require "sprockets" # TODO: Move this to sprockets-rails # If so, we can move the require to a Gemfile and remove assets.enabled class Sprockets::Railtie < Rails::Railtie def self.using_coffee? require 'coffee-script' defined?(CoffeeScript) rescue LoadError false end def self.using_scss? require 'sass' defined?(Sass) rescue LoadError false end config.app_generators.javascript_engine :coffee if using_coffee? config.app_generators.stylesheet_engine :scss if using_scss? # Configure ActionController to use sprockets. initializer "sprockets.set_configs", :after => "action_controller.set_configs" do |app| ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) do self.use_sprockets = app.config.assets.enabled end end # We need to configure this after initialization to ensure we collect # paths from all engines. This hook is invoked exactly before routes # are compiled. config.after_initialize do |app| assets = app.config.assets next unless assets.enabled app.assets = asset_environment(app) app.routes.append do mount app.assets => assets.prefix end if config.action_controller.perform_caching app.assets = app.assets.index end end protected def asset_environment(app) assets = app.config.assets env = env.static_root = File.join(app.root.join("public"), assets.prefix) env.paths.concat assets.paths env.logger = Rails.logger env end end