# frozen_string_literal: true require "abstract_unit" require "controller/fake_controllers" require "active_support/json/decoding" require "rails/engine" class TestCaseTest < ActionController::TestCase def self.fixture_path; end self.file_fixture_path = File.expand_path("../fixtures/multipart", __dir__) class TestController < ActionController::Base def no_op render plain: "dummy" end def set_flash flash["test"] = ">#{flash["test"]}<" render plain: "ignore me" end def delete_flash flash.delete("test") render plain: "ignore me" end def set_flash_now flash.now["test_now"] = ">#{flash["test_now"]}<" render plain: "ignore me" end def set_session session["string"] = "A wonder" session[:symbol] = "it works" render plain: "Success" end def reset_the_session reset_session render plain: "ignore me" end def render_raw_post raise ActiveSupport::TestCase::Assertion, "#raw_post is blank" if request.raw_post.blank? render plain: request.raw_post end def render_body render plain: request.body.read end def test_params render plain: ::JSON.dump(params.to_unsafe_h) end def test_query_parameters render plain: ::JSON.dump(request.query_parameters) end def test_request_parameters render plain: request.request_parameters.inspect end def test_uri render plain: request.fullpath end def test_format render plain: request.format end def test_query_string render plain: request.query_string end def test_protocol render plain: request.protocol end def test_headers render plain: ::JSON.dump(request.headers.env) end def test_html_output render plain: <
HTML end def test_xml_output response.content_type = params[:response_as] render plain: <

area is an empty tag in HTML, so it won't contain this content

XML end def test_only_one_param render plain: (params[:left] && params[:right]) ? "EEP, Both here!" : "OK" end def test_remote_addr render plain: (request.remote_addr || "not specified") end def test_file_upload render plain: params[:file].size end def test_send_file send_file(__FILE__) end def redirect_to_same_controller redirect_to controller: "test", action: "test_uri", id: 5 end def redirect_to_different_controller redirect_to controller: "fail", id: 5 end def create head :created, location: "/resource" end def render_cookie render plain: cookies["foo"] end def delete_cookie cookies.delete("foo") render plain: "ok" end def test_without_body render html: '
'.html_safe end def test_with_body render html: ''.html_safe end def render_json render json: request.raw_post end def boom raise "boom!" end private def generate_url(opts) url_for(opts.merge(action: "test_uri")) end end def setup super @controller = TestController.new @request.delete_header "PATH_INFO" @routes = ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet.new.tap do |r| r.draw do ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silence do get ":controller(/:action(/:id))" end end end end class DefaultUrlOptionsCachingController < ActionController::Base before_action { @dynamic_opt = "opt" } def test_url_options_reset render plain: url_for end def default_url_options if defined?(@dynamic_opt) super.merge dynamic_opt: @dynamic_opt else super end end end def test_assert_select_without_body get :test_without_body assert_select "body", 0 assert_select "div.foo" end def test_assert_select_with_body get :test_with_body assert_select "body.foo" end def test_url_options_reset @controller = DefaultUrlOptionsCachingController.new get :test_url_options_reset assert_nil @request.params["dynamic_opt"] assert_match(/dynamic_opt=opt/, @response.body) end def test_raw_post_handling params = Hash[:page, { name: "page name" }, "some key", 123] post :render_raw_post, params: params.dup assert_equal params.to_query, @response.body end def test_params_round_trip params = { "foo" => { "contents" => [{ "name" => "gorby", "id" => "123" }, { "name" => "puff", "d" => "true" }] } } post :test_params, params: params.dup controller_info = { "controller" => "test_case_test/test", "action" => "test_params" } assert_equal params.merge(controller_info), JSON.parse(@response.body) end def test_handle_to_params klass = Class.new do def to_param "bar" end end post :test_params, params: { foo: klass.new } assert_equal JSON.parse(@response.body)["foo"], "bar" end def test_body_stream params = Hash[:page, { name: "page name" }, "some key", 123] post :render_body, params: params.dup assert_equal params.to_query, @response.body end def test_document_body_and_params_with_post post :test_params, params: { id: 1 } assert_equal({ "id" => "1", "controller" => "test_case_test/test", "action" => "test_params" }, ::JSON.parse(@response.body)) end def