require 'action_controller/assertions' require 'action_controller/test_case' module ActionController #:nodoc: class Base # Process a test request called with a TestRequest object. def self.process_test(request) new.process_test(request) end def process_test(request) #:nodoc: process(request, end def process_with_test(*args) returning process_without_test(*args) do add_variables_to_assigns end end alias_method_chain :process, :test end class TestRequest < AbstractRequest #:nodoc: attr_accessor :cookies, :session_options attr_accessor :query_parameters, :request_parameters, :path, :session attr_accessor :host, :user_agent def initialize(query_parameters = nil, request_parameters = nil, session = nil) @query_parameters = query_parameters || {} @request_parameters = request_parameters || {} @session = session || initialize_containers initialize_default_values super() end def reset_session @session = end # Wraps raw_post in a StringIO. def body_stream #:nodoc: end # Either the RAW_POST_DATA environment variable or the URL-encoded request # parameters. def raw_post env['RAW_POST_DATA'] ||= returning(url_encoded_request_parameters) { |b| b.force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) if b.respond_to?(:force_encoding) } end def port=(number) @env["SERVER_PORT"] = number.to_i port(true) end def action=(action_name) @query_parameters.update({ "action" => action_name }) @parameters = nil end # Used to check AbstractRequest's request_uri functionality. # Disables the use of @path and @request_uri so superclass can handle those. def set_REQUEST_URI(value) @env["REQUEST_URI"] = value @request_uri = nil @path = nil request_uri(true) path(true) end def request_uri=(uri) @request_uri = uri @path = uri.split("?").first end def accept=(mime_types) @env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = Array(mime_types).collect { |mime_types| mime_types.to_s }.join(",") accepts(true) end def if_modified_since=(last_modified) @env["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"] = last_modified end def if_none_match=(etag) @env["HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH"] = etag end def remote_addr=(addr) @env['REMOTE_ADDR'] = addr end def request_uri(*args) @request_uri || super end def path(*args) @path || super end def assign_parameters(controller_path, action, parameters) parameters = parameters.symbolize_keys.merge(:controller => controller_path, :action => action) extra_keys = ActionController::Routing::Routes.extra_keys(parameters) non_path_parameters = get? ? query_parameters : request_parameters parameters.each do |key, value| if value.is_a? Fixnum value = value.to_s elsif value.is_a? Array value = end if extra_keys.include?(key.to_sym) non_path_parameters[key] = value else path_parameters[key.to_s] = value end end @parameters = nil # reset TestRequest#parameters to use the new path_parameters end def recycle! self.request_parameters = {} self.query_parameters = {} self.path_parameters = {} unmemoize_all end private def initialize_containers @env, @cookies = {}, {} end def initialize_default_values @host = "" @request_uri = "/" @user_agent = "Rails Testing" self.remote_addr = "" @env["SERVER_PORT"] = 80 @env['REQUEST_METHOD'] = "GET" end def url_encoded_request_parameters params = self.request_parameters.dup %w(controller action only_path).each do |k| params.delete(k) params.delete(k.to_sym) end params.to_query end end # A refactoring of TestResponse to allow the same behavior to be applied # to the "real" CgiResponse class in integration tests. module TestResponseBehavior #:nodoc: # The response code of the request def response_code headers['Status'][0,3].to_i rescue 0 end # Returns a String to ensure compatibility with Net::HTTPResponse def code headers['Status'].to_s.split(' ')[0] end def message headers['Status'].to_s.split(' ',2)[1] end # Was the response successful? def success? (200..299).include?(response_code) end # Was the URL not found? def missing? response_code == 404 end # Were we redirected? def redirect? (300..399).include?(response_code) end # Was there a server-side error? def error? (500..599).include?(response_code) end alias_method :server_error?, :error? # Returns the redirection location or nil def redirect_url headers['Location'] end # Does the redirect location match this regexp pattern? def redirect_url_match?( pattern ) return false if redirect_url.nil? p = if pattern.class == String p = pattern if pattern.class == Regexp return false if p.nil? p.match(redirect_url) != nil end # Returns the template of the file which was used to # render this response (or nil) def rendered_template template._first_render end # A shortcut to the flash. Returns an empty hash if no session flash exists. def flash session['flash'] || {} end # Do we have a flash? def has_flash? !session['flash'].empty? end # Do we have a flash that has contents? def has_flash_with_contents? !flash.empty? end # Does the specified flash object exist? def has_flash_object?(name=nil) !flash[name].nil? end # Does the specified object exist in the session? def has_session_object?(name=nil) !session[name].nil? end # A shortcut to the template.assigns def template_objects template.assigns || {} end # Does the specified template object exist? def has_template_object?(name=nil) !template_objects[name].nil? end # Returns the response cookies, converted to a Hash of (name => CGI::Cookie) pairs # # assert_equal ['AuthorOfNewPage'], r.cookies['author'].value def cookies headers['cookie'].inject({}) { |hash, cookie| hash[] = cookie; hash } end # Returns binary content (downloadable file), converted to a String def binary_content raise "Response body is not a Proc: #{body.inspect}" unless body.kind_of?