require "abstract_unit" require "timeout" require "rack/content_length" class ResponseTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def setup @response = ActionDispatch::Response.create @response.request = ActionDispatch::Request.empty end def test_can_wait_until_commit t = { @response.await_commit } @response.commit! assert @response.committed? assert t.join(0.5) end def test_stream_close assert end def test_stream_write "foo" assert_equal "foo", @response.body end def test_write_after_close e = assert_raises(IOError) do "omg" end assert_equal "closed stream", e.message end def test_each_isnt_called_if_str_body_is_written # Controller writes and reads response body each_counter = 0 @response.body = {|o| o.singleton_class.send(:define_method, :each) { |&block| each_counter += 1; "foo" } } @response["X-Foo"] = @response.body assert_equal 1, each_counter, "#each was not called once" # Build response status, headers, body = @response.to_a assert_equal 200, status assert_equal "foo", headers["X-Foo"] assert_equal "foo", body.each.to_a.join # Show that #each was not called twice assert_equal 1, each_counter, "#each was not called once" end def test_set_header_after_read_body_during_action @response.body # set header after the action reads back @response.body @response["x-header"] = "Best of all possible worlds." # the response can be built. status, headers, body = @response.to_a assert_equal 200, status assert_equal "", body.body assert_equal "Best of all possible worlds.", headers["x-header"] end def test_read_body_during_action @response.body = "Hello, World!" # even though there's no explicitly set content-type, assert_equal nil, @response.content_type # after the action reads back @response.body, assert_equal "Hello, World!", @response.body # the response can be built. status, headers, body = @response.to_a assert_equal 200, status assert_equal({ "Content-Type" => "text/html; charset=utf-8" }, headers) parts = [] body.each { |part| parts << part } assert_equal ["Hello, World!"], parts end def test_response_body_encoding body = ["hello".encode(Encoding::UTF_8)] response = 200, {}, body response.request = ActionDispatch::Request.empty assert_equal Encoding::UTF_8, response.body.encoding end def test_response_charset_writer @response.charset = "utf-16" assert_equal "utf-16", @response.charset @response.charset = nil assert_equal "utf-8", @response.charset end def test_setting_content_type_header_impacts_content_type_method @response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/aaron" assert_equal "application/aaron", @response.content_type end test "simple output" do @response.body = "Hello, World!" status, headers, body = @response.to_a assert_equal 200, status assert_equal({ "Content-Type" => "text/html; charset=utf-8" }, headers) parts = [] body.each { |part| parts << part } assert_equal ["Hello, World!"], parts end test "status handled properly in initialize" do assert_equal 200,"200 OK").status end def test_only_set_charset_still_defaults_to_text_html response = response.charset = "utf-16" _,headers,_ = response.to_a assert_equal "text/html; charset=utf-16", headers["Content-Type"] end test "utf8 output" do @response.body = [1090, 1077, 1089, 1090].pack("U*") status, headers, _ = @response.to_a assert_equal 200, status assert_equal({ "Content-Type" => "text/html; charset=utf-8" }, headers) end test "content length" do [100, 101, 102, 204].each do |c| @response = @response.status = c.to_s @response.set_header "Content-Length", "0" _, headers, _ = @response.to_a assert !headers.has_key?("Content-Length"), "#{c} must not have a Content-Length header field" end end test "does not contain a message-body" do [100, 101, 102, 204, 304].each do |c| @response = @response.status = c.to_s @response.body = "Body must not be included" _, _, body = @response.to_a assert_empty body, "#{c} must not have a message-body but actually contains #{body}" end end test "content type" do [204, 304].each do |c| @response = @response.status = c.to_s _, headers, _ = @response.to_a assert !headers.has_key?("Content-Type"), "#{c} should not have Content-Type header" end [200, 302, 404, 500].each do |c| @response = @response.status = c.to_s _, headers, _ = @response.to_a assert headers.has_key?("Content-Type"), "#{c} did not have Content-Type header" end end test "does not include Status header" do @response.status = "200 OK" _, headers, _ = @response.to_a assert !headers.has_key?