test_document_body_with_post post :render_body, body: "document body" assert_equal "document body", @response.body end def test_document_body_with_put put :render_body, body: "document body" assert_equal "document body", @response.body end def test_head head :test_params assert_equal 200, @response.status end def test_process_without_flash process :set_flash assert_equal "><", flash["test"] end def test_process_with_flash process :set_flash, method: "GET", flash: { "test" => "value" } assert_equal ">value<", flash["test"] end def test_process_with_flash_now process :set_flash_now, method: "GET", flash: { "test_now" => "value_now" } assert_equal ">value_now<", flash["test_now"] end def test_process_delete_flash process :set_flash process :delete_flash assert_empty flash assert_empty session end def test_process_with_session process :set_session assert_equal "A wonder", session["string"], "A value stored in the session should be available by string key" assert_equal "A wonder", session[:string], "Test session hash should allow indifferent access" assert_equal "it works", session["symbol"], "Test session hash should allow indifferent access" assert_equal "it works", session[:symbol], "Test session hash should allow indifferent access" end def test_process_with_session_kwarg process :no_op, method: "GET", session: { "string" => "value1", symbol: "value2" } assert_equal "value1", session["string"] assert_equal "value1", session[:string] assert_equal "value2", session["symbol"] assert_equal "value2", session[:symbol] end def test_process_merges_session_arg session[:foo] = "bar" get :no_op, session: { bar: "baz" } assert_equal "bar", session[:foo] assert_equal "baz", session[:bar] end def test_merged_session_arg_is_retained_across_requests get :no_op, session: { foo: "bar" } assert_equal "bar", session[:foo] get :no_op assert_equal "bar", session[:foo] end def test_process_overwrites_existing_session_arg session[:foo] = "bar" get :no_op, session: { foo: "baz" } assert_equal "baz", session[:foo] end def test_session_is_cleared_from_controller_after_reset_session process :set_session process :reset_the_session assert_equal Hash.new, @controller.session.to_hash end def test_session_is_cleared_from_request_after_reset_session process :set_session process :reset_the_session assert_equal Hash.new, @request.session.to_hash end def test_response_and_request_have_nice_accessors process :no_op assert_equal @response, response assert_equal @request, request end def test_process_with_request_uri_with_no_params process :test_uri assert_equal "/test_case_test/test/test_uri", @response.body end def test_process_with_symbol_method process :test_uri, method: :get assert_equal "/test_case_test/test/test_uri", @response.body end def test_process_with_request_uri_with_params process :test_uri, method: "GET", params: { id: 7 } assert_equal "/test_case_test/test/test_uri/7", @response.body end def test_process_with_request_uri_with_params_with_explicit_uri @request.env["PATH_INFO"] = "/explicit/uri" process :test_uri, method: "GET", params: { id: 7 } assert_equal "/explicit/uri", @response.body end def test_process_with_query_string process :test_query_string, method: "GET", params: { q: "test" } assert_equal "q=test", @response.body end def test_process_with_query_string_with_explicit_uri @request.env["PATH_INFO"] = "/explicit/uri" @request.env["QUERY_STRING"] = "q=test?extra=question" process :test_query_string assert_equal "q=test?extra=question", @response.body end def test_multiple_calls process :test_only_one_param, method: "GET", params: { left: true } assert_equal "OK", @response.body process :test_only_one_param, method: "GET", params: { right: true } assert_equal "OK", @response.body end def test_should_impose_childless_html_tags_in_html process :test_xml_output, params: { response_as: "text/html" } # auto-closes, so the

becomes a sibling if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) # https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri/issues/1653 # HTML parser "fixes" "broken" markup in slightly different ways assert_select "root > map > area + p" else assert_select "root > area + p" end end def test_should_not_impose_childless_html_tags_in_xml process :test_xml_output, params: { response_as: "application/xml" } # is not special, so the

