# frozen_string_literal: true module Arel # :nodoc: all class SelectManager < Arel::TreeManager include Arel::Crud STRING_OR_SYMBOL_CLASS = [Symbol, String] def initialize(table = nil) @ast = Nodes::SelectStatement.new(table) @ctx = @ast.cores.last end def initialize_copy(other) super @ctx = @ast.cores.last end def limit @ast.limit && @ast.limit.expr end alias :taken :limit def constraints @ctx.wheres end def offset @ast.offset && @ast.offset.expr end def skip(amount) if amount @ast.offset = Nodes::Offset.new(amount) else @ast.offset = nil end self end alias :offset= :skip ### # Produces an Arel::Nodes::Exists node def exists Arel::Nodes::Exists.new @ast end def as(other) create_table_alias grouping(@ast), Nodes::SqlLiteral.new(other) end def lock(locking = Arel.sql("FOR UPDATE")) case locking when true locking = Arel.sql("FOR UPDATE") when Arel::Nodes::SqlLiteral when String locking = Arel.sql locking end @ast.lock = Nodes::Lock.new(locking) self end def locked @ast.lock end def on(*exprs) @ctx.source.right.last.right = Nodes::On.new(collapse(exprs)) self end def group(*columns) columns.each do |column| # FIXME: backwards compat column = Nodes::SqlLiteral.new(column) if String === column column = Nodes::SqlLiteral.new(column.to_s) if Symbol === column @ctx.groups.push Nodes::Group.new column end self end def from(table) table = Nodes::SqlLiteral.new(table) if String === table case table when Nodes::Join @ctx.source.right << table else @ctx.source.left = table end self end def froms @ast.cores.map { |x| x.from }.compact end def join(relation, klass = Nodes::InnerJoin) return self unless relation case relation when String, Nodes::SqlLiteral raise EmptyJoinError if relation.empty? klass = Nodes::StringJoin end @ctx.source.right << create_join(relation, nil, klass) self end def outer_join(relation) join(relation, Nodes::OuterJoin) end def having(expr) @ctx.havings << expr self end def window(name) window = Nodes::NamedWindow.new(name) @ctx.windows.push window window end def project(*projections) # FIXME: converting these to SQLLiterals is probably not good, but # rails tests require it. @ctx.projections.concat projections.map { |x| STRING_OR_SYMBOL_CLASS.include?(x.class) ? Nodes::SqlLiteral.new(x.to_s) : x } self end def projections @ctx.projections end def projections=(projections) @ctx.projections = projections end def optimizer_hints(*hints) unless hints.empty? @ctx.optimizer_hints = Arel::Nodes::OptimizerHints.new(hints) end self end def distinct(value = true) if value @ctx.set_quantifier = Arel::Nodes::Distinct.new else @ctx.set_quantifier = nil end self end def distinct_on(value) if value @ctx.set_quantifier = Arel::Nodes::DistinctOn.new(value) else @ctx.set_quantifier = nil end self end def order(*expr) # FIXME: We SHOULD NOT be converting these to SqlLiteral automatically @ast.orders.concat expr.map { |x| STRING_OR_SYMBOL_CLASS.include?(x.class) ? Nodes::SqlLiteral.new(x.to_s) : x } self end def orders @ast.orders end def where(expr) if Arel::TreeManager === expr expr = expr.ast end @ctx.wheres << expr self end def where_sql(engine = Table.engine) return if @ctx.wheres.empty? Nodes::SqlLiteral.new("WHERE #{Nodes::And.new(@ctx.wheres).to_sql(engine)}") end def union(operation, other = nil) if other node_class = Nodes.const_get("Union#{operation.to_s.capitalize}") else other = operation node_class = Nodes::Union end node_class.new self.ast, other.ast end def intersect(other) Nodes::Intersect.new ast, other.ast end def except(other) Nodes::Except.new ast, other.ast end alias :minus :except def lateral(table_name = nil) base = table_name.nil? ? ast : as(table_name) Nodes::Lateral.new(base) end def with(*subqueries) if subqueries.first.is_a? Symbol node_class = Nodes.const_get("With#{subqueries.shift.to_s.capitalize}") else node_class = Nodes::With end @ast.with = node_class.new(subqueries.flatten) self end def take(limit) if limit @ast.limit = Nodes::Limit.new(limit) else @ast.limit = nil end self end alias limit= take def join_sources @ctx.source.right end def source @ctx.source end def comment(*values) @ctx.comment = Nodes::Comment.new(values) self end private def collapse(exprs) exprs = exprs.compact exprs.map! { |expr| if String === expr # FIXME: Don't do this automatically Arel.sql(expr) else expr end } if exprs.length == 1 exprs.first else create_and exprs end end end end