# frozen_string_literal: true class BaseMailer < ActionMailer::Base self.mailer_name = "base_mailer" default to: "system@test.lindsaar.net", from: "jose@test.plataformatec.com", reply_to: email_address_with_name("mikel@test.lindsaar.net", "Mikel") def welcome(hash = {}) headers["X-SPAM"] = "Not SPAM" mail({ subject: "The first email on new API!" }.merge!(hash)) end def welcome_with_headers(hash = {}) headers hash mail end def welcome_from_another_path(path) mail(template_name: "welcome", template_path: path) end def welcome_without_deliveries(hash = {}) mail({ template_name: "welcome" }.merge!(hash)) mail.perform_deliveries = false end def with_name to = email_address_with_name("sunny@example.com", "Sunny") mail(template_name: "welcome", to: to) end def with_blank_name to = email_address_with_name("sunny@example.com", "") mail(template_name: "welcome", to: to) end def html_only(hash = {}) mail(hash) end def plain_text_only(hash = {}) mail(hash) end def inline_attachment attachments.inline["logo.png"] = "\312\213\254\232" mail end def inline_and_other_attachments attachments.inline["logo.png"] = "\312\213\254\232" attachments["certificate.pdf"] = "This is test File content" mail end def attachment_with_content(hash = {}) attachments["invoice.pdf"] = "This is test File content" mail(hash) end def attachment_with_hash attachments["invoice.jpg"] = { data: ::Base64.encode64("\312\213\254\232)b"), mime_type: "image/x-jpg", transfer_encoding: "base64" } mail end def attachment_with_hash_default_encoding attachments["invoice.jpg"] = { data: "\312\213\254\232)b", mime_type: "image/x-jpg" } mail end def implicit_multipart(hash = {}) attachments["invoice.pdf"] = "This is test File content" if hash.delete(:attachments) mail(hash) end def implicit_multipart_formats(hash = {}) mail(hash) end def implicit_with_locale(hash = {}) mail(hash) end def explicit_multipart(hash = {}) attachments["invoice.pdf"] = "This is test File content" if hash.delete(:attachments) mail(hash) do |format| format.text { render plain: "TEXT Explicit Multipart" } format.html { render plain: "HTML Explicit Multipart" } end end def explicit_multipart_templates(hash = {}) mail(hash) do |format| format.html format.text end end def explicit_multipart_with_any(hash = {}) mail(hash) do |format| format.any(:text, :html) { render plain: "Format with any!" } end end def explicit_without_specifying_format_with_any(hash = {}) mail(hash) do |format| format.any end end def explicit_multipart_with_options(include_html = false) mail do |format| format.text(content_transfer_encoding: "base64") { render "welcome" } format.html { render "welcome" } if include_html end end def explicit_multipart_with_one_template(hash = {}) mail(hash) do |format| format.html format.text end end def implicit_different_template(template_name = "") mail(template_name: template_name) end def implicit_different_template_with_block(template_name = "") mail(template_name: template_name) do |format| format.text format.html end end def explicit_different_template(template_name = "") mail do |format| format.text { render template: "#{mailer_name}/#{template_name}" } format.html { render template: "#{mailer_name}/#{template_name}" } end end def different_layout(layout_name = "") mail do |format| format.text { render layout: layout_name } format.html { render layout: layout_name } end end def email_with_translations mail body: render("email_with_translations", formats: [:html]) end def without_mail_call end def with_nil_as_return_value mail(template_name: "welcome") nil end def with_subject_interpolations mail(subject: default_i18n_subject(rapper_or_impersonator: "Slim Shady"), body: "") end end