require 'isolation/abstract_unit' require 'active_support/core_ext/string/strip' require 'env_helpers' module ApplicationTests class TestRunnerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation, EnvHelpers def setup build_app create_schema end def teardown teardown_app end def test_run_single_file create_test_file :models, 'foo' create_test_file :models, 'bar' assert_match "1 runs, 1 assertions, 0 failures", run_test_command("test/models/foo_test.rb") end def test_run_multiple_files create_test_file :models, 'foo' create_test_file :models, 'bar' assert_match "2 runs, 2 assertions, 0 failures", run_test_command("test/models/foo_test.rb test/models/bar_test.rb") end def test_run_file_with_syntax_error app_file 'test/models/error_test.rb', <<-RUBY require 'test_helper' def; end RUBY error = capture(:stderr) { run_test_command('test/models/error_test.rb') } assert_match "syntax error", error end def test_run_models create_test_file :models, 'foo' create_test_file :models, 'bar' create_test_file :controllers, 'foobar_controller' run_test_command("test/models").tap do |output| assert_match "FooTest", output assert_match "BarTest", output assert_match "2 runs, 2 assertions, 0 failures", output end end def test_run_helpers create_test_file :helpers, 'foo_helper' create_test_file :helpers, 'bar_helper' create_test_file :controllers, 'foobar_controller' run_test_command("test/helpers").tap do |output| assert_match "FooHelperTest", output assert_match "BarHelperTest", output assert_match "2 runs, 2 assertions, 0 failures", output end end def test_run_units skip "we no longer have the concept of unit tests. Just different directories..." create_test_file :models, 'foo' create_test_file :helpers, 'bar_helper' create_test_file :unit, 'baz_unit' create_test_file :controllers, 'foobar_controller' run_test_units_command.tap do |output| assert_match "FooTest", output assert_match "BarHelperTest", output assert_match "BazUnitTest", output assert_match "3 runs, 3 assertions, 0 failures", output end end def test_run_controllers create_test_file :controllers, 'foo_controller' create_test_file :controllers, 'bar_controller' create_test_file :models, 'foo' run_test_command("test/controllers").tap do |output| assert_match "FooControllerTest", output assert_match "BarControllerTest", output assert_match "2 runs, 2 assertions, 0 failures", output end end def test_run_mailers create_test_file :mailers, 'foo_mailer' create_test_file :mailers, 'bar_mailer' create_test_file :models, 'foo' run_test_command("test/mailers").tap do |output| assert_match "FooMailerTest", output assert_match "BarMailerTest", output assert_match "2 runs, 2 assertions, 0 failures", output end end def test_run_jobs create_test_file :jobs, 'foo_job' create_test_file :jobs, 'bar_job' create_test_file :models, 'foo' run_test_command("test/jobs").tap do |output| assert_match "FooJobTest", output assert_match "BarJobTest", output assert_match "2 runs, 2 assertions, 0 failures", output end end def test_run_functionals skip "we no longer have the concept of functional tests. Just different directories..." create_test_file :mailers, 'foo_mailer' create_test_file :controllers, 'bar_controller' create_test_file :functional, 'baz_functional' create_test_file :models, 'foo' run_test_functionals_command.tap do |output| assert_match "FooMailerTest", output assert_match "BarControllerTest", output assert_match "BazFunctionalTest", output assert_match "3 runs, 3 assertions, 0 failures", output end end def test_run_integration create_test_file :integration, 'foo_integration' create_test_file :models, 'foo' run_test_command("test/integration").tap do |output| assert_match "FooIntegration", output assert_match "1 runs, 1 assertions, 0 failures", output end end def test_run_all_suites suites = [:models, :helpers, :unit, :controllers, :mailers, :functional, :integration, :jobs] suites.each { |suite| create_test_file suite, "foo_#{suite}" } run_test_command('') .tap do |output| suites.each { |suite| assert_match "Foo#{suite.to_s.camelize}Test", output } assert_match "8 runs, 8 assertions, 0 failures", output end end def test_run_named_test app_file 'test/unit/chu_2_koi_test.rb', <<-RUBY require 'test_helper' class Chu2KoiTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def test_rikka puts 'Rikka' end def test_sanae puts 'Sanae' end end RUBY run_test_command('-n test_rikka test/unit/chu_2_koi_test.rb').tap do |output| assert_match "Rikka", output assert_no_match "Sanae", output end end def test_run_matched_test app_file 'test/unit/chu_2_koi_test.rb', <<-RUBY require 'test_helper' class Chu2KoiTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def test_rikka puts 'Rikka' end def test_sanae puts 'Sanae' end end RUBY run_test_command('-n /rikka/ test/unit/chu_2_koi_test.rb').tap do |output| assert_match "Rikka", output assert_no_match "Sanae", output end end def test_load_fixtures_when_running_test_suites create_model_with_fixture suites = [:models, :helpers, :controllers, :mailers, :integration] suites.each do |suite, directory| directory ||= suite create_fixture_test directory assert_match "3 users", run_test_command("test/#{suite}") Dir.chdir(app_path) { FileUtils.rm_f "test/#{directory}" } end end def test_run_with_model skip "These feel a bit odd. Not sure we should keep supporting them." create_model_with_fixture create_fixture_test 'models', 'user' assert_match "3 users", run_task(["test models/user"]) assert_match "3 users", run_task(["test app/models/user.rb"]) end def test_run_different_environment_using_env_var skip "no longer possible. Running tests in a different environment should be explicit" app_file 'test/unit/env_test.rb', <<-RUBY require 'test_helper' class EnvTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def test_env puts Rails.env end end RUBY ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = 'development' assert_match "development", run_test_command('test/unit/env_test.rb') end def test_run_in_test_environment_by_default create_env_test assert_match "Current Environment: test", run_test_command('test/unit/env_test.rb') end def test_run_different_environment create_env_test assert_match "Current Environment: development", run_test_command("-e development test/unit/env_test.rb") end def test_generated_scaffold_works_with_rails_test create_scaffold assert_match "0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips", run_test_command('') end def test_generated_controller_works_with_rails_test create_controller assert_match "0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips", run_test_command('') end def test_run_multiple_folders create_test_file :models, 'account' create_test_file :controllers, 'accounts_controller' run_test_command('test/models test/controllers').tap do |output| assert_match 'AccountTest', output assert_match 'AccountsControllerTest', output assert_match '2 runs, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips', output end end def test_run_with_ruby_command app_file 'test/models/post_test.rb', <<-RUBY require 'test_helper' class PostTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test 'declarative syntax works' do puts 'PostTest' assert true end end RUBY Dir.chdir(app_path) do `ruby -Itest test/models/post_test.rb`.tap do |output| assert_match 'PostTest', output assert_no_match 'is already defined in', output end end end def test_mix_files_and_line_filters create_test_file :models, 'account' app_file 'test/models/post_test.rb', <<-RUBY require 'test_helper' class PostTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def test_post puts 'PostTest' assert true end def test_line_filter_does_not_run_this assert true end end RUBY run_test_command('test/models/account_test.rb test/models/post_test.rb:4').tap do |output| assert_match 'AccountTest', output assert_match 'PostTest', output assert_match '2 runs, 2 assertions', output end end def test_more_than_one_line_filter app_file 'test/models/post_test.rb', <<-RUBY require 'test_helper' class PostTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test "first filter" do puts 'PostTest:FirstFilter' assert true end test "second filter" do puts 'PostTest:SecondFilter' assert true end test "test line filter does not run this" do assert true end end RUBY run_test_command('test/models/post_test.rb:4:9').tap do |output| assert_match 'PostTest:FirstFilter', output assert_match 'PostTest:SecondFilter', output assert_match '2 runs, 2 assertions', output end end def test_more_than_one_line_filter_with_multiple_files app_file 'test/models/account_test.rb', <<-RUBY require 'test_helper' class AccountTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test "first filter" do puts 'AccountTest:FirstFilter' assert true end test "second filter" do puts 'AccountTest:SecondFilter' assert true end test "line filter does not run this" do assert true end end RUBY app_file 'test/models/post_test.rb', <<-RUBY require 'test_helper' class PostTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test "first filter" do puts 'PostTest:FirstFilter' assert true end test "second filter" do puts 'PostTest:SecondFilter' assert true end test "line filter does not run this" do assert true end end RUBY run_test_command('test/models/account_test.rb:4:9 test/models/post_test:4:9').tap do |output| assert_match 'AccountTest:FirstFilter', output assert_match 'AccountTest:SecondFilter', output assert_match 'PostTest:FirstFilter', output assert_match 'PostTest:SecondFilter', output assert_match '4 runs, 4 assertions', output end end def test_multiple_line_filters create_test_file :models, 'account' create_test_file :models, 