is its child assert_select "root > area > p" end def test_assert_generates assert_generates "controller/action/5", controller: "controller", action: "action", id: "5" assert_generates "controller/action/7", { id: "7" }, { controller: "controller", action: "action" } assert_generates "controller/action/5", { controller: "controller", action: "action", id: "5", name: "bob" }, {}, { name: "bob" } assert_generates "controller/action/7", { id: "7", name: "bob" }, { controller: "controller", action: "action" }, { name: "bob" } assert_generates "controller/action/7", { id: "7" }, { controller: "controller", action: "action", name: "bob" }, {} end def test_assert_routing assert_routing "content", controller: "content", action: "index" end def test_assert_routing_with_method with_routing do |set| set.draw { resources(:content) } assert_routing({ method: "post", path: "content" }, { controller: "content", action: "create" }) end end def test_assert_routing_in_module with_routing do |set| set.draw do namespace :admin do get "user" => "user#index" end end assert_routing "admin/user", controller: "admin/user", action: "index" end end def test_assert_routing_with_glob with_routing do |set| set.draw { get("*path" => "pages#show") } assert_routing("/company/about", controller: "pages", action: "show", path: "company/about") end end def test_params_passing get :test_params, params: { page: { name: "Page name", month: "4", year: "2004", day: "6" } } parsed_params = ::JSON.parse(@response.body) assert_equal( { "controller" => "test_case_test/test", "action" => "test_params", "page" => { "name" => "Page name", "month" => "4", "year" => "2004", "day" => "6" } }, parsed_params ) end def test_nil_params get :test_params, params: nil parsed_params = JSON.parse(@response.body) assert_equal( { "action" => "test_params", "controller" => "test_case_test/test" }, parsed_params ) end def test_query_param_named_action get :test_query_parameters, params: { action: "foobar" } parsed_params = JSON.parse(@response.body) assert_equal({ "action" => "foobar" }, parsed_params) end def test_request_param_named_action post :test_request_parameters, params: { action: "foobar" } parsed_params = eval(@response.body) assert_equal({ "action" => "foobar" }, parsed_params) end def test_kwarg_params_passing_with_session_and_flash get :test_params, params: { page: { name: "Page name", month: "4", year: "2004", day: "6" } }, session: { "foo" => "bar" }, flash: { notice: "created" } parsed_params = ::JSON.parse(@response.body) assert_equal( { "controller" => "test_case_test/test", "action" => "test_params", "page" => { "name" => "Page name", "month" => "4", "year" => "2004", "day" => "6" } }, parsed_params ) assert_equal "bar", session[:foo] assert_equal "created", flash[:notice] end def test_params_passing_with_integer get :test_params, params: { page: { name: "Page name", month: 4, year: 2004, day: 6 } } parsed_params = ::JSON.parse(@response.body) assert_equal( { "controller" => "test_case_test/test", "action" => "test_params", "page" => { "name" => "Page name", "month" => "4", "year" => "2004", "day" => "6" } }, parsed_params ) end def test_params_passing_with_integers_when_not_html_request get :test_params, params: { format: "json", count: 999 } parsed_params = ::JSON.parse(@response.body) assert_equal( { "controller" => "test_case_test/test", "action" => "test_params", "format" => "json", "count" => "999" }, parsed_params ) end def test_params_passing_path_parameter_is_string_when_not_html_request get :test_params, params: { format: "json", id: 1 } parsed_params = ::JSON.parse(@response.body) assert_equal( { "controller" => "test_case_test/test", "action" => "test_params", "format" => "json", "id" => "1" }, parsed_params ) end def test_params_passing_with_frozen_values assert_nothing_raised do get :test_params, params: { frozen: -"icy", frozens: [-"icy"].freeze, deepfreeze: { frozen: -"icy" }.freeze } end parsed_params = ::JSON.parse(@response.body) assert_equal( { "controller" => "test_case_test/test", "action" => "test_params", "frozen" => "icy", "frozens" => ["icy"], "deepfreeze" => { "frozen" => "icy" } }, parsed_params ) end def test_params_passing_doesnt_modify_in_place page = { name: "Page name", month: 4, year: 2004, day: 6 } get :test_params, params: { page: page } assert_equal 2004, page[:year] end test "set additional HTTP headers" do @request.headers["Referer"] = "http://nohost.com/home" @request.