# frozen_string_literal: true require "test_helper" require "concurrent" require "websocket-client-simple" require "json" require "active_support/hash_with_indifferent_access" #### # 😷 Warning suppression 😷 WebSocket::Frame::Handler::Handler03.prepend Module.new { def initialize(*) @application_data_buffer = nil super end } WebSocket::Frame::Data.prepend Module.new { def initialize(*) @masking_key = nil super end } # #### class ClientTest < ActionCable::TestCase WAIT_WHEN_EXPECTING_EVENT = 2 WAIT_WHEN_NOT_EXPECTING_EVENT = 0.5 class Connection < ActionCable::Connection::Base identified_by :id def connect self.id = request.params["id"] || SecureRandom.hex(4) end end class EchoChannel < ActionCable::Channel::Base def subscribed stream_from "global" end def unsubscribed "Goodbye from EchoChannel!" end def ding(data) transmit({ dong: data["message"] }) end def delay(data) sleep 1 transmit({ dong: data["message"] }) end def bulk(data) ActionCable.server.broadcast "global", { wide: data["message"] } end end def setup ActionCable.instance_variable_set(:@server, nil) server = ActionCable.server server.config.logger = Logger.new(StringIO.new).tap { |l| l.level = Logger::UNKNOWN } server.config.cable = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(adapter: "async") server.config.connection_class = -> { ClientTest::Connection } # and now the "real" setup for our test: server.config.disable_request_forgery_protection = true end def with_puma_server(rack_app = ActionCable.server, port = 3099) opts = { min_threads: 1, max_threads: 4 } server = if Puma::Const::PUMA_VERSION >= "6" opts[:log_writer] = ::Puma::LogWriter.strings ::Puma::Server.new(rack_app, nil, opts) else # Puma >= 5.0.3 ::Puma::Server.new(rack_app, ::Puma::Events.strings, opts) end server.add_tcp_listener "", port thread = server.run begin yield port ensure server.stop begin thread.join rescue IOError # Work around https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/13405 # # Puma's sometimes raising while shutting down, when it closes # its internal pipe. We can safely ignore that, but we do need # to do the step skipped by the exception: server.binder.close rescue RuntimeError => ex # Work around https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/13239 raise unless ex.message.match?(/can't modify frozen IOError/) # Handle this as if it were the IOError: do the same as above. server.binder.close end end end class SyncClient attr_reader :pings def initialize(port, path = "/") messages = @messages = Queue.new closed = @closed = Concurrent::Event.new has_messages = @has_messages = Concurrent::Semaphore.new(0) pings = @pings = Concurrent::AtomicFixnum.new(0) open = Concurrent::Promise.new @ws = WebSocket::Client::Simple.connect("ws://{port}#{path}") do |ws| ws.on(:error) do |event| event = RuntimeError.new(event.message) unless event.is_a?(Exception) if open.pending? open.fail(event) else messages << event has_messages.release end end ws.on(:open) do |event| open.set(true) end ws.on(:message) do |event| if event.type == :close closed.set else message = JSON.parse(event.data) if message["type"] == "ping" pings.increment else messages << message has_messages.release end end end ws.on(:close) do |_| closed.set end end open.wait!(WAIT_WHEN_EXPECTING_EVENT) end def read_message @has_messages.try_acquire(1, WAIT_WHEN_EXPECTING_EVENT) msg = @messages.pop(true) raise msg if msg.is_a?(Exception) msg end def read_messages(expected_size = 0) list = [] loop do if @has_messages.try_acquire(1, list.size < expected_size ? WAIT_WHEN_EXPECTING_EVENT : WAIT_WHEN_NOT_EXPECTING_EVENT) msg = @messages.pop(true) raise msg if msg.is_a?(Exception) list << msg else break end end list end def send_message(message) @ws.send(JSON.generate(message)) end def close sleep WAIT_WHEN_NOT_EXPECTING_EVENT unless @messages.empty? raise "#{@messages.size} messages unprocessed" end @ws.close wait_for_close end def wait_for_close @closed.wait(WAIT_WHEN_EXPECTING_EVENT) end def closed? @closed.set? end end def websocket_client(*args) SyncClient.new(*args) end def concurrently(enum) enum.map { |*x| Concurrent::Promises.future { yield(*x) } }.map(&:value!) end def test_single_client with_puma_server do |port| c = websocket_client(port) assert_equal({ "type" => "welcome" }, c.read_message) # pop the first welcome message off the stack c.send_message command: "subscribe", identifier: JSON.generate(channel: "ClientTest::EchoChannel") assert_equal({ "identifier" => "{\"channel\":\"ClientTest::EchoChannel\"}", "type" => "confirm_subscription" }, c.read_message) c.send_message command: "message", identifier: JSON.generate(channel: "ClientTest::EchoChannel"), data: JSON.generate(action: "ding", message: "hello") assert_equal({ "identifier" => "{\"channel\":\"ClientTest::EchoChannel\"}", "message" => { "dong" => "hello" } }, c.read_message) c.close end end def test_interacting_clients with_puma_server do |port| clients = concurrently(10.times) { websocket_client(port) } barrier_1 = Concurrent::CyclicBarrier.new(clients.size) barrier_2 = Concurrent::CyclicBarrier.new(clients.size) concurrently(clients) do |c| assert_equal({ "type" => "welcome" }, c.read_message) # pop the first welcome message off the stack c.send_message command: "subscribe", identifier: JSON.generate(channel: "ClientTest::EchoChannel") assert_equal({ "identifier" => '{"channel":"ClientTest::EchoChannel"}', "type" => "confirm_subscription" }, c.read_message) c.send_message command: "message", identifier: JSON.generate(channel: "ClientTest::EchoChannel"), data: JSON.generate(action: "ding", message: "hello") assert_equal({ "identifier" => '{"channel":"ClientTest::EchoChannel"}', "message" => { "dong" => "hello" } }, c.read_message) barrier_1.wait WAIT_WHEN_EXPECTING_EVENT c.send_message command: "message", identifier: JSON.generate(channel: "ClientTest::EchoChannel"), data: JSON.generate(action: "bulk", message: "hello") barrier_2.wait WAIT_WHEN_EXPECTING_EVENT assert_equal clients.size, c.read_messages(clients.size).size end concurrently(clients, &:close) end end def test_many_clients with_puma_server do |port| clients = concurrently(100.times) { websocket_client(port) } concurrently(clients) do |c| assert_equal({ "type" => "welcome" }, c.read_message) # pop the first welcome message off the stack c.send_message command: "subscribe", identifier: JSON.generate(channel: "ClientTest::EchoChannel") assert_equal({ "identifier" => '{"channel":"ClientTest::EchoChannel"}', "type" => "confirm_subscription" }, c.read_message) c.send_message command: "message", identifier: JSON.generate(channel: "ClientTest::EchoChannel"), data: JSON.generate(action: "ding", message: "hello") assert_equal({ "identifier" => '{"channel":"ClientTest::EchoChannel"}', "message" => { "dong" => "hello" } }, c.read_message) end concurrently(clients, &:close) end end def test_disappearing_client with_puma_server do |port| c = websocket_client(port) assert_equal({ "type" => "welcome" }, c.read_message) # pop the first welcome message off the stack c.send_message command: "subscribe", identifier: JSON.generate(channel: "ClientTest::EchoChannel") assert_equal({ "identifier" => "{\"channel\":\"ClientTest::EchoChannel\"}", "type" => "confirm_subscription" }, c.read_message) c.send_message command: "message", identifier: JSON.generate(channel: "ClientTest::EchoChannel"), data: JSON.generate(action: "delay", message: "hello") c.close # disappear before write c = websocket_client(port) assert_equal({ "type" => "welcome" }, c.read_message) # pop the first welcome message off the stack c.send_message command: "subscribe", identifier: JSON.generate(channel: "ClientTest::EchoChannel") assert_equal({ "identifier" => "{\"channel\":\"ClientTest::EchoChannel\"}", "type" => "confirm_subscription" }, c.read_message) c.send_message command: "message", identifier: JSON.generate(channel: "ClientTest::EchoChannel"), data: JSON.generate(action: "ding", message: "hello") assert_equal({ "identifier" => '{"channel":"ClientTest::EchoChannel"}', "message" => { "dong" => "hello" } }, c.read_message) c.close # disappear before read end end def test_unsubscribe_client with_puma_server do |port| app = ActionCable.server identifier = JSON.generate(channel: "ClientTest::EchoChannel") c = websocket_client(port) assert_equal({ "type" => "welcome" }, c.read_message) c.send_message command: "subscribe", identifier: identifier assert_equal({ "identifier" => "{\"channel\":\"ClientTest::EchoChannel\"}", "type" => "confirm_subscription" }, c.read_message) assert_equal(1, app.connections.count) subscriptions = app.connections.first.subscriptions.send(:subscriptions) assert_not_equal 0, subscriptions.size, "Missing EchoChannel subscription" channel = subscriptions.first[1] assert_called(channel, :unsubscribed) do c.close sleep 0.1 # Data takes a moment to process end # All data is removed: No more connection or subscription information! assert_equal(0, app.connections.count) end end def test_remote_disconnect_client with_puma_server do |port| app = ActionCable.server c = websocket_client(port, "/?id=1") assert_equal({ "type" => "welcome" }, c.read_message) sleep 0.1 # make sure connections is registered app.remote_connections.where(id: "1").disconnect assert_equal({ "type" => "disconnect", "reason" => "remote", "reconnect" => true }, c.read_message) c.wait_for_close assert(c.closed?) end end def test_remote_disconnect_client_with_reconnect with_puma_server do |port| app = ActionCable.server c = websocket_client(port, "/?id=2") assert_equal({ "type" => "welcome" }, c.read_message) sleep 0.1 # make sure connections is registered app.remote_connections.where(id: "2").disconnect(reconnect: false) assert_equal({ "type" => "disconnect", "reason" => "remote", "reconnect" => false }, c.read_message) c.wait_for_close assert(c.closed?) end end def test_server_restart with_puma_server do |port| c = websocket_client(port) assert_equal({ "type" => "welcome" }, c.read_message) c.send_message command: "subscribe", identifier: JSON.generate(channel: "ClientTest::EchoChannel") assert_equal({ "identifier" => "{\"channel\":\"ClientTest::EchoChannel\"}", "type" => "confirm_subscription" }, c.read_message) ActionCable.server.restart c.wait_for_close assert_predicate c, :closed? end end end