# frozen_string_literal: true class Author < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :posts has_many :serialized_posts has_one :post has_many :very_special_comments, through: :posts has_many :posts_with_comments, -> { includes(:comments) }, class_name: "Post" has_many :popular_grouped_posts, -> { includes(:comments).group("type").having("SUM(legacy_comments_count) > 1").select("type") }, class_name: "Post" has_many :posts_with_comments_sorted_by_comment_id, -> { includes(:comments).order("comments.id") }, class_name: "Post" has_many :posts_sorted_by_id, -> { order(:id) }, class_name: "Post" has_many :posts_sorted_by_id_limited, -> { order("posts.id").limit(1) }, class_name: "Post" has_many :posts_with_categories, -> { includes(:categories) }, class_name: "Post" has_many :posts_with_comments_and_categories, -> { includes(:comments, :categories).order("posts.id") }, class_name: "Post" has_many :posts_with_special_categorizations, class_name: "PostWithSpecialCategorization" has_one :post_about_thinking, -> { where("posts.title like '%thinking%'") }, class_name: "Post" has_one :post_about_thinking_with_last_comment, -> { where("posts.title like '%thinking%'").includes(:last_comment) }, class_name: "Post" has_many :comments, through: :posts do def ratings Rating.joins(:comment).merge(self) end end has_many :comments_with_order, -> { ordered_by_post_id }, through: :posts, source: :comments has_many :no_joins_comments, through: :posts, disable_joins: :true, source: :comments has_many :comments_with_foreign_key, through: :posts, source: :comments, foreign_key: :post_id has_many :no_joins_comments_with_foreign_key, through: :posts, disable_joins: :true, source: :comments, foreign_key: :post_id has_many :members, through: :comments_with_order, source: :origin, source_type: "Member" has_many :no_joins_members, through: :comments_with_order, source: :origin, source_type: "Member", disable_joins: true has_many :ordered_members, -> { order(id: :desc) }, through: :comments_with_order, source: :origin, source_type: "Member" has_many :no_joins_ordered_members, -> { order(id: :desc) }, through: :comments_with_order, source: :origin, source_type: "Member", disable_joins: true has_many :ratings, through: :comments has_many :good_ratings, -> { where("ratings.value > 5").order(:id) }, through: :comments, source: :ratings has_many :no_joins_ratings, through: :no_joins_comments, disable_joins: :true, source: :ratings has_many :no_joins_good_ratings, -> { where("ratings.value > 5").order(:id) }, through: :comments, source: :ratings, disable_joins: true has_many :comments_containing_the_letter_e, through: :posts, source: :comments has_many :comments_with_order_and_conditions, -> { order("comments.body").where("comments.body like 'Thank%'") }, through: :posts, source: :comments has_many :comments_with_include, -> { includes(:post).where(posts: { type: "Post" }) }, through: :posts, source: :comments has_many :comments_for_first_author, -> { for_first_author }, through: :posts, source: :comments has_many :first_posts has_many :comments_on_first_posts, -> { order("posts.id desc, comments.id asc") }, through: :first_posts, source: :comments has_one :first_post has_one :comment_on_first_post, -> { order("posts.id desc, comments.id asc") }, through: :first_post, source: :comments has_many :thinking_posts, -> { where(title: "So I was thinking") }, dependent: :delete_all, class_name: "Post" has_many :welcome_posts, -> { where(title: "Welcome to the weblog") }, class_name: "Post" has_many :welcome_posts_with_one_comment, -> { where(title: "Welcome to the weblog").where(comments_count: 1) }, class_name: "Post" has_many :welcome_posts_with_comments, -> { where(title: "Welcome to the weblog").where("legacy_comments_count > 0") }, class_name: "Post" has_many :comments_desc, -> { order("comments.id DESC") }, through: :posts_sorted_by_id, source: :comments has_many :unordered_comments, -> { unscope(:order).distinct }, through: :posts_sorted_by_id_limited, source: :comments has_many :funky_comments, through: :posts, source: :comments has_many :ordered_uniq_comments, -> { distinct.order("comments.id") }, through: :posts, source: :comments has_many :ordered_uniq_comments_desc, -> { distinct.order("comments.id DESC") }, through: :posts, source: :comments has_many :readonly_comments, -> { readonly }, through: :posts, source: :comments has_many :special_posts has_many :special_post_comments, through: :special_posts, source: :comments has_many :special_posts_with_default_scope, class_name: "SpecialPostWithDefaultScope" has_many :sti_posts, class_name: "StiPost" has_many :sti_post_comments, through: :sti_posts, source: :comments has_many :special_nonexistent_posts, -> { where("posts.body = 'nonexistent'") }, class_name: "SpecialPost" has_many :special_nonexistent_post_comments, -> { where("comments.post_id" => 0) }, through: :special_nonexistent_posts, source: :comments has_many :nonexistent_comments, through: :posts has_many :hello_posts, -> { where "posts.body = 'hello'" }, class_name: "Post" has_many :hello_post_comments, through: :hello_posts, source: :comments has_many :posts_with_no_comments, -> { where("comments.id" => nil).includes(:comments) }, class_name: "Post" has_many :posts_with_no_comments_2, -> { left_joins(:comments).where("comments.id": nil) }, class_name: "Post" has_many :hello_posts_with_hash_conditions, -> { where(body: "hello") }, class_name: "Post" has_many :hello_post_comments_with_hash_conditions, through: :hello_posts_with_hash_conditions, source: :comments has_many :other_posts, class_name: "Post" has_many :posts_with_callbacks, class_name: "Post", before_add: :log_before_adding, after_add: :log_after_adding, before_remove: :log_before_removing, after_remove: :log_after_removing has_many :posts_with_thrown_callbacks, class_name: "Post", before_add: :throw_abort, after_add: :ensure_not_called, before_remove: :throw_abort, after_remove: :ensure_not_called has_many :posts_with_proc_callbacks, class_name: "Post", before_add: Proc.new { |o, r| o.post_log << "before_adding#{r.id || ''}" }, after_add: Proc.new { |o, r| o.post_log << "after_adding#{r.id || ''}" }, before_remove: Proc.new { |o, r| o.post_log << "before_removing#{r.id}" }, after_remove: Proc.new { |o, r| o.post_log << "after_removing#{r.id}" } has_many :posts_with_multiple_callbacks, class_name: "Post", before_add: [:log_before_adding, Proc.new { |o, r| o.post_log << "before_adding_proc#{r.id || ''}" }], after_add: [:log_after_adding, Proc.new { |o, r| o.post_log << "after_adding_proc#{r.id || ''}" }] has_many :unchangeable_posts, class_name: "Post", before_add: :raise_exception, after_add: :log_after_adding has_many :categorizations, -> { } has_many :categories, through: :categorizations has_many :named_categories, through: :categorizations has_many :special_categorizations has_many :special_categories, through: :special_categorizations, source: :category has_one :special_category, through: :special_categorizations, source: :category has_many :general_categorizations, -> { joins(:category).where("categories.name": "General") }, class_name: "Categorization" has_many :general_posts, through: :general_categorizations, source: :post has_many :special_categories_with_conditions, -> { where(categorizations: { special: true }) }, through: :categorizations, source: :category has_many :nonspecial_categories_with_conditions, -> { where(categorizations: { special: false }) }, through: :categorizations, source: :category has_many :categories_like_general, -> { where(name: "General") }, through: :categorizations, source: :category, class_name: "Category" has_many :categorized_posts, through: :categorizations, source: :post has_many :unique_categorized_posts, -> { distinct }, through: :categorizations, source: :post has_many :nothings, through: :kateggorizatons, class_name: "Category" has_many :author_favorites has_many :favorite_authors, -> { order("name") }, through: :author_favorites has_many :taggings, through: :posts, source: :taggings has_many :taggings_2, through: :posts, source: :tagging has_many :tags, through: :posts has_many :ordered_tags, through: :posts has_many :post_categories, through: :posts, source: :categories has_many :tagging_tags, through: :taggings, source: :tag has_many :similar_posts, -> { distinct }, through: :tags, source: :tagged_posts has_many :ordered_posts, -> { distinct }, through: :ordered_tags, source: :tagged_posts has_many :distinct_tags, -> { select("DISTINCT tags.*").order("tags.name") }, through: :posts, source: :tags has_many :tags_with_primary_key, through: :posts has_many :books has_many :published_books, class_name: "PublishedBook" has_many :unpublished_books, -> { where(status: [:proposed, :written]) }, class_name: "Book" has_many :subscriptions, through: :books has_many :subscribers, -> { order("subscribers.nick") }, through: :subscriptions has_many :distinct_subscribers, -> { select("DISTINCT subscribers.