require 'abstract_unit' require 'logger' require 'pp' # require 'pp' early to prevent hidden_methods from not picking up the pretty-print methods until too late module Rails end # Provide some controller to run the tests on. module Submodule class ContainedEmptyController < ActionController::Base end class ContainedNonEmptyController < ActionController::Base def public_action render :nothing => true end hide_action :hidden_action def hidden_action raise "Noooo!" end def another_hidden_action end hide_action :another_hidden_action end class SubclassedController < ContainedNonEmptyController hide_action :public_action # Hiding it here should not affect the superclass. end end class EmptyController < ActionController::Base end class NonEmptyController < ActionController::Base def public_action render :nothing => true end hide_action :hidden_action def hidden_action end end class MethodMissingController < ActionController::Base hide_action :shouldnt_be_called def shouldnt_be_called raise "NO WAY!" end protected def method_missing(selector) render :text => selector.to_s end end class DefaultUrlOptionsController < ActionController::Base def from_view render :inline => "<%= #{params[:route]} %>" end def default_url_options(options = nil) { :host => '', :action => 'new', :locale => 'en' } end end class UrlOptionsController < ActionController::Base def from_view render :inline => "<%= #{params[:route]} %>" end def url_options super.merge(:host => '', :action => 'new', :locale => 'en') end end class RecordIdentifierController < ActionController::Base end class ControllerClassTests < ActiveSupport::TestCase def test_controller_path assert_equal 'empty', EmptyController.controller_path assert_equal EmptyController.controller_path, assert_equal 'submodule/contained_empty', Submodule::ContainedEmptyController.controller_path assert_equal Submodule::ContainedEmptyController.controller_path, end def test_controller_name assert_equal 'empty', EmptyController.controller_name assert_equal 'contained_empty', Submodule::ContainedEmptyController.controller_name end def test_filter_parameter_logging parameters = [] config = mock(:config => mock(:filter_parameters => parameters)) Rails.expects(:application).returns(config) assert_deprecated do do filter_parameter_logging :password end end assert_equal [:password], parameters end def test_record_identifier assert_respond_to, :dom_id assert_respond_to, :dom_class end end class ControllerInstanceTests < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @empty = @contained = @empty_controllers = [@empty, @contained,] @non_empty_controllers = [,] end def test_action_methods @empty_controllers.each do |c| assert_equal, c.class.__send__(:action_methods), "#{c.controller_path} should be empty!" end @non_empty_controllers.each do |c| assert_equal, c.class.__send__(:action_methods), "#{c.controller_path} should not be empty!" end end def test_temporary_anonymous_controllers name = 'ExamplesController' klass = Object.const_set(name, klass) controller = assert_equal "examples", controller.controller_path end end class PerformActionTest < ActionController::TestCase def use_controller(controller_class) @controller = # enable a logger so that (e.g.) the benchmarking stuff runs, so we can get # a more accurate simulation of what happens in "real life". @controller.logger = @request = @response = = "" rescue_action_in_public! end def test_get_on_priv_should_show_selector use_controller MethodMissingController get :shouldnt_be_called assert_response :success assert_equal 'shouldnt_be_called', @response.body end def test_method_missing_is_not_an_action_name use_controller MethodMissingController assert !@controller.__send__(:action_method?, 'method_missing') get :method_missing assert_response :success assert_equal 'method_missing', @response.body end def test_get_on_hidden_should_fail use_controller NonEmptyController assert_raise(ActionController::UnknownAction) { get :hidden_action } assert_raise(ActionController::UnknownAction) { get :another_hidden_action } end end class UrlOptionsTest < ActionController::TestCase tests UrlOptionsController def setup super = '' rescue_action_in_public! end def test_url_options_override with_routing do |set| set.draw do |map| match 'from_view', :to => 'url_options#from_view', :as => :from_view match ':controller/:action' end get :from_view, :route => "from_view_url" assert_equal '', @response.body assert_equal '', @controller.send(:from_view_url) assert_equal '', @controller.url_for(:controller => 'default_url_options') end end end class DefaultUrlOptionsTest < ActionController::TestCase tests DefaultUrlOptionsController def setup super = '' rescue_action_in_public! end def test_default_url_options_override with_routing do |set| set.draw do |map| match 'from_view', :to => 'default_url_options#from_view', :as => :from_view match ':controller/:action' end get :from_view, :route => "from_view_url" assert_equal '', @response.body assert_equal '', @controller.send(:from_view_url) assert_equal '', @controller.url_for(:controller => 'default_url_options') end end def test_default_url_options_are_used_in_non_positional_parameters with_routing do |set| set.draw do |map| scope("/:locale") do resources :descriptions end match ':controller/:action' end get :from_view, :route => "description_path(1)" assert_equal '/en/descriptions/1', @response.body assert_equal '/en/descriptions', @controller.send(:descriptions_path) assert_equal '/pl/descriptions', @controller.send(:descriptions_path, "pl") assert_equal '/pl/descriptions', @controller.send(:descriptions_path, :locale => "pl") assert_equal '/pl/descriptions.xml', @controller.send(:descriptions_path, "pl", "xml") assert_equal '/en/descriptions.xml', @controller.send(:descriptions_path, :format => "xml") assert_equal '/en/descriptions/1', @controller.send(:description_path, 1) assert_equal '/pl/descriptions/1', @controller.send(:description_path, "pl", 1) assert_equal '/pl/descriptions/1', @controller.send(:description_path, 1, :locale => "pl") assert_equal '/pl/descriptions/1.xml', @controller.send(:description_path, "pl", 1, "xml") assert_equal '/en/descriptions/1.xml', @controller.send(:description_path, 1, :format => "xml") end end end class EmptyUrlOptionsTest < ActionController::TestCase tests NonEmptyController def setup super = '' rescue_action_in_public! end def test_ensure_url_for_works_as_expected_when_called_with_no_options_if_default_url_options_is_not_set get :public_action assert_equal "", @controller.url_for end def test_named_routes_with_path_without_doing_a_request_first @controller = @controller.request = @request with_routing do |set| set.draw do |map| resources :things end assert_equal '/things', @controller.send(:things_path) end end end