_parameters) assert_equal({ "foo" => "fighters" }, response.parsed_body) end end def test_doesnt_mangle_request_path with_routing do |routes| routes.draw do ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silence do post ":action" => FooController end end post "/foos" assert_equal "/foos", request.path post "/foos_json", as: :json assert_equal "/foos_json", request.path end end def test_encoding_as_without_mime_registration assert_raise ArgumentError do ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest.register_encoder :wibble end end def test_registering_custom_encoder Mime::Type.register "text/wibble", :wibble ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest.register_encoder(:wibble, param_encoder: -> params { params }) post_to_foos as: :wibble do assert_response :success assert_equal "/foos_wibble", request.path assert_equal "text/wibble", request.media_type assert_equal "text/wibble", request.accepts.first.to_s assert_equal :wibble, request.format.ref assert_equal Hash.new, request.request_parameters # Unregistered MIME Type can't be parsed. assert_equal "ok", response.parsed_body end ensure Mime::Type.unregister :wibble end def test_parsed_body_without_as_option with_routing do |routes| routes.draw do ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silence do get ":action" => FooController end end get "/foos_json.json", params: { foo: "heyo" } assert_equal({ "foo" => "heyo" }, response.parsed_body) end end def test_get_parameters_with_as_option with_routing do |routes| routes.draw do ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silence do get ":action" => FooController end end get "/foos_json?foo=heyo", as: :json assert_equal({ "foo" => "heyo" }, response.parsed_body) end end def test_get_request_with_json_uses_method_override_and_sends_a_post_request with_routing do |routes| routes.draw do ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silence do get ":action" => FooController end end get "/foos_json", params: { foo: "heyo" }, as: :json assert_equal "POST", request.method assert_equal "GET", request.headers["X-Http-Method-Override"] assert_equal({ "foo" => "heyo" }, response.parsed_body) end end def test_get_request_with_json_excludes_null_query_string with_routing do |routes| routes.draw do ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silence do get ":action" => FooController end end get "/foos_json", as: :json assert_equal "http://www.example.com/foos_json", request.url end end private def post_to_foos(as:) with_routing do |routes| routes.draw do ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silence do post ":action" => FooController end end post "/foos_#{as}", params: { foo: "fighters" }, as: as yield end end end class IntegrationFileUploadTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest class IntegrationController < ActionController::Base def test_file_upload render plain: params[:file].size end end def self.routes @routes ||= ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet.new end def self.call(env) routes.call(env) end def app self.class end def self.file_fixture_path File.expand_path("../fixtures/multipart", __dir__) end routes.draw do post "test_file_upload", to: "integration_file_upload_test/integration#test_file_upload" end def test_fixture_file_upload post "/test_file_upload", params: { file: fixture_file_upload("/ruby_on_rails.jpg", "image/jpeg") } assert_equal "45142", @response.body end end