("Status") end test "response code" do @response.status = "200 OK" assert_equal 200, @response.response_code @response.status = "200" assert_equal 200, @response.response_code @response.status = 200 assert_equal 200, @response.response_code end test "code" do @response.status = "200 OK" assert_equal "200", @response.code @response.status = "200" assert_equal "200", @response.code @response.status = 200 assert_equal "200", @response.code end test "message" do @response.status = "200 OK" assert_equal "OK", @response.message @response.status = "200" assert_equal "OK", @response.message @response.status = 200 assert_equal "OK", @response.message end test "cookies" do @response.set_cookie("user_name", value: "david", path: "/") _status, headers, _body = @response.to_a assert_equal "user_name=david; path=/", headers["Set-Cookie"] assert_equal({"user_name" => "david"}, @response.cookies) end test "multiple cookies" do @response.set_cookie("user_name", value: "david", path: "/") @response.set_cookie("login", value: "foo&bar", path: "/", expires: Time.utc(2005, 10, 10,5)) _status, headers, _body = @response.to_a assert_equal "user_name=david; path=/\nlogin=foo%26bar; path=/; expires=Mon, 10 Oct 2005 05:00:00 -0000", headers["Set-Cookie"] assert_equal({"login" => "foo&bar", "user_name" => "david"}, @response.cookies) end test "delete cookies" do @response.set_cookie("user_name", value: "david", path: "/") @response.set_cookie("login", value: "foo&bar", path: "/", expires: Time.utc(2005, 10, 10,5)) @response.delete_cookie("login") assert_equal({"user_name" => "david", "login" => nil}, @response.cookies) end test "read ETag and Cache-Control" do resp = { |response| response.cache_control[:public] = true response.etag = "123" response.body = "Hello" } resp.to_a assert resp.etag? assert resp.weak_etag? assert_not resp.strong_etag? assert_equal('W/"202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70"', resp.etag) assert_equal({public: true}, resp.cache_control) assert_equal("public", resp.headers["Cache-Control"]) assert_equal('W/"202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70"', resp.headers["ETag"]) end test "read strong ETag" do resp = { |response| response.cache_control[:public] = true response.strong_etag = "123" response.body = "Hello" } resp.to_a assert resp.etag? assert_not resp.weak_etag? assert resp.strong_etag? assert_equal('"202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70"', resp.etag) end test "read charset and content type" do resp = { |response| response.charset = "utf-16" response.content_type = Mime[:xml] response.body = "Hello" } resp.to_a assert_equal("utf-16", resp.charset) assert_equal(Mime[:xml], resp.content_type) assert_equal("application/xml; charset=utf-16", resp.headers["Content-Type"]) end test "read content type with default charset utf-8" do original = ActionDispatch::Response.default_charset begin resp =, "Content-Type" => "text/xml") assert_equal("utf-8", resp.charset) ensure ActionDispatch::Response.default_charset = original end end test "read content type with charset utf-16" do original = ActionDispatch::Response.default_charset begin ActionDispatch::Response.default_charset = "utf-16" resp =, "Content-Type" => "text/xml") assert_equal("utf-16", resp.charset) ensure ActionDispatch::Response.default_charset = original end end test "read x_frame_options, x_content_type_options and x_xss_protection" do original_default_headers = ActionDispatch::Response.default_headers begin ActionDispatch::Response.default_headers = { "X-Frame-Options" => "DENY", "X-Content-Type-Options" => "nosniff", "X-XSS-Protection" => "1;" } resp = ActionDispatch::Response.create.tap { |response| response.body = "Hello" } resp.to_a assert_equal("DENY", resp.headers["X-Frame-Options"]) assert_equal("nosniff", resp.headers["X-Content-Type-Options"]) assert_equal("1;", resp.headers["X-XSS-Protection"]) ensure ActionDispatch::Response.default_headers = original_default_headers end end test "read custom default_header" do original_default_headers = ActionDispatch::Response.default_headers begin ActionDispatch::Response.default_headers = { "X-XX-XXXX" => "Here is my phone number" } resp = ActionDispatch::Response.create.tap { |response| response.body = "Hello" } resp.to_a assert_equal("Here is my phone number", resp.headers["X-XX-XXXX"]) ensure ActionDispatch::Response.default_headers = original_default_headers end end test "respond_to? accepts include_private" do assert_not @response.respond_to?(:method_missing) assert @response.respond_to?