require 'abstract_unit' module TestGenerationPrefix class WithMountedEngine < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest require 'rack/test' include Rack::Test::Methods class BlogEngine def self.routes @routes ||= begin routes = routes.draw do match "/posts/:id", :to => "inside_engine_generating#show", :as => :post match "/posts", :to => "inside_engine_generating#index", :as => :posts match "/url_to_application", :to => "inside_engine_generating#url_to_application" end routes end end def env['action_dispatch.routes'] = routes end end class RailsApplication def self.routes @routes ||= begin routes = routes.draw do scope "/:omg", :omg => "awesome" do mount BlogEngine => "/blog" end match "/generate", :to => "outside_engine_generating#index" root :to => "outside_engine_generating#index" end routes end end def env['action_dispatch.routes'] = routes end end class ::InsideEngineGeneratingController < ActionController::Base include BlogEngine.routes.url_helpers def index render :text => posts_path end def show render :text => post_path(:id => params[:id]) end def url_to_application path = url_for( RailsApplication, :controller => "outside_engine_generating", :action => "index", :only_path => true) render :text => path end end class ::OutsideEngineGeneratingController < ActionController::Base def index render :text => url_for(BlogEngine, :post_path, :id => 1) end end class EngineObject include ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor include BlogEngine.routes.url_helpers end class AppObject include ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor include RailsApplication.routes.url_helpers end # force draw RailsApplication.routes def app RailsApplication end def engine_object @engine_object ||= end def app_object @app_object ||= end def setup RailsApplication.routes.default_url_options = {} end # Inside Engine test "[ENGINE] generating engine's url use SCRIPT_NAME from request" do get "/pure-awesomeness/blog/posts/1" assert_equal "/pure-awesomeness/blog/posts/1", last_response.body end test "[ENGINE] generating application's url never uses SCRIPT_NAME from request" do get "/pure-awesomeness/blog/url_to_application" assert_equal "/generate", last_response.body end test "[ENGINE] generating application's url includes default_url_options[:script_name]" do RailsApplication.routes.default_url_options = {:script_name => "/something"} get "/pure-awesomeness/blog/url_to_application" assert_equal "/something/generate", last_response.body end test "[ENGINE] generating application's url should give higher priority to default_url_options[:script_name]" do RailsApplication.routes.default_url_options = {:script_name => "/something"} get "/pure-awesomeness/blog/url_to_application", {}, 'SCRIPT_NAME' => '/foo' assert_equal "/something/generate", last_response.body end # Inside Application test "[APP] generating engine's route includes prefix" do get "/generate" assert_equal "/awesome/blog/posts/1", last_response.body end test "[APP] generating engine's route includes default_url_options[:script_name]" do RailsApplication.routes.default_url_options = {:script_name => "/something"} get "/generate" assert_equal "/something/awesome/blog/posts/1", last_response.body end test "[APP] generating engine's route should give higher priority to default_url_options[:script_name]" do RailsApplication.routes.default_url_options = {:script_name => "/something"} get "/generate", {}, 'SCRIPT_NAME' => "/foo" assert_equal "/something/awesome/blog/posts/1", last_response.body end # Inside any Object test "[OBJECT] generating engine's route includes prefix" do assert_equal "/awesome/blog/posts/1", engine_object.post_path(:id => 1) end test "[OBJECT] generating engine's route includes dynamic prefix" do assert_equal "/pure-awesomeness/blog/posts/3", engine_object.post_path(:id => 3, :omg => "pure-awesomeness") end test "[OBJECT] generating engine's route includes default_url_options[:script_name]" do RailsApplication.routes.default_url_options = {:script_name => "/something"} assert_equal "/something/pure-awesomeness/blog/posts/3", engine_object.post_path(:id => 3, :omg => "pure-awesomeness") end test "[OBJECT] generating application's route" do assert_equal "/", app_object.root_path end test "[OBJECT] generating application's route includes default_url_options[:script_name]" do RailsApplication.routes.default_url_options = {:script_name => "/something"} assert_equal "/something/", app_object.root_path end test "[OBJECT] generating engine's route with url_for" do path = engine_object.url_for(BlogEngine, :controller => "inside_engine_generating", :action => "show", :only_path => true, :omg => "omg", :id => 1) assert_equal "/omg/blog/posts/1", path path = engine_object.url_for(BlogEngine, :posts_path) assert_equal "/awesome/blog/posts", path path = engine_object.url_for(BlogEngine, :posts_url, :host => "") assert_equal "", path end end end