'post' run_test_command('test/models/account_test.rb:4 test/models/post_test.rb:4').tap do |output| assert_match 'AccountTest', output assert_match 'PostTest', output end end def test_line_filters_trigger_only_one_runnable app_file 'test/models/post_test.rb', <<-RUBY require 'test_helper' class PostTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test 'truth' do assert true end end class SecondPostTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test 'truth' do assert false, 'ran second runnable' end end RUBY # Pass seed guaranteeing failure. run_test_command('test/models/post_test.rb:4 --seed 30410').tap do |output| assert_no_match 'ran second runnable', output assert_match '1 runs, 1 assertions', output end end def test_shows_filtered_backtrace_by_default create_backtrace_test assert_match 'Rails::BacktraceCleaner', run_test_command('test/unit/backtrace_test.rb') end def test_backtrace_option create_backtrace_test assert_match 'Minitest::BacktraceFilter', run_test_command('test/unit/backtrace_test.rb -b') assert_match 'Minitest::BacktraceFilter', run_test_command('test/unit/backtrace_test.rb --backtrace') end def test_show_full_backtrace_using_backtrace_environment_variable create_backtrace_test switch_env 'BACKTRACE', 'true' do assert_match 'Minitest::BacktraceFilter', run_test_command('test/unit/backtrace_test.rb') end end def test_run_app_without_rails_loaded # Simulate a real Rails app boot. app_file 'config/boot.rb', <<-RUBY ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] ||= File.expand_path('../../Gemfile', __FILE__) require 'bundler/setup' # Set up gems listed in the Gemfile. RUBY assert_match '0 runs, 0 assertions', run_test_command('') end def test_output_inline_by_default create_test_file :models, 'post', pass: false output = run_test_command('test/models/post_test.rb') expect = %r{Running:\n\nPostTest\nF\n\nFailure:\nPostTest#test_truth:\nwups!\n\nbin/rails test test/models/post_test.rb:6\n\n\n\n} assert_match expect, output end def test_only_inline_failure_output create_test_file :models, 'post', pass: false output = run_test_command('test/models/post_test.rb') assert_match %r{Finished in.*\n\n1 runs, 1 assertions}, output end def test_fail_fast create_test_file :models, 'post', pass: false assert_match(/Interrupt/, capture(:stderr) { run_test_command('test/models/post_test.rb --fail-fast') }) end def test_raise_error_when_specified_file_does_not_exist error = capture(:stderr) { run_test_command('test/not_exists.rb') } assert_match(%r{cannot load such file.+test/not_exists\.rb}, error) end def test_pass_TEST_env_on_rake_test create_test_file :models, 'account' create_test_file :models, 'post', pass: false # This specifically verifies TEST for backwards compatibility with rake test # as bin/rails test already supports running tests from a single file more cleanly. output = Dir.chdir(app_path) { `bin/rake test TEST=test/models/post_test.rb` } assert_match "PostTest", output, "passing TEST= should run selected test" assert_no_match "AccountTest", output, "passing TEST= should only run selected test" assert_match '1 runs, 1 assertions', output end private def run_test_command(arguments = 'test/unit/test_test.rb') Dir.chdir(app_path) { `bin/rails t #{arguments}` } end def create_model_with_fixture script 'generate model user name:string' app_file 'test/fixtures/users.yml', <<-YAML.strip_heredoc vampire: id: 1 name: Koyomi Araragi crab: id: 2 name: Senjougahara Hitagi cat: id: 3 name: Tsubasa Hanekawa YAML run_migration end def create_fixture_test(path = :unit, name = 'test') app_file "test/#{path}/#{name}_test.rb", <<-RUBY require 'test_helper' class #{name.camelize}Test < ActiveSupport::TestCase def test_fixture puts "\#{User.count} users (\#{__FILE__})" end end RUBY end def create_backtrace_test app_file 'test/unit/backtrace_test.rb', <<-RUBY require 'test_helper' class BacktraceTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def test_backtrace puts Minitest.backtrace_filter end end RUBY end def create_schema app_file 'db/schema.rb', '' end def create_test_file(path = :unit, name = 'test', pass: true) app_file "test/#{path}/#{name}_test.rb", <<-RUBY require 'test_helper' class #{name.camelize}Test < ActiveSupport::TestCase def test_truth puts "#{name.camelize}Test" assert #{pass}, 'wups!' end end RUBY end def create_env_test app_file 'test/unit/env_test.rb', <<-RUBY require 'test_helper' class EnvTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def test_env puts "Current Environment: \#{Rails.env}" end end RUBY end def create_scaffold script 'generate scaffold user name:string' Dir.chdir(app_path) { File.exist?('app/models/user.rb') } run_migration end def create_controller script 'generate controller admin/dashboard index' end def run_migration Dir.chdir(app_path) { `bin/rails db:migrate` } end end end