require File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "test_helper") module RenderAction # This has no layout and it works class BasicController < ActionController::Base self.view_paths = [ "render_action/basic/hello_world.html.erb" => "Hello world!" )] def hello_world render :action => "hello_world" end def hello_world_as_string render "hello_world" end def hello_world_as_string_with_options render "hello_world", :status => 404 end def hello_world_as_symbol render :hello_world end def hello_world_with_symbol render :action => :hello_world end def hello_world_with_layout render :action => "hello_world", :layout => true end def hello_world_with_layout_false render :action => "hello_world", :layout => false end def hello_world_with_layout_nil render :action => "hello_world", :layout => nil end def hello_world_with_custom_layout render :action => "hello_world", :layout => "greetings" end end class TestBasic < SimpleRouteCase describe "Rendering an action using :action => " get "/render_action/basic/hello_world" assert_body "Hello world!" assert_status 200 end class TestWithString < SimpleRouteCase describe "Render an action using 'hello_world'" get "/render_action/basic/hello_world_as_string" assert_body "Hello world!" assert_status 200 end class TestWithStringAndOptions < SimpleRouteCase describe "Render an action using 'hello_world'" get "/render_action/basic/hello_world_as_string_with_options" assert_body "Hello world!" assert_status 404 end class TestAsSymbol < SimpleRouteCase describe "Render an action using :hello_world" get "/render_action/basic/hello_world_as_symbol" assert_body "Hello world!" assert_status 200 end class TestWithSymbol < SimpleRouteCase describe "Render an action using :action => :hello_world" get "/render_action/basic/hello_world_with_symbol" assert_body "Hello world!" assert_status 200 end class TestLayoutTrue < SimpleRouteCase describe "rendering a normal template with full path with layout => true" test "raises an exception when requesting a layout and none exist" do assert_raise(ArgumentError, /no default layout for RenderAction::BasicController in/) do get "/render_action/basic/hello_world_with_layout", {}, "rails.raise_exceptions" => true end end end class TestLayoutFalse < SimpleRouteCase describe "rendering a normal template with full path with layout => false" get "/render_action/basic/hello_world_with_layout_false" assert_body "Hello world!" assert_status 200 end class TestLayoutNil < SimpleRouteCase describe "rendering a normal template with full path with layout => :nil" get "/render_action/basic/hello_world_with_layout_nil" assert_body "Hello world!" assert_status 200 end class TestCustomLayout < SimpleRouteCase describe "rendering a normal template with full path with layout => 'greetings'" test "raises an exception when requesting a layout that does not exist" do assert_raise(ActionView::MissingTemplate) do get "/render_action/basic/hello_world_with_custom_layout", {}, "rails.raise_exceptions" => true end end end end module RenderActionWithApplicationLayout # # ==== Render actions with layouts ==== class BasicController < ::ApplicationController # Set the view path to an application view structure with layouts self.view_paths = self.view_paths = [ "render_action_with_application_layout/basic/hello_world.html.erb" => "Hello World!", "render_action_with_application_layout/basic/hello.html.builder" => "xml.p 'Omg'", "layouts/application.html.erb" => "OHAI <%= yield %> KTHXBAI", "layouts/greetings.html.erb" => "Greetings <%= yield %> Bai", "layouts/builder.html.builder" => "xml.html do\n xml << yield\nend" )] def hello_world render :action => "hello_world" end def hello_world_with_layout render :action => "hello_world", :layout => true end def hello_world_with_layout_false render :action => "hello_world", :layout => false end def hello_world_with_layout_nil render :action => "hello_world", :layout => nil end def hello_world_with_custom_layout render :action => "hello_world", :layout => "greetings" end def with_builder_and_layout render :action => "hello", :layout => "builder" end end class TestDefaultLayout < SimpleRouteCase describe %( Render hello_world and implicitly use application.html.erb as a layout if no layout is specified and no controller layout is present ) get "/render_action_with_application_layout/basic/hello_world" assert_body "OHAI Hello World! KTHXBAI" assert_status 200 end class TestLayoutTrue < SimpleRouteCase describe "rendering a normal template with full path