# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative "abstract_unit" class AssertionsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def setup @object = Class.new do attr_accessor :num def increment self.num += 1 end def decrement self.num -= 1 end end.new @object.num = 0 end def test_assert_not assert_equal true, assert_not(nil) assert_equal true, assert_not(false) e = assert_raises(Minitest::Assertion) { assert_not true } assert_equal "Expected true to be nil or false", e.message e = assert_raises(Minitest::Assertion) { assert_not true, "custom" } assert_equal "custom", e.message end def test_assert_no_difference_pass assert_no_difference "@object.num" do # ... end end def test_assert_no_difference_fail error = assert_raises(Minitest::Assertion) do assert_no_difference "@object.num" do @object.increment end end assert_equal "\"@object.num\" didn't change by 0.\nExpected: 0\n Actual: 1", error.message end def test_assert_no_difference_with_message_fail error = assert_raises(Minitest::Assertion) do assert_no_difference "@object.num", "Object Changed" do @object.increment end end assert_equal "Object Changed.\n\"@object.num\" didn't change by 0.\nExpected: 0\n Actual: 1", error.message end def test_assert_no_difference_with_multiple_expressions_pass another_object = @object.dup assert_no_difference ["@object.num", -> { another_object.num }] do # ... end end def test_assert_no_difference_with_multiple_expressions_fail another_object = @object.dup assert_raises(Minitest::Assertion) do assert_no_difference ["@object.num", -> { another_object.num }], "Another Object Changed" do another_object.increment end end end def test_assert_difference assert_difference "@object.num", +1 do @object.increment end end def test_assert_difference_retval incremented = assert_difference "@object.num", +1 do @object.increment end assert_equal incremented, 1 end def test_assert_difference_with_implicit_difference assert_difference "@object.num" do @object.increment end end def test_arbitrary_expression assert_difference "@object.num + 1", +2 do @object.increment @object.increment end end def test_negative_differences assert_difference "@object.num", -1 do @object.decrement end end def test_expression_is_evaluated_in_the_appropriate_scope silence_warnings do local_scope = "foo" _ = local_scope # to suppress unused variable warning assert_difference("local_scope; @object.num") { @object.increment } end end def test_array_of_expressions assert_difference [ "@object.num", "@object.num + 1" ], +1 do @object.increment end end def test_array_of_expressions_identify_failure assert_raises(Minitest::Assertion) do assert_difference ["@object.num", "1 + 1"] do @object.increment end end end def test_array_of_expressions_identify_failure_when_message_provided assert_raises(Minitest::Assertion) do assert_difference ["@object.num", "1 + 1"], 1, "something went wrong" do @object.increment end end end def test_hash_of_expressions assert_difference "@object.num" => 1, "@object.num + 1" => 1 do @object.increment end end def test_hash_of_expressions_with_message error = assert_raises Minitest::Assertion do assert_difference({ "@object.num" => 0 }, "Object Changed") do @object.increment end end assert_equal "Object Changed.\n\"@object.num\" didn't change by 0.\nExpected: 0\n Actual: 1", error.message end def test_hash_of_lambda_expressions assert_difference -> { @object.num } => 1, -> { @object.num + 1 } => 1 do @object.increment end end def test_hash_of_expressions_identify_failure assert_raises(Minitest::Assertion) do assert_difference "@object.num" => 1, "1 + 1" => 1 do @object.increment end end end def test_assert_changes_pass assert_changes "@object.num" do @object.increment end end def test_assert_changes_pass_with_lambda assert_changes -> { @object.num } do @object.increment end end def test_assert_changes_with_from_option assert_changes "@object.num", from: 0 do @object.increment end end def test_assert_changes_with_from_option_with_wrong_value assert_raises Minitest::Assertion do assert_changes "@object.num", from: -1 do @object.increment end end end def test_assert_changes_with_from_option_with_nil error = assert_raises Minitest::Assertion do assert_changes "@object.num", from: nil do @object.increment end end assert_equal "Expected change from nil", error.message end def test_assert_changes_with_to_option assert_changes "@object.num", to: 1 do @object.increment end end def test_assert_changes_with_to_option_but_no_change_has_special_message error = assert_raises Minitest::Assertion do assert_changes "@object.num", to: 0 do # no changes end end assert_equal "\"@object.num\" didn't change. It was already 0.