# This defines a deployment "recipe" that you can feed to switchtower # (http://manuals.rubyonrails.com/read/book/17). It allows you to automate # (among other things) the deployment of your application. # ============================================================================= # REQUIRED VARIABLES # ============================================================================= # You must always specify the application and repository for every recipe. The # repository must be the URL of the repository you want this recipe to # correspond to. The deploy_to path must be the path on each machine that will # form the root of the application path. set :application, "<%= File.basename(destination_root) %>" set :repository, "http://svn.yourhost.com/#{application}/trunk" # ============================================================================= # ROLES # ============================================================================= # You can define any number of roles, each of which contains any number of # machines. Roles might include such things as :web, or :app, or :db, defining # what the purpose of each machine is. You can also specify options that can # be used to single out a specific subset of boxes in a particular role, like # :primary => true. role :web, "www01.example.com", "www02.example.com" role :app, "app01.example.com", "app02.example.com", "app03.example.com" role :db, "db01.example.com", :primary => true role :db, "db02.example.com", "db03.example.com" # ============================================================================= # OPTIONAL VARIABLES # ============================================================================= # set :deploy_to, "/path/to/app" # defaults to "/u/apps/#{application}" # set :user, "flippy" # defaults to the currently logged in user # set :scm, :darcs # defaults to :subversion # set :svn, "/path/to/svn" # defaults to searching the PATH # set :darcs, "/path/to/darcs" # defaults to searching the PATH # set :gateway, "gate.host.com" # default to no gateway # ============================================================================= # TASKS # ============================================================================= # Define tasks that run on all (or only some) of the machines. You can specify # a role (or set of roles) that each task should be executed on. You can also # narrow the set of servers to a subset of a role by specifying options, which # must match the options given for the servers to select (like :primary => true) desc < :db, :only => { :primary => true } do # the on_rollback handler is only executed if this task is executed within # a transaction (see below), AND it or a subsequent task fails. on_rollback { delete "/tmp/dump.sql" } run "mysqldump -u theuser -p thedatabase > /tmp/dump.sql" do |ch, stream, out| ch.send_data "thepassword\n" if out =~ /^Enter password:/ end end # Tasks may take advantage of several different helper methods to interact # with the remote server(s). These are: # # * run(command, options={}, &block): execute the given command on all servers # associated with the current task, in parallel. The block, if given, should # accept three parameters: the communication channel, a symbol identifying the # type of stream (:err or :out), and the data. The block is invoked for all # output from the command, allowing you to inspect output and act # accordingly. # * sudo(command, options={}, &block): same as run, but it executes the command # via sudo. # * delete(path, options={}): deletes the given file or directory from all # associated servers. If :recursive => true is given in the options, the # delete uses "rm -rf" instead of "rm -f". # * put(buffer, path, options={}): creates or overwrites a file at "path" on # all associated servers, populating it with the contents of "buffer". You # can specify :mode as an integer value, which will be used to set the mode # on the file. # * render(template, options={}) or render(options={}): renders the given # template and returns a string. Alternatively, if the :template key is given, # it will be treated as the contents of the template to render. Any other keys # are treated as local variables, which are made available to the (ERb) # template. desc "Demonstrates the various helper methods available to recipes." task :helper_demo do # "setup" is a standard task which sets up the directory structure on the # remote servers. It is a good idea to run the "setup" task at least once # at the beginning of your app's lifetime (it is non-destructive). setup buffer = render("maintenance.rhtml", :deadline => ENV['UNTIL']) put buffer, "#{shared_path}/system/maintenance.html", :mode => 0644 sudo "killall -USR1 dispatch.fcgi" run "#{release_path}/script/spin" delete "#{shared_path}/system/maintenance.html" end # You can use "transaction" to indicate that if any of the tasks within it fail, # all should be rolled back (for each task that specifies an on_rollback # handler). desc "A task demonstrating the use of transactions." task :long_deploy do transaction do update_code disable_web symlink migrate end restart enable_web end