# frozen_string_literal: true require "bigdecimal" require "date" require "time" require "pathname" require "uri" module JSONTest class Foo def initialize(a, b) @a, @b = a, b end end class Hashlike def to_hash { foo: "hello", bar: "world" } end end class Custom def initialize(serialized) @serialized = serialized end def as_json(options = nil) @serialized end end MyStruct = Struct.new(:name, :value) do def initialize(*) @unused = "unused instance variable" super end end module EncodingTestCases TrueTests = [[ true, %(true) ]] FalseTests = [[ false, %(false) ]] NilTests = [[ nil, %(null) ]] NumericTests = [[ 1, %(1) ], [ 2.5, %(2.5) ], [ 0.0 / 0.0, %(null) ], [ 1.0 / 0.0, %(null) ], [ -1.0 / 0.0, %(null) ], [ BigDecimal("0.0") / BigDecimal("0.0"), %(null) ], [ BigDecimal("2.5"), %("#{BigDecimal('2.5')}") ]] StringTests = [[ "this is the ", %("this is the \\u003cstring\\u003e")], [ 'a "string" with quotes & an ampersand', %("a \\"string\\" with quotes \\u0026 an ampersand") ], [ "http://test.host/posts/1", %("http://test.host/posts/1")], [ "Control characters: \x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0e\x0f\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f\u2028\u2029", %("Control characters: \\u0000\\u0001\\u0002\\u0003\\u0004\\u0005\\u0006\\u0007\\b\\t\\n\\u000b\\f\\r\\u000e\\u000f\\u0010\\u0011\\u0012\\u0013\\u0014\\u0015\\u0016\\u0017\\u0018\\u0019\\u001a\\u001b\\u001c\\u001d\\u001e\\u001f\\u2028\\u2029") ]] ArrayTests = [[ ["a", "b", "c"], %([\"a\",\"b\",\"c\"]) ], [ [1, "a", :b, nil, false], %([1,\"a\",\"b\",null,false]) ]] HashTests = [[ { foo: "bar" }, %({\"foo\":\"bar\"}) ], [ { 1 => 1, 2 => "a", 3 => :b, 4 => nil, 5 => false }, %({\"1\":1,\"2\":\"a\",\"3\":\"b\",\"4\":null,\"5\":false}) ]] RangeTests = [[ 1..2, %("1..2")], [ 1...2, %("1...2")], [ 1.5..2.5, %("1.5..2.5")]] SymbolTests = [[ :a, %("a") ], [ :this, %("this") ], [ :"a b", %("a b") ]] ObjectTests = [[ Foo.new(1, 2), %({\"a\":1,\"b\":2}) ]] HashlikeTests = [[ Hashlike.new, %({\"bar\":\"world\",\"foo\":\"hello\"}) ]] StructTests = [[ MyStruct.new(:foo, "bar"), %({\"name\":\"foo\",\"value\":\"bar\"}) ], [ MyStruct.new(nil, nil), %({\"name\":null,\"value\":null}) ]] CustomTests = [[ Custom.new("custom"), '"custom"' ], [ Custom.new(nil), "null" ], [ Custom.new(:a), '"a"' ], [ Custom.new([ :foo, "bar" ]), '["foo","bar"]' ], [ Custom.new(foo: "hello", bar: "world"), '{"bar":"world","foo":"hello"}' ], [ Custom.new(Hashlike.new), '{"bar":"world","foo":"hello"}' ], [ Custom.new(Custom.new(Custom.new(:a))), '"a"' ]] RegexpTests = [[ /^a/, '"(?-mix:^a)"' ], [/^\w{1,2}[a-z]+/ix, '"(?ix-m:^\\\\w{1,2}[a-z]+)"']] URITests = [[ URI.parse("http://example.com"), %("http://example.com") ]] PathnameTests = [[ Pathname.new("lib/index.rb"), %("lib/index.rb") ]] IPAddrTests = [[ IPAddr.new(""), %("") ]] DateTests = [[ Date.new(2005, 2, 1), %("2005/02/01") ]] TimeTests = [[ Time.utc(2005, 2, 1, 15, 15, 10), %("2005/02/01 15:15:10 +0000") ]] DateTimeTests = [[ DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 1, 15, 15, 10), %("2005/02/01 15:15:10 +0000") ]] StandardDateTests = [[ Date.new(2005, 2, 1), %("2005-02-01") ]] StandardTimeTests = [[ Time.utc(2005, 2, 1, 15, 15, 10), %("2005-02-01T15:15:10.000Z") ]] StandardDateTimeTests = [[ DateTime.civil(2005, 2, 1, 15, 15, 10), %("2005-02-01T15:15:10.000+00:00") ]] StandardStringTests = [[ "this is the ", %("this is the ")]] end end