* Support `fields model: [@nested, @model]` the same way as `form_with model: [@nested, @model]`. *Sean Doyle* * Infer HTTP verb `[method]` from a model or Array with model as the first argument to `button_to` when combined with a block: ```ruby button_to(Workshop.find(1)){ "Update" } #=>
#=> #=> #=>
button_to([ Workshop.find(1), Session.find(1) ]) { "Update" } #=>
#=> #=> #=>
``` *Sean Doyle* * Support passing a Symbol as the first argument to `FormBuilder#button`: ```ruby form.button(:draft, value: true) # => form.button(:draft, value: true) do content_tag(:strong, "Save as draft") end # => ``` *Sean Doyle* * Introduce the `field_name` view helper, along with the `FormBuilder#field_name` counterpart: ```ruby form_for @post do |f| f.field_tag :tag, name: f.field_name(:tag, multiple: true) # => end ``` *Sean Doyle* * Execute the `ActionView::Base.field_error_proc` within the context of the `ActionView::Base` instance: ```ruby config.action_view.field_error_proc = proc { |html| content_tag(:div, html, class: "field_with_errors") } ``` *Sean Doyle* * Add support for `button_to ..., authenticity_token: false` ```ruby button_to "Create", Post.new, authenticity_token: false # =>
button_to "Create", Post.new, authenticity_token: true # =>
button_to "Create", Post.new, authenticity_token: "secret" # =>
``` *Sean Doyle* * Support rendering `
` elements _without_ `[action]` attributes by: * `form_with url: false` or `form_with ..., html: { action: false }` * `form_for ..., url: false` or `form_for ..., html: { action: false }` * `form_tag false` or `form_tag ..., action: false` * `button_to "...", false` or `button_to(false) { ... }` *Sean Doyle* * Add `:day_format` option to `date_select` date_select("article", "written_on", day_format: ->(day) { day.ordinalize }) # generates day options like \n... *Shunichi Ikegami* * Allow `link_to` helper to infer link name from `Model#to_s` when it is used with a single argument: link_to @profile #=> Eileen This assumes the model class implements a `to_s` method like this: class Profile < ApplicationRecord # ... def to_s name end end Previously you had to supply a second argument even if the `Profile` model implemented a `#to_s` method that called the `name` method. link_to @profile, @profile.name #=> Eileen *Olivier Lacan* * Support svg unpaired tags for `tag` helper. tag.svg { tag.use('href' => "#cool-icon") } # => *Oleksii Vasyliev* ## Rails 7.0.0.alpha2 (September 15, 2021) ## * No changes. ## Rails 7.0.0.alpha1 (September 15, 2021) ## * Improves the performance of ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper formatters by avoiding the use of exceptions as flow control. *Mike Dalessio* * `preload_link_tag` properly inserts `as` attributes for files with `image` MIME types, such as JPG or SVG. *Nate Berkopec* * Add `weekday_options_for_select` and `weekday_select` helper methods. Also adds `weekday_select` to `FormBuilder`. *Drew Bragg*, *Dana Kashubeck*, *Kasper Timm Hansen* * Add `caching?` helper that returns whether the current code path is being cached and `uncacheable!` to denote helper methods that can't participate in fragment caching. *Ben Toews*, *John Hawthorn*, *Kasper Timm Hansen*, *Joel Hawksley* * Add `include_seconds` option for `time_field`. <%= form.time_field :foo, include_seconds: false %> # => Default includes seconds: <%= form.time_field :foo %> # => This allows you to take advantage of [different rendering options](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/time#time_value_format) in some browsers. *Alex Ghiculescu* * Improve error messages when template file does not exist at absolute filepath. *Ted Whang* * Add `:country_code` option to `sms_to` for consistency with `phone_to`. *Jonathan Hefner* * OpenSSL constants are now used for Digest computations. *Dirkjan Bussink* * The `translate` helper now passes `default` values that aren't translation keys through `I18n.translate` for interpolation. *Jonathan Hefner* * Adds option `extname` to `stylesheet_link_tag` to skip default `.css` extension appended to the stylesheet path. Before: ```ruby stylesheet_link_tag "style.less" # ``` After: ```ruby stylesheet_link_tag "style.less", extname: false, skip_pipeline: true, rel: "stylesheet/less" # ``` *Abhay Nikam* * Deprecate `render` locals to be assigned to instance variables. *Petrik de Heus* * Remove legacy default `media=screen` from `stylesheet_link_tag`. *André Luis Leal Cardoso Junior* * Change `ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder#button` to transform `formmethod` attributes into `_method="$VERB"` Form Data to enable varied same-form actions: <%= form_with model: post, method: :put do %> <%= form.button "Update" %> <%= form.button "Delete", formmethod: :delete %> <% end %> <%# => => => => =>
%> *Sean Doyle* * Change `ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper#button_to` to *always* render a ` <%= button_to post_path(@post), method: :delete do %> Delete <% end %> # =>
*Sean Doyle*, *Dusan Orlovic* * Add `config.action_view.preload_links_header` to allow disabling of the `Link` header being added by default when using `stylesheet_link_tag` and `javascript_include_tag`. *Andrew White* * The `translate` helper now resolves `default` values when a `nil` key is specified, instead of always returning `nil`. *Jonathan Hefner* * Add `config.action_view.image_loading` to configure the default value of the `image_tag` `:loading` option. By setting `config.action_view.image_loading = "lazy"`, an application can opt in to lazy loading images sitewide, without changing view code. *Jonathan Hefner* * `ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder#id` returns the value of the `
` element's `id` attribute. With a `method` argument, returns the `id` attribute for a form field with that name. <%= form_for @post do |f| %> <%# ... %> <% content_for :sticky_footer do %> <%= form.button(form: f.id) %> <% end %> <% end %> *Sean Doyle* * `ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder#field_id` returns the value generated by the FormBuilder for the given attribute name. <%= form_for @post do |f| %> <%= f.label :title %> <%= f.text_field :title, aria: { describedby: f.field_id(:title, :error) } %> <%= tag.span("is blank", id: f.field_id(:title, :error) %> <% end %> *Sean Doyle* * Add `tag.attributes` to transform a Hash into HTML Attributes, ready to be interpolated into ERB. > # => *Sean Doyle* Please check [6-1-stable](https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/6-1-stable/actionview/CHANGELOG.md) for previous changes.