# frozen_string_literal: true require "active_support/core_ext/hash" module ActiveJob # Raised when an exception is raised during job arguments deserialization. # # Wraps the original exception raised as +cause+. class DeserializationError < StandardError def initialize #:nodoc: super("Error while trying to deserialize arguments: #{$!.message}") set_backtrace $!.backtrace end end # Raised when an unsupported argument type is set as a job argument. We # currently support String, Integer, Float, NilClass, TrueClass, FalseClass, # BigDecimal, Symbol, Date, Time, DateTime, ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone, # ActiveSupport::Duration, Hash, ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess, # Array or GlobalID::Identification instances, although this can be extended # by adding custom serializers. # Raised if you set the key for a Hash something else than a string or # a symbol. Also raised when trying to serialize an object which can't be # identified with a GlobalID - such as an unpersisted Active Record model. class SerializationError < ArgumentError; end module Arguments extend self # Serializes a set of arguments. Intrinsic types that can safely be # serialized without mutation are returned as-is. Arrays/Hashes are # serialized element by element. All other types are serialized using # GlobalID. def serialize(arguments) arguments.map { |argument| serialize_argument(argument) } end # Deserializes a set of arguments. Intrinsic types that can safely be # deserialized without mutation are returned as-is. Arrays/Hashes are # deserialized element by element. All other types are deserialized using # GlobalID. def deserialize(arguments) arguments.map { |argument| deserialize_argument(argument) } rescue raise DeserializationError end private # :nodoc: PERMITTED_TYPES = [ NilClass, String, Integer, Float, BigDecimal, TrueClass, FalseClass ] # :nodoc: GLOBALID_KEY = "_aj_globalid" # :nodoc: SYMBOL_KEYS_KEY = "_aj_symbol_keys" # :nodoc: RUBY2_KEYWORDS_KEY = "_aj_ruby2_keywords" # :nodoc: WITH_INDIFFERENT_ACCESS_KEY = "_aj_hash_with_indifferent_access" # :nodoc: OBJECT_SERIALIZER_KEY = "_aj_serialized" # :nodoc: RESERVED_KEYS = [ GLOBALID_KEY, GLOBALID_KEY.to_sym, SYMBOL_KEYS_KEY, SYMBOL_KEYS_KEY.to_sym, RUBY2_KEYWORDS_KEY, RUBY2_KEYWORDS_KEY.to_sym, OBJECT_SERIALIZER_KEY, OBJECT_SERIALIZER_KEY.to_sym, WITH_INDIFFERENT_ACCESS_KEY, WITH_INDIFFERENT_ACCESS_KEY.to_sym, ] private_constant :PERMITTED_TYPES, :RESERVED_KEYS, :GLOBALID_KEY, :SYMBOL_KEYS_KEY, :RUBY2_KEYWORDS_KEY, :WITH_INDIFFERENT_ACCESS_KEY unless Hash.respond_to?(:ruby2_keywords_hash?) && Hash.respond_to?(:ruby2_keywords_hash) using Module.new { refine Hash do class << Hash if RUBY_VERSION >= "2.7" def ruby2_keywords_hash?(hash) !new(*[hash]).default.equal?(hash) end else def ruby2_keywords_hash?(hash) false end end def ruby2_keywords_hash(hash) _ruby2_keywords_hash(**hash) end private def _ruby2_keywords_hash(*args) args.last end ruby2_keywords(:_ruby2_keywords_hash) if respond_to?(:ruby2_keywords, true) end end } end def serialize_argument(argument) case argument when *PERMITTED_TYPES argument when GlobalID::Identification convert_to_global_id_hash(argument) when Array argument.map { |arg| serialize_argument(arg) } when ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess serialize_indifferent_hash(argument) when Hash symbol_keys = argument.each_key.grep(Symbol).map!(&:to_s) aj_hash_key = if Hash.ruby2_keywords_hash?(argument) RUBY2_KEYWORDS_KEY else SYMBOL_KEYS_KEY end result = serialize_hash(argument) result[aj_hash_key] = symbol_keys result when -> (arg) { arg.respond_to?(:permitted?) } serialize_indifferent_hash(argument.to_h) else Serializers.serialize(argument) end end def deserialize_argument(argument) case argument when String argument when *PERMITTED_TYPES argument when Array argument.map { |arg| deserialize_argument(arg) } when Hash if serialized_global_id?(argument) deserialize_global_id argument elsif custom_serialized?(argument) Serializers.deserialize(argument) else deserialize_hash(argument) end else raise ArgumentError, "Can only deserialize primitive arguments: #{argument.inspect}" end end def serialized_global_id?(hash) hash.size == 1 && hash.include?(GLOBALID_KEY) end def deserialize_global_id(hash) GlobalID::Locator.locate hash[GLOBALID_KEY] end def custom_serialized?(hash) hash.key?(OBJECT_SERIALIZER_KEY) end def serialize_hash(argument) argument.each_with_object({}) do |(key, value), hash| hash[serialize_hash_key(key)] = serialize_argument(value) end end def deserialize_hash(serialized_hash) result = serialized_hash.transform_values { |v| deserialize_argument(v) } if result.delete(WITH_INDIFFERENT_ACCESS_KEY) result = result.with_indifferent_access elsif symbol_keys = result.delete(SYMBOL_KEYS_KEY) result = transform_symbol_keys(result, symbol_keys) elsif symbol_keys = result.delete(RUBY2_KEYWORDS_KEY) result = transform_symbol_keys(result, symbol_keys) result = Hash.ruby2_keywords_hash(result) end result end def serialize_hash_key(key) case key when *RESERVED_KEYS raise SerializationError.new("Can't serialize a Hash with reserved key #{key.inspect}") when String, Symbol key.to_s else raise SerializationError.new("Only string and symbol hash keys may be serialized as job arguments, but #{key.inspect} is a #{key.class}") end end def serialize_indifferent_hash(indifferent_hash) result = serialize_hash(indifferent_hash) result[WITH_INDIFFERENT_ACCESS_KEY] = serialize_argument(true) result end def transform_symbol_keys(hash, symbol_keys) # NOTE: HashWithIndifferentAccess#transform_keys always # returns stringified keys with indifferent access # so we call #to_h here to ensure keys are symbolized. hash.to_h.transform_keys do |key| if symbol_keys.include?(key) key.to_sym else key end end end def convert_to_global_id_hash(argument) { GLOBALID_KEY => argument.to_global_id.to_s } rescue URI::GID::MissingModelIdError raise SerializationError, "Unable to serialize #{argument.class} " \ "without an id. (Maybe you forgot to call save?)" end end end