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/rss+xml" get :test_headers parsed_env = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body) assert_equal "http://nohost.com/home", parsed_env["HTTP_REFERER"] assert_equal "application/rss+xml", parsed_env["CONTENT_TYPE"] end test "set additional env variables" do @request.headers["HTTP_REFERER"] = "http://example.com/about" @request.headers["CONTENT_TYPE"] = "application/json" get :test_headers parsed_env = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body) assert_equal "http://example.com/about", parsed_env["HTTP_REFERER"] assert_equal "application/json", parsed_env["CONTENT_TYPE"] end def test_using_as_json_sets_request_content_type_to_json post :render_body, params: { bool_value: true, str_value: "string", num_value: 2 }, as: :json assert_equal "application/json", @request.headers["CONTENT_TYPE"] assert_equal true, @request.request_parameters["bool_value"] assert_equal "string", @request.request_parameters["str_value"] assert_equal 2, @request.request_parameters["num_value"] end def test_using_as_json_sets_format_json post :render_body, params: { bool_value: true, str_value: "string", num_value: 2 }, as: :json assert_equal "json", @request.format end def test_using_as_json_with_empty_params post :test_params, params: { foo: { bar: [] } }, as: :json assert_equal({ "bar" => [] }, JSON.load(response.body)["foo"]) end def test_using_as_json_with_path_parameters post :test_params, params: { id: "12345" }, as: :json assert_equal("12345", @request.path_parameters[:id]) end def test_mutating_content_type_headers_for_plain_text_files_sets_the_header @request.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/plain" post :render_body, params: { name: "foo.txt" } assert_equal "text/plain", @request.headers["Content-type"] assert_equal "foo.txt", @request.request_parameters[:name] assert_equal "render_body", @request.path_parameters[:action] end def test_mutating_content_type_headers_for_html_files_sets_the_header @request.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/html" post :render_body, params: { name: "foo.html" } assert_equal "text/html", @request.headers["Content-type"] assert_equal "foo.html", @request.request_parameters[:name] assert_equal "render_body", @request.path_parameters[:action] end def test_mutating_content_type_headers_for_non_registered_mime_type_raises_an_error assert_raises(RuntimeError) do @request.headers["Content-Type"] = "type/fake" post :render_body, params: { name: "foo.fake" } end end def test_id_converted_to_string get :test_params, params: { id: 20, foo: Object.new } assert_kind_of String, @request.path_parameters[:id] end def test_array_path_parameter_handled_properly with_routing do |set| set.draw do get "file/*path", to: "test_case_test/test#test_params" ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silence do get ":controller/:action" end end get :test_params, params: { path: ["hello", "world"] } assert_equal ["hello", "world"], @request.path_parameters[:path] assert_equal "hello/world", @request.path_parameters[:path].to_param end end def test_assert_realistic_path_parameters get :test_params, params: { id: 20, foo: Object.new } # All elements of path_parameters should use Symbol keys @request.path_parameters.each_key do |key| assert_kind_of Symbol, key end end def test_with_routing_places_routes_back assert @routes routes_id = @routes.object_id begin with_routing { raise "fail" } fail "Should not be here." rescue RuntimeError end assert @routes assert_equal routes_id, @routes.object_id end def test_remote_addr get :test_remote_addr assert_equal "", @response.body @request.remote_addr = "" get :test_remote_addr assert_equal "", @response.body end def test_header_properly_reset_after_remote_http_request get :test_params, xhr: true assert_nil @request.env["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"] assert_nil @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] end def test_xhr_with_params get :test_params, params: { id: 1 }, xhr: true assert_equal({ "id" => "1", "controller" => "test_case_test/test", "action" => "test_params" }, ::JSON.parse(@response.body)) end def test_xhr_with_session get :set_session, xhr: true assert_equal "A wonder", session["string"], "A value stored in the session should be available by string key" assert_equal "A wonder", session[:string], "Test session hash should allow indifferent access" assert_equal "it works", session["symbol"], "Test session hash should allow indifferent access" assert_equal "it works", session[:symbol], "Test session hash should allow indifferent access" end def test_params_reset_between_post_requests post :no_op, params: { foo: "bar" } assert_equal "bar", @request.params[:foo] post :no_op assert_predicate @request.params[:foo], :blank? end def test_filtered_parameters_reset_between_requests get :no_op, params: { foo: "bar" } assert_equal "bar", @request.filtered_parameters[:foo] get :no_op, params: { foo: "baz" } assert_equal "baz", @request.filtered_parameters[:foo] end def test_raw_post_reset_between_post_requests post :no_op, params: { foo: "bar" } assert_equal "foo=bar", @request.raw_post post :no_op, params: { foo: "baz" } assert_equal "foo=baz", @request.raw_post end def test_content_length_reset_after_post_request post :no_op, params: { foo: "bar" } assert_not_equal 0, @request.content_length get :no_op assert_equal 0, @request.content_length end def test_path_is_kept_after_the_request get :test_params, params: { id: "foo" } assert_equal "/test_case_test/test/test_params/foo", @request.path end def test_path_params_reset_between_request get :test_params, params: { id: "foo" } assert_equal "foo", @request.path_parameters[:id] get :test_params assert_nil @request.path_parameters[:id] end def test_request_protocol_is_reset_after_request get :test_protocol assert_equal "http://", @response.body @request.env["HTTPS"] = "on" get :test_protocol assert_equal "https://", @response.body @request.env.delete("HTTPS") get :test_protocol assert_equal "http://", @response.body end def test_request_format get :test_format, params: { format: "html" } assert_equal "text/html", @response.body get :test_format, params: { format: "json" } assert_equal "application/json", @response.body get :test_format, params: { format: "xml" } assert_equal "application/xml", @response.body get :test_format assert_equal "text/html", @response.body end def test_request_format_kwarg get :test_format, format: "html" assert_equal "text/html", @response.body get :test_format, format: "json" assert_equal "application/json", @response.body get :test_format, format: "xml" assert_equal "application/xml", @response.body get :test_format assert_equal "text/html", @response.body end def test_request_format_kwarg_overrides_params get :test_format, format: "json", params: { format: "html" } assert_equal "application/json", @response.body end def test_request_format_kwarg_doesnt_mutate_params params = { foo: "bar" }.freeze assert_nothing_raised do get :test_format, format: "json", params: params end end def test_should_have_knowledge_of_client_side_cookie_state_even_if_they_are_not_set cookies["foo"] = "bar" get :no_op assert_equal "bar", cookies["foo"] end def test_cookies_should_be_escaped_properly cookies["foo"] = "+" get :render_cookie assert_equal "+", @response.body end def test_should_detect_if_cookie_is_deleted cookies["foo"] = "bar" get :delete_cookie assert_nil cookies["foo"] end def test_multiple_mixed_method_process_should_scrub_rack_input post :test_params, params: { id: 1, foo: "an foo" } assert_equal({ "id" => "1", "foo" => "an foo", "controller" => "test_case_test/test", "action" => "test_params" }, ::JSON.parse(@response.body)) get :test_params, params: { bar: "an bar" } assert_equal({ "bar" => "an bar", "controller" => "test_case_test/test", "action" => "test_params" }, ::JSON.parse(@response.body)) end %w(controller response request).each do |variable| %w(get post put delete head process).each do |method| define_method("test_#{variable}_missing_for_#{method}_raises_error") do remove_instance_variable "@#{variable}" begin send(method, :test_remote_addr) assert false, "expected RuntimeError, got nothing" rescue RuntimeError => error assert_match(%r{@#{variable} is nil}, error.message) rescue => error assert false, "expected RuntimeError, got #{error.class}" end end end end FILES_DIR = File.expand_path("../fixtures/multipart", __dir__) READ_BINARY = "rb:binary" READ_PLAIN = "r:binary" def test_test_uploaded_file filename = "ruby_on_rails.jpg" path = "#{FILES_DIR}/#{filename}" content_type = "image/png" expected = File.read(path) expected.force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) file = Rack::Test::UploadedFile.new(path, content_type) assert_equal filename, file.original_filename assert_equal content_type, file.content_type assert_equal file.path, file.local_path assert_equal expected, file.read new_content_type = "new content_type" file.content_type = new_content_type assert_equal new_content_type, file.content_type end def test_fixture_path_is_accessed_from_self_instead_of_active_support_test_case TestCaseTest.stub :fixture_path, File.expand_path("../fixtures", __dir__) do expected = "`fixture_file_upload(\"multipart/ruby_on_rails.jpg\")` to `fixture_file_upload(\"ruby_on_rails.jpg\")`" assert_deprecated(expected) do uploaded_file = fixture_file_upload("multipart/ruby_on_rails.jpg", "image/png") assert_equal File.open("#{FILES_DIR}/ruby_on_rails.jpg", READ_PLAIN).read, uploaded_file.read end end end def test_test_uploaded_file_with_binary filename = "ruby_on_rails.jpg" path = "#{FILES_DIR}/#{filename}" content_type = "image/png" binary_uploaded_file = Rack::Test::UploadedFile.new(path, content_type, :binary) assert_equal