module ActionView # NOTE: The template that this mixin is being included into is frozen # so you cannot set or modify any instance variables module Renderable #:nodoc: extend ActiveSupport::Memoizable def self.included(base) @@mutex = end def filename 'compiled-template' end def handler Template.handler_class_for_extension(extension) end memoize :handler def compiled_source end memoize :compiled_source def render(view, local_assigns = {}) compile(local_assigns) view.send(:_first_render=, self) unless view.send(:_first_render) view.send(:_last_render=, self) view.send(:_evaluate_assigns_and_ivars) view.send(:_set_controller_content_type, mime_type) if respond_to?(:mime_type) view.send(method_name(local_assigns), local_assigns) do |*names| ivar = :@_proc_for_layout if view.instance_variable_defined?(ivar) and proc = view.instance_variable_get(ivar) view.capture(*names, &proc) elsif view.instance_variable_defined?(ivar = :"@content_for_#{names.first || :layout}") view.instance_variable_get(ivar) end end end def method_name(local_assigns) if local_assigns && local_assigns.any? local_assigns_keys = "locals_#{ { |k| k.to_s }.sort.join('_')}" end ['_run', extension, method_segment, local_assigns_keys].compact.join('_').to_sym end private # Compile and evaluate the template's code (if necessary) def compile(local_assigns) render_symbol = method_name(local_assigns) @@mutex.synchronize do if recompile?(render_symbol) compile!(render_symbol, local_assigns) end end end def compile!(render_symbol, local_assigns) locals_code = { |key| "#{key} = local_assigns[:#{key}];" }.join source = <<-end_src def #{render_symbol}(local_assigns) old_output_buffer = output_buffer;#{locals_code};#{compiled_source} ensure self.output_buffer = old_output_buffer end end_src begin logger = defined?(ActionController) && Base.logger logger.debug "Compiling template #{render_symbol}" if logger ActionView::Base::CompiledTemplates.module_eval(source, filename, 0) rescue Exception => e # errors from template code if logger logger.debug "ERROR: compiling #{render_symbol} RAISED #{e}" logger.debug "Function body: #{source}" logger.debug "Backtrace: #{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" end raise, {}, e) end end # Method to check whether template compilation is necessary. # The template will be compiled if the file has not been compiled yet, or # if local_assigns has a new key, which isn't supported by the compiled code yet. def recompile?(symbol) !(ActionView::PathSet::Path.eager_load_templates? && Base::CompiledTemplates.method_defined?(symbol)) end end end