module ActionController module ConditionalGet # Sets the etag, last_modified, or both on the response and renders a # "304 Not Modified" response if the request is already fresh. # # Parameters: # * :etag # * :last_modified # * :public By default the Cache-Control header is private, set this to true if you want your application to be cachable by other devices (proxy caches). # # Example: # # def show # @article = Article.find(params[:id]) # fresh_when(:etag => @article, :last_modified => @article.created_at.utc, :public => true) # end # # This will render the show template if the request isn't sending a matching etag or # If-Modified-Since header and just a "304 Not Modified" response if there's a match. # def fresh_when(options) options.assert_valid_keys(:etag, :last_modified, :public) response.etag = options[:etag] if options[:etag] response.last_modified = options[:last_modified] if options[:last_modified] if options[:public] cache_control = response.headers["Cache-Control"].split(",").map {|k| k.strip } cache_control.delete("private") cache_control.delete("no-cache") cache_control << "public" response.headers["Cache-Control"] = cache_control.join(', ') end if request.fresh?(response) head :not_modified end end end end