\nExpected 0 to not be equal to 0.", error.message end def test_assert_changes_with_wrong_to_option assert_raises Minitest::Assertion do assert_changes "@object.num", to: 2 do @object.increment end end end def test_assert_changes_with_from_option_and_to_option assert_changes "@object.num", from: 0, to: 1 do @object.increment end end def test_assert_changes_with_from_and_to_options_and_wrong_to_value assert_raises Minitest::Assertion do assert_changes "@object.num", from: 0, to: 2 do @object.increment end end end def test_assert_changes_works_with_any_object # Silences: instance variable @new_object not initialized. retval = silence_warnings do assert_changes :@new_object, from: nil, to: 42 do @new_object = 42 end end assert_equal 42, retval end def test_assert_changes_works_with_nil oldval = @object retval = assert_changes :@object, from: oldval, to: nil do @object = nil end assert_nil retval end def test_assert_changes_with_to_and_case_operator token = nil assert_changes -> { token }, to: /\w{32}/ do token = SecureRandom.hex end end def test_assert_changes_with_to_and_from_and_case_operator token = SecureRandom.hex assert_changes -> { token }, from: /\w{32}/, to: /\w{32}/ do token = SecureRandom.hex end end def test_assert_changes_with_message error = assert_raises Minitest::Assertion do assert_changes "@object.num", "@object.num should be 1", to: 1 do @object.decrement end end assert_equal "@object.num should be 1.\nExpected change to 1\n", error.message end def test_assert_no_changes_pass assert_no_changes "@object.num" do # ... end end def test_assert_no_changes_with_from_option assert_no_changes "@object.num", from: 0 do # ... end end def test_assert_no_changes_with_from_option_with_wrong_value assert_raises Minitest::Assertion do assert_no_changes "@object.num", from: -1 do # ... end end end def test_assert_no_changes_with_from_option_with_nil error = assert_raises Minitest::Assertion do assert_no_changes "@object.num", from: nil do @object.increment end end assert_equal "Expected initial value of nil", error.message end def test_assert_no_changes_with_from_and_case_operator token = SecureRandom.hex assert_no_changes -> { token }, from: /\w{32}/ do # ... end end def test_assert_no_changes_with_message error = assert_raises Minitest::Assertion do assert_no_changes "@object.num", "@object.num should not change" do @object.increment end end assert_equal "@object.num should not change.\n\"@object.num\" changed.\nExpected: 0\n Actual: 1", error.message end def test_assert_no_changes_with_long_string_wont_output_everything lines = "HEY\n" * 12 error = assert_raises Minitest::Assertion do assert_no_changes "lines" do lines += "HEY ALSO\n" end end assert_match <<~output, error.message "lines" changed. --- expected +++ actual @@ -10,4 +10,5 @@ HEY HEY HEY +HEY ALSO " output end end class ExceptionsInsideAssertionsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def before_setup require "stringio" @out = StringIO.new self.tagged_logger = ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging.new(Logger.new(@out)) super end def test_warning_is_logged_if_caught_internally run_test_that_should_pass_and_log_a_warning expected = <<~MSG ExceptionsInsideAssertionsTest - test_warning_is_logged_if_caught_internally: ArgumentError raised. If you expected this exception, use `assert_raises` as near to the code that raises as possible. Other block based assertions (e.g. `assert_no_changes`) can be used, as long as `assert_raises` is inside their block. MSG assert @out.string.include?(expected), @out.string end def test_warning_is_not_logged_if_caught_correctly_by_user run_test_that_should_pass_and_not_log_a_warning assert_not @out.string.include?("assert_nothing_raised") end def test_warning_is_not_logged_if_assertions_are_nested_correctly error = assert_raises(Minitest::Assertion) do run_test_that_should_fail_but_not_log_a_warning end assert_not @out.string.include?