File.open(path, READ_BINARY).read, binary_uploaded_file.read plain_uploaded_file = Rack::Test::UploadedFile.new(path, content_type) assert_equal File.open(path, READ_PLAIN).read, plain_uploaded_file.read end def test_fixture_file_upload_with_binary filename = "ruby_on_rails.jpg" path = "#{FILES_DIR}/#{filename}" content_type = "image/jpeg" binary_file_upload = fixture_file_upload(path, content_type, :binary) assert_equal File.open(path, READ_BINARY).read, binary_file_upload.read plain_file_upload = fixture_file_upload(path, content_type) assert_equal File.open(path, READ_PLAIN).read, plain_file_upload.read end def test_fixture_file_upload_should_be_able_access_to_tempfile file = fixture_file_upload(FILES_DIR + "/ruby_on_rails.jpg", "image/jpeg") assert_respond_to file, :tempfile end def test_fixture_file_upload post :test_file_upload, params: { file: fixture_file_upload(FILES_DIR + "/ruby_on_rails.jpg", "image/jpeg") } assert_equal "45142", @response.body end def test_fixture_file_upload_output_deprecation_when_file_fixture_path_is_not_set TestCaseTest.stub :fixture_path, File.expand_path("../fixtures", __dir__) do TestCaseTest.stub :file_fixture_path, nil do assert_deprecated(/In Rails 7.0, the path needs to be relative to `file_fixture_path`/) do fixture_file_upload("multipart/ruby_on_rails.jpg", "image/jpeg") end end end end def test_fixture_file_upload_does_not_output_deprecation_when_file_fixture_path_is_set TestCaseTest.stub :fixture_path, File.expand_path("../fixtures", __dir__) do assert_not_deprecated do fixture_file_upload("ruby_on_rails.jpg", "image/jpeg") end end end def test_fixture_file_upload_relative_to_fixture_path TestCaseTest.stub :fixture_path, File.expand_path("../fixtures", __dir__) do expected = "`fixture_file_upload(\"multipart/ruby_on_rails.jpg\")` to `fixture_file_upload(\"ruby_on_rails.jpg\")`" assert_deprecated(expected) do uploaded_file = fixture_file_upload("multipart/ruby_on_rails.jpg", "image/jpeg") assert_equal File.open("#{FILES_DIR}/ruby_on_rails.jpg", READ_PLAIN).read, uploaded_file.read end end end def test_fixture_file_upload_relative_to_fixture_path_with_relative_file_fixture_path TestCaseTest.stub :fixture_path, File.expand_path("../fixtures", __dir__) do TestCaseTest.stub :file_fixture_path, "test/fixtures/multipart" do expected = "`fixture_file_upload(\"multipart/ruby_on_rails.jpg\")` to `fixture_file_upload(\"ruby_on_rails.jpg\")`" assert_deprecated(expected) do uploaded_file = fixture_file_upload("multipart/ruby_on_rails.jpg", "image/jpg") assert_equal File.open("#{FILES_DIR}/ruby_on_rails.jpg", READ_PLAIN).read, uploaded_file.read end end end end def test_fixture_file_upload_ignores_fixture_path_given_full_path TestCaseTest.stub :fixture_path, __dir__ do uploaded_file = fixture_file_upload("#{FILES_DIR}/ruby_on_rails.jpg", "image/jpeg") assert_equal File.open("#{FILES_DIR}/ruby_on_rails.jpg", READ_PLAIN).read, uploaded_file.read end end def test_fixture_file_upload_ignores_nil_fixture_path uploaded_file = fixture_file_upload("#{FILES_DIR}/ruby_on_rails.jpg", "image/jpeg") assert_equal File.open("#{FILES_DIR}/ruby_on_rails.jpg", READ_PLAIN).read, uploaded_file.read end def test_action_dispatch_uploaded_file_upload filename = "ruby_on_rails.jpg" path = "#{FILES_DIR}/#{filename}" post :test_file_upload, params: { file: Rack::Test::UploadedFile.new(path, "image/jpeg", true) } assert_equal "45142", @response.body end def test_test_uploaded_file_exception_when_file_doesnt_exist assert_raise(RuntimeError) { Rack::Test::UploadedFile.new("non_existent_file") } end def test_redirect_url_only_cares_about_location_header get :create assert_response :created # Redirect URL doesn't care that it wasn't a :redirect response. assert_equal "/resource", @response.redirect_url assert_equal @response.redirect_url, redirect_to_url # Must be a :redirect response. assert_raise(ActiveSupport::TestCase::Assertion) do assert_redirected_to "/resource" end end def test_exception_in_action_reaches_test assert_raise(RuntimeError) do process :boom, method: "GET" end end def test_request_state_is_cleared_after_exception assert_raise(RuntimeError) do process :boom, method: "GET", params: { q: "test1" } end process :test_query_string, method: "GET", params: { q: "test2" } assert_equal "q=test2", @response.body end def test_parsed_body_without_as_option post :render_json, body: { foo: "heyo" } assert_equal({ "foo" => "heyo" }, response.parsed_body) end def test_parsed_body_with_as_option post :render_json, body: { foo: "heyo" }.to_json, as: :json assert_equal({ "foo" => "heyo" }, response.parsed_body) end end class