# encoding: utf-8 require 'abstract_unit' require 'multibyte_test_helpers' class MultibyteUtilsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase include MultibyteTestHelpers test "valid_character returns an expression for the current encoding" do with_encoding('None') do assert_nil ActiveSupport::Multibyte.valid_character end with_encoding('UTF8') do assert_equal ActiveSupport::Multibyte::VALID_CHARACTER['UTF-8'], ActiveSupport::Multibyte.valid_character end with_encoding('SJIS') do assert_equal ActiveSupport::Multibyte::VALID_CHARACTER['Shift_JIS'], ActiveSupport::Multibyte.valid_character end end test "verify verifies ASCII strings are properly encoded" do with_encoding('None') do examples.each do |example| assert ActiveSupport::Multibyte.verify(example) end end end test "verify verifies UTF-8 strings are properly encoded" do with_encoding('UTF8') do assert ActiveSupport::Multibyte.verify(example('valid UTF-8')) assert !ActiveSupport::Multibyte.verify(example('invalid UTF-8')) end end test "verify verifies Shift-JIS strings are properly encoded" do with_encoding('SJIS') do assert ActiveSupport::Multibyte.verify(example('valid Shift-JIS')) assert !ActiveSupport::Multibyte.verify(example('invalid Shift-JIS')) end end test "verify! raises an exception when it finds an invalid character" do with_encoding('UTF8') do assert_raises(ActiveSupport::Multibyte::EncodingError) do ActiveSupport::Multibyte.verify!(example('invalid UTF-8')) end end end test "verify! doesn't raise an exception when the encoding is valid" do with_encoding('UTF8') do assert_nothing_raised do ActiveSupport::Multibyte.verify!(example('valid UTF-8')) end end end if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' test "clean leaves ASCII strings intact" do with_encoding('None') do [ 'word', "\270\236\010\210\245" ].each do |string| assert_equal string, ActiveSupport::Multibyte.clean(string) end end end test "clean cleans invalid characters from UTF-8 encoded strings" do with_encoding('UTF8') do cleaned_utf8 = [8].pack('C*') assert_equal example('valid UTF-8'), ActiveSupport::Multibyte.clean(example('valid UTF-8')) assert_equal cleaned_utf8, ActiveSupport::Multibyte.clean(example('invalid UTF-8')) end end test "clean cleans invalid characters from Shift-JIS encoded strings" do with_encoding('SJIS') do cleaned_sjis = [184, 0, 136, 165].pack('C*') assert_equal example('valid Shift-JIS'), ActiveSupport::Multibyte.clean(example('valid Shift-JIS')) assert_equal cleaned_sjis, ActiveSupport::Multibyte.clean(example('invalid Shift-JIS')) end end else test "clean is a no-op" do with_encoding('UTF8') do assert_equal example('invalid Shift-JIS'), ActiveSupport::Multibyte.clean(example('invalid Shift-JIS')) end end end private STRINGS = { 'valid ASCII' => [65, 83, 67, 73, 73].pack('C*'), 'invalid ASCII' => [128].pack('C*'), 'valid UTF-8' => [227, 129, 147, 227, 129, 171, 227, 129, 161, 227, 130, 143].pack('C*'), 'invalid UTF-8' => [184, 158, 8, 136, 165].pack('C*'), 'valid Shift-JIS' => [131, 122, 129, 91, 131, 128].pack('C*'), 'invalid Shift-JIS' => [184, 158, 8, 0, 255, 136, 165].pack('C*') } if Kernel.const_defined?(:Encoding) def example(key) STRINGS[key].force_encoding(Encoding.default_external) end def examples STRINGS.values.map { |s| s.force_encoding(Encoding.default_external) } end else def example(key) STRINGS[key] end def examples STRINGS.values end end if 'string'.respond_to?(:encoding) def with_encoding(enc) before = Encoding.default_external case enc when 'UTF8' Encoding.default_external = Encoding::UTF_8 when 'SJIS' Encoding.default_external = Encoding::Shift_JIS else Encoding.default_external = Encoding::BINARY end yield Encoding.default_external = before end else alias with_encoding with_kcode end end