("assert_nothing_raised") assert error.message.include?("(lambda)> changed") end def test_fails_and_warning_is_logged_if_wrong_error_caught error = assert_raises(Minitest::Assertion) do run_test_that_should_fail_confusingly end expected = <<~MSG ExceptionsInsideAssertionsTest - test_fails_and_warning_is_logged_if_wrong_error_caught: ArgumentError raised. If you expected this exception, use `assert_raises` as near to the code that raises as possible. Other block based assertions (e.g. `assert_no_changes`) can be used, as long as `assert_raises` is inside their block. MSG assert @out.string.include?(expected), @out.string assert error.message.include?("ArgumentError: ArgumentError") assert error.message.include?("in `block (2 levels) in run_test_that_should_fail_confusingly'") end private def run_test_that_should_pass_and_log_a_warning assert_raises(Minitest::UnexpectedError) do # this assertion passes, but it's unlikely to be how anyone writes a test assert_no_changes -> { 1 } do # this assertion doesn't run. the error below is caught and the warning logged. raise ArgumentError.new end end end def run_test_that_should_fail_confusingly assert_raises(ArgumentError) do # this assertion fails (confusingly) because it catches a Minitest::UnexpectedError. assert_no_changes -> { 1 } do # this assertion doesn't run. the error below is caught and the warning logged. raise ArgumentError.new end end end def run_test_that_should_pass_and_not_log_a_warning assert_no_changes -> { 1 } do # this assertion passes assert_raises(ArgumentError) do # this assertion passes raise ArgumentError.new end end end def run_test_that_should_fail_but_not_log_a_warning assert_no_changes -> { rand } do # this assertion fails assert_raises(ArgumentError) do # this assertion passes raise ArgumentError.new end end end end # Setup and teardown callbacks. class SetupAndTeardownTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase setup :reset_callback_record, :foo teardown :foo, :sentinel def test_inherited_setup_callbacks assert_equal [:reset_callback_record, :foo], self.class._setup_callbacks.map(&:filter) assert_equal [:foo], @called_back assert_equal [:foo, :sentinel], self.class._teardown_callbacks.map(&:filter) end def setup end def teardown end private def reset_callback_record @called_back = [] end def foo @called_back << :foo end def sentinel assert_equal [:foo], @called_back end end class SubclassSetupAndTeardownTest < SetupAndTeardownTest setup :bar teardown :bar def test_inherited_setup_callbacks assert_equal [:reset_callback_record, :foo, :bar], self.class._setup_callbacks.map(&:filter) assert_equal [:foo, :bar], @called_back assert_equal [:foo, :sentinel, :bar], self.class._teardown_callbacks.map(&:filter) end private def bar @called_back << :bar end def sentinel assert_equal [:foo, :bar, :bar], @called_back end end class TestCaseTaggedLoggingTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def before_setup require "stringio" @out = StringIO.new self.tagged_logger = ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging.new(Logger.new(@out)) super end def test_logs_tagged_with_current_test_case assert_match "#{self.class}: #{name}\n", @out.string end end class TestOrderTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def setup @original_test_order = ActiveSupport::TestCase.test_order end def teardown ActiveSupport::TestCase.test_order = @original_test_order end def test_defaults_to_random ActiveSupport::TestCase.test_order = nil assert_equal :random, ActiveSupport::TestCase.test_order assert_equal :random, ActiveSupport.test_order end def test_test_order_is_global ActiveSupport::TestCase.test_order = :sorted assert_equal :sorted, ActiveSupport.test_order assert_equal :sorted, ActiveSupport::TestCase.test_order assert_equal :sorted, self.class.test_order assert_equal :sorted, Class.new(ActiveSupport::TestCase).test_order ActiveSupport.test_order = :random assert_equal :random, ActiveSupport.test_order assert_equal :random, ActiveSupport::TestCase.test_order assert_equal :random, self.class.test_order assert_equal :random, Class.new(ActiveSupport::TestCase).test_order end end