ResponseDefaultHeadersTest < ActionController::TestCase class TestController < ActionController::Base def remove_header headers.delete params[:header] head :ok, "C" => "3" end # Render a head response, but don't touch default headers def leave_alone head :ok end end def before_setup @original = ActionDispatch::Response.default_headers @defaults = { "A" => "1", "B" => "2" } ActionDispatch::Response.default_headers = @defaults super end teardown do ActionDispatch::Response.default_headers = @original end def setup super @controller = TestController.new @request.env["PATH_INFO"] = nil @routes = ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet.new.tap do |r| r.draw do ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silence do get ":controller(/:action(/:id))" end end end end test "response contains default headers" do get :leave_alone # Response headers start out with the defaults assert_equal @defaults.merge("Content-Type" => "text/html"), response.headers end test "response deletes a default header" do get :remove_header, params: { header: "A" } assert_response :ok # After a request, the response in the test case doesn't have the # defaults merged on top again. assert_not_includes response.headers, "A" assert_includes response.headers, "B" assert_includes response.headers, "C" end end module EngineControllerTests class Engine < ::Rails::Engine isolate_namespace EngineControllerTests routes.draw do get "/" => "bar#index" end end class BarController < ActionController::Base def index render plain: "bar" end end class BarControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase tests BarController def test_engine_controller_route get :index assert_equal @response.body, "bar" end end class BarControllerTestWithExplicitRouteSet < ActionController::TestCase tests BarController def setup @routes = Engine.routes end def test_engine_controller_route get :index assert_equal @response.body, "bar" end end end class InferringClassNameTest < ActionController::TestCase def test_determine_controller_class assert_equal ContentController, determine_class("ContentControllerTest") end def test_determine_controller_class_with_nonsense_name assert_nil determine_class("HelloGoodBye") end def test_determine_controller_class_with_sensible_name_where_no_controller_exists assert_nil determine_class("NoControllerWithThisNameTest") end private def determine_class(name) ActionController::TestCase.determine_default_controller_class(name) end end class CrazyNameTest < ActionController::TestCase tests ContentController def test_controller_class_can_be_set_manually_not_just_inferred assert_equal ContentController, self.class.controller_class end end class CrazySymbolNameTest < ActionController::TestCase tests :content def test_set_controller_class_using_symbol assert_equal ContentController, self.class.controller_class end end class CrazyStringNameTest < ActionController::TestCase tests "content" def test_set_controller_class_using_string assert_equal ContentController, self.class.controller_class end end class NamedRoutesControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase tests ContentController def test_should_be_able_to_use_named_routes_before_a_request_is_done with_routing do |set| set.draw { resources :contents } assert_equal "http://test.host/contents/new", new_content_url assert_equal "http://test.host/contents/1", content_url(id: 1) end end end class AnonymousControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase def setup @controller = Class.new(ActionController::Base) do def index render plain: params[:controller] end end.new @routes = ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet.new.tap do |r| r.draw do ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silence do get ":controller(/:action(/:id))" end end end end def test_controller_name get :index assert_equal "anonymous", @response.body end end class RoutingDefaultsTest < ActionController::TestCase def setup @controller = Class.new(ActionController::Base) do def post render plain: request.fullpath end def project render plain: request.fullpath end end.new @routes = ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet.new.tap do |r| r.draw do get "/posts/:id", to: "anonymous#post", bucket_type: "post" get "/projects/:id", to: "anonymous#project", defaults: { bucket_type: "project" } end end end def test_route_option_can_be_passed_via_process get :post, params: { id: 1, bucket_type: "post" } assert_equal "/posts/1", @response.body end def test_route_default_is_not_required_for_building_request_uri get :project, params: { id: 2 } assert_equal "/projects/2", @response.body end end