(:method_missing, true) end test "can be explicitly destructured into status, headers and an enumerable body" do response =, { "Content-Type" => "text/plain" }, ["Not Found"]) response.request = ActionDispatch::Request.empty status, headers, body = *response assert_equal 404, status assert_equal({ "Content-Type" => "text/plain" }, headers) assert_equal ["Not Found"], body.each.to_a end test "[response.to_a].flatten does not recurse infinitely" do Timeout.timeout(1) do # use a timeout to prevent it stalling indefinitely status, headers, body = [@response.to_a].flatten assert_equal @response.status, status assert_equal @response.headers, headers assert_equal @response.body, body.each.to_a.join end end test "compatibility with Rack::ContentLength" do @response.body = "Hello" app = lambda { |env| @response.to_a } env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for("/") status, headers, body = assert_nil headers["Content-Length"] status, headers, body = assert_equal "5", headers["Content-Length"] end end class ResponseHeadersTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def setup @response = ActionDispatch::Response.create @response.set_header "Foo", "1" end test "has_header?" do assert @response.has_header? "Foo" assert_not @response.has_header? "foo" assert_not @response.has_header? nil end test "get_header" do assert_equal "1", @response.get_header("Foo") assert_nil @response.get_header("foo") assert_nil @response.get_header(nil) end test "set_header" do assert_equal "2", @response.set_header("Foo", "2") assert @response.has_header?("Foo") assert_equal "2", @response.get_header("Foo") assert_nil @response.set_header("Foo", nil) assert @response.has_header?("Foo") assert_nil @response.get_header("Foo") end test "delete_header" do assert_nil @response.delete_header(nil) assert_nil @response.delete_header("foo") assert @response.has_header?("Foo") assert_equal "1", @response.delete_header("Foo") assert_not @response.has_header?("Foo") end test "add_header" do # Add a value to an existing header assert_equal "1,2", @response.add_header("Foo", "2") assert_equal "1,2", @response.get_header("Foo") # Add nil to an existing header assert_equal "1,2", @response.add_header("Foo", nil) assert_equal "1,2", @response.get_header("Foo") # Add nil to a nonexistent header assert_nil @response.add_header("Bar", nil) assert_not @response.has_header?("Bar") assert_nil @response.get_header("Bar") # Add a value to a nonexistent header assert_equal "1", @response.add_header("Bar", "1") assert @response.has_header?("Bar") assert_equal "1", @response.get_header("Bar") end end class ResponseIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest test "response cache control from railsish app" do @app = lambda { |env| { |resp| resp.cache_control[:public] = true resp.etag = "123" resp.body = "Hello" resp.request = ActionDispatch::Request.empty }.to_a } get "/" assert_response :success assert_equal("public", @response.headers["Cache-Control"]) assert_equal('W/"202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70"', @response.headers["ETag"]) assert_equal('W/"202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70"', @response.etag) assert_equal({public: true}, @response.cache_control) end test "response cache control from rackish app" do @app = lambda { |env| [200, {"ETag" => 'W/"202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70"', "Cache-Control" => "public"}, ["Hello"]] } get "/" assert_response :success assert_equal("public", @response.headers["Cache-Control"]) assert_equal('W/"202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70"', @response.headers["ETag"]) assert_equal('W/"202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70"', @response.etag) assert_equal({public: true}, @response.cache_control) end test "response charset and content type from railsish app" do @app = lambda { |env| { |resp| resp.charset = "utf-16" resp.content_type = Mime[:xml] resp.body = "Hello" resp.request = ActionDispatch::Request.empty }.to_a } get "/" assert_response :success assert_equal("utf-16", @response.charset) assert_equal(Mime[:xml], @response.content_type) assert_equal("application/xml; charset=utf-16", @response.headers["Content-Type"]) end test "response charset and content type from rackish app" do @app = lambda { |env| [200, {"Content-Type" => "application/xml; charset=utf-16"}, ["Hello"]] } get "/" assert_response :success assert_equal("utf-16", @response.charset) assert_equal(Mime[:xml], @response.content_type) assert_equal("application/xml; charset=utf-16", @response.headers["Content-Type"]) end test "strong ETag validator" do @app = lambda { |env| { |resp| resp.strong_etag = "123" resp.body = "Hello" resp.request = ActionDispatch::Request.empty }.to_a } get "/" assert_response :ok assert_equal('"202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70"', @response.headers["ETag"]) assert_equal('"202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70"', @response.etag) end end