with layout => true" get "/render_action_with_application_layout/basic/hello_world_with_layout" assert_body "OHAI Hello World! KTHXBAI" assert_status 200 end class TestLayoutFalse < SimpleRouteCase describe "rendering a normal template with full path with layout => false" get "/render_action_with_application_layout/basic/hello_world_with_layout_false" assert_body "Hello World!" assert_status 200 end class TestLayoutNil < SimpleRouteCase describe "rendering a normal template with full path with layout => :nil" get "/render_action_with_application_layout/basic/hello_world_with_layout_nil" assert_body "Hello World!" assert_status 200 end class TestCustomLayout < SimpleRouteCase describe "rendering a normal template with full path with layout => 'greetings'" get "/render_action_with_application_layout/basic/hello_world_with_custom_layout" assert_body "Greetings Hello World! Bai" assert_status 200 end class TestLayout < SimpleRouteCase testing BasicController test "builder works with layouts" do get :with_builder_and_layout assert_response "\n


\n\n" end end end module RenderActionWithControllerLayout class BasicController < ActionController::Base self.view_paths = self.view_paths = [ "render_action_with_controller_layout/basic/hello_world.html.erb" => "Hello World!", "layouts/render_action_with_controller_layout/basic.html.erb" => "With Controller Layout! <%= yield %> KTHXBAI" )] def hello_world render :action => "hello_world" end def hello_world_with_layout render :action => "hello_world", :layout => true end def hello_world_with_layout_false render :action => "hello_world", :layout => false end def hello_world_with_layout_nil render :action => "hello_world", :layout => nil end def hello_world_with_custom_layout render :action => "hello_world", :layout => "greetings" end end class TestControllerLayout < SimpleRouteCase describe "Render hello_world and implicitly use .html.erb as a layout." get "/render_action_with_controller_layout/basic/hello_world" assert_body "With Controller Layout! Hello World! KTHXBAI" assert_status 200 end class TestLayoutTrue < SimpleRouteCase describe "rendering a normal template with full path with layout => true" get "/render_action_with_controller_layout/basic/hello_world_with_layout" assert_body "With Controller Layout! Hello World! KTHXBAI" assert_status 200 end class TestLayoutFalse < SimpleRouteCase describe "rendering a normal template with full path with layout => false" get "/render_action_with_controller_layout/basic/hello_world_with_layout_false" assert_body "Hello World!" assert_status 200 end class TestLayoutNil < SimpleRouteCase describe "rendering a normal template with full path with layout => :nil" get "/render_action_with_controller_layout/basic/hello_world_with_layout_nil" assert_body "Hello World!" assert_status 200 end end module RenderActionWithBothLayouts class BasicController < ActionController::Base self.view_paths = [{ "render_action_with_both_layouts/basic/hello_world.html.erb" => "Hello World!", "layouts/application.html.erb" => "OHAI <%= yield %> KTHXBAI", "layouts/render_action_with_both_layouts/basic.html.erb" => "With Controller Layout! <%= yield %> KTHXBAI" })] def hello_world render :action => "hello_world" end def hello_world_with_layout render :action => "hello_world", :layout => true end def hello_world_with_layout_false render :action => "hello_world", :layout => false end def hello_world_with_layout_nil render :action => "hello_world", :layout => nil end end class TestControllerLayoutFirst < SimpleRouteCase describe "Render hello_world and implicitly use .html.erb over application.html.erb as a layout" get "/render_action_with_both_layouts/basic/hello_world" assert_body "With Controller Layout! Hello World! KTHXBAI" assert_status 200 end class TestLayoutTrue < SimpleRouteCase describe "rendering a normal template with full path with layout => true" get "/render_action_with_both_layouts/basic/hello_world_with_layout" assert_body "With Controller Layout! Hello World! KTHXBAI" assert_status 200 end class TestLayoutFalse < SimpleRouteCase describe "rendering a normal template with full path with layout => false" get "/render_action_with_both_layouts/basic/hello_world_with_layout_false" assert_body "Hello World!" assert_status 200 end class TestLayoutNil < SimpleRouteCase describe "rendering a normal template with full path with layout => :nil" get "/render_action_with_both_layouts/basic/hello_world_with_layout_nil" assert_body "Hello World!" assert_status 200 end end