*").order("subscribers.nick") }, through: :subscriptions, source: :subscriber has_one :essay, primary_key: :name, as: :writer has_one :essay_category, through: :essay, source: :category has_one :essay_owner, through: :essay, source: :owner has_one :essay_2, primary_key: :name, class_name: "Essay", foreign_key: :author_id has_one :essay_category_2, through: :essay_2, source: :category has_many :essays, primary_key: :name, as: :writer has_many :essay_categories, through: :essays, source: :category has_many :essay_owners, through: :essays, source: :owner has_many :essays_2, primary_key: :name, class_name: "Essay", foreign_key: :author_id has_many :essay_categories_2, through: :essays_2, source: :category belongs_to :owned_essay, primary_key: :name, class_name: "Essay" has_one :owned_essay_category, through: :owned_essay, source: :category belongs_to :author_address, dependent: :destroy belongs_to :author_address_extra, dependent: :delete, class_name: "AuthorAddress" has_many :category_post_comments, through: :categories, source: :post_comments has_many :misc_posts, -> { where(posts: { title: ["misc post by bob", "misc post by mary"] }) }, class_name: "Post" has_many :misc_post_first_blue_tags, through: :misc_posts, source: :first_blue_tags has_many :misc_post_first_blue_tags_2, -> { where(posts: { title: ["misc post by bob", "misc post by mary"] }) }, through: :posts, source: :first_blue_tags_2 has_many :posts_with_default_include, class_name: "PostWithDefaultInclude" has_many :comments_on_posts_with_default_include, through: :posts_with_default_include, source: :comments has_many :posts_with_signature, ->(record) { where(arel_table[:title].matches("%by #{record.name.downcase}%")) }, class_name: "Post" has_many :posts_mentioning_author, ->(record = nil) { where(arel_table[:body].matches("%#{record&.name&.downcase}%")) }, class_name: "Post" has_many :comments_on_posts_mentioning_author, through: :posts_mentioning_author, source: :comments has_many :comments_mentioning_author, ->(record) { where(arel_table[:body].matches("%#{record.name.downcase}%")) }, through: :posts, source: :comments has_one :recent_post, -> { order(id: :desc) }, class_name: "Post" has_one :recent_response, through: :recent_post, source: :comments has_many :posts_with_extension, -> { order(:title) }, class_name: "Post" do def extension_method; end end has_many :posts_with_extension_and_instance, ->(record) { order(:title) }, class_name: "Post" do def extension_method; end end has_many :top_posts, -> { order(id: :asc) }, class_name: "Post" has_many :other_top_posts, -> { order(id: :asc) }, class_name: "Post" has_many :topics, primary_key: "name", foreign_key: "author_name" has_many :topics_without_type, -> { select(:id, :title, :author_name) }, class_name: "Topic", primary_key: "name", foreign_key: "author_name" has_many :lazy_readers_skimmers_or_not, through: :posts has_many :lazy_readers_skimmers_or_not_2, through: :posts_with_no_comments, source: :lazy_readers_skimmers_or_not has_many :lazy_readers_skimmers_or_not_3, through: :posts_with_no_comments_2, source: :lazy_readers_skimmers_or_not attr_accessor :post_log after_initialize :set_post_log def set_post_log @post_log = [] end def label "#{id}-#{name}" end def social %w(twitter github) end validates_presence_of :name private def throw_abort(_) throw(:abort) end def ensure_not_called(_) raise end def log_before_adding(object) @post_log << "before_adding#{object.id || ''}" end def log_after_adding(object) @post_log << "after_adding#{object.id}" end def log_before_removing(object) @post_log << "before_removing#{object.id}" end def log_after_removing(object) @post_log << "after_removing#{object.id}" end def raise_exception(object) raise Exception.new("You can't add a post") end end class AuthorAddress < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :author def self.destroyed_author_address_ids @destroyed_author_address_ids ||= [] end before_destroy do |author_address| AuthorAddress.destroyed_author_address_ids << author_address.id end end class AuthorFavorite < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :author belongs_to :favorite_author, class_name: "Author" end class AuthorFavoriteWithScope < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = "author_favorites" default_scope { order(id: :asc) } belongs_to :author belongs_to :favorite_author, class_name: "Author" end