(Proc) require 'stringio' sio =, sio) sio.rewind end end # Integration test methods such as ActionController::Integration::Session#get # and ActionController::Integration::Session#post return objects of class # TestResponse, which represent the HTTP response results of the requested # controller actions. # # See AbstractResponse for more information on controller response objects. class TestResponse < AbstractResponse include TestResponseBehavior end class TestSession #:nodoc: attr_accessor :session_id def initialize(attributes = nil) @session_id = '' @attributes = attributes.nil? ? nil : attributes.stringify_keys @saved_attributes = nil end def data @attributes ||= @saved_attributes || {} end def [](key) data[key.to_s] end def []=(key, value) data[key.to_s] = value end def update @saved_attributes = @attributes end def delete @attributes = nil end def close update delete end end # Essentially generates a modified Tempfile object similar to the object # you'd get from the standard library CGI module in a multipart # request. This means you can use an ActionController::TestUploadedFile # object in the params of a test request in order to simulate # a file upload. # # Usage example, within a functional test: # post :change_avatar, :avatar => + '/files/spongebob.png', 'image/png') # # Pass a true third parameter to ensure the uploaded file is opened in binary mode (only required for Windows): # post :change_avatar, :avatar => + '/files/spongebob.png', 'image/png', :binary) require 'tempfile' class TestUploadedFile # The filename, *not* including the path, of the "uploaded" file attr_reader :original_filename # The content type of the "uploaded" file attr_reader :content_type def initialize(path, content_type = Mime::TEXT, binary = false) raise "#{path} file does not exist" unless File.exist?(path) @content_type = content_type @original_filename = path.sub(/^.*#{File::SEPARATOR}([^#{File::SEPARATOR}]+)$/) { $1 } @tempfile = @tempfile.set_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) if @tempfile.respond_to?(:set_encoding) @tempfile.binmode if binary FileUtils.copy_file(path, @tempfile.path) end def path #:nodoc: @tempfile.path end alias local_path path def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block) #:nodoc: @tempfile.send!(method_name, *args, &block) end end module TestProcess def self.included(base) # execute the request simulating a specific HTTP method and set/volley the response # TODO: this should be un-DRY'ed for the sake of API documentation. %w( get post put delete head ).each do |method| base.class_eval <<-EOV, __FILE__, __LINE__ def #{method}(action, parameters = nil, session = nil, flash = nil) @request.env['REQUEST_METHOD'] = "#{method.upcase}" if defined?(@request) process(action, parameters, session, flash) end EOV end end # execute the request and set/volley the response def process(action, parameters = nil, session = nil, flash = nil) # Sanity check for required instance variables so we can give an # understandable error message. %w(@controller @request @response).each do |iv_name| if !(instance_variable_names.include?(iv_name) || instance_variable_names.include?(iv_name.to_sym)) || instance_variable_get(iv_name).nil? raise "#{iv_name} is nil: make sure you set it in your test's setup method." end end @request.recycle! @html_document = nil @request.env['REQUEST_METHOD'] ||= "GET" @request.action = action.to_s parameters ||= {} @request.assign_parameters(@controller.class.controller_path, action.to_s, parameters) @request.session = unless session.nil? @request.session["flash"] = if flash build_request_uri(action, parameters) @controller.process(@request, @response) end def xml_http_request(request_method, action, parameters = nil, session = nil, flash = nil) @request.env['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] = 'XMLHttpRequest' @request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] = 'text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*' returning send!(request_method, action, parameters, session, flash) do @request.env.delete 'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH' @request.env.delete 'HTTP_ACCEPT' end end alias xhr :xml_http_request def assigns(key = nil) if key.nil? @response.template.assigns else @response.template.assigns[key.to_s] end end def session @response.session end def flash @response.flash end def cookies @response.cookies end def redirect_to_url @response.redirect_url end def build_request_uri(action, parameters) unless @request.env['REQUEST_URI'] options = @controller.send!(:rewrite_options, parameters) options.update(:only_path => true, :action => action) url =, parameters) @request.set_REQUEST_URI(url.rewrite(options)) end end def html_document xml = @response.content_type =~ /xml$/ @html_document ||=, false, xml) end def find_tag(conditions) html_document.find(conditions) end def find_all_tag(conditions) html_document.find_all(conditions) end def method_missing(selector, *args) if ActionController::Routing::Routes.named_routes.helpers.include?(selector) @controller.send(selector, *args) else super end end # Shortcut for + path, type): # # post :change_avatar, :avatar => fixture_file_upload('/files/spongebob.png', 'image/png') # # To upload binary files on Windows, pass :binary as the last parameter. # This will not affect other platforms: # # post :change_avatar, :avatar => fixture_file_upload('/files/spongebob.png', 'image/png', :binary) def fixture_file_upload(path, mime_type = nil, binary = false) Test::Unit::TestCase.respond_to?(:fixture_path) ? Test::Unit::TestCase.fixture_path + path : path, mime_type, binary ) end # A helper to make it easier to test different route configurations. # This method temporarily replaces ActionController::Routing::Routes # with a new RouteSet instance. # # The new instance is yielded to the passed block. Typically the block # will create some routes using map.draw { map.connect ... }: # # with_routing do |set| # set.draw do |map| # map.connect ':controller/:action/:id' # assert_equal( # ['/content/10/show', {}], # map.generate(:controller => 'content', :id => 10, :action => 'show') # end # end # end # def with_routing real_routes = ActionController::Routing::Routes ActionController::Routing.module_eval { remove_const :Routes } temporary_routes = ActionController::Routing.module_eval { const_set :Routes, temporary_routes } yield temporary_routes ensure if ActionController::Routing.const_defined? :Routes ActionController::Routing.module_eval { remove_const :Routes } end ActionController::Routing.const_set(:Routes, real_routes) if real_routes end end end module Test module Unit class TestCase #:nodoc: include ActionController::TestProcess end end end