namespace :rails do namespace :freeze do desc "Lock this application to the current gems (by unpacking them into vendor/rails)" task :gems do deps = %w(actionpack activerecord actionmailer activesupport actionwebservice) require 'rubygems' rails = if version = ENV['VERSION']'rails', "= #{version}").first else'rails').sort_by { |g| g.version }.last end version ||= rails.version unless rails puts "No rails gem #{version} is installed. Do 'gem list rails' to see what you have available." exit end puts "Freezing to the gems for Rails #{rails.version}" rm_rf "vendor/rails" mkdir_p "vendor/rails" { |g| deps.include? }.each do |g| system "cd vendor/rails; gem unpack -v '#{g.version_requirements}' #{}; mv #{}* #{}" end system "cd vendor/rails; gem unpack -v '=#{version}' rails""vendor/rails/rails*").first, "vendor/rails/railties") end desc "Lock this application to latest Edge Rails. Lock a specific revision with REVISION=X" task :edge do $verbose = false `svn --version` rescue nil unless !$?.nil? && $?.success? $stderr.puts "ERROR: Must have subversion (svn) available in the PATH to lock this application to Edge Rails" exit 1 end rm_rf "vendor/rails" mkdir_p "vendor/rails" revision_switch = ENV['REVISION'] ? " -r #{ENV['REVISION']}" : '' # Railties needs bin/ and html/ in order for update:scripts and # update:javascripts to function properly mkdir_p "vendor/rails/railties" system "svn export vendor/rails/railties/lib #{revision_switch}" system "svn export vendor/rails/railties/bin #{revision_switch}" system "svn export vendor/rails/railties/html #{revision_switch}" # The rest of the frameworks really just need lib/ for framework in %w( actionpack activerecord actionmailer activesupport actionwebservice ) mkdir_p "vendor/rails/#{framework}" system "svn export{framework}/lib vendor/rails/#{framework}/lib #{revision_switch}" end end end desc "Unlock this application from freeze of gems or edge and return to a fluid use of system gems" task :unfreeze do rm_rf "vendor/rails" end desc "Update both scripts and public/javascripts from Rails" task :update => [ "update:scripts", "update:javascripts" ] namespace :update do desc "Add new scripts to the application script/ directory" task :scripts do local_base = "script" edge_base = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../bin" local = Dir["#{local_base}/**/*"].reject { |path| } edge = Dir["#{edge_base}/**/*"].reject { |path| } edge.each do |script| base_name = script[(edge_base.length+1)..-1] next if base_name == "rails" next if local.detect { |path| base_name == path[(local_base.length+1)..-1] } if !"#{local_base}/#{File.dirname(base_name)}") mkdir_p "#{local_base}/#{File.dirname(base_name)}" end install script, "#{local_base}/#{base_name}", :mode => 0755 end end desc "Update your javascripts from your current rails install" task :javascripts do require 'railties_path' FileUtils.cp(Dir[RAILTIES_PATH + '/html/javascripts/*.js'], RAILS_ROOT + '/public/javascripts/') end end end