# encoding: utf-8 require 'cases/helper' require 'cases/tests_database' require 'models/topic' require 'models/person' class NumericalityValidationTest < ActiveModel::TestCase include ActiveModel::TestsDatabase def teardown Topic.reset_callbacks(:validate) end NIL = [nil] BLANK = ["", " ", " \t \r \n"] BIGDECIMAL_STRINGS = %w(12345678901234567890.1234567890) # 30 significent digits FLOAT_STRINGS = %w(0.0 +0.0 -0.0 10.0 10.5 -10.5 -0.0001 -090.1 90.1e1 -90.1e5 -90.1e-5 90e-5) INTEGER_STRINGS = %w(0 +0 -0 10 +10 -10 0090 -090) FLOATS = [0.0, 10.0, 10.5, -10.5, -0.0001] + FLOAT_STRINGS INTEGERS = [0, 10, -10] + INTEGER_STRINGS BIGDECIMAL = BIGDECIMAL_STRINGS.collect! { |bd| BigDecimal.new(bd) } JUNK = ["not a number", "42 not a number", "0xdeadbeef", "00-1", "--3", "+-3", "+3-1", "-+019.0", "", "123\nnot a number"] INFINITY = [1.0/0.0] def test_default_validates_numericality_of Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved invalid!(NIL + BLANK + JUNK) valid!(FLOATS + INTEGERS + BIGDECIMAL + INFINITY) end def test_validates_numericality_of_with_nil_allowed Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :allow_nil => true invalid!(JUNK + BLANK) valid!(NIL + FLOATS + INTEGERS + BIGDECIMAL + INFINITY) end def test_validates_numericality_of_with_integer_only Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :only_integer => true invalid!(NIL + BLANK + JUNK + FLOATS + BIGDECIMAL + INFINITY) valid!(INTEGERS) end def test_validates_numericality_of_with_integer_only_and_nil_allowed Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :only_integer => true, :allow_nil => true invalid!(JUNK + BLANK + FLOATS + BIGDECIMAL + INFINITY) valid!(NIL + INTEGERS) end def test_validates_numericality_with_greater_than Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :greater_than => 10 invalid!([-10, 10], 'must be greater than 10') valid!([11]) end def test_validates_numericality_with_greater_than_or_equal Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :greater_than_or_equal_to => 10 invalid!([-9, 9], 'must be greater than or equal to 10') valid!([10]) end def test_validates_numericality_with_equal_to Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :equal_to => 10 invalid!([-10, 11] + INFINITY, 'must be equal to 10') valid!([10]) end def test_validates_numericality_with_less_than Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :less_than => 10 invalid!([10], 'must be less than 10') valid!([-9, 9]) end def test_validates_numericality_with_less_than_or_equal_to Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :less_than_or_equal_to => 10 invalid!([11], 'must be less than or equal to 10') valid!([-10, 10]) end def test_validates_numericality_with_odd Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :odd => true invalid!([-2, 2], 'must be odd') valid!([-1, 1]) end def test_validates_numericality_with_even Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :even => true invalid!([-1, 1], 'must be even') valid!([-2, 2]) end def test_validates_numericality_with_greater_than_less_than_and_even Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :greater_than => 1, :less_than => 4, :even => true invalid!([1, 3, 4]) valid!([2]) end def test_validates_numericality_with_proc Topic.send(:define_method, :min_approved, lambda { 5 }) Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :greater_than_or_equal_to => Proc.new {|topic| topic.min_approved } invalid!([3, 4]) valid!([5, 6]) Topic.send(:remove_method, :min_approved) end def test_validates_numericality_with_symbol Topic.send(:define_method, :max_approved, lambda { 5 }) Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :less_than_or_equal_to => :max_approved invalid!([6]) valid!([4, 5]) Topic.send(:remove_method, :max_approved) end def test_validates_numericality_with_numeric_message Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :less_than => 4, :message => "smaller than %{count}" topic = Topic.new("title" => "numeric test", "approved" => 10) assert !topic.valid? assert_equal ["smaller than 4"], topic.errors[:approved] Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :greater_than => 4, :message => "greater than %{count}" topic = Topic.new("title" => "numeric test", "approved" => 1) assert !topic.valid? assert_equal ["greater than 4"], topic.errors[:approved] end def test_validates_numericality_of_for_ruby_class Person.validates_numericality_of :karma, :allow_nil => false p = Person.new p.karma = "Pix" assert p.invalid? assert_equal ["is not a number"], p.errors[:karma] p.karma = "1234" assert p.valid? ensure Person.reset_callbacks(:validate) end def test_validates_numericality_with_invalid_args assert_raise(ArgumentError){ Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :greater_than_or_equal_to => "foo" } assert_raise(ArgumentError){ Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :less_than_or_equal_to => "foo" } assert_raise(ArgumentError){ Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :greater_than => "foo" } assert_raise(ArgumentError){ Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :less_than => "foo" } assert_raise(ArgumentError){ Topic.validates_numericality_of :approved, :equal_to => "foo" } end private def invalid!(values, error = nil) with_each_topic_approved_value(values) do |topic, value| assert topic.invalid?, "#{value.inspect} not rejected as a number" assert topic.errors[:approved].any?, "FAILED for #{value.inspect}" assert_equal error, topic.errors[:approved].first if error end end def valid!(values) with_each_topic_approved_value(values) do |topic, value| assert topic.valid?, "#{value.inspect} not accepted as a number" end end def with_each_topic_approved_value(values) topic = Topic.new(:title => "numeric test", :content => "whatever") values.each do |value| topic.approved = value yield topic, value end end end